The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“You know, Col, truly you’ve been my life saver - you always keep it real. Of course I’ll help, once I’m back on track with work and I have a..lot of people to thank for their help during this past month or so.”
Colin moves to hug me and I squeeze him harder than both of us anticipate. “Easy tigress, don’t wrinkle the Armani. Gosh you feel thin, love - every cloud has a silver lining hey?”
“I hardly think what I went through was worth it to lose a few pounds, Colin.” I admonish, knowing that he is only joking.
“Nooo, of course not, my lovely girl but it was maybe a teensy-weeny bit worth the Sebastian Silver lining, yes? That man is fucking dreamy and he cooks, cleans and is the perfect father to Finn.”
My smile immediately falters at his last words and he realises his mistake. “Oh I’m sorry, Lu. Bloody blabbermouth. I was doing so well, too”
“It’s fine, seriously. You are right, he is a great father-figure and what happened with the baby, makes me sad but I am at the acceptance stage and I’m a great believer in ‘things are meant to be’ and this time it just… well…wasn’t.”
“You are one strong lady. I’m so proud of you. Jamesy sends his love too.”
“I know, I received his amazing flowers.”
“I chose them of course - the man hasn’t got a fucking clue about floral arrangements. What gay man doesn’t know about about flowers?”
I assess his navy and white striped boating trousers and magenta shirt combo and attempt to stop my snort. “Not all men have your superb fashionista skills.”
“That is true of course.”
His words tug a smile from my lips and we’re immediately back on comedy Colin track. “I’ve missed you Col, you are a refreshing voice in the fog I’ve been wandering around in of late.”
“Always here to wave my magic wand, babe, in a purely non-sexual way. Now you’ve had the all clear from your doc, I agree, you need to be back at work and focusing on design and not the pattern of your duvet cover - besides I’m tired of you slacking!”
I catch his cheeky wink and playfully whack him on the arm, with my most recent copy of Homes and Gardens magazine. “Right, well lunch is on me today, so get Jacks to order up from The Slug and Lettuce and then you can get me up-to-date on all these new clients.”
“Sounds like a plan. I knew there was a reason we still kept you around.” His skinny legs run as fast as he can to avoid being hit with the full blunt force of the glossy mag, its weight landing with an oomph just past him and I laugh as his, “Darling, you nearly chipped my brand new shellac manicure.”

It was good to be back.


I focus upon my emails, catching up with clients and checking in with suppliers for The Gilded Fox to see where we were at with deliveries for work to begin in a the next few days. The bathrooms had already been completed, designed using my drawings, and briefed by Colin and a freelancer we used in times of need. I’d seen the videos via FaceTime and Ipad imagery and they were looking superb, now all we needed to do was finish the decor of the rooms, which could be completed in a week or so, providing we made sure we had enough men on the job.

By 3pm I’m completely exhausted but thoroughly exhilarated – I feel such a sense of achievement, like I’ve made a real difference and for the first time in several hours I haven’t thought about
the accident
- best decision EVER to come back to work. I’m beginning to feel like me again, slowly but surely.

But I miss Seb. He’d left for Paris Saturday morning and whilst the space has been good for us, healthy for some evaluation time, after one night I want him back, back in my home, which no longer feels
without him there. He’d been in touch everyday and Facetime’d Finn but the wall that I’d unintentionally built between us was so high I fear I’ll not be able to climb over it and back to where we’d been before I’d found out about the unexpected pregnancy.

I need him. I want him. I literally ache for him and I’m ready to be intimate again, in fact crave that, yet Sebastian has not displayed the same desire for me the past week or so, since we’d seen Mr. Porter my gynaecologist and that has made me question where we are at. I’m determined that this accident won’t take anything else from me. It took my baby but it won’t take my relationship. It’s time for me to pull out a grand gesture and show him I’m all in, that this is everything to me, he is everything to me. He’s been the model boyfriend and given me space, perhaps too much and now I need to prove to him that I’m invested and that Lucia is still a sexy, wanton and virile woman.
Can I do this?

