The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (88 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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When his tongue swept the entire length of my hot flesh we both gave a moan of approval. “There you are,” he grated. “I missed your taste Ava. My mouth has craved your delicious juices.”

His tongue circled my clitoris and I groaned, my head dropping back against the pillow. “Oh god that feels good,” I breathed as he slid two fingers into me.

“You’re so fucking wet for me Ava,” he growled.

I swallowed heavily. “Mason!”

“What do you want Ava?” He circled my clit again, his fingers matching its movement, swirling round inside me and stretching my muscles in readiness for him. “Tell me Ava,” he demanded.

“I wanna come on your face Mason.” I groaned loudly when he growled and sucked my clit between his teeth. His fingers stroked my front wall, pressing against my G-spot. My orgasm ripped through me violently as Mason struggled to hold my hips down whilst he worked me back to awareness.

He kissed my bump twice before he slid up to me, taking my mouth in a demanding kiss. He pulled back and knelt up again, grabbing my arms and tugging me upwards.

He peeled off my vest. “I need to see you Ava.” He pushed me gently back down onto the bed, “and now I need to be inside you.”

He stretched out above me, taking care not to squash my stomach and as his mouth moved along my jaw he slowly nudged into me.

I sobbed in appreciation as he pushed all the way in. My body screamed in delight at his presence and my pussy gripped him tightly as though never to let him go.

“Oh God. Yes,” he groaned. “Don’t move,” he hissed as his teeth nibbled at my neck and his hand cupped my breast tenderly. “You feel so damn good Ava. We were made for this, made perfectly to fit each other.”

I moaned at his words and rolled my hips. “Make love to me Mason,” I begged.

He pulled all the way out and then pushed back in so slowly. My back bowed in ecstasy as we both groaned in pleasure at the contact. “Oh, baby,” he choked out as he repeated the action once more, pulling out slowly and then slamming back in, the very tip of his cock touching the furthest part inside me.

I cried out loudly.

“Yes Ava, feel me, every damn inch,” he growled as he slammed in again, nudging our bodies up the bed with his power.

My man was back, back beside me and back inside me, and I was fucking delighted.

“TELL,” he rasped as he slammed into me and I yelped. “ME.”
Slam . . . Yelp.
Slam . . . Yelp.
Slam . . . Yelp.
Slam . . . Yelp.
Slam . . . Yelp.

“I FUCKING LOVE YOU!” I screamed as I climaxed powerfully, every nerve ending in my body crying out at the surge of bliss.

He cried out as my muscles squeezed him tightly. Before I had come down, he pulled out and flipped me over but lifted me back against him so I was knelt before him with my back to his chest as he knelt behind me.

He kneel walked us up the bed nearer to the headboard. “Are the babies okay?” he asked softly in my ear.

I nodded. “They’re well cushioned, don’t worry,” I told him as I hung my head to one side so he could get better access to the part of my neck he was nibbling at.

Grabbing both my hands he placed them onto the headboard. “Good, because I’m gonna rip you in two,” he snarled. I whimpered in excitement as he thrust in to me. “Hold on Ava.”

I nodded and gripped the bar of my white iron headboard as he thrust brutally again. He started his relentless pounding, edging us up the bed with his powerful blows until I was nearly at the top. Letting go of the headboard, I locked my hands around his neck behind me then tipped my head towards him and bit his neck on each formidable drive into me.

One hand had settled gently over my bump as if protecting his babies, a shocking contrast to his other hand that had gripped my hair and yanked my head to the side to let him into my neck.

My internal walls started to clench as my third orgasm built rapidly.

“Come on Ava! Again!” he demanded as his teeth sunk into my neck. I screamed, savagely coming around him.

“I LOVE YOU AVA!” he roared as his own orgasm tore through him violently. He cried out with each fierce spurt as his hot spunk hit my insides. As his last potent pump drained him, he rolled us over onto our sides and pulled me into him. “Hold me Ava,” he begged as we both panted heavily.

I turned to face him and slid my arms around him, my legs curled around his as I tucked my head under his chin. We held each other tightly and almost immediately drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.

* * *

“Come on laz . . . Oh shit, sorry.” I heard Courtney stutter.

I groaned against the light spilling through the curtains. “What time is it?”

