The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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I know I need to take my sweet time with Lu, she’s all smart mouth and no lacy knickers - full of promising dirty words and scraping her fingernails across my jacketed spine but I know she’ll be nervous and I’ve never needed more will-power.
I need to be gentle with her, the first time.
Next time, and the many times thereafter I’ll take her hard against the wall, in the shower, fuck - bloody everywhere and anyway I can, but this first time that we connect again I want to make love to her, the way I’ve dreamed about for so long. Gentle kisses, slow and steady, whispered words.
“Monsieur, ere is your suite. It is our very best and I ‘ope you will enjoy your stay. If I can get you anyzing, just call for me personally.”
I nod at the impeccably attired hotel manager and wish inwardly he’d just fuck off. Good service was a necessity but to be alone with my love was my priority right now. The sooner this gooseberry left us, our party of two could begin but I’m almost scared for us to be alone.
Nerves Silver, surely not! Grow a pair of bollocks, man!
Lu flutters through the rooms, investigating, as she always does and I take a second to enjoy watching her graceful body. Her job never leaves her and I know she is absorbing each and every French interior designer detail. I also knew she would love this hotel, it’s the perfect mix of vintage and modern with a palette that screamed romance, with soft pinks, gold’s ands creams, a regal canopied half-tester bed and balcony that overlooks the Eiffel Tower. I watch her remove her coat and lay it over the sofa arm, pausing to take in the view at our disposal before kicking off both shoes. She moves her hair over her shoulder, her back to me and I inhale as I glimpse the olive creamy skin that is revealed. My teeth itch to bite into her, graze that velvety texture but I remain still, enjoying my own view. Then she turns, crooking her index finger suggestively at me, her sexy green eyes full of the promise of what is to come.
Jesus she is beautiful.
My heart literally stops. Time to make friends in the only way that seemed to work for us now. This was good, being in new surroundings, out of
our comfort zones and away from the memories of the last weeks. Who’d have thought that sex would be such a huge part of our relationship all those years ago – and thank fuck it was.


I can’t believe how nervous I am as I lie across the silk coverlet of the bed, my now naked body delicately awash with a light dusting of goose bumps. I’d removed my underwear as seductively as I could without giving away my worries. I wanted him so badly. Needed him but it had been so long.
As I turn my head to face him, and see the longing in his dark chocolate eyes I realise that I needed have worried. This is me and him - we were meant to be and with that thought I pat the bed and bite my lip in apprehension.
“God, those lips. That body.” He removes his jeans and comes to lie down next to me and I smile modestly up at him. “I’ve missed you so badly, I’m worried I’ll hurt you.”
“I’m fine. I won’t break. Just kiss me.”
No further words are needed. With one last lingering look, he dips his head and kisses me; slow and sweet but the second our tongues touch, fireworks explode and my fingers delve into his hair, he grips my bottom, pressing me into him. Passion rising within seconds, our skin flushing and pants increasing. I can’t get enough of him.
“Please, touch me.” I moan into his mouth, my body starved of contact for so long and in need of his touch. I sigh in bliss as his hand cups my sex, instantly soaked, my thighs spreading to allow him better access. “Oh, baby, yes.”
“Tell me what you need, Lu.”
“Rub my clit, and fuck me with your fingers.” I groan towards the ceiling, his lips on my nipple and I feel all my earlier nerves slip away - this was ‘
’ and God it felt good.
“Like this?”
“Oh God yes!” I arch my back as he works wonders, licking his way from one erect bud to the other, whilst rhythmically finger fucking me, hitting my Gspot, then retracting to circle my most sensitive nub. My body is alive again!
My core clenches around his fingers, body sighing at the sensation - the embodiment of coming home, my eyes fixated upon his, watching the fire within his blackened orbs flickering from the ashes, and I reach out and grasp his face in my hands, forcing our eyes to lock position on one another as his hand slips in and out of me, rubbing my slickness over my clit and sending delicious electric currents all over my body. My back arches to allow him better access and I spread my legs wider, brazen and fully aware of the picture I must make. I can’t control my body around him, it reacts to the mere sound of his voice the slightest touch of his lips, fingertips.
