The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (230 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Liam hissed in my ear and I pulled the pendant to my mouth so I could remain almost silent.

“Top level, left hallway door.”




I sighed and willed the man to shut up as I opened the door a sliver and studied the silver plate on the rear of the door, checking for any flash of movement. “I repeat, negative . . . sir!”

My eyes caught the sudden movement and I backed away, leaving the door resting against the frame as I bent my knees slightly and lifted the Beretta to stomach level.

I bit my lip and cursed under my breath as my arms were hauled back and hooked into two strong biceps as my gun fell to the floor. How the hell had I not heard him? My senses were off and I massacred my inner self for my stupidity.

The door before me opened and Ivan grinned at me with yellowing teeth.

Fuck! Liam would go ape-shit!

Ivan tutted mockingly as he took a step into me, his piercing blue eyes laughing delightedly as his Russian accent broke up his English. “Well, well, long time no see, Miss Beaumont.”

I smirked at him as I astutely stiffened my body faintly, easing into a more comfortable position without alerting the goon behind me to my new stance. “On the contrary Mr Blinov, I’ve been watching you for weeks. If I’d have been aware you were missing me so significantly I would have come and said hello.” I smiled sweetly as I twitched my thigh, shifting my garter slightly further down my thigh as I marginally bent my knees more.

“Oh that is such shame; we would have had more time to . . .” He flapped his hands around as if trying to find the word he needed before his eyes sharpened and he continued, “ . . . catch up, but unfortunately I am in rather rush at now and am lacking enough time for your attention.”

I shook my head, clearing his bad English grammar from my head as I flicked my eyes to the floor to measure the distance he was from me.

Maybe another ten inch.

“That is such a shame Ivan; we could have traded enigmas over tea and cakes.”

His head flicked backwards as he bellowed with a huge Russian laugh and stamped his foot exaggeratedly, “So very British, Miss Beaumont.”

The stupid twat behind me laughed with him and I rolled my eyes.

Come on dickshit, another three inch.

Ivan sighed heavily as he bent to pick up my gun and studied it, “Very nice. Favourite of yours?”

“Absolutely not,” I smirked. “I prefer a more hands on approach.”

He shrugged and pursed his lips, “Would you like me . . . be more
hands on?


“I would relish that, Ivan. I always thought we should have had a closer relationship.”

He smirked and took the extra step I needed.

Good boy!

Using the goon behind me, I used his arm brace to support my upper body as I pushed back on him and used him as a makeshift bounce board, kicking up my legs and ricocheting off Ivan’s chest, allowing me to flip backwards over goons head and have him in a headlock before he realised what was happening. Unsheathing my knife from my garter I threw it and impaled Ivan straight through his right eye, penetrating his brain exactly where I needed it to eradicate him swiftly before I twisted the goon’s head round sharply and snapped his neck.

“You . . . Fuck, Beaumont, just . . . fuck!” Liam was livid as him and three of my colleagues charged through the stairwell door and quickly started to assess the carnage, as I slid my knife from Ivan’s eyes socket.

“Thanks for the assistance!” I scowled as I rolled my shoulders and cracked them back into place whilst Harry smirked at me.

“What was it you said to Liam, Grace?
Negative, sir.”
He mimicked with a smug laugh.

I poked my tongue out as I dropped my knife into the clear evidence bag Jamal was holding open to me. “Remember who it belongs to” I warned as he rubbed my shoulder and leaned into me.

“Good work, Grace.”

“At least someone appreciates my proficiency, Jamal, thank you.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Beaumont. This is a bloodbath. How the hell am I supposed to explain a double assassination to the committee? They’ll presume you’ve gone gung ho
which looking at the mess you’ve made, I would have a tendency to agree with them.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes as Jamal shot me a worried glance. “Liam, what did you want me to do? Risk, one . . .” I gestured as I counted off on my fingers, “ . . . let them go again after eight bloody months of surveillance? Two, let them end me, although that might have actually brought a smile to your face.” He narrowed his eyes in a fierce glare but the day had been an epic arse and my temper was frayed with Liam, the job and just about everything in my sorry excuse of an existence, because it certainly wasn’t a life. “And three, which would have me preferring the second option, just as you do, would be for them to take out Alain?”

