The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (63 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“I know but we’ve got to be careful, Mason. She’s the Commissioner’s daughter. You can’t just go round to her house and shoot her in the head . . . as tempting as that sounds . . .
looks in my head,” I laughed and he chuckled. “But it just seems strange that she does the wages and they’re suspect and now what Dane said, but it could be nothing so make sure first but I want you to promise me.” I held his chin and locked his gaze. “You promise to tell me before you do anything, because I swear if she helped to kill my baby then you’ll have to get in line behind me to get to her” I decreed and he nodded, a fire in his eyes at my words.

I narrowed my eyes on him as I saw his cock twitch under the water. “Does that turn you on?” I smirked, “the thought of my nasty evil side?”

A lazy grin spread on his face. “God yeah, it makes me hot how tough you are. My little warrior.” He beamed and I laughed.

“You, Mr Fox, are a pervert.”

He laughed now, tipping his head back and then he looked at me. “You know Ava, there’s not many that can throw a punch at me and knock me sideways.” He raised his eyebrows and I giggled.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” I said sheepishly, trailing a finger over his bruised cheekbone.

“No, baby.” He suddenly grew serious and palmed my face, “I knew it would help you to get it out, that’s why I goaded you.”

I smiled softly. “I know.” I nodded and leant forward to kiss his chest, softly laying my lips against the hardness of his pecs.

He groaned and lifted my face. “Don’t.” He gulped and I laughed.

I climbed from the tub and wrapped a towel round me. “Come on lazy. I’m hungry.” I winked and walked away, dressing quickly before he joined me in the bedroom. I was secretly aware that he hung back to let me do just that, the sight of my naked body heating him in places that would be redundant for a while but I knew that he would hold back, for my sake not his.


MONDAY SAW GEORGE on an early morning flight back to Portugal and me returning to work, much to Mason’s displeasure.

“I have to work Mason,” I told him as I was applying my make-up whist he was leaning naked against the en-suite door. I tried not to take in his gorgeousness but it was hard when it was displayed so fucking handsomely.

He scowled at me. “I can’t just sit twiddling my thumbs baby; it will drive me nuts with all the thoughts that are racing round my head right now.” I made a pointed look at his groin and licked my lips. A slow smile curved his lips and I stood slowly, giving him a lewd look.

I slowly walked over to him and cupped his balls in my hand and leaning up on tiptoes I brought my lips to his ear. “Bend over the bed,” I whispered huskily.

I heard his sharp swallow. “What?” he rasped.

I pulled back, locking his gaze. “I said, bend over the bed. Place your hands on the mattress and bend over.” He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. “NOW!”

His lungs emptied in one sharp exhale, his obvious arousal at my words had him hard, very hard. He bit his bottom lip and slowly walked over to the bed. Giving me one last wicked look over his shoulder, he bent over placing his palms on the bed.

I stood unmoving, taking in the hardness of his buttocks, the thickness of his muscled thighs. My mouth watered as my breath sped up but I made him wait, just a tad longer than was necessary, before I moved slowly over to his delectable backside.

My fingers traced over the contours of his defined rump, whispering across the tautness of the soft skin as my thumbs joined in the worship. I heard his breathing speed up and a small groan rumbled in his throat as my finger slid up the groove between each delicious cheek.

Leaning forward I placed a soft kiss to his back. “You have an amazing arse Mason . . . perfect,” I breathed in-between kisses as my mouth brushed against the hard curve of his spine.

he hissed as my hand sloped around him and cupped his testicles again, my thumb brushing his perineum as my fingers massaged his scrotum. “Do you like that Mason, my fingers around your rock hard cock?” I murmured and he growled.

“Fuck yes!”

I slid to my bottom on the floor, nudged his legs apart and manoeuvred my body between his legs so I was sat underneath him, my back resting on the base of the bed with his cock above my face.

He looked down at me and grinned, anticipating what was coming but as his eyes caught mine he frowned, “Ava, baby, your lip.” He grimaced slightly. I shushed him and wrapped my fingers around his thick hard shaft. His breath hitched as my tongue licked his balls, tickling the join between his sac and the tight skin behind.

