Read The Other Other Woman Online

Authors: Mallory Lockhart

The Other Other Woman (19 page)

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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“I really missed kissing you,” he said. “I forgot what a great kisser you are…” and lifted my face up to him to kiss me twice more. I wasn’t sure whether to take that as a compliment or not. He forgot?

I had remembered to bring the questionable 2007 Chianti wine with me, so we opened that one up first. He brought a backup bottle of Pinot “just in case mine killed him.” I watched him closely for signs of trouble while he apprehensively took a small sip, swished it around a bit, and within seconds declared it, “still good!” He poured a glass for each of us, and I followed him over to the red couch in the living room area to relax and catch up for a few minutes.

He sat down and reached for my hand, pulling me over to sit next to him. I was wearing a sleeveless purple top, sort of a dressier version of a tank top, and my black matte jersey skirt. It was that really swingy material, so when I sat down he smiled as he got a great look at my thighs and he immediately placed his hand upon my knee.

“Really like this outfit, babe,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to be all dressed up!” He also remarked on the smoothness of my legs, running his hands up and down their entire length from my ankle to my thigh.

I giggled at him and said, “Did you think I wouldn’t shave for you after the first date?”

He grabbed my hand and held it while we sat there, drinking our wine and talking about my trip down. I admitted that I was nervous about lying to Brooke because I was afraid I would mess up my story over the course of the evening. He told me he barely said anything to her and left work when she was busy on the phone so she couldn’t pump him for details. He moved his hand, still clasped in mine, to my knee once more and looked straight into my eyes for a moment. I was absolutely ecstatic just to have him sitting next to me again.

He finally said, “I really missed you, Mal. I guess I didn’t realize how much, but now that you’re here, I get it.”

“I missed you too, baby,” I replied and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

We talked a little more, and he got on the subject of work, as he often did. “Okay, so, present company excluded, who would you say are your favorite people in the company?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, I answered, “Well, of course there’s Patrick McBride…”


One day back in July, we were on the phone discussing all of the new business that was being thrown his way down in Florida and how he was going to have to increase the amount of time he started spending down there if it continued. He was very excited about it, of course; he loved being down there and told me he’d like to end up there permanently in a few years. I made some comment about some brokers out of our Savannah office who were always taking trips there but not opening very many Florida accounts. “So at least you don’t have to worry about them stealing your business down there!” I said.

He replied, “Yeah, but you know who is? This Patrick McBride dude in Alabama. I see him all over my territory. I’m gonna have to fight him one of these days or something!” Pretty funny coming from him, the most non-confrontational man I had ever met. He was mostly kidding, I think.

Matt was aware that I knew Patrick because I used to supervise the Birmingham branch some time ago. He had actually sent me flowers once when his former assistant had been especially rude to me for no good reason. I also sat at his table and talked to him for quite a while at the conference, the same place I met Matt for the first time. I found Patrick to be a very personable guy, so I used it to tease Matt on occasion. “Aww, Patrick is my boy in Alabama, you know!” I taunted.

He raised his voice like he was a little insulted, “Well, I know he
to be your boy, but
your boy now and you betta holla at your boy!”

I don’t know if I have ever laughed so hard at anything he had ever said. It was the first time I ever felt like he had one ounce of jealousy in his body, at least regarding me.

As soon as I said Patrick’s name again he grumbled, “Oh, so that’s how it is, huh?” and started fake pouting. I tried to make amends by sliding my hand slowly up and down his thigh and murmuring, “Well, now that you mention it, there is a totally hot broker in Atlanta that I just can’t get enough of. He’s handsome and funny and smart as a whip. And he’s just so fucking sexy I can barely control myself when I’m around him…” I could see his eyes twinkle as he stared at me, his lips curling into a discerning smile. He was definitely perking up. “His name is Kip, maybe you know him?”

