The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (49 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I am so sorry. I wanted to talk to you first but I didn’t think you would ever open up and I need to know everything about you, Baby. I love you and I want to help you through it. I want to take away your pain but I can’t do that unless I know what your sorrow is.

Please, talk to me. I can’t describe in a letter how much you mean to me, how much I want to mend your broken heart and fill it with happiness.

I understand now, I know why you hide behind a mask, why you won’t let me in but I want you to trust me Ava, I need you to trust me.

Once again, I am sorry for how I have done it behind your back but I won’t apologise for the way I love you and the overwhelming desire to comfort you and make you happy. I love you Ava.


I cried at his words but couldn’t find it in myself to forgive him, so I refused to ring him or see him and went to pack my case for the morning.

* * *

At 7 O’clock I entered the restaurant and informed the maître d who I was with and he led me over to Brian and Brenda’s table. They both stood and kissed my cheek, ushering me into a chair as the waiter handed us some menus.

“How are you, Ava?” Brenda’s first words were accompanied with huge smile on her face.

“I really apologise for not being able to attend on Saturday but I’m flying out tomorrow to see George.”

She frowned but nodded, “I didn’t ask why you weren’t joining us dear, I asked how you were.” She raised her eyebrows; her ability to read me was uncanny.

I smiled slightly and perused the menu. “I’m good,” I lied, not lifting my eyes to hers.

“No you’re not,” she stated and I bit my lip, sighing.

“I just need a break, Brenda.” I shrugged and this time she nodded in understanding.

“I gather the arse has been his usual shameless self.” She winked and placed her order with the waiter when he approached.

As I finished telling him what I wanted my phone rang. “Excuse me” I said as I retrieved it from my bag.


I quickly declined the call and popped it bag in my bag.

I grit my teeth when it rang again. Brian and Brenda looked at me quizzically as I declined it again.

I couldn’t switch it off because I was waiting on a call from Courtney about our departure tomorrow. The bloody thing refused to stop ringing and I reluctantly answered, not wanting to look uncomfortable all night as it rang constantly.

“Excuse me, again.” I stood and walked over to a large window and answered. “What!” I hissed.

“Ava. I’m so glad you answered,” he stated happily, his excitement riling me.

“What do you want Mason?” I snapped.

I heard him inhale sharply. “I want to talk to you, Ava!”

“Well I don’t want to talk to you,” I ground out, trying to bate my anger. “I’m in the middle of an engagement and your incessant ringing is making me look rude,” I spat.

I heard him growl. “Who are you with, Ava?” His voice was low and sharp.

I scoffed. “None of your damn business.” I could sense his anger rising.

“I will ask again. Who—Are—You—With?” He spat out each word. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

“What the hell, Mason? I’m with Brian and Brenda. Not that it is any of your concern. I must say I’m surprised you haven’t slipped into Rebecca in my absence.”

I could hear his heavy breathing and the snarl that rumbled in his throat. “Ava!” he warned, his voice low and rough.

“Not that it’s any of my business now who you fuck.” I closed my eyes as the picture of them both ripped at me.

The tears came quickly and I rapidly tried to blink them away. “God damn it, Ava!” he growled and then he sighed. “Let me come over tonight and we’ll talk,” he asked gently.

I wiped at my eyes, trying to turn my back to Brian and Brenda. “No Mason. I’m leaving for Portugal tomorrow. Please don’t contact me again,” I sobbed and ended the call as I heard him shout my name.

Rushing to the restrooms I clung to the vanity, desperately splashing my face with water before I went back out.

Why had I let him in? I knew he would break me but my stupid hormones and emotions betrayed my head and flung themselves all the way in, way too deeply.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. “Come on Ava, push it back and start again,” I encouraged myself.

Rolling my neck and pushing my shoulders back, I returned to my hosts. As I was walking over to the table I could see Brian having a heated conversation into his phone.

“No, I’m not telling you. Just leave her be,” he snarled.

As I slid into my seat Brenda slipped her hand in mine. “You okay, darling?” she asked, her expression full of sympathy and I nodded and faked a happy smile.

