The Origin of Satan (39 page)

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Authors: Elaine Pagels

Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #History, #Christian Theology, #General, #Angelology & Demonology

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Caligula (Gaius Caesar), Emperor of


Rome, 30

Jewish practices abandoned by, 63, 64,

Canaanites, mythology of, 38

73-74, 85

Capernaum, 16, 80

persecution of, 24-25, 112-14.

Caracalla, Emperor of Rome. 137, 142

115-16, 119, 122-24, 125, 135-37,

Carthage, 149, 163

138, 144-45, 146

castration, 157

punishments imposed on, 113, 115,

Catchpole, David, 94, 95

122-23, 125, 136, 145

celibacy, 157, 172, 176

recantation of faith demanded of, 125,

Celsus, 138-46

135, 138, 145

census taking, origin of, 42-43, 44

sayings of Jesus collected by, 66-74,

children, 151, 154

80-81, 83-84

loss of, 128-29

traditional social bonds honored by, 151

Chorazin, 80

traditional social bonds severed by, 114,

Christianity, Christians, xv, xix-xxii, 14,

118-19, 121-22, 125, 131, 133-35,

34, 35, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 77, 84

138-39, 142-43, 146-17, 150, 151,

dualism of, 130, 141, 143, 171, 176-


77, 179-84

worldly things renounced by, 121,

ethnic identification severed by, 114

133-34, 156-58, 162

liturgy of, 59

I Chronicles, 43

Protestant, 156, 158, 159, 174-75

circumcision, 45, 63, 64

rabbinic curse applied to, 99

Clement I, 152-53, 166

Collins, John, 51

see also

I N D E X / 207

Commodus, Lucius, Emperor of Rome,

43-4, 47, 49-62, 79-80


Jewish leaders as, see Jewish leaders

communion, rite of, 66, 123, 143

Matthew's reversal of, 79-80, 110-11

Corinth, 65, 152

reconciliation with, 183-84

I Corinthians, 8, 65, 66, 143, 172, 176

Enlightenment, 147

II Corinthians, 112-13, 150

Ephesians, 113, 123, 160

curses, 35-36, 47, 59, 87, 183

Ephesus, 65

birkat ha-minim
, 99

Epictetus, 128-29

Cyrus, king of Persia, 43-44

Essenes, xvii, 17-18, 34, 47, 56-61, 62,

65, 83, 84, 89, 173, 179, 182

(“spirit energies”), 120, 139,

ethnic identity, 35-62, 76-77

141, 143-6

Christian severance of, 114

fate and, 132-33

moral identity vs., 51-62, 84-86, 146

in natural order, 126, 128, 130,

evil spirits, see demons

132-33, 142, 143-44

Exodus, Book of, 36-37

persecution instigated by, 144-45

exorcism, xvi, 117, 118, 122, 149

Daniel, book of, 12, 14, 51, 55-56

David, King, 18, 37-38, 44

fate, 120-21, 127, 129, 132-34, 142,

Jesus’s descent traced from, 77, 78, 79


taxation introduced by, 42-43

and, 132-33

Dead Sea Scrolls, 56, 57-60

resistance to, 130

Decius, Emperor of Rome, 138, 145

Tatian's view of, 133-34

Delphi, oracle at, 119, 167

First Book of Enoch
, 50, 52-53, 56

demons, xv-xvii, 13-14, 149, 158, 170,

“flight into Egypt,” 78-79

181, 182, 184

fornication, sin of, 121, 154

cast out by Jesus, 16-17, 20, 82, 92

Forsyth, Neil, xviii, 40

derivation of term, 120

Fox, George, 156

exorcism of, xvi, 117, 118, 122, 149

Francis of Assisi, 156, 184

human minds infested by, 117, 124, 132

Fuller, Reginald, 105

martyrdom and, 144-45

pagan gods as, 54, 119-22, 123-24,

Gabriel, 56

130, 131-33

Gager, John, 130

possession by, 10, 16, 19, 20, 82, 83,

Galatians, 65, 114

98, 111

Gamalial II, 99

sired by fallen angels, 49, 50, 54,

Genesis, book of, xvi, 42-49, 50, 51, 163

132-33, 158

creation account in, 99-100, 156,

stories about origin of, 49

157-58, 159-60, 161, 162, 169

see also daimones
; enemies; Satan’s war

foundation story in, 35-36, 37

with God

Gershom, 37

Deuteronomy, book of, 37, 87

, 167-68, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175,

dioceses, origin of, 153


Dodd, C. H., 110

meaning of term, 167

Gnostic Gospels, The
(Pagels), 68

Eddv, Marv Baker, 156

Gnosticism, 166-78

Egypt, 7, 8, 39, 65, 66, 68, 112, 155, 166

God in, 169, 170-71

exodus from, 36-37, 79

morality of, 168, 169-72, 173-74,

“flight into,” 78-79


see also Alexandria

orthodox observances of, 166, 168-69,

Egyptians, xviii, xix, 37, 89, 115


gods of, xv, 130, 141

two Christian types distinguished by,

, 167

168, 169-70

Eleleth, 162

women attracted to, 170

Embassy to Gains
(Philo), 30

see also
Nag Hammadi texts

enemies, 112-13, 179-84

God, 36-37, 72, 77, 79, 89-90, 106, 113,

accursed, 35-36, 87, 183

117, 132, 134, 156, 181-84

bestial images of, 38-39, 55-56

dehumanization of, xviii-xx, 37, 184

foreign nations (
ha goyim
) as, 14-15,

34, 36-38, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55-

56, 58, 79-80

within groups, 13-29, 33-34, 38-39,

208 / I N D E X

God continued)

Hebrew language, xviii, 15, 36, 39, 41.

