The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (208 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I couldn’t hold back the groan at the sight of Ava pussy been fucked with Connors tongue and her sweet arse been fucked with my fingers.

I pulled back as Ava fought to regain her composure and grabbed the condom from the table, instantly ripping off the foil as I shimmied down Connor’s legs. His cock jerked as I gently rolled the condom over him and I couldn’t resist licking the underside of his impressive length as I followed with the rubber.

“Don’t Mason, I’m not gonna be able to hold off much longer. I need to be inside Ava when I come, need to feel her tight pussy milk me.”

I grabbed Ava’s hips and pulled her down over Connor’s cock, positioning them both until she slid down his shaft slowly. “Oh fuck, yes,” She hissed and my jaw dropped at the sight of Connor’s hard dick disappearing into Ava’s slick cunt.

“Kiss him, baby.” I urged as I covered my own dick with lube and slipped a finger in her backside again, working her well enough so I didn’t hurt her.

“Mason, please” she begged as she started to ride Connor stricter, her hips rocking back and forth harder and faster.

“Slow down, Ava. You ready for me?”

She nodded as Connor pulled her flat to him, his tongue slipping into her mouth to gain her attention as he started thrusting real slow inside her.

I groaned as I nudged in, her tightness jacketing me as Connor slid out, easing the stretch for a moment until I could push all the way in slowly.

“Shit” she bit out with a strangled moan as her back arched and her thighs trembled.

“Easy, baby, relax.”

I took a fistful of her hair in my hand, knowing the action would increase her arousal. It did. She groaned loudly and primal, then pushed back against me until I filled her to the hilt.

“Jesus” Connor croaked and I grunted just as loudly.

He pushed in as I pulled out, both of us establishing a rhythm inside my amazing wife.

Her vulgar statements and noisy groans spurned us on, knowing that we were pleasuring her to an extreme like never before saw us both thrusting hard and powerfully as her words encouraged us to go faster and rougher.

“Fuck, Ava, you need to come sweetheart cos’ I’m just about to fill your ass with my spunk.”

She reared back away from Connor, her palms pushing herself up off his chest, and exposed the soft supple skin of her neck to me in invitation.

I knew what she needed, her pants prohibiting her from asking, and as I sank my teeth into her neck she screamed, shivered, bucked and clenched extremely.

Connor shouted a string of expletives as I roared my own release, filling Ava’s arse with everything my balls held.

“Christ Ava, fuck . . .” I yelled as I knotted her hair around my fingers and pulled her further onto my throbbing cock, making sure she drained all I had to give her.

Connor bucked upwards as I pushed further in and Ava stiffened with her own orgasm, her body trembling and juddering as she exploded around both of us.

We all collapsed on top of the other as we fought to regain a natural breathing rhythm and give our bodies chance to stop shuddering with ecstasy.

“Holy fuck!” Ava breathed. Connor’s lips twitched as he palmed her face.


She scoffed loudly, “Okay? Fuck, I’m shagged.”

My lips twitched at the choice of her words and I slipped out of her, rolling her off Connor and taking her with me.

Connor stood, saluted and pulled on his clothes. “See you guys later.” Was all he said before he exited the room and I heard the front door close.

I was grateful to him for giving Ava and me this moment alone after. Connor wasn’t arsed that he needed to leave, he didn’t do niceties and he certainly wasn’t a cuddle and hug guy.

“You sure you’re okay?” I asked her again as she snuggled into me and inhaled me deeply, her strong pull on my scent loud in the quiet room.

“Holy fuck!” she replied again.

I laughed, “I take that as a yes.”

She nodded against me then peered up at me, her eyes bright under her long lashes. Fuck, this woman was stunning, so bloody beautiful she stopped my heart from beating with just one look.

“Are you okay? It didn’t hurt?” her tone was slightly hesitant and I could read her apprehension.

I pursed my lips and contemplated her words but shook my head, “Not as much as I thought, I enjoyed watching your pleasure more than it hurt to watch you fuck another man.”

She smiled softly, “It’s the same for me, to watch you writhe and moan in ecstasy is just . . . wow, really, no other words.”

I nodded, completely understanding what she was saying. “I love you, Mason.”

“And me, you my little warrior, fuck so much.”