“For fucks sake Mason, I said no!” he tried again and I groaned. He glanced at me and I mouthed sorry but he winked and shook his head. “Well do it then, I don’t care.” He sighed and ended the call.

He coughed and picked up his cutlery. “Sorry about that,” he said and grinned. “Doesn’t know how to take no for an answer that man.” He smiled warmly at me and cut into his steak.

“What’s happened, darling?” Brenda probed and I gripped my fork.

“He just broke my trust, that’s all,” I said and left it at that.

Both Brian and I received another call each from Mason but neither of us answered and at 11pm we hugged and said our goodbyes.

I promised to ring as soon as I landed in Portugal. “Ava, have a few days holiday before you decide anything. I know he’s a bastard but he does love you,” Brian said as he took my hand. “I’m not apologising for whatever he’s done but I’ve never known him to be like this.”

I nodded and promised I wouldn’t make any rash decisions as I climbed in a taxi and headed home.


COURTNEY AND I landed at Faro airport the next morning to be greeted by hot sun and George.

As soon as I saw him, I dropped my case and ran into his open arms. “Ava,” he laughed. “Princess, I missed you so much.” We both hugged each other tight for a long while. “Come on, let’s get you both back.” He grinned and winked at Courtney as he gave her a hug. “And how are you Sweetheart?” he asked her.

“I’m good, George, looking after Ava for you.” He smiled warmly and thanked her as we both climbed into his waiting car.

* * *

We approached his new home, a large villa on a cliff’s edge and we both gasped. “George, it’s stunning,” I breathed as I exited the car and went straight over to the cliff to admire the view. The panoramic vista was heaven itself and I already felt my tension easing. I took a deep breath, inhaling the pure air as I stood looking at the clear, blue water below.

Courtney had gone in to find the toilet and I felt George’s arms wrap around my shoulders. I sighed and snuggled into the comfort of him.

“What’s he done, Ava?” he asked gently, his chin resting on my head as we both started out to the horizon.

I sighed heavily. “We got close and he broke my trust,” I disclosed honestly, the only man I had ever been able to be open with.

I felt him sigh and nod. “I did worry about how he would react to you. You are beautiful and that man can seduce a nun.”

We both laughed at his words. “But to be honest Ava, I thought if you were ready for a relationship, then he would be just the man to break through. I didn’t expect you to fall for him though. I’m sorry.”

I shrugged. “Oh George, it’s not your fault. He wanted me to open up to him and I wasn’t ready, so he went behind my back and pulled all the stops till he found every single piece of information about me.”

A tear fell and George spun me round and pulled me close. “Oh Princess, I’m sorry. He rang me a few days ago wanting to know what had happened that night and I refused to tell him, I told him you would tell him in your own time but . . . I guess he couldn’t wait.” He stroked my hair and held me while I wept.

“He told me he loved me, George.”

He pulled back as his gaze scrutinised me. “Mason told you he loved you?” he asked, shocked and I nodded.

“I love him too, that’s why it hurts so much that he betrayed me.”

George shook his head and looked astounded, “Wow, I mean I know the man can work some magic but he’s usually the kind to fuck ’em and fuck off.” He winked when I laughed. “I just thought that’s what you needed, sweetheart. If I’d have known this would happen I wouldn’t have pushed you two together,” he said sadly.

I pulled out of his arms. “Hey, I’m here to have fun. No more mention of Mason for the few days I’m here to spend with you.”

He nodded and grinned as he stroked my hair gently, his parental comfort soothing me immediately. “I have to ring Brian to let him know I’ve arrived. I’ll be in a mo. Get the kettle on.” I winked. He smiled happily and disappeared in the house.

“Hello?” Brian’s voice came through as the call connected.

“Hi Brian, I’m just letting you know I’ve arrived safely.”

He was quiet and I heard a door close. “Ava” he breathed wearily down the phone.

“Brian, what’s wrong?” I asked; worry surging forward at the sound of his voice.

“Everything’s fine, sweetheart. Brenda’s just had a bit of an accident so we are in the hospital at the moment.”

I gasped. “Brian what happened?”

He sighed again and I could picture him running his hands through his hair. “She’s fine. She slipped and twisted her ankle but we have been here all night so I’m just a bit tired.”

