The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“Seb and you Ok?”

“We will be.”

“He’s been so good, Lulu, such a trooper. You need to marry this one.”

That’s the plan.
“I’m going to Paris on Thursday to see him.”

“Oh, how romantic - I forgot he was away - does he know yet?”

“No, so don’t tell anyone. I’ll let him know later today, I think.”

“Well, we can have Finn if you need us too - we’d love to, I’m not working this week. I got cover in the shop for the next few weeks, as I’ve felt so rubbish.”

“Thanks for the offer, hun but I’ve asked mum and dad - he has his room there and you have enough on at the mo.”

“Not a problem, well the offers there if you change your mind. Now enough about domesticity. What about all the hot sex you’re going to have?”

I laugh loudly into the car. “I thought you just said you’re off sex and cocks for life?”

“Not for life, just for now - there’s things going on down below I don’t even want to think about, let alone look at in the mirror, my vulva is seriously bulging, yuk! You on the other hand can be thinking about beautiful lingerie, sexy dresses, perfume, high heels, sex with your hot guy in the most romantic city in the world. Oh, Lu - you need this, it’s just what you need to get you and Seb back in the swing of things.”

“I agree.”

“Right, well I’ll speak to you later, if you need to borrow anything or want anything new from the Dolly’s, let me know and I’ll bring it round tomorrow - just check the website - I’ve just got an amazing new knitwear range from Italy and there’s a dress you will lurve - I’ll put it too one side. I’m too fat of course for them all.” She sighs dramatically. “ Right, I’m offski’s - love ya.”

I laugh. “Love you too, Sis.”



“Sorry for the moan?”

“It’s fine, hun - what are sister’s for?”

“To be total beatches?”

“Go! Love to G.”

“It’s the only love he’s getting so he’ll be chuffed to bits.”

“Poor Gino.”

“Don’t feel sorry for him, feel sorry for my swollen body. If I show him the tiniest bit of love he thinks he’s getting action and I just can’t, I’m so uncomfortable. Give him an inch and he’ll take the whole fucking vagina.”

I giggle at her play on words but I do remember it well. “Have you not tried doggy? That usually works?”

“Not now my arse if the size of the Nutty Professor’s I’m too busy looking over my shoulder at it, rather than enjoying the moment, I got a crick in my neck last time.”

“I have to go - you’re creasing me up - I’m literally crying here, with laughter. You’re mental. Go put your feet up, enjoy the time off from work and remember its not for much longer.”

“Bye, lovely.”

I hang up smiling. Whilst I understand that pregnancy has huge changes on a woman’s body and some of those were effecting Suzie dramatically, she’d hammed up her annoyance with them and played down her excitement at becoming a mother to protect my feelings. I’m sure of it, bless her. Suzie has wanted this baby forever and been trying for a few years, without success, so it meant everything to her and Gino.

I’m surprised how Ok I am with all the connotations that go with the subject of her impending motherhood and how happy I am for them. I don’t have any resentment, something I’m ashamed to admit that a month ago I couldn’t admit.

What will be will be, Lu, always remember that. Believe in fate, its got you this far.


Once I’m back work and I have inhaled my first cup of tea, I settle into our cosy reception area with my first appointment of the day, a stunning Wag, named Crystal Matthews, who is married to a local footballer celebrity. They have recently moved to the area, with their young family and want to completely gut their newly purchased home, in Presley, a secluded and exclusive village just on the outskirts of Holdgate. The coup would be fabulous for Elysium and her husband’s open-wallet-no-budget was even more appealing. Better yet, we click immediately and she adores Colin. We arrange a meeting for the next week to assess the rooms that need re-decorating and Crystal signs a purchase order then and there, with the agreement that money/budget will be discussed once specs are made. Colin disappears like a crazed fan to google Zane Matthews - he definitely has a new idol to obsess over.

After making some notes on the Matthew’s job whilst they were fresh in my mind, I grab a sparkling water and settle down to find a flight from Lords Airport on Thursday to Paris. With less than 48 hours until departure, it was going to go one of two ways - cheap due to last minute availability or extortionate due to lack of availability. Unfortunately it was the latter, but I didn’t give a shit. It was worth every penny, on my already bowing credit card, to get to my gorgeous man and I book it without question.
One step closer to intimacy again with Seb - that’s all that matters.

Next, I book my hair and beauty appointment for Wednesday and do some last minute on-line shopping. New clothes and goodies always make a girl feel good about themselves on a sexy break away and this one was important to me. I needed to feel my best. I just hoped they’d arrive in time.

Finally I organise cover for Finn, something I should have probably considered before booking my flight but Abby had offered to help out if I was struggling. My parents step up to the mark, as per, with my mum encouraging me to take as much time as I need, when I explain to her exactly what my intentions are. I honestly don’t know what I’d have done without their support the past few months, but I know that they adore Seb and I know that they want us to be together and any together-time that means that we are moving towards making a more serious commitment, they are both on board 100%.
That hat 'aint going to waste!

I just hope that Finn will be as easily convinced later tonight. I’ve a feeling he may want to come with but not on this trip - this trip was going to be all about the ooh la la or ooh Lulu. We’d definitely have to organise a weekend away with him when we got back, maybe a visit to the seaside with Suzie & Gino.

Now all that was left to do was send my message to Seb, to let him know I was coming to him. I had wanted to surprise him but Abs had said that when she mentioned the plans to Nathan, he felt Seb would rather know. Na, had organised that he was free but they were extremely busy with a client and finalising their latest negotiations with the American Devereux hotel chain in Paris. SilCon would be managing the build from start to business, knocking about and re-fitting an existing chateau they owned which was in a prime location, central to all the tourist spots but in its own grounds and all this had come off the back of The Jannah Hotel Project. I’m so proud of him and all he has achieved and excited to see this hotel - it sounded like a real diamond in the rough.