“Ahhh… yes. Just like that - don’t stop.”
“That’s it baby, let me in - feel me inside you. I’ve wanted to be here for so long. You have no idea how much control it’s taken to leave you alone; to let you heal.”
“Deeper.” I throw my head back, unable to hold eye contact a second longer, my cheeks flushed and tongue wantonly washing over my lips as I feel the telltale signs of climax building low in my pelvis. Fucking amazing!
“Beautiful, just go, let it go.”
I feel my body melt around his masterful fingers and am vaguely aware of my lusty screams into the hotel room, my clit throbbing at the intensity of the waves. God, he was good; so good. God, I’d missed him.
“I need you inside me.” I move to kiss him mouth desperate to maintain contact and trail soft wet kisses down his neck, to the racing pulse in his vein. Continuing down his pecks, I flatten my tongue over his nipple, before swirling the tip teasingly. I sigh inhaling his familiar vanilla musk scent, the man is divine, all smooth skin, ripped muscles and just the right amount of body hair to make him rugged.
How had we’d kept our hands off each other for six weeks, I don’t know?
We’d distanced ourselves and retracted into our own worlds and that hadn’t helped for anyone.

I lavish kisses across his abdomen, drawing his body, his heat towards me, loving the sound of his heart beating under my ear as I trace his ribs and plant individual kisses on each, as though I am remembering each and every part of his body.
“Come here.”
I’m lifted to straddle him, face to face, as he penetrates me, easing inside me, with measured precision. His hands cradle me to him like I’ll break, and as my body becomes accustomed to his girth, and the I’m filled with the blistering sensations that only he can create, we begin to move, in small gentle rocks and then we kiss - kiss like our lives depend upon it, joined in every way - fitting together perfectly, as we both strive to meet our end goal.
My hands feeding through his scalp, nipples grazing the light dusting of hair on his chest and I moan as I feel the curls of an orgasm swirling low down deep within my belly. I feel Seb’s pumping increase but his lips never leave mine, his grip tightens on hips and I swivel to assist him. We reach our releases together, lights blinding, colours exploding around me.
Only then do I realise we’re no longer kissing and are both groaning in ecstasy. I lick my lips and taste salt, then notice the tears on my cheeks. The moment had been so special, so bonding I’d felt my heart literally ache with happiness. We’d finally connected again - the way our bodies were meant to, have craved to all these weeks.
“Lu? Are you alright - did I hurt you - I knew we shouldn’t have rushed this…”
“Hey?” I grab his gorgeous face, between my hand, staring into those chocolate orbs and tracing a finger dimple. “I’m good. These are not tears of pain. They’re good tears.”
He rests his forehead onto mine and inhales deeply, nodding. “I feel the same.”
“What we have, all of it, the making love, the hot sex, the friendship, it overwhelms me.” I kiss his head.
“I know, baby. Me too. You are…mine woman!” He growls into my neck and I squeal, breaking the intense moment.
“I am.” No point arguing, I am right where I want to be.


I apply a last coat of red lipstick, before slipping into my dress, a heavy metallic black and gold fitted sequin dress with a low ‘V’ to the front and a thick zip detail to the side which ran the length of the hem, creating a split as deep as you wanted. It made it look more contemporary and I’d grabbed it from Dolly’s Boutique before I left. My shoes were the black suede Louboutin’s Sebastian had sent me for our night at Scarlet house. Assessing my appearance in the mirror, I fluffed my hair one last time before grabbing my bag. I’m ready.
Leaving our suite I head down to the main reception where I’m informed my limo will be with me promptly. Within minutes I’m escorted by Marc, the same driver we’d had from the airport to our car and whizzed to the club. As we make our way through the Parisian traffic, I watch the bright lights of the sparkling city flutter by. Amazing how Sebastian had only been gone a couple of hours and already I felt like I was missing a part of me.
