The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (210 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Hi hun, what’s your name?”

She smiled back warmly, “My real is Rachel, but I’m known as Madam Raquel.”

I nodded before turning to her friend beside her, “And you?”

The small woman about the same age as Rachel had long black hair that was pulled into little pigtails, but it was a harsh contrast against the rest of her. She was covered head to toe in white; white hair bands, white lace top with no bra, her boobs large and visible through the material. Her pert backside was only just covered by the tiny white skirt and her legs were encased in white fish nets stockings as her feet donned a pair of six inch white heels, which I fell in love with. “My name’s Angela, but I’m known as Angel.”

I nodded in confirmation, “Can you both wait in the office for me, please?”

They cast a quick glance at each other but shrugged and nodded before they left me with the other girls in the ‘staff room.’

I perused the décor of the room and grimaced, “Mason, this room is bloody awful.”

He shrugged at me, entirely oblivious with the cheap and tacky feel to the room. “You want high class? Get onto the decorators, I need an overhaul, the girls shouldn’t have to sit in here whilst they relax.” I scolded with a stern gaze.

He nodded to Gabe, passing the order to him and I rolled my eyes before I turned back to the girls. “Right, I hope we’re gonna get along. I’m an easy going person and I’ll support any ideas, problems or grievances you have, and I want you to feel that you can come to me with any problems you have. I know things have been shitty around here for a while, but that’s why I’m here; I won’t put up with smelly men, never mind aggressive ones, so I’ll be doing an overhaul of the client list. If you have any problems with any of your clients, then I want you to let me know. I’m fair but I’ll say this once, cross me and it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

My eyes swept to Olga, who seemed pissed at my presence, her body language tight as her jaw clenched and her teeth ground together with my words.

She didn’t give me any acknowledgement that she had understood my words. I knew she thought she was top dog around here, her fierce and muscly frame made her feel powerful, but then again she didn’t know me, I would knock her down if need be but I wouldn’t put up with the way she looked at my husband. Her eyes practically relayed a porn movie as she stared at him, her hopes of fucking him displayed openly in her eyes.

Mason looked a little uncomfortable, he knew women looked at him like that and I secretly wondered if he’d ever had a thing with this woman, the way she possessively looked at him and her open shock that Mason had a wife had her instantly disliking me.

I unconsciously leant towards my glorious bastard, my possessiveness inclining my body towards what was mine in an open display of ownership.

“I’ll need to see each one of you alone but just keep doing what you normally do, and I need you to put down on here what you want in this room.” I told them as I placed a piece of paper and a pen on the table, “Anything goes, if you need stuff to relax, put it down. If you need stuff to boost your adrenaline, put it down.”

They each smiled and nodded before I turned to Gabe and tilted my head towards the corridor outside, “Can I have a word, Gabe?”

He gave me a warm smiled and nodded as he followed me out. I could hear the girl’s whispers before I even left the room and smiled to myself as most of them approved of me but Olga was already trying to dish the dirt. I shook my head but chuckled as I palmed Mason’s arse when we walked across the room towards the door. He reciprocated and slipped a hand around my hip and pulled me into him, planting a soft kiss in my hair “That seemed to go okay.”

I nodded and eyed Gabe as he hovered beside us in the corridor, “I just wanted to apologise, Gabe, for the last time we met. I was angry and shouldn’t have hurt you; you were just doing your job.”

He shook his head firmly, “That’s no problem, Mrs Fox.”

“Call me Ava, please. What’s the low down on the two girls I sent to my office?”

He pursed his lips and gave me a single nod, “They’re good girls, never seem to complain unless it’s a legitimate problem, always turn up for work. Two of our most loyal girls to be honest.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I got that vibe from them, thank you.”

“What would like me to do first, Ava?” he asked with a gentle smile and eager eyes. His large soft frame was relaxed and at ease with both himself and me. He was naturally comforting, his personality and demeanour seemed to wrap around you and soothe you, knowing that any trust you put in him would be reciprocated tenfold.

“If you could get onto a decorator and make an appointment. Then I need you to rally the security staff for me, I need a word.”