I exhaled heavily. “Oh thank god. How is she?” I asked, full of concern for the woman I had only just met but cared for deeply.

“She’s okay. We’ve had to cancel my party until next weekend, much to her displeasure but . . . you know, she’s my priority . . .” He drifted off and spoke to somebody in the background. “Ava, I have to go but you take care and enjoy your few days with George. Give him our regards.”

I smiled, “I will Brian. You give Brenda a hug and kiss from me.”

I was just about to disconnect when Brian shouted me back. “I didn’t want to say anything Ava but . . . but well I just thought you should know.”

I frowned, “Know what, Brian?”

He gulped, “Well . . . uhh, well I didn’t want to tell you but Brenda says I must . . .”

I held my breath, “Brian please, just tell me.”

He sighed and then carried on, “Okay I’m just gonna say it. We went to the club when you left last night and Mason was there.” I stood silent, closing my eyes; my stomach clenching as I knew what was coming. “Well he was really drunk, Ava.”

He was having trouble and I encouraged him. “And he was there with Rebecca,” I finished for him.

He sighed heavily, “Yes.”

I swallowed back the nausea. “Did he leave with her Brian?” My heart had stopped as I waited for his reply. “Brian?” I urged but already knew the answer.

“Yes,” he whispered and I let out a sob. “Jesus Christ, I’m gonna kill him.”

“No Brian. It’s okay, I expected it.”

I heard him gulp. “I’m so sorry, Ava. He was drunk and high. I don’t think he even knew who he was, never mind who she was. He had a right go at me for not letting on where we were last night. He looked broken, sweetheart.”

I gulped back the tears and told him not to worry I would be fine and ended the call.

I sat on the cliff edge for a long while until George came out. He took one look at me and carried me in, gently placing me on the sofa then disappeared in to a different room.

Courtney hugged me tightly, her softness enveloping me comfortingly. “What’s he done now, babe?” she asked gently, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

“He left the club with Rebecca last night,” I told her. I could hear her knuckles crack violently as she clenched her fist.

I heard George shouting and swearing in the other room. “I will personally see you rot in hell for this, you’ve broken her you fucking cunt.”

I had never heard him so angry and I cringed at his words but opened the door to the room he was in, walked over to him, took his phone and disconnected the call.

“George, I’m okay. I promise” I smiled at him through my tears and cupped his caring face. “I will get through it. He helped me move on in a way and for that I am grateful,” I said softly. His expression softened but he looked puzzled so I carried on.

“George. You know what happened and I never thought I would be able to go with a man ever again, but Mason pushed me through that barrier and took down those walls and I enjoyed it, I never thought I would but I did.” I cocked my head and realised the truth of my words. “And for that I’m indebted to him, he was patient and gentle with me when I needed it.”

He nodded and sighed. “I just laid into him and he never uttered a word, he just took it Ava. That’s not something I expected from him. He eventually just kept saying how sorry he was.” He laughed bitterly.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed, “Come on let’s have that drink and you can take me exploring.” I grinned in excitement and he pulled me into his side.

“You are gonna love it here and the Portuguese are gonna love you, Ava. Let’s see if we can hook you up with a hot bloke” he winked and grinned.

* * *

We spent the next few days, sight-seeing, nightclubbing and just relaxing on the beach. I returned back to the UK on Monday, refreshed and relaxed.

George had taken it on himself to make sure we had a good time and true to his word, Courtney and I had loved every minute, but duty called and I needed to find a new job.

I visited Brenda as soon as soon we returned and hugged her tightly. “Brenda, how are you?”

She waved me off. “I’m fine, it’s just a sprain, dear. More importantly how are you?”

I smiled warmly, “I’m fine Brenda. I’m made of steel.” I winked but I had the feeling she could see straight through me, but she didn’t ask again and we chatted for a while.

“The party is rescheduled for this Saturday and don’t give me any excuses, you are like family and I want you there” she informed me firmly and I smiled and nodded. I would go through the pain of seeing Mason for Brenda, her friendship meant a lot to me.

I left a short while after and returned to my little cottage. As soon as I entered I sighed as I smelt the familiarity of my home.

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