I allow myself to relax in the luxury surroundings; I’m in another country, away from all the stress I had been recently through. It was time to let my hair down and be ‘Lulu’ again. Arriving at Club Rouge, I’m escorted once again inside by Marc, obviously under the insistence of Sebastian. However, once I enter the doors and my cape is taken, I am adamant that I am more than capable to look after myself.
Feeling a little bad as I watch Marc skuttle off, I make my way in the direction of the bar. Club Rouge is dark, exotic and full of men. In fact I’m beginning to wonder if I’m in a gentleman’s club when I notice the odd woman to counter that opinion - all of them exceedingly beautiful.
Where was Seb?
“White wine, please.” I ask the bar man, checking my phone. My mum had text to say night from Finn, with a gorgeous picture of him in some new PJ’s and I melt, smiling openly.
“Good news?”
I glance up at the interruption and smile politely at a dark haired male currently positioned a little too close for comfort on my right, with sharp blue eyes and a debonair ease about him. A second glance at him, made me consider he was
easy on the eye.
“Just my son.”
That usually was enough to get rid of unwanted attention.
“Kids are great aren’t they?” he sips his drinks, swilling the ice in the heavy glass tumbler.
“Mine certainly is.”
“How old?” His deep blue eyes assess me over the rim of his glass.
“Can I get you a drink, Miss?” Those piercing blues eyes appraise me inquisitively.
The barman saves me just in time, placing my wine down in front of me and the stranger laughs. “I’m good but not that good.”
I join in automatically. “I’m…”
“Lucia, Devereux. This is
Lucia.” Sebastian leans into kiss my cheek, and planting a warm hand flat over the small of my back. His musky vanilla scent fills my nostrils and I take in his open shirt, fitted waistcoat and jacket over slim jeans. He looked edible.
I watch the strangers blue eyes twinkle in awakening, his gaze flickering between myself and Seb and back again with interest.
“So, this is the woman who has tamed the beast! I totally understand now.”
“I’ll bet you do.”
“Easy, Silver. Lucia pleased to meet you. Gray Devereux, but please call me Gray. Seb and I are friends from many years back but we are currently colleagues.” He leans in and takes my hand in his own, before kissing both my cheeks not once but twice.
I sense Sebastian stiffen at my side and hear his very clear cough. Happy to move things along I nod understanding at the link. “Yes, the Devereux hotels. Great portfolio - lovely to meet you, Gray.”
“And you. Nathan had said you were flying in for the weekend.”
“Seb and I needed some time away from the hustle and bustle of
.” I wasn’t prepared to discuss our issues with a total stranger and I feel Sebastian’s fingers stroke encouraging circles on my back.
“Well Paris is the place for it. If you can’t find romance here you are with the wrong man.” His smile is teasing but I feel Seb tense.
“She’ll find romance aplenty, don’t you worry Devereux.”
I hear Gray’s husky chuckle and smirk - these two were more like one another than they realised. Taking a sip of my wine I excuse myself, and disappear to the ladies. Once there I reply quickly to my mum’s text, sending a kiss to Finn and then head back out. I can see Sebastian chatting with Gray and now Nathan and a couple of other men who have joined their group - they’d moved to a huge velvet seating area which looks over the dance area. There are no women, which leaves me two options, join the boys for work banter or go throw some shapes on the floor. I choose the latter, dropping my bag on the table with Seb as I pass and pointing in the direction of the other dancers. Brief concern flashes over his chiselled face before he nods and I grin in excitement.
