The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (90 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Ava please,” he begged but I shook my head at him.

“Why do you insist on constantly draining me fucking dry Mason? Just go!” I yelled at him.

He stood still, his sad eyes on me. “Ava I . . .” he whispered.

I stared at him, my eyebrows hitting my hairline. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on, Mason?”

He lowered his eyes.

“I know Rebecca’s baby isn’t yours.” His eyes snapped to mine. I shook my head sadly at him. “She must be worth something if you are willing to throw away what we had.” I bit my bottom lip, holding back more bloody tears; I was surprised I had any left after the last few months.

He narrowed his eyes on me. “You think I want this, Ava? You think I would just throw our love away for nothing?”

“Then fucking talk to me Mason, tell me what is going on!” I insisted angrily.

“I can’t, Ava.” He shook his head furiously and I cocked my head to him.

“I know it’s something to do with Dean and Mark,” I disclosed quietly.

His eyes widened in shock. “How the . . . ?” He gaped at me and I raised my eyebrows. His brow furrowed deeply and his fist clenched. I could tell he was struggling with himself about telling me but he looked at me desolately. “Don’t get involved with this, Ava.”

“Oh for fucks sake, just go.” I sighed heavily and slumped into a chair.

He stepped forwards and crouched in front of me. His hand settled on my stomach as his other hand rested on my thigh. “Ava, listen to me,” he pleaded and I looked at him. “I love you more than anything ever. I always will Baby but some things are . . .” He scrubbed at his face. “I have to do this to keep you safe.”

I frowned at him. “I don’t understand, Mason.”

His palm rested against my cheek and his eyes bore into mine, begging for understanding and forgiveness. “It doesn’t matter what you understand Ava, you just need to know that I am doing this for you, not for anything else but you, because you are my world Ava, you and the peanuts.” He tipped his head and smiled sadly. “I . . . I . . . have to hurt you to protect you, Ava.”

A tear formed in the corner of his eye and I caught it on my finger. “Mason, I would go through anything for you, you know that.” I held his gaze, wanting him to know the truth of my words.

“I know that my little warrior.” He gave me a faint proud smile. “But I have to do this.” He sighed and stood up, straightening his shoulders and preparing us for separation again.

“What was the message Ava?” he asked, almost cold now.

I stared at him for a moment begging him to change his mind but I could see the haze cloud his eyes and I knew I had lost him. “Mr Delaney is still fucking waiting,” I told him. I saw his jaw clench and his fists tighten. He nodded once, gently kissed my forehead and left . . . again.

I sat in silence for the rest of the night and finished the bottle of wine, feeling thoroughly guilty and begging forgiveness from my babies for my lack of willpower and climbed into bed, knowing my head would be swirling with Mason’s cryptic words.

I knew he was doing this to protect me, but protect me from what and it must be pretty damn huge if he was willing to give his children up for it.

I have to hurt you to protect
you.’ What the hell did he mean by that?

I was hurting badly and I would give anything to stop the pain and heartache in both of us. All I knew is it had something to do with Rebecca, Rebecca’s father, Dean and Mark and a faint instinct inside me told me it was to do with the night I shot Dean.

Mr Delaney is still fucking waiting’
. . . Waiting for what? Mason was mad at the message but hadn’t divulged any information about it, in fact he hadn’t divulged much about anything.

“God damn it, Mason,” I growled into the darkness. I didn’t have a clue what was going on but I was damn sure I was going to find out, even if it killed me.


I WAS SAT beside Nate in his Ferrari on our way to ‘La Roche’ for our business lunch. I wasn’t relishing the thought of going back there, the last time I ate there Mason and I had argued and separated.

“You know the Commissioner?” I threw at Nate out of the blue. He glanced at me with a curious look and shrugged.

“Not really, why?”

I turned to look out of the window. “No reason” I murmured.

“Is it something to do with Rebecca?” Nate asked.

What a clever boy!

I shrugged again. Nate placed his hand over mine. “Ava, sweetheart you have to let him go,” he said softly. I pursed my lips but I nodded. We were silent for a while.

“Kade seems pretty hung up on you,” he said slyly and I turned and stared at him.

“I already knew that thank you.”

He chuckled. “All I’m saying Ava is perhaps it’s time to move on.” He cringed slightly, aware that I could blow at any time but I sighed.

