The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (129 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Ava, I have two guys heading your way now. They are both wearing jeans and white polo shirts, they are both white. Ken is 5 foot 8” and Tom is 6 foot 1. Stay on the line with me Ava; I’ve got you on map and I’ve got visual on you. I’m scanning the area for the perp and as yet I can’t see him in your vicinity . . . oh wait, hang on. I’ve got visual, Ken” Elijah said to me and then obviously to Ken. “Ava, he’s coming up the escalators to your right.”

I spun round and ran to the opposite side of the floor, ducking down behind some of the more raunchy underwear, admiring a red and black bra and thinking if I got out of here alive I would treat myself to it.

“He’s scanning the floor Ava, stay where you are. Ken and Tom are five minutes away. He’s moving towards you, hold tight, Darling.”

The phone went quiet for a moment while Elijah anticipated the jogger’s next move. I could hear the beat of my heart in my ears, my hands were sweaty and my legs were trembling.

“AVA MOVE, MOVE! THERE’S ANOTHER ONE!” Elijah exploded into the phone. “SHIT!! Black hoody.”

I shot between the clothes rails, keeping my head low and my waist bent. “Which way?” I asked quickly.

“Go left Ava, quick!” Elijah shouted.

I spun quickly and swore as I collided with a rail full of special offer underwear. I swore again when I couldn’t peruse through the bargain goods and wondered if I should grab a pair of knickers to replace the ones that Mason had ripped off this morning.

The rail scuttled across the floor and into another rail, crashing loudly. I saw the black hood pop up and cold eyes under the hood blazed at me. Time seemed to stand still as we both looked at each other and I froze.

“Shit! It’s Simon Bell!” I screamed at Elijah through the phone.

“Fuck, fuck! Ava, get the hell out of there!”

Quickly assessing my surroundings I decided my best option was to make my way downstairs and towards Elijah’s people. “Where’s your guys?” I asked as I sprinted across the floor.

“They’re just coming through the main doors Ava, make your way there if you can.”

I heard him speaking to someone else on another phone as I darted over to the escalators, pushing past shoppers as I raced down them.

Glancing over my shoulder I spotted the grey hooded guy shoving people out of the way in his pursuit of me. I jumped off the escalator and ran across the homeware section, pulling shelves down behind me so he had to clamber over them to get to me.

“Where the hell are they, Elijah?”

“They’re right behind you Ava, gaining on the perp.”

I could see a corner wall approaching fast. “Fuck, where the hell do I go?” I panicked as I hit the wall and spun round, the phone slipping from my sweaty hands.

Jogger skidded to a halt in front of me and cracked his neck, his ice cold eyes laughing at me. “Nowhere to go bitch?” he sneered.

I flicked my eyes round, my stomach sinking when I didn’t spot anything I could use as a weapon. Having to make an instant decision, I took a deep breath and grinned at him, tipping my head in a challenge as I cracked my knuckles. He laughed at me. “Bring it on, little girl.”

I calmed myself and dug deep for my fury, the fury that I was using way too much lately. Locating the familiar little bubble low in the pit of my stomach I began dragging it up through my veins, through every nerve ending and feeding from it, consuming it.

It took a split second to develop and within the next half second I was charging towards him, leaping at him and throwing us both to the ground. He spun us round as he pinned me down, his fist connecting sharply with my cheekbone. My hand shot up and grabbed his hair. I pulled his head down as I jerked my head up, head-butting him and instantly breaking his nose. He screamed in pain as I rolled him over and straddled him, pinning his arms by his side under my thighs as I lifted his head and smashed it into the floor and repeated it. His eyes rolled backwards but he managed to buck me off, throwing me backwards and onto my back. He climbed over me and his knee connected with my stomach.

I saw him fly off me as a man in a white shirt body slammed him and tackled him to the floor, instantly grabbing the jogger’s wrists, pulling them behind him and cuffing him in a matter of seconds.

Closing my eyes I took a huge gulp of air as the other one of Elijah’s guys scooted to the floor beside me. “Miss Stone, are you okay?” he asked as he tipped my head to look at my cheek.

I nodded while I panted, “You get Simon?”

He shook his head. “No, Elijah lost him while tracking this guy. He was our priority.”

I lay flat out on the floor. “Fuck me,” I puffed.

“You’ve got some great skills, Miss Stone,” he said and I smiled without opening my eyes. “You want a job?” he chuckled.


