The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife Series) (9 page)

BOOK: The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife Series)
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He quickly finished gathering his junk and prepared to
leave.  He overheard Michelle dropping the “E” bomb as he walked out of his

“Aaron is working with me now in the
Escort Service
.  Here
is my card with my cellular.  Aaron’s cards will be ready in a few days, you
can reach him at my cell.”

Thoughts exploded left and right, front, side, and back. 
The mental shrapnel hit Aaron every which way.  He took deep, calming breaths
as he scrunched up his eyes in concentration to block out the pummeling assault
focused on him:  “
She’s an Escort!  She’s a prostitute!  She’s pimping Aaron
out!  They must be junkies!  She’s got him strung out on crack!  He’s lost his
mind!  I knew she wasn’t with him for real.  It’s a business transaction!  God,
I wonder how much she charges per hour?  Could I afford a half-hour, catch a
friendly discount?  Maybe just a blow job?

He did his best to get a grip, slowly and methodically shielding
the waspish buzz of thoughts directed at him.  Michelle grabbed his hand,
lending him her calming influence and strength. 

She setup a fast exit.  “Ah … you are ready?  Sorry to run,
but we have things to do and people to see.  Very nice to meet you all. 

He took full advantage of the moment.  “Bye guys.  Talk to
you later.  I’ll see you around.  Take care.”  They were all staring, jaws
agape from shock.  None of them dared to say what they were thinking.  Kyle
couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like to get a half-hour freebie from
Michelle.  He kept picturing her going down on him, her blonde hair bobbing
back and forth as she sucked him off.

Aaron jetted for the door.  There was nothing to be gained
by spending another second in the presence of these

As he turned his back on his former life, Michelle couldn’t
resist one last jab.  “Your friends were
nice to me.  I’m glad we
met.”  She snatched a handful of his ass and nailed all four of them with the
silent message in a backward glance over her shoulder.

They closed the door behind them with Kyle yelling, “Don’t
be a stranger.”  But Aaron knew things would never be the same again, because
he was already a stranger.

On the taxi ride back to Michelle’s apartment he pondered if
Michelle’s show of possessiveness was simply an attempt to help navigate the
situation with Kyle and Delia, or if there might be the slightest hint of real affection.


* * * *






Aaron’s spirits soared, he had made his escape from Kyle and
Delia relatively unscathed.  He’d been nervous about the situation, but was
pleasantly surprised at how easily Michelle handled
the gang
.  She was
quite charming, a nice change from her aggressive control freak persona.

After dropping off Aaron’s trash bags full of stuff at
Michelle’s apartment they headed out again to another nightclub where Michelle
knew the doorman personally.  Her connection ushered them through the door
immediately.  They made a bee line for the dance floor and located a group of
girls huddled together in a tightly-packed formation.  Picking through the
brains of the nearby girls, digging for those who were attracted to him, he
found they all had one thing in common.  Though each girl was different, each
mind having its own particular
, a mutual desire was prevalent
throughout the crowd.  All these women really wanted was to meet a man––not
just any man––a man who might be
the one

He thought it funny how these women went out with their
friends hoping to be romanced off their feet as they dance the night away with that
special man.  The reality more often than not was ridiculous.  The ladies
stayed securely locked away in their
safe zone
with their girlfriends,
brushing away the majority of the men who would chance to meet them.  These
girls discouraged and actively worked against the very thing they desired most,
a meaningful romantic encounter.  They wouldn’t find what they were looking for
with Aaron, but they never stopped hoping.  The women who noticed Aaron viewed
him as a target for acquisition––a good candidate––never once seeing past the
charming boyish exterior to the underlying truth.  He was there to feed upon
.  Damn lucky a little nip was all he planned on taking.  It
would be too easy to take anything he wanted.

The vampires slid through the crush of swaying bodies like
snakes in the tall grass.  Their prey couldn’t see them coming until it was too
late.  The girls were no match for the animal magnetism radiated by the hunting
vampires.  As they selected targets one at a time, the unsuspecting girls
thought themselves the chosen elite, excited to be singled out from the crowd
by one of these sublimely beautiful creatures.  Instead of fearing their
proximity to a predator, they felt privileged to receive the attentions of either
Aaron or Michelle.

He had begun to discern a pattern.  It was always this way
with the cattle.  They were completely unaware of the danger.  Was it his
benign intentions putting them at ease?  What excuse might there be for
Michelle?  She could never be categorized as
.  This was
definitely a rapacious pursuit on her part.  The only rationale that seemed to
fit was ignorance.  They honestly did not perceive the threat in their midst. 
The vampires were able to feed upon the women one at a time without a single
member of the herd ever realizing they’d been singled out for attack.  They
didn’t know what was happening right before their eyes on the dance floor.

