The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (64 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Just ask, Ava,” he said directly and I took a deep breath.

“Has . . . has Mason spoken to you?” I asked quietly and he frowned again.

“No why? Should he have?” he asked with a puzzled expression and I relaxed instantly and smiled.

“In that case I would be happy to consider your offer.”

I grinned and he laughed, “Ahh, I take it you thought because I was friends with Mason that he had encouraged me to ask you.” I nodded sheepishly. “No, no Ava, you got offered this job on your merits alone. Please tell me you will think about it though. To be honest a smiley friendly face would be nice to look at after having to endure . . .” He didn’t say her name but his head nodded towards the tight faced woman sat outside his office.

“Yeah, I found her to be a bit . . . severe!” I shivered.

“Not something you need to be greeted with every morning.” He winked and grinned at me, his actions telling me he had often had to endure her miserable face.

His expression grew serious as he pursed his lips, “I do have one slight problem though Ava.” He shifted in his seat as though it was uncomfortable for him to ask.

“Go on, straight out.” I grinned, our roles reversed.

“Well . . . Liv told me you’re pregnant and I was just wondering how long before you needed to start your maternity leave?” He cringed as my face fell. “I’m not being sexist or anything Ava . . . it’s just something I need to ask. I know it was a secret and Liv has broken your trust by telling me, but she thought I ought to know before I asked you to take the job.” He was babbling, obviously aware of my discomfort when he mentioned it.

I held up a hand. “Mr Carter.” He continued flapping on about something. Was he frightened of me? “Mr Carter,” I said more sternly. He closed his mouth and looked at me sheepishly. “I . . . I’m afraid I lost my baby at the weekend, so no, it won’t be a problem,” I told him honestly but awkwardly.

His features hardened and he tilted his head. “I am so sorry to hear that, Ava” he said softly. I smiled sadly and he narrowed his eyes. “Think me presumptuous, Ava but is it something to do with the . . . your . . .” He couldn’t finish but gave a hand signal towards my face.

I nodded slightly and lowered my eyes. Nate coughed and shifted in his chair again. “Ava,” he said softly. I looked at him, he sighed slightly and cringed. “Mason didn’t . . . he didn’t?” He struggled to ask the question but this man’s protectiveness for me gave me a warm feeling and I knew he was a man to trust and consider a good friend.

“No,” I smiled gently. “No, Mason would never lay a finger on me, it was his best friend that did.”

Nate reared back. “Dane?” he asked, gobsmacked. I swallowed harshly and nodded again.

“He was a little jealous of Mason and well . . . well, he wanted me like Mason had me and I kind of . . . disagreed” I said quietly, now embarrassed by my openness and tears welled behind my eyes.

Nate noticed my obvious distress and strode round to me, crouched beside me and took my hand. “Ava,” he said quietly. I turned to look at him. “I know Mason will have taken care of things but if you ever need anybody to talk to well Liv . . . Liv went through some real bad shit last year and I know she would be happy if you wanted to open up to somebody. Believe me the things that girl has been through, I’m surprised she’s still standing.” His voice trailed off and his eyes fixed on an invisible spot on the wall.

I frowned and resolved silently to ask Mason about Liv but at the moment I squeezed this dear man’s hand. He looked at me as the haze cleared from his eyes. “Thank you.” I smiled softly. He nodded and rose then looked at me again.

“I take it Mason sorted it or do I need to . . . ?” he asked quietly but I held up my hand, knowing I could be open and truthful with him because of his friendship and understanding of how Mason operated.

“Yeah, he sorted it.” I sucked on my lips, determined to bite back the tears and I stood up. “Well, Mr Carter. I would be honoured to take the position offered. No thought required.” I grinned and he beamed back at me.

“Excellent! I think we’re gonna get on great and become good friends,” he grinned.

He opened a drawer and passed me a file. “All the details are in there, Ava.” He passed it me. I nodded and turned to leave.

“Oh Ava, I nearly forgot. Liv asked me to ask you. We are having a barbeque Saturday night at ours and we would like it if you and Mason could make it. It’s just a few friends and family but it would be nice if we could become friends and get to know one another before you become my PA.” He smiled and I nodded happily.

“That would be great.”

“Great, I’ll e-mail you the details okay?” I nodded and smiled and then left.