I send him a text in that moment, keen to keep some connection going between us that has a sexual vibe. I’m blushing as I type, delete, pause, re-type, delete, then settle on my final words. God I’m rusty and its only been a few weeks since we’ve made love, but somehow I find it so much easier to send him a text rather than deal with things face to face and I’m glad of his distance.

Hitting send my stomach flutters as I swallow wondering when he’ll respond.

I miss u. Ur sexy face, ur hands over my body.

Ur mouth x

I try not to look at my phone, instead focusing on my emails, the words black and white and clear yet my mind is filled with memories of his tongue parting me, swirling my clit, his hands on my thighs, his dirty words ands bedroom eyes. For fucks-sake I can’t think clearly, I’m a wanton mess. My phone buzzes next to me and I jump and hesitate on opening the message, I can see the first few words and my heart beats fast. This is what I needed - we needed. I feel all warm in my lady bits, as his words compute.

Ms. Myers I’ve been hard for weeks - painfully so.

I 2 miss ur mouth, as does my cock.

Good 2 have u back.

If u feel ur ready - I can give u the full Silver service.

But only if
ready x

Only Silver - what happened to platinum?x

Baby, I’m platinum thru and thru, hard, durable, rare, will last 4ever & worth so much more. Didn’t u know platinum was once known as ‘Bastards Silver’.

Says is all. xx

“You alright, Lucia?” Jackie calls across to me from her reception position. “You look awfully flushed.”

“I’m fine, thanks. Couldn’t be better.”

“Oh, Ok. I’ll go get our lunch orders now, yeah?”

“That sounds great, thanks Jacks.” I nod absentmindedly, although I’m suddenly not hungry for anything but hot dirty sex with the man that I love. Why was he is in another bloody country? This called for drastic action.


I’m finalising a rushed mood board for the site manager at The Gilded Fox, with cool slate greys, chalky whites and metallic coppers, reminiscent of the fabulous bathroom at The Presidential Villa in The Maldives, something I’m really happy with, and already approved by Carolyn Walters when Jackie nervously informs me that a Detective Murray is in reception to see me, her pretty face hesitant.

“Thank you Jacks. Will you get him a drink and I’ll be with him in a moment.”

e didn’t have a meeting? Did this mean he had news regarding the crash?
I chew my lip, as I stand, straightening my olive green pencil dress.
I wish Sebastian was here for support.

“Detective Murray - what can I do for you?” I head over and hold out my hand, willing it to stop shaking.

“Ms. Myers. Shall we sit?”

“Of course.”

“You are looking well. I am pleased to see you have recovered.”

“Physically, I have.”

“I understand. Well, I have come to advise you that since we last saw you, there have been no further leads. No further witnesses have come forward and as we have no more evidence, we have no alternative but to close this case.”

Bile rises in my oesophagus and I swallow to stop it reaching my mouth, I hear his words, but I need a moment to take them in. The psycho that deliberately ran me off the road, resulting in my miscarriage is going to get away scott free?

“Obviously, I know that this will not be the result you or Mr. Silver will be wishing for but legally, we have nothing else to go on.”

“Hmmm.” I stare into space, focusing on the cushion to Murray’s right, a little longer until he coughs politely, causing me to glance up, directly into his friendly grey eyes. “Sorry, it’s all a bit too much.” I take a sip of the glass of water, Jackie has thoughtfully placed in front of me. “So, that’s it?”

“I’m very sorry. We will obviously keep all of your details on file and if anything else occurs, do not hesitate to contact us - me directly. You have my bleeper now.”

I nod.

“Has there been anything else? You mentioned a feeling of someone being inside the house, things missing?” He flicks through a small pocket notebook, and continues. “A sense of being watched? Has this happened again? Do you still feel like you are being watched, Ms. Myers?”

I shake my head, hopelessly. “I’ve not noticed anything else.”

“You’ve not been out of the house for the past six weeks, love, you won’t have done.” Colin’s voice, is warm and supportive as he adds a valuable point, sitting down next to me, leaving his work space to join us. “Sorry to interrupt Detective, but its true - she only came back to work today.”

“We know, we have been tracking Ms. Myers whereabouts.”