Liam Thornton, the head of MI5, my boss and sometimes a right royal pain in the arse was both a fierce superior and a supportive substitute father. He had been there for me since my fourteenth birthday, the day mine and my younger brother Marcus’s lives had changed forever. I loved him but he aggravated the god damn hell out of me.

“Back up, Beaumont! You should have bloody waited for us.”

“My name is Grace, Liam, and whilst I waited for you lot to trot up the stairs like teenage girls at a One Direction concert, I neutralized the threat.”

I could feel the anger radiating off him as his face reddened and the air in the room stilled as the others gawped at my insubordination but tried to appear uninterested in our exchange.

His chest heaved and his jaw clenched when he took a step towards me. “Because I know what today is for you
I’ll not haul your ass so hard you’ll feel the backlash for a damn year, but for your benefit I’m ordering you to go the fuck home.” He snarled at me before he took a backward step and locked me down in his turbulent gaze, “My office, seven AM for debrief.”

I sucked air through my teeth and shook my head sadly as I made my way towards the stairs, picking up my gun before I turned back to him, “You know, Liam, once in a while you might find that a thank you and well done Grace, rolls off the tongue nicely.”

He scoffed but then sighed, “Go home, Beaumont.”

I nodded sadly before I descended the stairs and retrieved my shoes on the way out; the soft pull of home, beer and a hot bath the only things stopping me from visiting the gym to pound out my frustration. Oh, and Brady; a night of hard fucking with Brady worked too.

* * *

I frowned at the car parked on the road outside our house, my eyes and ears on high alert as I scanned the vicinity looking for anything out of the ordinary as I slid my hand inside my bag and palmed my gun. My job made it instinctive to query any unfamiliar change in setting or regularity and I was still conscious of my surroundings as I opened the front door and came to an abrupt halt at the sight of my boyfriend fucking my best friend on our spiral staircase.

Epic day!

Another memorable moment to celebrate my birthday every year with.

They didn’t hear me, just carried on screwing as I stood there, the front door open and surely blowing a breeze over their bare arses as Bella’s long black hair flicked over Brady’s face and caused him to scrunch up his nose.

And still, they continued; Bella bouncing briskly on Brady’s lap as he buried his face in her chest, trying to capture one of her nipples in his mouth as they bobbed up and down in perfect rhythm to their fucking whilst his hands attempted to grab her hair and shift it from his face.

I smiled at my friend as I lifted him and shot a hole through the step above their heads.

Brady jumped so high, he bucked Bella off his cock and she bumped the four steps to the ground on her backside.

“Grace?” Brady shot upright and covered his dick with his hands. Why, I have no idea, it wasn’t like it was anything new, unless Bella had super powers and his knob was now glowing luminous yellow.

“Yup!” I said calmly as I lifted my piece again and aimed it as his groin. The temptation was overwhelming and if wasn’t for the fact that I was already in the dog house with the boss, I’d have shot the bastard’s cock into China.

“Grace, listen . . .” he tried desperately but I flicked my gun and fired a bullet just off his foot. He skipped sideways and glared at me, “Fuck, you mad bitch . . .”

“Seriously, Brady! My birthday?”

He sighed and had the decency to look contrite as Bella tried to pick herself up. A simple shot into the wall beside her head halted the treacherous bitch from going anywhere.

“Grace! Stop!” Brady grumbled as he slipped into his boxers and swiped his jeans off the bottom step.

My jaw dropped with his order and I scoffed, “Stop what, Brady? Are you telling me I shouldn’t be angry that my boyfriend and my best friend have been fucking behind my back? Or should I not be angry about the fact that’s it’s my god damn birthday and you know what that shit means to me?”

He took a step into me and made for my hand but I pulled away and glared at him, “Get your stuff together and go.”


He actually looked stunned and I peered at him in disbelief, “What, what?”

“You honestly want me to leave?” He asked as he demanded my hand and grabbed it forcefully this time.