He nodded with a happy wide smile, turned and I watched his huge form slip through another door at the bottom of the hallway. “He’s a good guy” Mason said beside me and I smiled up at him.

“Yeah, I got that. Seems a bit slow but he seems loyal and easy going.”

“Spot on.” Mason praised as he pulled me against him and rested his lips on the crown of my head, “What do you need me to do?”

“Nothing, go sort out what you need to do, I got this.”

He lifted an eyebrow, “You sure you can handle them this early?”

I smirked at him, my lips twisting at the corner as I raised a brow of my own. He laughed, kissed my forehead and cupped both my cheeks, “Love you, baby.”

“And me, you.”

I gave the two women a huge smile as I walked into the office and gestured to the large sofa for them to sit as I sat beside them. The image of the two girls fucking on here jumped into my head and I made a mental note to replace the thing as soon as possible whilst I kept my hands in my lap and away from the leather material of the probably diseased sofa.

“I want to ask a favour,” I said as I cast them both a glance. Rachel nodded as Angela told me to go ahead, “Would it disturb you if I came in whilst you are with a customer and take notes on the room security and set-up whilst you’re entertaining?”

Both shook their heads immediately and replied with a no.

“Thank you. Have either of you noticed anything funny going on around here?”

They both thought it over but shook their heads yet Angela held something in her eyes, a question eager to be voiced and I nodded in encouragement to her.

“Uhh, how long have you been married to Mr Fox?”

“Four years” I told her openly, I needed these women to be open with me so I returned the favour.

“Wow” Rachel breathed, “We had no idea he was even married. I don’t think Rebecca did either” she said with a grimaced warning in her tone.

“Oh, she knew.”

They both exchanged a glance and I smiled at them, “I’m well aware of Rebecca’s relentless push on my husband. Don’t worry, she’s gone . . . for good.”

They both sighed and nodded, “Thank God, hated her, nasty bitch.”

I laughed and nodded, “I’ve called her worse. Is there anything else I need to know, Olga for instance.”

They both flinched and I narrowed my eyes on them, “What?”

“Well she . . . she kinda has a thing for your husband” Rachel divulged and I smiled slyly.

“Yeah, I picked that up. Don’t worry, I can handle Olga.”

Angela cringed, “She’s kind of a . . . big woman, Ava. Offensive cow when she starts.”

“Does she bully you?” I asked bluntly, needing all the information I could get.

“Well, not really but, well she likes to boss everyone around, just took the position of top girl without being allocated it.”

I nodded, knowing this kind of woman. “Don’t worry, she won’t for long. Anything else?”

They both shook their heads as they glanced at each other. “Okay, I’ll be in your rooms in a while. I will check with your clients first, just to make sure they’re okay with a voyeur but I need you to make a list of any of your clients you don’t like, for whatever reason, we’ll get rid.”

They both sighed heavily as if relieved they would no longer have to entertain the smelly gits. “I can’t believe Mason lets anything other than class into his establishment.”

“To be blunt, Ava, it’s not Mr Fox fucking them, he isn’t aware of any

“Well he should.” I answered, thoroughly pissed with Mason for letting these girls deal with anything less than clean; totally unacceptable.

They each laughed and left me to log onto the system, the images from the cameras firing up and I realised only the corridors and reception room were covered, none from the private rooms, or other areas where sex occurred.

This place needed a complete overhaul, safety wise, the security of the girls was the main priority. Anything could happen in those rooms, which had been doing, and nobody would be any the wiser.

A knock sounded on the door and Gabe entered, followed by two sturdy looking men. “Security” he told me and I frowned at him.

“Where are the others?”

“This is the others.”

“What the hell? How many girls work here?” I asked, totally astounded that this was the extent of the protection the girls received.

“Approximately forty—fifty” the short bald guy answered, his expression knowing exactly what was going through my head.

“Mason brought in extra guys when Yvonne . . . died, but they have gone now it has calmed down.”

I nodded and scoffed as I sucked on my lips in thought, “Any of you have friends in this business?”