MY MOOD WAS black and dark by the time I returned to NSC, the fact that Simon Bell, one of George’s closest friends was helping Dane try to kill me angered and disgusted me. He had always been kind and polite to me and I couldn’t understand why.

Slamming my bag and coat on my desk, I saw Kade through the open door in Nate’s office but made my way straight to the rest room, Neo scurrying behind me.

Crashing through the door I stormed over to a sink, turned the cold tap full pelt and stuck my hands under the powerful jet stream, the cold water quickly demanding my attention away from my sombre thoughts. I remained there for a while until my hands were fighting frostbite and splashing some over my face I clung on the edge of the vanity and closed my eyes, gulping in huge lungs full of air.

There was a small tap on the door. “Ava? You okay in there?” Neo shouted. Taking another deep breath I opened the door, smiled at him and walked back to my desk, picking my phone up and dialling George’s number.

“Hey, Princess” he greeted happily and I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself.

“George, where are you?” I didn’t want to disturb him in the middle of something important. I heard his pause and I could picture his furrowed eyebrows.

Nate was stood in his office doorway drinking coffee and watching me, trying to determine my mood but I ignored him.

“I’m at home, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” he asked hesitantly.

I sighed. “Simon Bell just tried to kill me.” I heard his sharp intake of breath as Nate spat his coffee out all over the carpet.

I left George to his thoughts for a moment as I heard a loud voice in the main floor reception area and groaned. Mason was the last person I wanted to see here, especially with Kade in the building.

Pinching the bridge of my nose to steel myself for Mason’s fury, I flicked my eyes to Nate, giving him a quick head signal towards Kade. He nodded and disappeared back into his office.

“When?” I heard George ask and I pulled my attention back to him as I spotted Mason striding rapidly down the corridor towards me.

“He chased me into Debenhams with someone else this lunchtime. How well do you know him George?”

Mason appeared by my side and squatted down in front of me, taking my free hand in his and grasping it firmly. I signalled one minute to him and he nodded.

“Well I’ve known him and his family for a few years, but nothing I would say is important. Are you okay, Princess?”

I smiled softly at the concern and pain in his voice. “I’m fine George, Elijah’s men got to me quickly. Listen I’ve got to go, I’m at work. I’m going to forward you Elijah’s number and if you can tell him anything about Simon, well anything might help.”

I heard his heavy sigh. “Ava . . . I don’t know what the hell is happening in your life at the moment but . . . Well, I love you sweetheart. Even though I’m miles away, you must always remember that I’m here for you and I love you so bloody much,” he spoke softly and a tear broke free. I bit my lip refusing to succumb to them. Mason’s finger swiped it away and he squeezed my hand tightly.

“I love you too, George,” I whispered and closed my eyes, picturing his happy smile.

I ended the call and Mason huddled me up immediately. “Ava . . .” he breathed into my neck.

“I’m okay, my cheeks a bit sore but I’m fine,” I told him as he squeezed me tighter.

“What the hell happened? Why were you out alone?” The anger in his eyes made me gulp.

I frowned and swallowed heavily. “I was . . . Nate had a business lunch and I . . .”

His eyes narrowed on me. “Tell me, Ava” he warned as a slight glimmer flashed in his eyes and I grimaced.

“Well I, I just fancied a walk back along the embankment.” I winced when he took a deep breath, the lump in his throat rapidly jerking up and down. He closed his eyes slowly, his firm body tensing further as he struggled to hold on to his familiar temper.

“Ava, please tell me you phoned Neo before you went?”

I gulped. “Well no . . . I thought, I thought . . .” I cringed as his eyes flew open.

“You thought what, Ava?” he bellowed. I shifted nervously in my chair.

“Well I just, I thought I would be okay . . . I mean there are plenty of people there and it’s always busy and . . .”

He stood up quickly, his hands pulling at his hair as he shook his head at me in astonishment. “Did Nate let you go alone?” he asked icily, way too icily.


“ . . . He . . . He didn’t have much choice. We . . . had an argument.” I looked down to my lap, diverting my eyes away from Mason.

I saw him spin towards me. “You had an argument?” he scoffed and I gulped as my eyes flicked to Nate’s office.

This was not going well. “Yes.”

“So he just let you walk off? Walk back on your own?” he probed softly. “WHEN THERE’S SOMEONE TRYING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!” he roared and I cringed.