I frowned at him, the shock of his reaction numbing my anger slightly as I yanked my hand back, “What the fuck are you on, Brady. Have you been smoking again?”

“Grace, stop with the nervous humour. I love you, you know I do.”

I glanced between him and Bella, frowning at her also as she sat with her knees against her chest and her back resting on the wall as she studied our interaction.

“Well okay then,” I sighed and smiled before I started to strip out of my dress. I reached for the zip and slowly lowered it, keeping my eyes on Brady’s confused ones as it dropped to the floor and left me in my knickers, bra and garter.

“What are you doing?” he asked as he flicked a glance over my body then across to Bella, who just shrugged and eyed my tits.

“Well, you say you love me so that makes cheating okay, so let’s all just fuck each other seems as though we’re all friends. After the day I’ve had, I need a good fuck.”

His eyes lit up and the smuggest of smiles erupted on his handsome face. “Shit babe, if I’d have known you was into kink I’d have pleasured your fantasy earlier.”

“Oh, this isn’t my fantasy, Brady.”

He frowned and blinked at me, “What is then?”

I pursed my lips as if deliberating his question before I cocked my head and smiled. “Well let’s see. I would love to take your hard cock and slide my lips around it, flicking my tongue over your slit and devouring your unique taste before taking more of you and deep throating you as I slide my nails over your balls.”

His breathing became irregular as I placed my hand over his hard dick and ran my nails over the material of his shorts as I leaned into him, nuzzling my nose under his ear and tickling his slightly sweaty skin with the tip of my tongue. “Then I’d bite down hard enough to make sure you never had the opportunity to fuck anyone else.”

He gasped as I squeezed his balls, my nails digging into his sac painfully, triggering a slight whimper from him, “Now pack your stuff and get the fuck out!”

He sighed, the expression of defeat now covering his face as he nodded with regret. Whatever, I was too exhausted to care really.

“For what it’s worth Grace, I am sorry.”

I shrugged as I looked at the pair of them, “Yeah, just don’t ask to remain friends.”

He mumbled something in reply but I wasn’t really listening as I climbed the stairs, removed my underwear and stepped into the shower. I remained there until they both left, then I sank down the wall and sighed. I refused to cry, I hadn’t cried since that day seventeen years ago. The day of my fourteenth birthday and the day some sick fucker decided to blast a hole in each of my parent’s heads.

Chapter Three


MY HAND MOVED slowly up and down my shaft as I watched Heather caress her tits, her small palms rolling over her erect nipples as she held my gaze, her eyes dark and heavy as her arousal structured every single one of her actions.

Connor came behind her, sweeping her long blond hair to one side as he mouthed the clammy skin behind her ear and slid his arms around her flat stomach, “Show him Heather. Show Kade how hot you are for him.”

Her chest heaved with Connor’s words, her tongue sneaking out to lick her lips as a small smirk stole my expression and I squeezed my dick a little tighter. “Are you hot for me, Heather?”

She nodded, unable to find her voice when Connor cupped her pussy and ran his teeth across her shoulder blade.

“I can’t hear you, sweetheart. I asked if you were hot for me.”

“Yes!” She breathed as she slipped her head back and rested it against Connor’s shoulder.

I shuffled back and supported my back on the headboard as Connor urged Heather’s legs wider. My eyes dropped from hers to watch his fingers slide in and out of her pussy, the soft sound of her wetness teasing my arousal and pumping extra blood to my cock.

The images were back, each sordid picture shooting across my mind and causing the customary tightness to stifle my breath but I grit my teeth, refusing to accept them as I forced my eyes back up to Heather’s and watched the pleasure shift across her features.

“My cock, Heather, suck it!”

Her pupils widened with my demand but that just made me harder. She was unaware how Connor and I liked to play but she would, fuck she would. Soon.

She shifted and dropped her hands to the mattress each side of my calves before she started to crawl towards me, her deep green eyes boring through me.

Memories of another pair of stunning green eyes assaulted me and I pulled heavily on the air around me, dragging it deep and closing my eyes as the faint trembling started.

“Suck—my—cock, now!” I ordered as I fought the pain that was starting to envelope me again. A-fucking-gain! When would it ever end?

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