“Maybe,” I resigned and he smiled happily.

“Good girl. Here we are.”

We pulled up in front of La Roche and a valet opened my door. I climbed out as best as I could in my shift dress and high heels. My stomach seemed to grow more each morning and I was silently starting to be a little apprehensive how big I would be by the time I was full term.

I was a little nervous as this was my first business meeting with Nate but I just concentrated on the food and a huge smile erupted on my face.

“You’re thinking of the food aren’t you, Ava?” Nate snickered. I nodded, smiling fiercely. He laughed and flung his head back. “Well let’s hope our guest appreciates a woman with a hearty appetite then we’ll have him eating out of the palms of our hands.” He winked and escorted me into the restaurant.

He advised the maître d who we were partied with and we were led to our table. Our client was already seated.

A late middle aged man with deep brown eyes and the blackest hair I have ever seen stood as we approached. “Iain,” Nate greeted and turned to me, “Ava, this is Iain Scott, Iain this is Ava Stone, my assistant.”

I smiled warmly. “Mr Scott, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir.” I received a leer at my breasts. I saw Nate stiffen and flick his eyes in my direction.

“Well, well, how lovely,” he smirked, still looking at my chest. I ground my teeth but smiled sweetly at Nate as he grimaced at me.

“Would you like to sit Iain?” Nate encouraged. His eyes then swept to my face and he gave me a lewd grin as his tongue swept over his lips. I could feel Nate’s embarrassment radiating from him.

“What can I get you to drink, Iain?” Nate asked him, desperate to get his attention.

Iain finally seemed to snap out of it. “Scotch, no rocks,” he said bluntly and I widened my eyes slightly at Nate, astounded at this mans arrogance.

Nate signalled the waiter over and placed his order. “Ava?” he asked.

“Cranberry and soda, please.”

“What kind of drink is that?” Iain boomed at me and I jumped in surprise at the level of his voice.

Wow he was very loud and we were already starting to get some frustrated looks from other diners. I wondered how much he’d had to drink already and Nate frowned slightly, obviously wondering the same thing as the waiter handed me a menu. I was glad to be able to divert my attention to something other than Iain. This was going to be a very long lunch.

Nate and Iain started talking business and I listened as I drooled over the menu.

The waiter returned with our drinks and asked for our food order. Iain ordered ‘Steak! Charred!’ on a fierce demand and I shrank slightly in embarrassment at his rudeness to the young waiter.

I smiled and winked to the poor boy. He secretly rolled his eyes at me and winked back. Nate ordered a steak as well and then it was my turn. I beamed at the waiter. “Ready? Boss is paying so I’m going for it,” I giggled excitedly. The waiter chuckled and Nate groaned. “I’ll take a Belgian endive salad, a seared chicken Veronique with a side order of sautéed vegetables and mixed leaf salad and fries . . . Oh and some garlic mushrooms please.” The waiter was frantically scribbling it all down with wide eyes, in shock or horror I have no idea.

“Fucking Hell, woman! You don’t need any more weight on those hips of yours. They are already a bit fucking hefty,” Iain thundered. Everybody’s eyes in the restaurant dropped to my hips.

My mouth dropped open and my bottom lip quivered. Nate seemed mortified and stared at Iain but the arrogant pig didn’t seem to notice his rudeness, or he didn’t care.

“Oh. Mr Scott, I am pregnant with twins Sir. I think I can get away with it,” I stammered.

“Nonsense woman, you’ll never remove the weight from
hips, I bet your thighs are a bit on the stocky side too,” he divulged. I felt Nate’s hand settle on my knee under the table and squeeze.

I swallowed away the rude retort that was dying to slip from my lips. Nate winked at me and I concentrated on the food that would soon be coming my way.

Nate dived back into the business dealings to take away the attention away from me and my hefty hips and thighs and I scanned the restaurant.

I froze when my eyes found Mason’s. What the hell? He was sat with Rebecca and a man I presumed to be Rebecca’s father. He looked mortified when I spotted him. He quickly diverted his eyes when Mr Delaney said something to him and I looked away.

“So, Miss Stone,” Iain’s booming voice snapped me from my reverie. “Are you seriously going to eat all that?” he asked loudly as the waiter placed the dishes in front of me.

