The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (128 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I burst out laughing. “You are so fucking bad, Ava” he laughed and I stared at him.

“You started it!” I scoffed.

He smirked as he sank into his chair and I took the one opposite him. “I didn’t know he was there,” he defended as his door flung open and Liv entered, swiftly followed by a flustered Neo.

“ . . . Mr Carter’s wife is here,” he flapped. His eyes jumped around the room as though he had expected us to be writhing about naked on the floor.

Liv frowned at him and shook her head in bewilderment. I gave her a quick flick of my head and Nate looked at Neo. “Everything okay, Neo?” he asked.

He nodded desperately, “I’ll . . . just . . .” He gestured to the waiting area and shut the door behind him, prompting me and Nate to dissolve in fits of laughter.

“Okay, tell me you have not been cruel to Neo?” Liv scolded. We both looked at her wide eyed and shook our heads guiltily. She narrowed her eyes on us and I filled her in on our Neo torture. “I wonder if he’ll tell me,” she mused with a sparkle in her eye.

“Now who’s cruel,” Nate said as he jigged her about on his lap.

“Well you have to admit, it could be quite fun to wind him up,” she said. I could see the cogs turning in her head and she suddenly opened her mouth. “YES, YES, YES!” she shouted and my eyes widened on her.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I giggled as I looked towards the waiting area. Nate laughed loudly as he caught on to her game.

“You are so naughty, Liv.” He nibbled on her neck as she looked at me.

“Your turn,” she grinned wickedly and I bit my lip and then took a deep breath.

“OH GOD YES NATE, HARDER!” I screamed and we were all in hysterics as Liv started moaning loudly. “OH GOD LIV, YOU HAVE GREAT TITS!” I shouted and Nate nodded reverently.

“Yes she does,” he laughed and jiggled her chest in his hands.

The door flew open again and Mason’s angry face greeted us.

“Shit!” I hissed and my eyes widened as his dark furious ones scanned the room.

“What the fuck is going on?” he snarled and I was sure I heard Nate whimper.

I stood up quickly and walked over to him. Neo was stood behind him, and by the look on his face he had just filled his pants. “Could you leave us for a moment please, Neo?” I asked him and he eyed me sceptically.

“ . . . are you sure, Ava?” He cringed as Mason spun round on him.

“I’m not going to fucking hurt her you twat!” he thundered and Neo swallowed.

“Mason,” I warned and he looked back at me, his eyes thunderous and angry. Neo sighed but shut the door behind him.

“Sit down,” I ordered and he narrowed his eyes on me. “I said SIT DOWN!” I snapped. He glowered at me but took the chair I had just exited. “We are playing a joke on Neo, he thinks we were having a threesome in here.”

He nodded. “So did I,” he grated and I huffed.

“Oh for God’s sake Mason, chill out! I’m not a whore!”

His face darkened even further and he stood, grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and straight into the empty conference room.

“Well, here we are again,” I huffed as he slammed the door shut behind him. He stalked straight over to me, pushing me against the wall with his body and each of his hands slammed on the wall beside my head.

I held my ground and glared up at him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I demanded and he narrowed his eyes furiously on me.

“Ava . . .” he warned and I pushed at his chest, trying and failing to move him.

A hand gripped my hair and pulled my head back, his eyes burning into mine. “I’m going to kiss you Ava and you’re going to fucking kiss me back. I need to taste your tongue on mine, your hot breath mingling with mine and your soft lips over mine.”

I whimpered and nodded. His mouth crashed on mine in a demanding and controlling kiss like he wanted to devour me and I returned it with as much passion and need as my hands found his trouser zip and I pushed them and his shorts down his thighs. “Fuck me Mason,” I begged as I grabbed his rock hard cock firmly.

His hands swept up my thighs, pushing my skirt up over them. “Turn around,” he demanded and I did, bracing my hands on the wall. He ripped my knickers off and impaled me in a single furious thrust. “Fuck yes. You’re mine, Ava,” he snarled as a hand found my hair and he pulled me back so he could latch on to my neck. “Ask me, Ava,” he demanded as he remained completely still inside me, stretching me and filling me. I moaned loudly. “Ask me!” His grip tightened as his mouth rested against my neck. I could hardly breathe, my need for him to move coursing through me as I ground back on him. He planted a wet kiss below my ear, his teeth grazing against my skin as his tongue teased me. “Ask me!” he roared as he pulled out to the very tip.