authority of, claimed by Jesus, 16-19,

58, 77, 143, 162, 175

81,83, 101

Hecateten, 141

as fallen angel, 158, 159-63, 165, 169

Heliogabalus, Emperor of Rome, 137

Gnostic view of, 169, 170-71

Hera, 120, 126

Kingdom of, 9, 17-18, 70-71, 74. 80,

heretics, heresy, xvii, 68, 69-70, 99, 148,

85-86, 114,146

149-78, 179-80, 182

punishment by, xvi, 10, 38, 40, 42, 43,

clerical authority challenged by, 152, 166

88, 140, 177

derivation of term, 163

spirit of, 11, 15, 19,20, 117, 118, 123,

Irenaeus’s attack on, 155, 163, 166,

149, 150, 170,175

168, 169, 170, 176, 177-78

as villain in Adam and Eve story, 159-60

orthodoxy vs., 164-65

will of, xvi, 141

pride of, 163-64

see also angels; Satan's war with God

as Satan’s agents, 150, 153, 155, 165,

gods, pagan, xv, 38, 45, 112, 119-33,


135, 138, 143

scriptural debate as, 164-65

demonized, 54, 119-26, 130, 131-33

Tertullian’s attack on, 163-66, 169, 177

fate and, 120-21. 127, 129, 130, 132-

see also Gnosticism


Herod King, 19, 78-79. 80, 90, 92, 95,

forces of nature and,
natural order

110-11, 114

monotheistic unit of, 141-42

Herodians, 19, 22, 23, 32, 82, 110

Gordian III, Emperor of Rome, 138

Hesiod, 126

Gospel of Mary Magdalene
, 67-68

Hillel. 84-85

Gospel of Philip
, 73, 170, 171-77

Hoennecke, Gustave, 100-101

baptism in, 175-76

Homer, xv, 123-24, 126, 130

freedom vs. love in, 172-73, 176

Hosea, book of, 79, 87, 170

in, 168

Husband, Richard, 107-8

parables of morality in, 171-72

recognizing one's own evil potential

(Homer), 123

advocated by, 174, 176-77

, as term, 103-5

sin in, 173-74, 176

Irenaeus, 69-70, 155, 163, 166, 168,

virgin birth in, 175

169, 170, 176, 177-78

Gospel of Thomas
, 66, 68-69, 70-74, 176

Isaac, 36, 54

attributed to Jesus’s twin brother, 68,

Isaiah, book of, 21, 23, 34, 37, 38, 48, 54,


77-78, 87,90, 152, 170

behavioral guidelines in, 73

Ishmael, 36

date of, 69

Isis, 130, 141

Jesus's identity in, 71-73

Kingdom of God in, 70-71, 74

James (apostle), 17, 24

as secret teaching, 68, 70

James the Just, 64, 108

Gospel of Truth
, 170, 171

Jamnia, rabbinic academy at, 75-76

Greece, 65, 112, 151

Jeremiah, book of, 23, 38, 87, 170

Greek language, xix, 7, 39, 77, 99-100,

Jerusalem, 4, 9, 13-34, 43, 61, 64, 79, 90

103-5, 120, 152,163, 167

in book of Revelation, 79-80

Greeks, xv, xix, 50, 89, 131-35

Jesus in, 22-29, 92-97

Jewish assimilation with, 45-46

Jewish leaders in, see Jewish leaders

Green, William, xix

Pilate and, 10, 30-32

Roman occupation of, 75

Hanson, Paul, 44

siege of, 3, 5-6, 8

Hanukkah, festival of, 46

see also Temple, Second

Hasmoneans, 46-47

Jesus, xvii, xix, xx-xxii, 6-34, 76-88, 89-

Hebrew Bible, xvi, xx, 35-62, 77-80, 87,

111, 137, 139, 151, 156, 158, 175

158, 159-60, 168

accounts of, 7, 65-74

angels in, 36, 39-43, 48 *9

accused of demon-possession, 10, 20,

foreign nations (
) as enemies in,

82, 98

35-38, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55-56

foundation stories in, 35-37, 51

prophets in, 37, 38, 43

sectarian writings excluded from, 35

universalism in, 37

see also
apocrypha; Torah;
specific books

I N D E X / 209