He shot towards Nate’s office and I dashed after him. “MASON!” I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back but his strength made it impossible.

I stood immobile as he flung Nate’s door open, stormed across the room and grabbed Nate by his shirt, slamming him against the wall. My jaw dropped as my eyes widened and my legs wobbled as I saw the scene before me; my lover and soulmate had my boss and friend pinned up against the wall by the front of his shirt.

I quickly scanned the room for Kade, sucking air through my teeth when I didn’t see him. “YOU FUCKING LEFT HER ALONE, YOU STUPID CUNT!” Mason thundered and I suddenly regained my senses.

“GET OFF HIM MASON!” I stormed across the room and grabbing Mason’s wrist, the one belonging to the hand around Nate’s throat, I yanked him back. “Get. Off. Him” I demanded. Mason’s eyes narrowed on me. “Let him go Mason, it wasn’t Nate’s fault I took off. He tried to stop me,” I told him as my fingers curled around the ones holding Nate tightly. Nate looked as though he was about to fill his pants and I gave him a pained smile. He was raging and I couldn’t say I blamed him.

Mason’s arm dropped and I let out a huge breath I didn’t realise I had been holding. “What did you argue about?” he asked, his tone suspicious.

“Nothing important,” I divulged quickly.

Mason cocked his head at me as his eyebrows rose. “It must have been something important if it made you take off alone with a fucking sick and twisted bastard after you.”

“They were arguing about me,” Kade spoke behind us and I groaned, swearing under my breath.

Mason hissed through his teeth and spun swiftly round to Kade, much the same as I did. I shook my head in dismay at him as he stood in the bathroom doorway looking at me, his eyes intense and heavy as they perused me slowly and hotly.

I heard Mason growl before I saw him fly across the room and slam his fist into Kade’s face.

“FUCK!” I spat and shot across to them. “MASON!” I screamed as he landed another punch into Kade’s cheek. “FOR GOD’S SAKE MASON!” I gripped his arm, putting all my strength into holding it back. “You touch him again and I’m gone, Mason,” I warned but I could see his rage and fury surging through every emotion on his face.

Kade groaned and looked back at me. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” He smiled cockily and my blood froze as I realised what he was doing. Only a fool would goad Mason, especially about me. “You can finally see what an uncontrollable, venomous, nasty bastard you’re getting married to,” he sneered.

Nate groaned loudly as my eyes bored into Kade’s and I shook my head sadly. How dare he start this here!

“Mason,” I said softly, my breathing calm and steady. “Mason,” I repeated and his head turned towards me. I could see the barely there control; his twitching jaw, his clenched fist ready to fly but his eyes were focused on mine. “Take me home and fuck me . . . hard!”

I saw his pupils dilate and his lips twitched, he understood what I was doing. I knew it was cruel but Kade had done this to spite me, to try and swing my feelings his way but he didn’t know something; the cold hard bitch was back and she didn’t like being blackmailed and she certainly didn’t like her lover humiliated.

I commanded myself not to look at Kade but I turned to Nate, fury blazing through me. “I’m taking the afternoon off. If you want me back tomorrow I suggest you keep your friend away from me!” I stated bluntly. He pursed his lips but nodded.

I turned to Mason, raised on my toes and whispered in his ear. “I need your hard, large and very spectacular cock pounding away at me, filling me and stretching me. I need you to make me come so fucking hard I won’t be able to remember my fucking name.”

He sucked in a breath and growled as he closed his eyes for a second then his mouth found mine in a hungry, demanding kiss before he pulled me to my desk, picked up my bag and dragged me into the elevator.

Pinning me against the lift wall his lips found mine again. His knee slipped between my legs as he pushed them apart and he controlled everything; the kiss, my stance, my arousal and my heart.

“Fuck Ava, I need you,” he breathed against my mouth.

I raised my eyes to him, my eyelids heavy and hooded. “Unzip your trousers and take your cock out for me.”

A fire blazed in his eyes as his lips parted before a lazy smile grew on his lips. He reached over and banged the stop button, his eyes never leaving mine. He raised an eyebrow as he slowly unzipped his trousers and pulled his pulsing cock free, taking it in his grip and slowly sliding his hand up and down it. “You want it Ava? You want it in your mouth? On your tongue?” he asked huskily.

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