Well it’s either that or I’m gonna slam them in your face

Everybody in the room was staring at me. I knew they couldn’t see my baby bump under the table and just thought I was greedy. I bit my tongue and smiled sweetly. “I am, and I’m going to enjoy it, Sir,” I retorted cheerily. He scoffed.

I could see Nate was getting pissed off now and I smiled at him, shaking my head slightly. “How old are you Miss Stone?” He asked.

How bloody rude!

“Twenty two, Sir.”

He spluttered. “Twenty two and you’re already pregnant with fucking twins! It’s a bit young isn’t it?” he informed the whole restaurant.

“I don’t really think so, Mr Scott.” I shrank back, now only nibbling on my food. The stupid man had made me lose my appetite and now I was getting annoyed with him.

“Was it a planned pregnancy?”

I was stunned by his questions, they were getting rather personal and we had the whole attention of the room now. I knew Mason would be getting rather infuriated at this man but I also knew that Rebecca and her father would have now spotted me due to this man’s bloody foghorn mouth.

“Yes, Sir.” I squirmed.

He scoffed mockingly. “I seriously doubt that, a woman of your calibre!” he shouted.

Nate’s chest heaved.

“Excuse me?” I asked, seriously affronted and trying to calm myself down. This was an important contract for Nate and I didn’t want to lose it by knocking this awful man down a peg or two.

“Well, I doubt at your age that you planned for a pregnancy. Are you in a relationship with the father?” he asked pompously.

Oh hell!

“Well . . . not at the moment, Sir.” I cringed. The whole room was staring now, obviously interested in everything in my personal life.

“See. I say no more.” He snorted. “He probably doesn’t even know. It’s about time women like you were sterilised at birth!”

I shot up with Nate at my side. “Iain. That is enough!” Nate growled at him. Then I nearly passed out as I saw Mason stroll over.

Oh Shit!

He didn’t look at me but he bent down into Iain’s ear and whispered something to him. Iain paled and grabbed hold of the edge of the table and Mason flicked his eyes to me. The ferocity in them was highly evident, his jaw was rigid and his chest was rising and falling deeply.

I shook my head marginally and flicked my eyes over to Rebecca in warning. He stood up and glared at me. “I don’t give a fuck!
talks to you like that!” he growled and I winced at the severity in his tone.

He leaned in to Iain’s ear again. “Now fucking apologise,” he demanded.

Iain swallowed heavily and looked at me. “Sorry,” he snapped to me.

Mason growled loudly. “Like you fucking mean it!”

Iain took a deep breath. “I am very sorry, Miss Stone. I didn’t mean to offend you,” he whimpered.

Mason nodded once and then looked at Nate. “Sorry Nate.”

Nate shook his head. “You only did what I was about to Mason, don’t worry.”

Mason smiled at Nate and nodded his head softly in thanks and then turned to me. “Do not let anybody
talk to you like that again. You are a confident, educated and very beautiful woman,” he ordered then turned and stalked back to a thunderous Rebecca.

I gulped. Nate took my hand and led us over to the maître d. “Bill and coats, please” he told him and I leant in to him.

“I am so sorry, Nate,” I whispered.

He looked at me with a bewildered expression. “Don’t you dare apologise for that . . . that arsehole!”

“I know but the contract has gone balls upwards,” I grumbled.

“I don’t care. I don’t want that man’s fucking business. Knobhead!” he snarled and held out my coat for me to put on.

I caught Mason’s eye as Rebecca and Delaney were talking between themselves. “Thank you,” I mouthed. He smiled oh so softly, his eyes were full of longing and adoration. “I love you,” I mimed and he lowered his head to hide his grin.

I saw him swallow and lift his face. “And me, you” he replied.

My heart beat rapidly, swelling to twice its size. I blew him a kiss and put my arm through Nate’s bent one. “Let’s go.”

Nate huffed. “McDonalds?” he asked with high eyebrows.

I grinned. “I love you,” I giggled happily and he chuckled.

“A burger and you’re all mine. Does this mean I can look up your skirt?” he winked.

“Throw in fries and I’ll think about,” I retorted. Nate’s hearty laugh cheered me up no end but it was Mason’s gaze that had made me happy. His love for me so highly evident in his beautiful eyes. I settled my hand on my tummy and sighed happily.

“Hurry up!” I told Nate and he chuckled.

“Good job I’ve got a damn Ferrari then isn’t it?”

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