baptism of, 11-12, 15,77,99, 123

in Luke, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93-96, 97-98,

behavioral guidelines offered by, 74-75,



in Mark, 7, 10, 13-29, 33-34, 82, 89,

birth of, 77-78, 79, 89-90, 99, 140, 175


in Capernaum synagogue, 16

in Matthew, xx, 76-77, 78-88, 110-11,

charges against, xxi, xxii, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,


14, 25-26, 27, 95, 96, 97, 107, 108

see also

common allegations against, 11, 77-79,

Jewish War, 3-34, 140


aftermath of, xxii, 8-10, 61, 64, 75-76

crucifixion of, xx, xxi, 6-7, 8, 9, 10, 12,

factions in, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

13, 14, 27, 79, 80, 86-87. 96-98,

as God's punishment, 10, 88

114, 180

Second Temple destroyed in, 6,8,9-10,

demons cast out by, 16-17, 20, 82, 92

24, 75, 76

despised people accepted by, 91

siege of Jerusalem in, 3, 5-6, 8

disciples of, 6, 17, 19-20 21, 22-23,

Jews, xv, xvi, 18, 63, 64, 73-74, 85, 112,

24, 67-68, 69, 70-73, 82-83, 92,

114, 130, 140, 142-3, 152, 180, 183

110, 152

assimilation of, 33, 45-46, 53, 55, 57,

family conflicts with, 20, 21, 22, 101,



communities of, 8-9, 10, 11, 15,

God’s authority claimed by, 16-19. 81,

29-30,49, 182

83, 101

ethical teachings of, 154, 155, 156, 158

healings performed by, 16-17, 19, 67,

ethnic identification of, see ethnic iden-



“historical,” xx-xxii

, as term, 103-5

identity of, 71, 72, 73

in John, 98-111

impending execution predicted by,

persecution by, 112-13

22-23, 106

yetzer ‘hara
teaching of, 174

in Jerusalem, 22-29, 92-97

see also
Hebrew Bible; Jewish leaders;

Jewish leaders and, see Jewish leaders

Jewish War

as “king of the Jews,” xxii, 7, 28, 80,

Joab, 42 13

92-93,95,96, 107, 109

Job, Book of, 39,41-42

as Messiah, 10, 11-13, 15, 26, 28, 34,

Johanan ben Zakkai, 75-76

62, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83,

John (apostle), 17,24

94-95, 98

John, Gospel according to, xix, xxi-xxiii,

in Nazareth synagogue, 90-91, 11 ]

7, 27, 33, 61-62, 69-70, 88, 95,

parables of, 21, 22, 23, 83, 85-86,

98-111,112, 147, 172


arresting party in, 93, 102, 107

as religious authority, 64, 72, 76, 80,

community represented by, 65, 98-99

81-86, 87-88

crucifixion in, 101, 106-7, 109-10

religious laws broken bv, 18-19, 22, 74,

date of, 8, 70

77, 81, 91

Ioudaios as
term in, 103-5

repentance preached by, 9, 17-18. 70

Jesus’s identity in, 72, 73

resurrection of, 87, 88

Jewish leaders indicted in, 65, 98, 101,

royal genealogy of, 77, 78, 79, 89


Satan's temptation of, 11-12, 15-16,

Judas Iscariot in, 102, 105-6, 111

80-81,90, 101-2

prologue to, 99-100, 104

sayings of, see sayings of Jesus

Romans in, 93, 102, 105, 106, 107-9

Second Temple's destruction predicted

Satan’s temptations in, 101-2

by, 9-10, 24

Satan’s war with God in, 98, 99-106.

secret teachings of, 21-22, 67-68,

111, 123


sources of, 107

Sermon on the Mount given by, 66, 80,

trial before Pilate in, 103, 107-10

81, 154

trial before Sanhedrin in, xxi, 26-27,

as Son of God, 94, 95, 100, 144

94, 107-9

traditional social bonds severed bv, 21,

24, 150,151, 154

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