Ten minutes later, I’m still dancing on the intimate mezzanine floor, bodies jostling around me, oblivious to anything and everything around me, arms in the air, as Martin Solveig’s ‘Intoxicated’ beats out,
. I roll my head back and forth, loving the cool tunes, and enjoying the freedom of the music. I don’t care that I’m dancing alone; I know that Seb is above me, in the crowd, he’s watching, whilst talking to Nathan and his colleague and to be honest it’s a bit of a turn on. I just want to lose myself in the fast rhythm, its liberating and good for my soul to have a minute to completely absorb myself in the flashing lights and throbbing floor and feel happy. I love dancing and he loves to watch me.
Shrugging my shoulders to the beat sexily I spin as the music picks up its pace and I notice a fellow male clubber, further in the crowd, with a pair of seriously sexy grey eyes appraising me with interest. I break contact and look down at my feet, ignoring his attentions, and continue to dance, then turn to look in Sebastian’s direction. We lock eyes immediately, his zeroing in on me with precision. God he is mouth-wateringly sexy, the grey-eyed guy didn’t compare. His look speaks volumes as I continue to move and enjoy feeling so free, enjoying my performance for him. I know he is watching the actions of the other guy, his eyes full of pure sex and mouth firm, not quite angry… yet but predatory.
When I feel my hips grasped by a pair of hands from behind, whilst I’m still focused entirely on Seb, my arms in the air, I watch my loves eyes blacken and his mouth snarl and I immediately remove the strangers fingers from my body.
“Thank you but I’m not interested.
ês la plus belle femme ici?”
I haven’t a clue what the guy just said but I continue to push away from him.
“Oui et elle est a moi. Enlever vos mains de son.” Seb’s deep voice threatens in a French accent that could be native.
What the hell is going on here?
I’m struggling to make sense of their conversation.
The sexy Frenchman lifts his hands with a shrug, backing off pretty much immediately and disappears on a cheeky grin but not before throwing out wink in my direction - he obviously wasn’t keen on his perfectly white teeth. Thankfully Seb doesn’t see it and takes his place, slipping in behind me. Leaning in to his body, his breath against my neck, hot and smelling of mouthwash, I wish he’d reach out and lick me. We’ve been in this position many a time and it never fails to turn me on.
“Like that did you, you little tease?”
I lean back into his hard chest, so familiar and wanted. “I didn’t ask for it. I was enjoying dancing on my own.”
“You have no idea how stunning you are. Men watch you everywhere you go. I’ve studied it tonight, as you’ve been lost in your own world. He was just the only one bold enough to make the first move, other than Devereux earlier. I’m the one charmed enough to make the last move, and to take you home. But, you must be careful, Lu – with everything going on at home, please.”
I suddenly feel guilty. He was right, after the accident and my worries but I wasn’t even sure there had been a
and I was in a different country, this was the first time I’d felt free in weeks. I just wanted to have some fun.
“What did you say to him? I bite my lip.
“That you are mine and that’s all you need to know, Ok?”
“Oui d’accord,” I smile coyly up at him and we continue to bump and grind to the DJ’s expertise, mixing new and old European house tunes. I can feel his groin at my back and pulse of the beat, his scent around me, knowing he wants me; the combination is intoxicating. I just want to go back to the hotel. I’m ready for him again, only a few hours after spending the afternoon making love - my lust is again endless.
It was time for us to get down and dirty again.
We’d played it soft, taken it slow, to a point, been gentle and loving and resisted our basic instincts. Now it was time to show each other how much we needed one another - how much I needed him inside me, how much I ached for him, wanted him, craved him, loved him. The desire I felt was uncurling in my belly and raising its head like a snake ready to bite and if we didn’t leave soon, I’d happily find a secluded spot within the club and take him inside me.
“I want you.”
“Insatiable.” His sexy eyes assess every part of my face, heat pouring from them, before shaking his head. “Come with me.”
I feel his hand clasp mine, and the music ebbing around us as I grab my clutch from behind Nathan at the bar; its a blur as I’m planted firmly between the DJ and the fire exit door, the only thing separating them, a huge floor length mirror, which I step back from and use to fluff up my hair, whilst Seb disappears to ‘arrange something’. He returns, slipping his palm into the small of my back and guides me towards the fire exit door. Feeling a little tipsy I giggle.
