The Only Thing That Matters (33 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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BOOK: The Only Thing That Matters
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One Last Question, One Last Answer

you may have already experienced. It is not as if this book is bringing the possibility of it all to you for the first time. Yet as we have mentioned before, it has been challenging for many people to sustain this connection with the Divine, to remain in that place of
between the Mind and the Soul, even
they are using the tool of Meditation.

Daily life just keeps getting in the way. Making a ruckus. Causing a stir. And so we come upon a final question: How can we stay “centered” when, in the many moments between our meditation, so-called “real life”
, in fact, create an obstacle?

The answer is, you have to find a way to return to that resonant field that you visited during your Meditation and that you experienced as you used those tools of Gratitude, Recontextualization, Compassion, and Forgiveness Forgone that you've been told about here.

With Willingness as the
gift you give yourself, you can find that way. You can spontaneously merge what spiritual messenger and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard calls your “Local Self” and your “Universal Self.” There is a resonant field created by the two, where both exist collaboratively, and Barbara says you can
that resonance. In human language, she calls it “love.”

Whenever you experience daily life “getting in the way,” whenever you find yourself caught up in paying the bills, handling business, keeping everyone happy, meeting the deadline, and doing what you have to do to get through the day—and especially whenever you encounter a person who is being difficult (or you catch
being difficult)—you may want to do as Barbara does.

“I put my hand over my heart,” she says, “until I feel the love.”

First, you'll feel love for yourself, then you'll feel love for others, then you'll feel love for Life Itself—and then you'll feel love for All That Is, called Divinity.

You'll feel love for yourself because of all that you are doing, and trying to do, to keep all the plates in the air and to keep all of the promises you've made to yourself, and for the genuinely good person that you know yourself to be at heart.

You'll feel love for others because you'll understand in fullness that the person in front of you is having their own difficult moment, and that others in the world are meeting their own challenges, facing their own dilemmas, and that all of them are totally good at their core, just as you are, wanting only the best, and so unsure of how to produce it.

You'll feel love for Life Itself, for its wonderful process of Reliable Repetition, giving you chance after chance to make the next grandest decision about yourself and create the next grandest experience of your Self.

And you'll fall in love with God because of the magnificence and the wonder and the glory of Divinity—and for
letting you in on it
, for giving you a “piece of the action,” for your eternal connection with your Universal Self, and for your Oneness with the Divine.

If you'll give yourself just one tiny moment, close your eyes, take a breath, hold your hand over your heart, and enter the resonance, you'll
, not just conceptualize, that your Body, Mind, and Soul are One, and you'll feel that The Totality of You and The All of Everything are The Same Thing.

But you have to be willing. You have to have given yourself, and received, the gift of Willingness.

As you look around you, you will see that many people have not. Their Current Thought is not combined with their Present Awareness, much less the Eternal Knowledge of the Soul, and they might label all of this nothing more than “New Age Gobbledygook.”

“God is the answer,” some of them may even say—but then they'll insist on making God an angry, violent, and vindictive Deity, giving humans the perfect rationale for being angry, violent, and vindictive with others.

This is not the answer, and this is not the truth about God.

Others say there is no such thing as “God,” that traditional religion as well as so-called New Thought spirituality have it wrong, and that there is no resource in the form of Divinity that is open to us for guidance or assistance at any level.

In both cases, this is the biggest error in assessing its reality that Humanity has ever made. There is a single sentence that sums up the entire message of
Conversations with God
in five words. Here is God's message to the world: “You've got me all wrong.”

If we have no belief in God, and no belief in the existence of the human Soul, we are left with the limited device of our Mind. It has been stated here repeatedly that this life will make no sense whatsoever to our Mind.

Only with the insight and the wisdom and the eternal clarity of the Soul
to the experiential reference points of the Mind can what is occurring in our life, and on this planet, make sense. And only with this combining of the Mind and the Soul can one's perspective be sufficiently enlarged to find hope in what would otherwise be a seemingly hopeless world.