Each girl they encountered was enthralled, bitten, thoroughly
dowsed with sexual ecstasy and then discarded as the vampires moved on to the
next target.  It seemed as though they lined up for it, eagerly awaiting their
turn like children with the ice-cream man.  The attraction they exuded was the
ice-cream truck musical tune, signaling to come and get it, one and all.  Enough
to go around.  He felt like he could do this all night long, feeding from one
woman after another.  His thirst was insatiable.  The thirty-second nips they
snagged here and there only took the edge off.

By the time Michelle finished, he had hit full swing, having
fed from six different girls and ready to take on another dozen.  She tried to
reason with him.

“That is more than enough for now.  We must go before we
attract the attention of security.  They are beginning to notice.”  She gave
him a mental nudge in the direction of a massive bald black guy with a black
t-shirt that said
.  She was right; the man eyed them suspiciously. 
When Aaron focused on the security guard’s thoughts, he realized the guy
suspected they might be pickpockets from the way they worked the room.

Despite the obvious threat from security, Aaron’s bloodlust
was kickin’.  He wanted to feed more.  Now.  He didn’t give a shit what the big
scary man thought of him.  Three girls nearby had eyes for him, wishing he’d
come talk to them.  He had every intention of doing so.  The new and improved
Aaron Pilan was not easily intimidated by
, even if they weighed
three hundred plus pounds.

Michelle glared at him issuing a none-too-subtle command, “We
Go Now!”

And that was that.

He followed Michelle out the exit, his movements jerky and
mechanical like a marionette.  Her marching orders went against every instinct
in his body.  What he really desired more than anything was to feed.  He didn’t
want to leave.  He wanted to set up camp in that nightclub, hang out all night
long––till sunrise––tasting every single woman who walked in the door.

Maybe another nightclub?
  He opened his mouth to make
the suggestion.  She stopped him with her fingers on his lips and “the look.” 
The I-already-know-what-you’re-gonna-say-and-the-answer-is-NO, look.

He didn’t bother asking.

In the taxi ride home, Michelle surprised him by reaching
down into the front of his designer DKNY black slacks.  She freed his semi-hard
cock from his pants and promptly went down on him.  It only took her a few
seconds to suck him to full-tilt rock hardness.  She sucked and sucked and
sucked until thoughts of feeding and bloodlust were replaced with another kind
of desire.

“Oh shit.  Damn!”

She grunted and slurped, making wet guttural sounds as she
swallowed him whole over and over.  She pulled and tugged, stroked and sucked, until
he couldn’t think or move except to grip the armrest for dear life as he was
rocked by the force of his release into her powerful warm suction.

The taxi driver tactfully looked the other way with a grin he
couldn’t hide as Michelle slipped Aaron’s spent manhood back into his pants.  She
zipped him up and tucked his shirt back in like a mother primping her child to
send him off to school.  She patted his thigh affectionately, smiled as she
wiped her mouth with a tissue, and licked her lips in a silent promise of good
things to come.  He wondered how hard he’d have to scrub to remove all that red
lipstick from his groin.

He was struck with a lightning bolt realization––he loved
her so much it hurt.  She was everything to him: his mother, goddess, lover, caretaker,
and the most gorgeous and sexiest woman he had ever known.

She ruined the magic of the moment when she started asking

“Are there any more friends or family we need to deal with? 
What of your parents?  Why don’t you speak of them?”


* * * *


Michelle sensed her probing had struck a nerve.  This was a
sensitive issue for Aaron.

He gave her a non-answer.  “I don’t really have any other
friends I hang out with.  And my parents … well … there’s nothing to say
there.  My father died and I don’t really speak with my mother much anymore.”

She didn’t like the potential loose ends of Aaron’s former
life still out there blowing in the breeze.  She needed to be certain there
wouldn’t be any surprises from his past rearing their ugly head in her nicely-ordered
existence.  She enjoyed the simplicity of detachment from humanity.  A lonely life,
but one without complications.  Michelle had learned the hard way, through
costly mistakes, that she could not build or maintain relationships with
 They were food and entertainment, nothing more.  In her experience, these
affairs always ended to the detriment or death of her human companions.

She briefly considered ordering him to talk.  She could
force his hand, but that seemed extreme and unjustified.  She knew how it felt
to be on the receiving end of compulsive authority.  She was acutely aware of
the fine line between control and abuse in relation to Aaron’s free will.

Perhaps another form of coercion would be better for making
him talk.  Having decided upon a course of action, she didn’t hesitate.  She
continued rubbing his thighs, reaching inward to tease his cock back into semi-hardness. 
She barely let up as they exited the taxi into the apartment building, caressing
and kissing him in the elevator.