“11:20,” she mumbled.

“Go make her some coffee,” Mason told her. I noticed a slight resignation in his voice and I heard her softly shut the door behind her.

We were still wrapped in each other’s arms and I heard him sigh against me. “Good morning, Gorgeous,” he breathed in my ear. I sighed appreciatively.

He sat up and pulled me up so I was kneeling in front of him. “You are so beautiful Ava.” Unease surged through me as I caught sight of his sad painful expression.

“From your soft curls.” He stroked his fingers through my hair. “To your smooth pale skin.” He trailed a finger across my shoulder blade. “To your delicious breasts.” He brushed his thumb over the swell of them. “To your striking green eyes.” He kissed each of my eyes. “To your remarkable heart.” He leant forward and kissed my heart, then sat back and cupped my face. “That is why I’m setting you free.”

His words hit me like a bucket of cold water. “W. .w.what?” I stuttered as my heart slammed against my chest.

“I have to let you go. We can’t be together. I can’t . . .” he whispered as pain tore through us both.

I scrambled off the bed, shaking my head violently. “No, Mason . . . NO!”

He lowered his eyes and I saw a tear drop off his chin onto the bed. “I don’t understand. You came here Mason! You made love to me damn it!” I cried as he slowly climbed from the bed, reached for his clothes and pulled them on. “NO! Damn you!” I yelled.

He looked at me, his own heartbreak and pain evident in his eyes. “I needed to make love to you for one last time, baby” he breathed as he cupped my face.

I slapped him away. “No Mason! Admit it! You came here to fuck me!” I screamed.

He shook his head, his tears free falling. “Never, Ava! I ALWAYS made love to you,” he argued vehemently. “I will always love you.”

“NO!” I sobbed. “Please Mason. I love you,” I begged.

His face screwed up in agony as he stood before me and cupped my face. “You need to be free of me Ava. I want you to be happy, baby. You deserve to be happy,” he sobbed.

I pushed him away, my heart shattering at his words. “Please!” I sobbed as he kissed my forehead.

“Goodbye, Ava. Remember I always love you,” he wept as he stroked gently across my stomach and left me; left me to slide to the floor, broken and dead inside. I screamed in agony until Courtney came in and lifted me onto the bed, spooning me from behind and rocking me gently.

“Mason,” I sobbed heart wrenchingly. “Mason.”


I MADE IT downstairs an hour later. Greg was at the kitchen table. “Oh, hey,” I greeted as I gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry, am I keeping you from your woman?” I winked as I plonked into a chair.

His hand rested over mine. “No Ava. You okay?” He frowned at me and sighed when I just shrugged. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on with him Ava,” he grumbled and smiled softly at Courtney as she entered the kitchen.

It lifted my spirits to see so much adoration and love on his face for my best friend, she deserved it.

“What happened?” Courtney asked softly. “As I came in and he told me to make you coffee, I could tell by his face that he was going to do something serious.”

I shrugged again and smiled at her as she handed me a mug of coffee. “I woke up in the middle of the night and he was here. He made love to me and then this morning said he was setting me free . . . I mean what the fuck? I don’t wanna be set bloody free. I want him!” I grumbled as a fresh tear slid free.

Greg huffed and chewed on his bottom lip in thought. “He was devastated when he came down the stairs. Something is definitely wrong.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, lifting myself from the chair and grabbing the peanut butter from the fridge.

He sighed. “Ava, it broke his heart this morning to do what he did, so why? If he loves you so much, like I know he does, then why the hell finish it?”

I mumbled something incoherent around my finger full of butter and they both raised their eyebrows at me in query.

“I said it’s obviously Rebecca isn’t it. I mean he told me she was due at the beginning of February and now all of a sudden it’s the end of March, he was obviously sleeping with her while he was with me. I worked it out that me and Mason had been together for a couple of weeks when she got caught. So if he was still with her when he was with me then he must . . .” I looked down. “He must still be in love with her,” I finished.

Greg huffed. “Ava, think about it, it’s obviously not his baby,” he declared.

My body broke out in a cold sweat. “What? Why . . . ?”