“Ooh Mr. Secretive, where we going, did someone call the fire brigade?”
I hear his chuckle. “No, but I think I saw smoke coming from under your dress so I think I better check it out up here.”
My snort of laughter is swept up away as I’m thrown over his shoulder, a la fireman’s lift. “Ooh, Mr. Silver, shame you’re not wearing the uniform! I love a man in uniform.”
We disappear through the double doors and into the hallway beyond. My upside down view doesn’t allow me much clarity but I see that we immediately turn left and Seb unlocks a second door and enters.
“Baby - if you want me to wear a uniform - all you had to do was say the words.”
“The less you wear the better - I prefer you with just your hard hat on.”
“You saucy thing.” His slap on my bottom stings ever so slightly, and I feel myself lifted, his warm hands on my hips and I slither seductively down his body, the blood rushing back to my head. We are in a small office, with nothing but a chair in the corner and a huge window that looks out into the club.
“Where are we?”
“In a VIP booth. Now turn to face the window.”
“But they’ll see us?”
“No they won’t, it’s not real.”It suddenly dawns on me that the mirror I’d used upon entry is the window we are now looking our of. “Sexy!”
“Necessary. I can’t wait until we get home. Face the window, lady.”
I do as I’m told, without question then hear the telltale scrap of chair legs on the marble floor, as he drags the chair into place behind me. His hands find my hips and at the slightest tug, I allow myself to be drawn back against his body, positioning myself onto his lap - my legs stretched open.
God he smells good.
I lean back over my shoulder. “Yes.”
My lips are captured in his, our tongues meet, wet and invading, demanding. His hand locates my breast, squeezing it, rubbing my nipple through the fabric of my dress and shockwaves of pleasure buzz through me, zapping every nerve ending awake. I break free from his kiss and on a sigh roll my head against his chest, my eyes narrowed with lust but now focused on the club scene in front of me; dancers gyrate to the beat, which can be heard in our small VIP booth. I lick my lips, feeling daring, Seb’s hand are on my breast, his cock underneath my hard and ready to go, I grind my bottom onto him in circles, arching my back, as I consider the people in the crowds, wouldn’t they like to know who was beyond these doors.
I separate my legs further, opening my self up to him, the zip on my dress raised to my hip. I am naked beneath, completely on show to the man dancing on the other side of the mirror - I feel empowered and it thoroughly turns me on.
“You like that do you, baby.” His fingers grasp my inner thighs, sliding inwards with exquisite slowness until finally he plunders me, with one then two fingers and I arch, moaning at the invasion, welcoming it, opening my legs wider. “That’s it baby; open yourself for me. Only me. Every man out there wants you but I’m the only one that will make you come - the only man that will have you. You’re safe in here.”
His finger swoops up and makes contact with my clit, on those words, and I moan into the darkened room.
“Oh yes, Seb.”
My dress is open to the waist, leaving me entirely vulnerable, his fingers fucking me, collecting my juices, rubbing my erect nub and then plunging into me, and my rocking increases to create friction. His hand holds my jaw and I twist in his arms, desperate for more contact, his mouth, skin.
“Stay still!” he voice is hoarse.
I choose to nibble his thumb, at my jaw, taking it into my mouth, sucking hard. His swirls around my clit increase and I feel the thrum begin low down inside me.
“Oh, baby, yes.”
Just as the explosion is ready to pop, the window in front of me transforms and I blink, clearing my eyes, as I try to focus on the image of two people getting down and dirty - very down and dirty. The mans fingers, thrusting inside of the woman’s pussy, everything on show, her breasts freed and erect, her eyes knowing and full of wanton confidence; full lips sucking desperately upon the man long fingers in tandem to his invasions - Seb’s fingers.
That woman is me!
My own gasp is the tip that breaks the seal of my impending orgasm, allowing it to spill out freely from my body and lips.
“Oh, my fucking God!”

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