She tortured him delicately, watching him squirm as his eyes
rolled back in his head with her sensuous massage.  His cock stiffened out
straight in his pants.  Upon entering the apartment, he hurriedly stripped his
clothes.  She backed off, smirking.  He stood naked before her, his raging erection
pointing in accusation as if to say,
you did this to me

She studied him, appreciating her handiwork, pleased with his
display.  She stepped up, taking him firmly in hand, and whispered, “Please tell
me.  I want to know.  Tell me of your parents.  I don’t like secrets.”

As she spoke, her fingers slid down the length of him to his
most vulnerable point.  She cupped him, his precious jewels safely ensconced in
her tender grip.  Her hands and fingers kept moving slowly, sliding and testing
his size and weight.

She stroked all that soft, yet hard cock.  His mindless
arousal rolled off his aura in waves.  She had stolen away all reason with
skilled, calculated seduction.  His thoughts broadcast to her loud and clear. 
He wanted to throw her on the floor and ravage her body.  Nothing else existed in
his world beyond the need to be inside her, to finish what she started.

Using both hands now, while kissing his ears and neck, she
continued to work him without mercy, stroking his full velvet shaft and his
taut balls.  She whispered again in his ear, brushing her lips across his skin
lightly, her tongue flickering in his ear.  “You promise to tell me everything
after we finish?”

His powerful arousal had sparked her own.  Her panties were
soaked through with anticipation.  It was all she could do to continue the
game, holding his explosion at bay.

She knew the poor boy was so drunk on lust he would have
agreed to assassinate the president if asked.  His whole essence was consumed
by the unbearable need to be buried inside her.  He answered without
reservation.  “Yes, Michelle, I promise!”

With his agreement, she flung off her clothes, stripping pants,
top, and underwear in a lightning-fast blurred Superman-in-the-telephone-booth frenzy. 
She emerged from the whirlwind stripper routine completely naked.  She leaped
at him ferociously and pinned him against the wall.  His hands gripped her ass,
and he shoved all that hard cock straight up into her.

Dieu qui fait mal!
God that

And he definitely didn’t slow down on her account.  He
slammed into her over and over, his claws digging into her ass painfully.  He
hit home, right where she had taught him to go, hitting that spot.  It was so
rare a man knew where to give it to her.  She pumped her hips to keep up with
his sexual assault, riding his wave.

“Oh shit! Yes!” he cried out as he pounded her with every
inch he had to give.

In the maelstrom of sensations, their psyches merged to
become one, each knowing how to accommodate the other.  He pumped hard and
fast, slamming home to her limit as she ground her hips with animal grunts and
squeals.  It actually hurt quite a bit, he was so powerful.  But it was the
kind of hurt.

They growled and grunted their way to an explosive climax,
biting deep and hard simultaneously.  Their psychic bond synced them
perfectly.  They knew where, when, and how to pleasure themselves, and they knew
exactly when and where to bite.

She kept at it, riding him upright with his back to the
wall.  She sunk her claws into the sheetrock of the wall while he pummeled her,
his slamming thrusts bouncing her up into the air.



They growled each other’s names as they both came hard.  Sex,
blood, pleasure and pain created a wicked lovely blend like no other experience
in this world.  She bit him over and over, keeping him hard and virile throughout
their sexual marathon.

encore!  Encore!
”  She drove him mad, frenzied with her demands for

They continued pounding and grinding, destroying the living
room wall in their fervor.  When the post-orgasmic exhaustion hit, by tacit
agreement through their psychic bond, they released their bites and gave it a
rest.  She collapsed in his arms, wrapped around him, his cock still shoved
deep to her core.  She didn’t want to admit how wonderful it felt to have the
unconditional love and attention of a powerful male vampire with his arms
wrapped protectively around her.  She could never connect with any other this
way.  Only with her own kind could it be so.

Why didn’t I do this decades ago?

He carried her to the bed and laid his weight into her
without separating.  She could sleep with his cock buried in her all day long
and know she’d never be alone again.


* * * *


It felt so damn wonderful inside Michelle.  He wanted to
stay there for the rest of the night.  As she looked into his eyes, he thought
he saw a look of heady emotion, something reminiscent of the way he felt for
her.  Michelle quickly masked her features with a dreamy smile of contentment. 
She boosted his ego off the charts when she admitted, “It hasn’t been this good
in a very long time.”

She popped her hips, digging him in deeper, which he took as
the signal to give it to her again.  His zeal renewed with her admission.  He
pushed in harder and deeper, grinding down in to hit her where it hurt, where
she liked it to hurt.  Each thrust squeezed a sexy little noise from her lips,
driving him crazy.

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