Right, how do I inform Seb? Text? Flowers? I decide upon an email - it’s a little more official somehow, but this is important to me so I want it to be taken seriously. I’m actually nervous as I type the words, deleting, re-typing and beginning again, over and over, until I am happy.
For fucks sake, - its an email woman - you’re not asking permission, you’re already going, you’ve booked your ticket - just send the darned thing and grow a pair!

Sebastian Silver


Lucia Myers

I can’t stand to be apart from you a moment longer.

I’ll be on flight LS315 arriving Thursday at Paris CDG airport, 11.00amish until Monday morning. I can make my own way to your place or get a hotel, just let me know, what suits. I’ll fit in with you as I know how busy you are but please keep your evenings free, if possible. 3 whole nights of you and me time.


All yours,

Lu x

Lucia Myers

Managing Director Elysium Interiors

I hit send and immediately step away from my desk, too apprehensive to wait around for any response.

Why am I so bloody nervous?

Because this means so much to you - you need him to want you as much as you do him.

“You’ve had a delivery, Lucia.” Jackie throws over her shoulder, en route to the kitchenette. “Another of those black boxes - you know the ones you’ve been receiving from Fresh Water Couture?” She disappears inside and I hear the click of the kettle, before she pops her head back out the door. “It’s been so dull, since you’ve been off work - we’ve missed our weekly floral deliveries.”

“Hardly weekly.” I grin, excited that Seb had sent me flowers. He was thinking about me.

“More like daily, Lu Bu. You’re obviously doing something right in the bedroom department - other than decorating.” Colin chips in dryly from his desk. “Me too, Jacks, I thought I was stranded in the dessert here - I’m parched.”

“Which cup?” Jackie shouts, her head buried in the cupboard.

“China, darling, with a saucer. I’m not one of Sebastian’s site lackey’s - love to oggle them with all their rippling muscles and manliness but my delicate pallet requires china.” His pursed lips makes me shake my head on a smile, he was such a princess.

“Would you like a silver tray of cucumber sandwiches and scones with clotted cream and jam too, Count Colin? Perhaps some High Tea?” Jackie’s voice is peppered with sarcasm but Col is oblivious to it.

“Ooh, sounds delish, doll - fabby.”

I roll my eyes in unison with our brilliant and patient receptionist and nod as she holds up a mug for me, then make my way towards the black box, which sits temptingly perched on corner of her desk. The last rose I had received had been weeks ago, when I was recovering I think - yes, at the hospital. Its beauty had given me something to focus on in those first hallucinogenic days of recovery after surgery. A single bud, that each day opened up, its petals rich with red hues, velvet and vital - alive. A reminder of our love and a constant talking-point amongst the nursing staff, who all found it

I slip off the purple ribbon, and am instantly hit with the heady perfumed scent of a black baccara single rose - deep plum, almost noir in its colour. This would be my 11
rose now in total.

Inhaling deeply, I stroke the luscious petals against my cheek, it could be Sebastian’s touch in his absence and I hold on to that thought as I spy the accompanying envelope and retract the message quickly, keen to see his words. I’ve kept all ten scripted messages to date, plus all his notecards from the larger floral displays and my other gifts. I want to keep them all, as a reminder of our courtship.

This message couldn’t have come at a better time. Now I’m confident that my visit to Paris will be perfect and is the right thing for us. We both crave contact as much as the other. Taking the rose, I select a slim black vase from the store cupboard and fill it with water, then place it on my desk, to enjoy at work. I won’t be at home after Thursday so I may as well leave it for the guys to appreciate.

My Mail window is open and a new email is hi-lighted with his name is bold letters, with the subject ‘not a moment too soon’. Without even clicking on message, any worries are put to rest - all is well and I’m going to see my man. Yay!

I’m going to


“Why can’t I come, Mummy?” Wow, he’s really pulling out the big guns, bottom lip’s out, big blues blinking innocently.

“Because this trip is important for Mummy and Sub but I promise that when we get back, which is only after a few days, we’ll have a lovely surprise for you and we’ll all have a holiday together soon, I promise.”

“What’s the surpwise?”

“Surprise, sweetie. It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.” I laugh, ruffling his hair. It’s a game we always play and a sure sign he’s coming around. “We won’t be away as long as last time.”

“Good. You were away, forever!”

“No we weren’t, I was away a week for work but Ninni and Gramps did so much with you and from what I’ve heard you are going to go fishing with Gramps this weekend.” If that didn’t seal it, I didn’t know what would.

“Really? Cool! Will Nathan and Sub be there?”

“No, Sweetie, they will both be in Paris with me but Gramps is a very good fisherman you can show him what you learned with Sub and Uncle Na.”

“Will Ninni bake Cookies?”

“Well why don’t we ask her - I’m sure she would love to do some baking with you.”
Whilst mummy is getting a real good shag from Sub’s humongous cock - God am I a crap mother? I feel terrible now. No, I need this, Seb and I need this.
“Poppet - you’ll have a great time and we’ll bring you back something lovely from France.”
Like a step-Daddy.

“Will you bring me some frog legs?”

Uggh boys.
“I don’t think so but I’m sure I can find something you’ll love. Right, time for your bed Mr.”


“Yes, Finnster?” I try to keep the impatience out of my voice after a long and tiring day.

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