A Soul Knowing:
If your thought is a negative one, it is the work of your Mind Alone.

The world stands today in need of healing, in need of help, in need of being re-created, if—and only if—the way it now presents itself is not a reflection of who we are. If we want to keep things the way they are, then the world “needs” nothing. Only if we see a world that does not represent (that is, re-
) us do we “need” to regain the immense power that God and our Soul provides for us and use it to alter our experience of life.

It is observable that the largest number of people are not tapped into that power. They have not approached the intersection of Mind and Soul. Some may not even know of this resonant field. Or, if they know it does exist, they may not know how to get there. Or, if they have gotten there, they have retreated to their Mind, because they were familiar with that territory.

The result is that millions of people are holding negative ideas in their Current Thought. You are observing this, no doubt, all around you. You hear, from social networks and public media all over the world, statements such as …

Utter disaster is ahead.

Global calamity is on the horizon.

System collapse is inevitable.

Life is nothing but an unending struggle.

Things are only going to get worse.

There is no possibility of anything getting better. None.

I cannot survive any of this and be happy in this world.

I'm not sure I even want to be here.

I'm not sure I even want to live.

Because human beings everywhere find themselves now deeply immersed in this milieu, even some ordinarily optimistic people have begun to gravitate toward those ideas.

And “gravitate” is the right word, because it is a gravitational force that pulls us all downward, so that we see only the gravity of the situation and the grave nature of what we assume to be our only possible future—which would lead anyone to yearn for the grave itself.

Yet you can choose not to gravitate, but to elevate

You can choose to elevate your thinking, elevate your declarations, and elevate your expectations through elevation of your inner self to your Eternal Awareness, where you clearly see what
is placing before you.

And you see it not as the end of anything, but as the beginning of everything. Certainly, of everything that really matters. For even if the whole of our exterior world does “fall apart”—which is not going to happen­—even if our economic systems totally collapse, and our political systems completely cave in, and our religious systems suddenly dissolve, and even if every social system utterly disintegrates, there will still be
And, fascinatingly, we will no longer be separated, because we will
all be in the same boat

With the disbanding of our
will come the disbanding of our
No longer will we see each other as rich or poor, no longer will it matter if we are Democrat or Republican, no longer will the labels conservative or liberal, Christian or Jew, Muslim or Hindu have any separating power. It won't matter if we are black or white, gay or straight, male or female, young or old … and we will see, actually—finally
—that all these “systems” we had put in place to make it a better world did nothing but

So all that would happen is that our artificial differences would dissolve, our separations would disappear, our imagined “superiority” would be laughingly discarded, and our inability to compromise on even the smallest things would instantly evaporate as we all strived together to build a newer world.

If we came from the wisdom of our Soul, that newer world would likely include this list, as found in
The Storm Before the Calm

  1. An acceptance, at last, of the true identity of all humans as an aspect and an individuation of Divinity.

  2. The embracing by more and more people—ultimately,­ ­millions—of the truth of the Oneness of all life and of humanity.

  3. An understanding of why we are here upon the earth—a clarity as to the soul's agenda.

  4. An end to abject poverty, to death by starvation, and to mass exploitation of people and resources on the earth by those in positions of economic and/or political power.

  5. An end to the systematic environmental destruction of the planet.

  6. An end to the domination of our culture by an economic system rooted in competition above cooperation and in the continuing quest for economic growth.

  7. An end to the endless struggle for Bigger/Better/More.

  8. An end to all limitations and discriminations holding people back—whether in housing, in the workplace … or in bed.

  9. The providing, at last, of an opportunity—one that is truly equal—for all people to rise to the highest expression of Self.

10. Not the putting into place of adjustments to our social systems for the sake of “social correction,” but as a living, on-the-ground demonstration of who we really are and who we choose to be as a species.

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