Colin raises his GDH blackened brows at me and it makes me smile, in a rather dark moment. “Does Sebastian know that the case has been closed?” he asks both of us.

“We have not been able to discuss this as yet with Mr. Silver as he is out of the country but we have left him a message.”

“Hmmm - well I don’t think he’ll take kindly to this - just warning you.” Colin crosses his leg, Gucci loafer swinging. “Good job he has his own people watching out.”

If Murray questions this information he does not ask, just watches us for a few seconds thoughtfully before jotting the information in his notebook.

“Ms. Myers, I am very sorry for what you went through, honestly and like I say, if we get any further leads we’ll be in touch. Unfortunately cases like these are extremely difficult to solve.”

“Doesn’t seem to be the case on Rizzoli and Isles and that medical examiner does it in 5 inch heels! Just saying…” Col mutters sarcastically under his breath.

At that I burst out laughing - literally belly laughing. The detective looks a little taken a back but Colin is just the tonic I need, after hearing that this fucker could get away with murder, literally. Rizzoli and Isles was one of our favourite Tv shows to watch together, with copious amounts of wine and indulgent bars of Galaxy chocolate, of the family-size variety.

“Sorry, detective, excuse my assistant - he has a warped sense of humour.”

“Not at all, seems to me, you have some great people around you, Ms. Myers. Support is a great friend at times like these. Right, I better be off - thanks for the drink. Tell Mr. Silver I’ll call him in a few weeks, even if it’s just to update him that there’s nothing to update. He appears to be the kind of man who likes to be informed.”

He has certainly has Sebastian figured out. He needed to be in control at all times and this was going to piss him off no end.

“Seriously though, call me if you feel concerned, followed, of under threat again. We want to get this person, and bring them to justice just as much as you do.”

I smile politely. “I don’t think that is entirely true, but thank you, I appreciate it and your time.”

I watch Detective Murray’s retreating back and mull over his words for a few seconds longer than necessary before taking a deep breath and putting it to the back of my mind. It wasn’t going to ruin my plans, my positive thoughts; my progress. I couldn’t vouch for Seb but what he didn’t know right now wouldn’t hurt him.

“You Ok, boss?” Col rubs my back and gives me a peck on the head. “You probably thought it was coming, yeah?”

I shrug but then nod honestly.

“Still, its not nice to hear - although we did get our tax-payer’s-moneys-worth, the department definitely sent the fittest policeman to tell you the news - he was phwoaarrr!”

I grin and roll my eyes as Jacks joins in. “Ah yes, he was sex on legs - shame he wasn’t in full dressage. I love a man in a suit but a police uniform, ahhhhh.”

“Or a fireman - now that I would leave the batteries out of my smoke alarm for, on the off chance something might catch alight - a whole truckload of firefighters, trawling through smoke filled rooms, calling my name, lifting me in my tight designer undies, and then throwing me over their shoulder, one hosing me down…one….”

I’ve lost him completely.
“Colin! You’re speaking aloud still.”

“Sorry, I was lost in the moment.”

“Oh, don’t stop - it was just getting gooood!” Jacks pouts, winking at us. “You should write saucy books.”

“Guys - I’m going to call it a day, think I’ll finish this mood board at home and leave you two to your fantasies. I’ll drop it off on site in the morning, as they need it for visuals. Work begins seriously on the bathrooms tomorrow and needs to be finished by next Thursday?”

“We know.” They both sing in unison.

“You up for the challenge, the launch is three weeks on Friday.”

“I’m all over it, like a gay-man at London Fashion Week, hunny don’t you worry your pretty little head.” Colin poo-poos me.

“Ok - I trust you both. Thanks for making bad news so much easier, today. You are both such great assets… and friends.”

“Off you skedaddle,” Colin waves me away. “You’ve done seven hours today - it’s too much too soon. See you in the morning.”

“I agree. Great to have you back, Lucia.” Jackie smiles.

I head to my desk, shove my phone, some paperwork, and a few select bits inside my bag hurriedly, closing all apps on my computer, and shutting it down for the night - anything else would have to wait until the morning. I needed to get home, to Finn.

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