I had a happy feeling bubbling in my tummy, something good was happening in my life and the happy tummy flipped even more when I returned to my desk and found a huge bunch of flowers from Mason had been delivered along with a note.


A thank you for this morning. You amaze me more and more every day. You have many, many talents Ava. I have a table for two booked at La Roche for 8pm, don’t be late home. I love you my little warrior.



I smiled widely to myself and even when Tony condemned my flowers it didn’t burst the happy bubble in my stomach.

‘La Roche’ . . . Wow! It usually took about 3 months advanced booking to get a table there. I presume Mason just flashed his ‘Sex God smile’ and secured the table. Even I would give him anything he asked for that smile, it was utterly powerful to a woman, the sight of it turned your legs to jelly, your heart to falter and your pussy muscles to clench so severely an instant orgasm was nearly upon you.

I inhaled deeply as the smile came into my vision and I picked up my phone, the need to hear his husky male voice had me in a cold sweat.

“Hey baby,” he purred down the phone and I had to suck in a gulp of much needed air.

“Hey,” I returned the greeting and smiled down the phone.

“Hey,” he whispered huskily and there was that intake of air again.

“Hey,” I rasped.

I heard a slight chuckle down the phone. “Baby, don’t get yourself worked up,” he said sadly knowing that the damn throb I had for him couldn’t be placated.

“So not fair,” I breathed down the phone.

“I know, Ava.” He sighed woefully and I brightened myself up.

“I was just ringing to thank you for the beautiful flowers,” I said cheerfully.

I heard his chuckle again. “You could have thanked me tonight baby, you didn’t need to ring.”

I sighed. “I know but I wanted to hear your voice.” I cringed self-consciously.

“I’m glad you did because I needed to hear yours too,” he admitted and I couldn’t contain my grin.

“Anyway I’d better get some work done,” I told him.

“Okay baby, try not to be late, we have a car booked for 7:40.” I promised him I wouldn’t be late as I ended the call.

Ten minutes later I received a text.


I love you

My finger is twitching ;)


I grinned like a fool and Tony caught me. “Wow, somebody’s definitely getting some,” he smirked.

Definitely not you Dickhead!

I just smiled and tipped my head.


Would you like a re-run? If so, be careful Mister!



The day flowed quicker and at 5 O’clock I left the building. After a small conversation with Bert, the big, burly doorman at NSC main entrance, I strolled across the car park to my car. After settling behind the wheel and turning the ignition I noticed an advert stuck to my wiper.

I climbed back out and grabbed the paper. I opened the advert wondering if it was pizza, Chinese or a new car wash but it figured to be neither.






MASON HAD FIXED me a vodka and cranberry and settled me on the sofa as Sam paced the room, shouting at someone through his phone.

My head was pounding against the initial stages of a migraine and the happy tummy had turned into an anxious, nauseated tummy.

Rubbing my temples with my fingers I felt Mason’s hands rest on my shoulders, and his face rested against the top of my head. “You okay, Ava?”

I nodded. “I won’t let this bastard hurt you, baby,” he promised and I nodded again, my brain was too exhausted to work my vocal chords.

He kissed the top of my head and started to give me a neck rub. I closed my eyes and made myself relax a little. “That’s better, do you want to cancel tonight?” he asked softly and I shook my head. He chuckled against my hair, “Has my little warrior gone soft?”

I grinned even though he couldn’t see me. “Mmm,” I sighed and slumped back into the sofa as his fingers worked their magic, digging out each knot in my tight muscles.

“Jesus Ava, you’re wound so tight.” He sighed angrily, the day’s events pissing him off.

“SORT IT!” Sam bellowed down the phone, making me jump. “Sorry, Ava,” he said more softly.

I opened an eye at him and grinned. “No problem, any joy?” I asked.

Sam had rushed the note through to one of his minions for fingerprint tests. “No, they’re fucking useless. You ask them to hurry and they decide to go on a piss up, fuckin’ living it up at some bastard brothel.” he growled and punched the wall.

I rose to my feet and placed my hand over Sam’s fist. “Sam, calm down. It’s fine,” I said with a smile. “I’m used to at least one bastard trying to kill me, it’s getting quite boring now.” I laughed bitterly and Mason scowled at me.