“BITE ME, FUCKING OWN ME MASON!” I shouted at him and my reward was instantaneous. His teeth sank into me as his cock slammed into me. I screamed with pleasure, my body on fire as my muscles tightened round him.

“Does that feel good, baby? Do I feel good? My hard cock filling your hot pussy.”

He pounded into me mercilessly and brutally as we both grunted like rabid animals and I slammed back onto him fiercely. “Come on Ava, I need your cum on my cock,” he rasped as he bit down harshly and I screamed my release as his other hand covered my mouth.

“Yes! Fuck!” he roared as he filled me, crying out my name as he jerked into me savagely and wildly.

We were both panting frenziedly as his arms spun me round and he embraced me tightly.

The door opened and Nate strode in. “Fuck, sorry,” he said quickly as he shut the door behind him.

I looked down and giggled as I realised he’d had a first-hand view of my arse as my skirt was still around my waist. Mason groaned and kissed my hair tenderly. “Hi,” I said as I looked up at him, realising we had not greeted each other when he stormed into Nate’s office.

“Hey,” he replied gently with a soft smile as he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. “Kerrie’s having the babies tonight and I’m taking you out,” he declared and my eyes widened. “No arguments. We need to talk.”

I sighed and nodded, “Okay.”

He brushed his lips over mine. “I love you my little warrior and I am such a fucking dick.” He came in for a full passionate kiss, pushing me against the wall as he controlled the kiss slowly and tenderly.

His hands rested on my backside and he squeezed. I pushed him away playfully. “Mason, I really need to get back to work,” I scolded and his lips curled cockily.

“You are at work, baby.”

* * *

Not wearing any knickers is a really bad thing when you are greeting important clients all day and then your boss insists you attend a business lunch. I groaned inwardly when Nate had informed me; I hated meeting clients, especially pompous suited business men. Half of them thought they had a right to ogle you and the other thought you were the lowly trashy secretary they didn’t have to acknowledge all the way through the meeting.

This was why I was surprised to be introduced to Gary Thornton, a late twenty something copper haired, computer genius who was pleasant, polite and very, very nice. He was offering Nate new anti-virus software he had developed that was apparently impossible to hack or penetrate.

The first thing that struck me was that he had attended the meeting in jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt and in ‘La Roche’ that was something that was frowned upon instantly and I couldn’t hold back the wry smile from my lips as Nate introduced us.

“Gary, this is my assistant Ava Stone.”

Gary turned to me, his eyes sparkled and a small curl lifted the corner of his lips. “Miss Stone.” He lifted my hand and held it to his lips.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Thornton,” I smiled back and frowned slightly as he gripped my hand a little too long, his eyes questioning. Nate coughed slightly as I shifted my feet, either feeling uncomfortable or mesmerised by his looks, I wasn’t sure which. Gary tipped his head and then proceeded to hold out my chair for me to sit.

My eyebrows lifted to my hairline as I sat timidly, slightly stunned at the gesture. Nate settled next to me and Gary took the chair opposite me. The meeting began as Gary explained his product, Nate bartered with the price and after half an hour they were shaking hands and sealing the deal.

“So Miss Stone, Tell me more about you,” Gary urged, his eyes holding mine. I shrugged as I took a bite of my steak.

“Oh I’m nothing special, Mr Thornton,” I smiled.

“Oh? I’d say you are very special,” a voice whispered in my ear. I froze as goosebumps exploded all over my body. My heart hiccupped and I closed my eyes.

“Kade,” I breathed.

“Hello, sweetheart,” he whispered as his lips planted a wet kiss below my ear. I bit on my bottom lip as I stood up to greet him.

He cocked his head as his eyes swept my face and a wry grin lifted his lips. We held each other’s gaze for a long moment and then his eyes swept down my face and landed on my neck. The change in him was instantaneous; his face darkened and he chewed on his lip in agitation, his shoulders straightened and his fists clenched. He reached up to my shirt and pulled the collar back harshly, exhaling loudly profoundly as he shook his head in dismay. “Well I see your still letting him into your fucking knickers,” he growled and I grit my teeth.

“Kade!” Nate hissed.

“Nice to see you too!” I snapped and sat back in my seat.