She nuzzled into me, her soft body moulding against my hard one and I sighed contently.

At least my marriage was back to how it should be, Ava was back; I just needed to find the bastard that was slaughtering my girls now and then, maybe, everything else would slip into place.

That was after I had a word with Kade.

Chapter 24


“MORNING” I SAID to Nate as I strolled into his office, my eyes pinned to my phone as I replied to Layla’s text about a night out at the weekend.

When he didn’t reply I looked up and frowned when I found him with his head down on his crossed arms upon the desk.

His soft snores echoed in the still room until his phone shrilled loudly and he jolted upright, his eyes unfocussed and tight as he peered at me.

“You okay, Nate?”

“Humph.” He groaned as he rolled his neck and blinked deeply, trying in vain to clear his bleary eyes.

“What’s up?” I perched on the edge of his desk beside him and placed his usual Starbucks caramel latte in front of him. He immediately clicked the lid off and sipped the hot liquid, his eyes clearing as the caffeine hit his senses.


I nodded with a small roll of my head, encouraging him for more and he scowled. “He and Liv had a huge row, he took off and Liv sent me to search for him. Been up all night fucking hunting.”

“What happened?” I took a sip of my own coffee as I tipped my head in puzzlement. This wasn’t like Jay, but then again I didn’t know what had gone off between them.

Nate sighed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands before he settled back into his chair and groaned. “Liv found him with three girls tied to his bed.”

I squeezed my eyes closed as I fought to hold in the laughter but it erupted in a bark as Nate’s lips twitched.


He smirked and nodded, “Hell, that boy needs a place of his own.”

“He’s hardly a boy, Nate.”

He nodded again, “Still not nice for Liv to find though. I thought she was gonna kill him, started spouting off about respecting women and not in her house.”

“Mmmm, I can understand but still, he’s gotta take it somewhere Nate, she’d be worried if he didn’t have a life.”

“Don’t preach to the choir, Ava. I understand him, hell, I wasn’t innocent but I think the fact that they were tied up had something to do with it.”

I sighed and nodded. Liv’s past still haunted her and the sight must have been hard and brought back bad memories, memories that should have been buried long ago.

“You want me to talk to her?”

He shook his head, “Nah, she’ll get over it and he’ll come back, apologise and things will be right as rain.”

I nodded but couldn’t hold the thought that this might just push Jay out the door and into a place of his own. “He spoke to me about renting somewhere. I asked Mason and he said he’d ask around, I’ll get him to chase it up.”

He smiled and rubbed my thigh, “How are you? Any progress with Mason?”

I twisted my lips and looked away, knowing Nate would go ape when he found out. “Ava?” he questioned with caution.

“I, uhh . . . Well, we’re good.”

He narrowed his eyes with suspicion before he cocked his head and tilted my chin with a swift flick of his finger, “And?”

“And, uhh, well I kinda’ have a new job.”

His eyes widened with panic and I shook my head, “No, I’m staying here; it’s just a night job.”

“Right, doing?” he urged, his face still full of wariness and his eyes questioning.

“I, uhh . . . well I’m now a . . . a Madam.”

His face was blank and confused before his eyes widened and he swallowed harshly. “You . . . you’re . . . you . . . What the hell?”

I beamed at him nervously, trying to get my best friend to chill and understand I was okay doing this but he sort of choked on a swallow and burst into a fit of coughing.

I jumped off the desk and slammed my palm repeatedly on his back, urging the choking to settle but he flustered endlessly, one hand thumping his chest as his other held on to the edge of the desk.

He eventually calmed and glared at me, his eyes furious and his face pale and incensed. “What the fuck, Ava? What the hell is that man playing at?”

A thought occurred to me and I tipped my head with a frown. “Hang on, how do you know what I’m on about? All I said I was going to be a Madam, I didn’t tell you where, but you seem to know it will be for Mason’s place.”

His face paled further and another swallow forced his Adam’s apple rapidly, but this time it wasn’t shock that did it, it was guilt.

“I, uhh . . .”

“You knew . . .” I gasped and his face scrunched with shame. “You bloody knew! What the hell, Nate? How long?”

He frowned, not understanding my question. “How long have you known about Allure and Mason’s involvement?”