“A couple, Mrs Fox, but can I be blunt?”

I nodded as I encouraged him. He twisted his lips “Since Ginny died as well . . .”

“What the hell?” I barked as Gabe elbowed him in the ribs in warning. I pointed a finger at Gabe, my annoyance shining through my features as he shrank back a little from me. “
am now your boss Gabe, I need to know every little thing, no matter how big or small, then you make sure I know it. You get me?”

He cringed slightly but nodded as I turned back to the tall guy, “You have anything to say?”

He twisted his lips, his eyes dark and condemning as he glared at me, “Or even a problem with me?” I added as I regarded his hatred.

“Nope.” The simple word was laced with vehemence and I tilted my head in question at him.

“You have a problem, then let’s deal with it . . .” I paused, requesting his name but his eyes narrowed further.

“Carl, but what I don’t seem to comprehend is where you have been for the last god knows how many years then you turn up, barking orders at people, causing turmoil with the girls and condemning how Mr Fox works, he aint gonna be pleased you’re belittling him in front of his staff.”

I couldn’t hold back the bark of laughter at his disapproval of me, completely without warrant as he didn’t know me, but then again, I didn’t know him so I held back and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

“Carl, let’s get one thing straight,” I stood up and walked round the desk to him as he stood firm, his glare piercing straight through me. I could tell he was an alpha male the way he held himself and his little regard for other people’s opinions and feelings. To him, his wants came first, foremost and above all.

He squared up to me and hell, if that didn’t fucking irritate the fuck out of me, obnoxious prick. He was a six foot something giant, whereas I was a five foot two little woman. His utter abhorrence with women shone through in his expression and I knew I needed to bring him down a peg or two. Working with women and hating them was a recipe for disaster.

“I’ll be telling Mason exactly how shit this establishment is run. I’ll be telling him how disrespectful he has been to his girls. I will be telling him how utter bullshit his security is and I’ll be sure to tell him how fucking stupid he has been. You understand me, Carl? Because unlike you, I’m not afraid of Mason. He hurts me; I hurt him right fucking back, harder. I will
having him disrespecting these girls the way he has been doing and I will
have any—
staff look at me like I just stepped off the shit train with twat written on my forehead.
run this place from now on Carl, and if you don’t like that, then you can take your hateful opinions and your deep-seated anger out of
fucking door. Understood?”

To say the man was security, he was a complete knob when it came to defence. Within seconds of my lecture he had grabbed my neck and slammed me up against the wall, my face squashed into the peeling yellowing wallpaper. What he didn’t realise was, it was me . . .

Within another second, he found my elbow wedged between his top two ribs, my five inch heel embedded in his shin bone and the back of my skull bouncing off his nose.

He was down before I took my next breath, before either Gabe or shorty were on us and before the stupid prick could blink.

“Holy Shit!” Shorty spat as Gabe rumbled out a little chuckle.

“Could have told you not to rile her Carl, but it was more fun watching you learn the hard way.”

“You fucking bitch” Carl grumbled as he pulled himself from the floor.

“I could have told you that if you’d even bothered to ask, now get out arsehole.” I gave him a warning glare as he yanked open the door and banged it so hard one of the hinges screamed in pain, before it rattled in the frame and shook the room with vibrations.

I turned to Gabe and Shorty and smiled softly as I refixed my hair in the manky mirror fixed to the wall, the scum and a crack that ran through the middle of it had me peering into the tiny intact corner at myself. “That doesn’t happen often but I need you to be aware I can look after myself. Your priority is the girls.”

I picked up the phone and dialled Layla as the men left, gently pulling the door closed behind them to stop the thing falling off the wall after its mistreatment.

“Hey, love.” I could read her smile through the phone and it brought my own forward. Layla, Mason’s best friend, was as tough as they came. She wasn’t the strongest physically, but her determination, her inner force and her potency to enjoy life always came through in her voice and the tone calmed me immediately. I loved this girl as much as Mason did.

“Hey hun, Is that gorgeous hunk of yours around for a word?”

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