I started to slide my hand over the length of him, working him up and down as I appreciated the view from below him. My other hand reached around and stoked his fine backside. He moaned deeply as my finger slid across his anus and across his buttocks, roughly kneading the muscle.

As I continued to work him, a small pool of moisture had resided at his slit. I slid my finger over it and catching the cream on my fingertip, I slipped it round and over his anus again as my tongue flicked out to tease the head of his swollen cock.

Christ, Ava.”

He was struggling to breathe now, his gasps getting faster and faster. I was annoyed I couldn’t do the full mouth job but my stitches were too tight, so we would both have to settle for the hand job. However, Mason was looking as though he was enjoying it.

As I slid my fingertip into his backside, I looked up at him. The sight of the pleasure and ecstasy ripping through his face nearly gave me my own climax.

He grunted and jerked wildly. “
Fucking Christ, Ava!
” he shouted as his cum erupted from his cock, spurting forcefully over my face as I tried to shut my eyes against the torrent.

His knees buckled and I watched in amusement as he tried to rectify himself, clinging to the duvet as he collapsed on top of me, his knees either side of mine as he rested his cheek against the top of my head.

“Oh My God, Ava. Where did you learn that?” he wheezed.

“Learn what?”

“The arse bit.” He chuckled and my frown grew deeper.

“Mason, it’s a known fact then men like that as well as women, we both have nearly the same erogenous zones.”

He took a deep breath and lifted himself up. “Well
didn’t know that, but . . . WOW! It felt kind of wrong but really fucking good at the same time . . . WOW,” he puffed as he went in the bathroom and came out with a face cloth.

He crouched in front of me and gently wiped away the remnants of his orgasm, pausing every so often to place little kisses on various parts of my face.

I closed my eyes and sighed, relaxing into the caress of his actions and after he had paused for a long time I opened my eyes and found him staring at me intensely. His fingers came up and traced the outline of my face, gently sweeping over my cheek and jaw. His thumb slid over my eyes and curved the edge of my ear; his face showing ultimate rapture as he held my gaze.

“I love you so much, Ava. You make me whole, baby. You make my heart beat, my little warrior,” he whispered.

My own hand came up to his face to mimic his movements; to feel the strong hard lines of his striking jaw and cheekbones, to his strong defined nose and then across his beautifully sculptured lips.

We were both lost in each other’s beauty as we continued to look and feel, but duty called and I found myself regretting my decision to go back to work; I could have looked at this man all day.

“I have to go, baby” I whispered as he closed his eyes and nodded.

“Yeah,” was all he said before he rose to his feet, holding his hand out to pull me up from the hard floor.

“My bum’s gone numb,” I whinged and his lips twitched.

“Want me to return the favour?” he winked and I blushed . . . I mean, What the Hell? I actually blushed.

He flung his head back and howled as I smacked his arm. “Stop!!” I tried to hide my own chuckle but failed miserably.

We were both still tittering as I climbed in my car. Mason’s head stuck through the window to kiss me. “I’ll see you later.” He winked and wiggled a finger at me, igniting my hysterics again.

* * *

The morning dragged now that Olivia had finally started her official maternity leave and I was left with Tony. Luckily Grace kept popping her head out and checking on me and at lunchtime she leaned on my desk.

“Fancy lunch out today, Ava? I’ve got to meet a new client and it’s a company wine and dine thingy,” she asked as her lips curled in displeasure.

I raised my eyebrows at her expression. “That bad?” I asked coyly and she smiled at my detective skills.

“God, there’s nought passes you is there! Okay, okay he’s a bit of a sleaze and I don’t like being alone with him. I need sister power.”

I laughed, “You got it girl. We’ll have him hanging out to dry by the time we’ve finished. What are you like with lesbianism?” I laughed as her expression faltered.

“Do I want to hear this?” she asked hesitantly.

“Well just for his pleasure or displeasure . . . depends how he takes it. You Grace, are officially now my girlfriend.” I puckered my lips and winked expressively at her.

Her eyes lit up as she pursed her own lips. “Why, Miss Stone, I do believe I’m going to enjoy our lunch date with Mr Eyes-on-your-tits.”

I grinned, “Let’s just hope we don’t give the bastard a heart attack or we’ve lost a client.”