He pushed his chair back, the wheels squealing and reminding me to oil them, before he approached the cabinet and pulled out a brown envelope.

I frowned at him as he handed it to me.

He flicked his head at it and I opened the flap and pulled out the contents. My breath stunted as I flopped back onto the edge of the desk for support when my legs wobbled.

“Ava . . .”

Nate was beside me in seconds, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, as I squeezed my eyes closed then reopened them, hoping the images before me vanished.

“What . . . I don’t understand . . .”

“Ava, listen to me.” Nate demanded harshly as he pulled my face around to his stern one. “It isn’t what it looks like. I spoke to him and I believe him when he says it was innocent.”

I shook my head rapidly, my mouth opening and closing as I fought for words. “It . . . it doesn’t look innocent, Nate. It looks like my husband gave somebody a hand in a threesome for fuck’s sake.”

His eyes flickered across my face before he reached in and rested his forehead against mine, “You need to talk to him, Ava. Let him explain, it’s not for me to.”

I scoffed and reared back from him. “You weren’t saying that a . . .”

I snapped my jaw shut when I noticed Kade leaning on the office door, listening to our conversation with narrow eyes.

“Mason at it again, Ava?” he smirked with a slight triumph in his eyes.

My temper snapped and I stalked across the room to him. Pulling my fist back, I belted him square in the jaw with force. He fell backwards, his back slamming on the reception floor as I knelt over him, “That’s for Greg you arsehole.”

His eyes widened as Nate appeared beside me, “What the hell, Ava?”

I scoffed, “So you don’t know everything then, Nate. This fucking twat has been having an affair with Courtney.”

I heard Nate’s deep hiss of air as he stared from me to Kade, then back to me, “What?”

“Just what I said, he’s been fucking Courtney behind Greg’s back.”

Kade pulled himself up off the floor and cracked his jaw back as he glared at me, “This has nothing to do with you, Ava.”

I nodded and pursed my lips, “You weren’t content in just destroying my relationship then? You had to go after my friend and ruin Greg in the process.”

He scoffed and shook his head, his eyes lighting with ire as he came close and thrust his face in front of mine. “You didn’t have anything to do with it then, Ava? You didn’t open your legs in my pool house and beg me to fuck you hard?”

My jaw dropped when Nate’s fist grabbed a handful of Kade’s hair and dragged him along the corridor, “Don’t ever . . .
talk to Ava like that again. Get the fuck out and calm down.”

“Fuck you, Ava!” Kade shouted as Nate continued to pull him.

“You already did, arsehole!” I retorted as my chest heaved with my anger.

I slammed Nate’s office door in temper as Kade’s words and the photos of Mason beat against my brain, the heavy thud reminding me that things were far from sorted between any of us.

“Jesus . . . Fuck.” My fist slammed into the wall, my fury not gratified from hitting Kade. Why did he rile me so much? Why was I even angry at what he was doing?

Because Courtney and Greg . . . and Kade, were my friends, that’s why. Well, that’s what I would continue telling myself anyway.

“Ava, go home and sort this shit out.” Nate urged as he entered back into his office and scowled at me, “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go knocking out all my employees.”

I poked my tongue out at him which caused his lips to twitch, “Jesus, you’re a hard bitch.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “Wouldn’t you be if you lived with Mason?”

He pulled a face of agreement before he scowled at me, “Uhh, where’s my treats?”

I shook my head but smiled, “Top drawer of my desk, just leave me a cheese straw. I haven’t had one yet.”

He grinned widely, “Of course, sweetheart. You know I will.”

I puffed out a deep rush of breath, “Yeah, sure.”

He beamed again with a wink as he picked up his phone and dialled Liv to come and man the phone’s whilst I sorted more shit in my life.

A never-ending pile of the bloody stuff.

Chapter 25


“THIS IS GETTING out of hand, Mase. Some bastard needs to learn to play with their own dick instead of yanking on ours. I am so ready to deliver a message to some cunt; in fact I’m ready to fucking gut the prick.”

I scowled at Greg; he was furious, his face red and tight as his eyes glazed over with his wrath and his teeth clenched tensely.

Girls were leaving left, right and centre and at this rate it would be me, Sam and Greg offering up our bodies to the clients.

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