The Officer's Promise (Brothers in Blue Book 1)

Read The Officer's Promise (Brothers in Blue Book 1) Online

Authors: K. Langston

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: The Officer's Promise (Brothers in Blue Book 1)
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Published by K. Langston

Copyright © 2016 K. Langston

Kindle Edition

Cover Design: Kari March

Editing: Wild Rose Editing

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the authors of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

For mature audiences only (18 and older).

This is a novella, consisting of approximately 38,000 words.
The Officer’s Promise
is not only Ryker and MaryAnn’s story but an introduction to the Brothers in Blue series as well. The remaining five books of the series will be full-length novels. Each book will feature one of the six Cunningham brothers. I recommend you read them in order as the characters will have appearances in each of the stories.

The Officer’s Promise
is written from dual POV, with an HEA and no cheating.

Dedicated to the brothers in blue who protect our streets and the women they love.

Title Page

Copyright Page

Author’s Note


Prologue: Ryker

Chapter One: Ryker

Chapter Two: MaryAnn

Chapter Three: Ryker

Chapter Four: MaryAnn

Chapter Five: Ryker

Chapter Six: MaryAnn

Chapter Seven: Ryker

Chapter Eight: MaryAnn

Chapter Nine: Ryker

Chapter Ten: MaryAnn

Chapter Eleven: MaryAnn

Chapter Twelve: Ryker

Chapter Thirteen: MaryAnn

Chapter Fourteen: MaryAnn

Chapter Fifteen: Ryker

Chapter Sixteen: MaryAnn

Chapter Seventeen: MaryAnn

Chapter Eighteen: Ryker

Chapter Nineteen: MaryAnn

Chapter Twenty: Ryker

Chapter Twenty-One: Ryker

Chapter Twenty-Two: MaryAnn

Chapter Twenty-Three: Ryker

Epilogue: MaryAnn


Brothers In Blue Series

Sneak Peek of Beautifully Insightful

I could have never anticipated the impact she would have on me. She was a ghost from the past, and from the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew I had to save her. It would cost me my heart, but I didn’t care.

I’d lay down my life for her.

to keep her safe.

That was a fucking promise.

hat’ll it be today, boys?” Devina asked, leaning across the counter with a sweet smile.

“Hey, sis. The usual,” Felix replied.

My partner, Felix, and I came to the West Side Deli for lunch almost every day. His sister, Devina, and her husband, Romeo—yes, that was his real name—owned the place. It was one of the most popular delis in New York, even being featured on one of those food network shows. And for good damn reason.

They were the best.

“You got it. Go ahead and grab your drinks and I’ll bring it over when it’s ready,” she said, handing us each a large paper cup.

I made my drink and found a seat at one of the booths, propping one arm up across the back.


The bell rang and my eyes automatically shifted to the door.

Second week in a row.

The first time I laid eyes on her, I’d wanted to approach her. She was not only beautiful, but there was also something about her that tugged at my gut. I couldn’t explain it. A familiarity of sorts. But I hadn’t been able to place it. Or see her eyes. And the large diamond ring on her left hand had kept me at a distance.

She was perfect. Petite, with blonde hair and a killer pair of legs. I’d thought of at least a dozen ways I wanted to worship each one over the last week, as well as the rest of her. But what I was really dying to see were her eyes. Each time she came in, she’d kept them shielded with an oversized pair of sunglasses.

I shifted in my seat, the hard-on between my legs letting me know he was just as intrigued as the organ beating with vigor in my chest.

She’s married, dickhead, stop dreaming.

Felix slid into the booth across from me, drink in hand, tossing the balled up paper from the straw at my forehead.

I picked it up as it landed in front of me, rolling it around between my fingers. “What the hell, man?”

“She’s married, dude, stop staring.”

“It’s not a crime to look.”

He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Why bother looking at the menu when you can’t even have a taste?”

Thanks for reminding me, asshole.

Felix and I graduated from the academy together and had been partners for nearly four years now. If I were to call anyone my best friend, it would be Stoddard. He was nothing if not straightforward and blunt. I appreciated it.

Most of the time.

“Holly still wants to fix you up with her friend, Adrianna. Just say the word, bro, and it’s a done deal.”

“Nah…I’m good.”

“Why the fuck not? She’s hot, single, and has ass for days.”

I raised a brow, curious why he’s checking out another woman’s ass when he has a beautiful wife at home who caters to his every need.

“What? It’s not a crime to look, right?” He smirked, tossing my own words back at me.

“And if it doesn’t work out? Holly will be all up in my shit. No, thanks. I love your wife. She feeds me home-cooked meals. I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Well, eventually, you need to find a woman of your own to cook for you. Then you can quit trying to steal mine.”

“It wouldn’t be hard, asshole. She likes me better anyway,” I joked.

He threw up his middle finger just as Devina placed our tray on the table between us. “I added extra mayo for you, Ry,” she said with a wink before walking away.

Picking up my sandwich, my eyes once again drifted to the mysterious blonde. She was only a few feet away, standing off in a corner waiting for her order, but it was as if I was attuned to her every move. The way her arms were folded across her chest, the defensive stance, it screamed
do not approach
. She was doing her best to appear invisible.

But she was all I could see.

The tiny white ticket slipped from her fingers, and as she bent down to retrieve it, that’s when I saw what she’d been hiding. The designer shades slid down her small nose, revealing the fading bruise around her right eye.

I dropped my sandwich, shoving from the plastic seat, my pulse thrumming with suspicion.

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