“Ava! It’s not a fucking joke,” he chided. I felt utterly chastised. “You need to get some new contacts!” He barked at Sam.

Sam flinched against the ruthlessness in his voice but nodded his head in agreement. “Hey, don’t take it out on Sam, it’s not his fault,” I defended.

Mason snapped his eyes to mine and glared at me but I refused to cower down to him. I raised my eyebrows at him in a silent challenge and he pursed his lips.

“Ava, it’s fine,” Sam upheld, his obvious discomfort at me being on the receiving end of Mason’s anger in his justification but I turned to Sam.

“No Sam, I appreciate what you’re doing for me and so should Mason.”

Mason scowled. “Ava, I pay him enough to put up with my shit, so fucking leave it,” he snarled. I rolled my eyes and huffed but he continued to glare at me.

“Mason!” Sam said with a slight growl in his warning.

Mason turned his head slowly to regard Sam but the glint in his eye made the hairs on my neck rise.

“Mason,” I warned, trying to get him to snap out of his haze but Sam took a step towards Mason, willing to fight in my defence. “Whoa, guys.” I panicked and stepped between them.

“Ava please,” Sam asserted. “He shouldn’t talk to you like that.”

The two of them stood glaring at each other, reminding me of a cowboy standoff, all they needed were guns at their hips and a Stetson perched on their heads.

“Guys, honestly, I’m not worth the argument. Please, there’s been too many arguments and fall outs over the last few weeks.” I pressed on as they still continued to glare at each other so I tried a different tactic.

“Hey guess what, I got offered another job today. In a few months I am officially Nathan Carter’s Personal Assistant.” I smiled to myself as Mason’s head snapped round to me.

“Oh hey, there you are my darling,” I joked and winked, trying to lighten the mood. His lips twitched but he didn’t smile.

“Really?” he questioned with astonishment on his face and a severe frown. I was a little hurt at his reaction, his obvious surprise at my news.

“Yes,” I snapped. “Don’t you think I’m good enough for a promotion?”

He narrowed his eyes at my tone but Sam jumped in. “Hey Girl, that’s great, well done.” he smiled genuinely and hugged me.

Mason’s eyes never left mine as he studied me and I suddenly became enraged by his behaviour. “What Mason? I suppose you think I’m fucking Nate because I got offered a promotion, like I’m not clever enough to get it on merit or ability?”

Sam picked up his car keys off the table. “I’ll leave you guys to it.” He turned to face me and mouthed, “Good luck” and rolled his eyes.

He quietly closed the door behind him and Mason stepped closer, his head tipped to the side. “What did you say, Ava?” he asked quietly with a cold edge to his tone.

Okay, the rage was bubbling up rapidly now. “I said . . . Do. You. Think. I’m. Fucking. Nate?” I ground out each word slowly. He bit his bottom lip and his fists clenched as I waited for his answer. “Well?” I persisted but he turned sharply and left the room.

Okay, he obviously thought I was screwing my boss in order to get a promotion. I didn’t know which hurt the most; the fact that he thought I would sleep with my boss or that I wasn’t worthy of a promotion.

Tears hit my eyelids and I grabbed my keys, slipped on my shoes and slammed the front door behind me.

As I climbed into my car Mason appeared on the doorstep but I managed to start the engine and speed off before he got to me. I could see the absolute fury in his eyes through my rear view as I sped through the huge gates and headed out but I pulled up a little further down the road and dialled Courtney’s number.

“Hey babe.” Her usual greeting settled me and I smiled.

“I need to get pissed, hun. Are you in?” I asked.

“Hell yes, shall I gather the girlies?” she asked and I grinned.

“Even better. I’ll be at yours shortly.”

I disconnected and floored the accelerator, the need for alcohol surging through my system. The need to forget the last week of my life seemed so great that I had to take a deep breath against the anticipation of getting slaughtered. I grinned all through the ten minute journey to my best friends.

* * *

Three hours later saw me intoxicated and dancing with my girlies in ‘Pulse’ a popular nightclub and one that didn’t belong to Mason.

It was unusual to party on a Monday night but to our pleasure it was packed to the rafters. A happy party atmosphere enveloped us as we ground our bodies to the beat of the music.

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