He stood and looked through the kitchen window. “Ava, I know damn well he didn’t sleep with Rebecca while he was with you, I don’t even think he’s slept with her since you. He is so much in love with you. He even told me how uhh . . . great things are in the bedroom with you.” I blushed furiously. “Sorry, it’s a guy thing.” He shrugged and cringed. “When he was with Rebecca, he didn’t give a shit who bedded her. Hell at one time he shared her in a threesome with Dane.”

I shuddered as the image crept into my head. I must have looked mortified because Courtney slapped him. “Greg, don’t tell her things like that.”

He shrugged again. “But I’m just trying to get her to see how it is, can you imagine Mason sharing Ava?” he posed with a ‘never in a million years’ look.

“There’s something going down and I have a feeling it’s to do with Rebecca. Mason must know it’s not his baby,” he pondered.

The cogs in my head were working overtime. “He did seem amazed at the scan. Like it was the first time he’d seen his child on the screen. I did wonder why because he should have been a little more laid back after seeing Rebecca’s
he was adamant he hadn’t slept with her while he was with me,” I murmured as I tapped my nails rhythmically on the table.

“There’s something else,” Greg said as he looked at me. “Mark has gone missing.”

“What do you mean, Mark is missing?”

He pursed his lips and huffed, “I’ve heard on the grapevine that Mason finished him and made a fucking good job of it when he did. Really made him suffer.”

“I don’t understand what that’s got to do with me,” I said as he sat in the chair beside me.

“I’ve had my ear to the ground for you for a while, wondering what Mason has been up to. I . . . I . . . Well Courtney means a lot to me and as her best friend well, what hurts you hurts her so I’ve been doing some digging.” He looked at me intently. “Ava, the night you finished Dean, can you remember who was with you?”

I raked my memories. “Not really, I was kind of zoned out. I know Mason and Sam were there.”

He nodded. “I wasn’t there that night Ava but can you remember if Mark was?” he asked and I bit my lip in thought.

“I really can’t recall Greg, I’m sorry. Why is it important?”

“Well I bet you didn’t know that Mark and Rebecca had an on-going relationship. And at one point we were all aware that Mark was in love with her,” he informed me and I nibbled furiously on my little finger. “There’s just something dodgy. I mean Mason just used Rebecca for sex, he really doesn’t even like her and yet he’s choosing her over you . . . Nah! There’s something we’re missing!” he affirmed as I rose to grab another jar of butter and some gherkins.

Greg watched in amazement as I gorged out a huge pile of the butter onto a gherkin and devoured it.

“Wow,” he said with a grimace.

Courtney scoffed, “That’s nothing, you should see her with soap!”

“Soap? You eat soap?”

He pulled a disgusted face at me and I shrugged unhappily. “She won’t let me have any, hell even Mason got angry when he caught me eating it.” I realised my mistake when Courtney swung around and glared at me.

“When?” she demanded.

I shrunk in my chair. “Uhh the day I went to pick up my stuff. I only had two bites,” I appeased quickly. “He stole it from me.”

Greg laughed. “Jesus.” He rose from his chair and pulled Courtney into his arms. “I’m gonna go see Sam, see what I can dig up.” He kissed her tenderly and I looked away, a little jealous of the display of affection. He stroked her cheek tenderly and she beamed at him as he kissed her nose and grabbed his coat off the back of the chair. “See you Ava, I’ll be in touch if I uncover anything.” I nodded and smiled.

“Greg” I shouted. He turned around. “Thanks.”

He put his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll sort this Ava, he’s my friend and it guts me to see him so unhappy, and you, you belong together,” he said tenderly and my eyes welled up.

He winked and left and I turned to Courtney “I like him.”

She grinned at me, “So do I,” she beamed.

* * *

I walked into work Monday morning laden with cupcakes, cookies and muffins from my Sunday afternoon baking therapy.

Jonathon’s face lit up brightly as he removed a selection of them before I took them down the corridor with me to Nate’s reception area. His eyes lit up like a school boys as he drooled over them. “Good riddance Rachel. You are by far my favourite assistant, Ava” he grinned at me happily.

I rolled my eyes at him and heard my phone text alert from my bag.


Fancy lunch, sweetheart? In fact I know you do . . . its food ;-)



You buying?



Of course! You’re drooling aren’t you? Lol



Of course! You do realise I’m gonna guzzle everything on the menu. Hope you have enough cash ;-)

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