We were both still chuckling as we entered the elevator for the ten minute journey and we were laughing harder as we exited the restaurant two hours later, the image of Mr Eyes-on-your-tits painful swell in his trouser crotch forever burnt on our retinas.

* * *

We returned to the office and were chatting to Leah, filling her in on the lunch fun.

“I couldn’t hide the grin when Ava leant across the table and gave him an eyeful of her cleavage. The man actually drooled and thought his luck was in until she turned round and slapped her lips on mine for a full blown lesbian snog!” Grace was laughing heartily as she retold the story to Leah. “ . . . his poor, poor face” she howled. “The lump in his trousers looked mightily painful by the time we left. He couldn’t even stand to say goodbye as we left. We just left him, sat at the table whimpering with a glaze over his bloody eyeballs.”

We were all rolling with laughter as Nate entered and stood, grinning at the sight of us three women hysterically laughing and snorting.

“Okay ladies, fill me in?” he asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

“You have hired a fucking genius, Mr Carter,” Grace declared in between sobs.

He looked at me with a fascinated expression, “Oh yeah?”

Grace nodded rapidly. “Well let’s just say she won us the Edenfield contract.” She winked over to him. He shook his head in amusement but nodded in appreciation.

“What did you do Ava?” he asked slowly and cautiously.

Grace turned to him. “Well, let me just ask you one thing, Mr Carter. Would you take out a contract with a company, when the two female reps sent to cajole you are making out on the table in front of you?” she sniggered.

Nate’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “Fuck me! You never did?” he scoffed and Grace nodded seriously.

“The man’s a pervert and Ava found his niche and channelled into it.”

He started chuckling. “You are bad, bad girls” he laughed.

Grace and I creased over. “That’s what he said,” she cackled, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

Nate grinned at me. “It’s actually you I wanted a word with Ava, if it’s convenient sometime this afternoon?”

That stopped the giggling. “Uhh, sure, Mr Carter,” I replied cautiously.

He smiled and shook his head. “Nothing to worry about but my office say . . .” He peeked at his watch. “An hour?” he finished with a raise of an eyebrow in query.

“Yeah that’s fine.” I smiled back and he left us to settle down.

“Oh and Miss Stone,” he shouted over his shoulder. “Don’t bring your girlfriend” he finished and we were gone again.


I WAS SAT in Nate’s reception area, being glared at by a tight faced secretary. She was quite stunning but would be amazingly striking if she relaxed her rigid expression.

The intercom buzzed on her desk and Nate’s voice beckoned me in.

He smiled widely as I entered and gestured to a chair in front of his desk. “Sit down, Ava,” he said and I timidly sat on the edge of the seat. He grinned at me from the opposite side of the desk. “Ava, settle down, I just wanted a quick word. Drink?”

“Water please.”

He rose and walked over to a large sideboard and opening a door on it, revealed another little door which exposed a fridge. He took a bottle of water and turned to me. “To be blunt Ava, I like you,” he said straight out.

My heart sped up.
Oh Shit!
What did he mean by that?

He regarded me and then laughed loudly. “Not like that, Ava.” He continued to laugh. I relaxed at my misunderstanding and smiled openly.

He sat back down opposite me after passing me the cool bottle of water and after unscrewing the lid, I took a long pull. Nate cocked his head “I know you have only been here a week but overall I’m impressed with your work, especially nailing the Edenfield contract today.” His eyebrows rose high, “Even if it was through . . . unorthodox methods.” He winked. “But hey, a contracts a contract. Yet, it shows your competence and perception to read situations and people well.” He picked up a gold pen from the table and started to flip it between his fingers.

“My PA is leaving in a few of months and I’d like you to consider the position when Liv returns to work.” I gripped the edge of my chair in shock, WOW! “The pay is quite substantially more than what you receive now and the benefits are better.” He smiled and carried on with some other jargon as my brain zoned out to have thoughts of its own.

It seemed strange that he was offering me the position after just a week in his employment.

“Ava?” he probed. I raised my eyes to see him staring at me waiting for an answer.

“Mr Carter, I don’t quite know how to ask this . . .” I cringed and he frowned.

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