Kade rounded the table and took the chair to the side of Gary, his eyes never leaving my face. I could see Gary’s eyes shifting from me to Kade and then back again and I smiled apologetically. “I apologise for this arsehole Mr Thornton, he doesn’t know when to keep his unwanted opinions to himself.”

Kade signalled to the waiter and ordered his drink. I wondered how many he’d already had.

His eyes settled on me again. “So Nate tells me Mason’s been doing his usual excellent job of treating you like a princess, Ava.”

My glare shot to Nate who had the decency to shrink into his chair. “Oh, he did, did he?” I growled and he looked away.

“I mean what the fuck, Ava? Why do you let him do this to you? How long before he extinguishes that fire inside you completely? It’s already nearly gone Ava, the flame in your eyes, even I can see they’re fucking dead,” he hissed.

I flicked my icy glower at him. “Not fucking now!”

“Is it his money Ava? Or does he just fuck you harder than I did?” he hissed at me.

I shot up. “Screw you!” I spat as Nate stood up.

“Kade! That’s enough!” he warned, his eyes blazing.

“If you’ll excuse me Mr Thornton, I need to go before I smash this arrogant, self-righteous, narrow-minded arsehole’s face in to the table and ruin your meal.” I smiled sweetly, “It was lovely to meet you.”

Gary smiled warmly and tipped his head to me. “It was my pleasure, Miss Stone.” He stood and leaned towards me, kissing me gently on the cheek, “Until next time.”

I snatched my bag off the floor while I gave Nate the filthiest look possible. “Ava, you can’t go,” Nate insisted as he jumped up and grabbed my arm.

“Did you know he would be coming?” I asked. “And don’t fucking lie, I always know when you lie to me, Nate!” He looked away and I took his silence as an admission of guilt. I sighed and shook my head. “How could you?” I hissed in his ear.

“Ava, he cares about you,” he defended as he pulled me to one side.

“Nate, he’s fucking pissed and has just embarrassed me in front of a new client.” I bit my lip. “Get back to Gary; I’ll see you at the office.”

Nate grabbed my arm. “Ava, I can’t let you go alone. Let me phone Neo to come and pick you up.”

I shook my head. “You’ve done enough for one day, Nate,” I hissed and stormed from the restaurant.

I decided to walk back to the office, needing the air to cool my pistons and let my blood pressure return to normal. I was fuming and humiliated and ashamed and aroused . . . I mean, what the hell, aroused? Kade could always turn me on with one hot look, one of his sensual smiles, the way his eyes would burn into mine as his tongue swept across his lip. I always knew I had a soft spot for Kade but I didn’t realise the strength of our physical attraction until just now. I was so enraged at his behaviour and his words that I shouldn’t be feeling hot and bothered. I was furious and disgusted with him but I also wanted to strip his clothes off and lick every single inch of his hot hard body and I was so appalled at myself for feeling like this.

I strolled along Victoria embankment, my eyes mesmerised by the ripple and reflection of the water. To say it was a weekday it was pretty quiet but for some reason I felt uneasy. I glanced behind me and saw nothing unusual; a few men in suits, a couple of joggers and a pair of amorous lovers. I shook off my nerves but sped up a little. My hairs prickled on the nape of my neck and I turned again. Everything looked as before but one of the joggers was gaining speed, he was sprinting more than jogging and he had his hood up and his head down. I squinted at him to get a better view as I scanned him. He was wearing grey jogging pants and a hoody and I could see the wires from his iPod strung round his neck. He looked up for a second, his eyes met mine and he quickly looked back down.

He seemed normal enough but I still sped up, trying to pinpoint the something that was disturbing me about him. I was grateful that I had worn my wedge sandals today as the weather was unusually hot for October. . . . Fuck!! He wasn’t sweating, what jogger didn’t sweat? Only one that hadn’t been running far or had only just started running! He wasn’t even red in the face for such a hot day.


I swiftly reached into my bag and curled my hands around my phone. Running faster as I slid my phone screen I pressed the middle icon and bombed it towards the main streets of the city centre.

I pushed past people, trying to keep to the crowds as I took a quick glance behind me every now and again.

My phone was ringing in my bag and I ran into a large department store, heading for the women’s lingerie, nobody would stick out more than a male jogger in the knicker department.

“I’m in Debenhams, women’s lingerie. I’m been followed by a white male in a grey jogging suit about 6 foot 2,” I blurted as I answered whilst I scanned the area quickly.

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