That was enough of that. He jumped on me and started tickling me mercilessly. I begged him to stop and rolled myself on top of him as he sat back against the side of the couch. I just stared at him while he started talking again about how much he liked dealing with this products person or that new account rep in the back office. I wasn’t really paying that much attention. I was very distracted by lying on top of him, his chest right there underneath me with his mouthwatering scent wafting up through his clothing. I kept my gaze up at him through my eyelashes, answering, “Uh huh…” while slowly unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on his work shirt and pushing it down his arms. “Uh huh…” while lifting his T-shirt and sweeping my lips back and forth across his chest hair and down his stomach. “Uh huh…”

“Safe to say you are finished with your wine, dear?” he grinned.

“Uh huh…”

“Should we maybe move this party over there?” he suggested, tilting his head over toward the bed.

“Mmm hmm…”

It wasn’t like I didn’t love him for more than his body, but it had just been SO long. And to make matters worse (or in my case better?), it just so happened that I was ovulating. I’m not sure if this happens to all women, but hormonally and physically, it tends to make things a little more “interesting” for me.

He took my hand and led me over near the side of the bed. As we stood there face to face–well, as close as I could get in my heels, anyway–I wasn’t wasting any time. I grabbed his undershirt and lifted it off of him, running my hands wildly all over his bare chest. I just loved that part of him. For a moment, I imagined being able to rub sunscreen all over his chest in Miami and became even more turned on.

As he helped me slide my top off above my head, he slid his fingers ever so slowly down my arms, resting them on my bra, which sent sparks through every nerve in my body. He moved his hands down my sides, over my hips, and slipped my skirt to the floor, bringing his hands up the backs of my thighs and around my lavender thong.

He stared at me approvingly, especially because I still had my heels on. Then he stopped, scratched his chin for a moment, and said, “Hey, you aren’t matching today!”

I was wearing a black bra with white polka dots. “Au contraire, mon frere, look at the bow here in the middle of the bra,” I said, pointing to the tiniest little lavender bow in the middle of the cups.

“I stand corrected,” he laughed, obviously tickled by my OCD tendencies.

“Hey, it was the best I could do!”

“You know I appreciate the effort, babe…” he said, kissing me. “But these are coming off now.”

He reached around me and unhooked my bra, caressing my entire back with his hands before dropping it to the floor. Then he slipped one finger under my thong and while bending down to leave a trail of gentle kisses down my stomach, slipped it off with ease. As he came back up he seized one of my asscheeks in each hand and pulled me into him, forcefully wrapping one of my legs around his waist. He kissed me, hard, as he lifted me completely off the floor, placing me in the middle of the bed. He looked at my shoes mischievously, hoping I might leave them on for a minute. But I shook my head “better not” and he graciously removed them for me. They had a tall, sharp heel that could be quite dangerous when operating heavy machinery.

He stood at the edge of the bed while I sat up on my elbows and watched him, taking him all in as he slowly unhooked his belt, unbuttoned and lowered his pants, leaving them in heap on the floor. He started to put his fingers in the waistband of his black boxer briefs, but I told him to leave those on for a minute.

He shot me a puzzled look, “Um, why?”

I stared directly at his bulge and then glanced up at him. “Because…” I said, biting my lip, “I want to take them off of you.”

He gave me a playful grin and joined me on the bed, lying next to me on his side. I wasn’t feeling nearly as shy as I was during our first little tryst. Right away, I slid my hand inside his boxers and wrapped it tightly around his thick cock, stroking him slowly and deliberately, feeling him grow harder in my hand. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, exhaling into a soft moan as I sprinkled his chest with wet kisses at the same time. I ran my fingers gingerly around his waist, eventually pulling his boxers down and off his solid muscular legs. I smiled up at him and planted a tiny kiss on the smooth head of his cock as I shimmied them down, just to be a tease.

He cupped both of my breasts, plumping them and nuzzling them, lavishing them with his complete attention by rolling his tongue around my nipples and tugging each gently with his lips. His warm breath felt so good on my skin, but I desperately wanted him to put his fingers inside of me, to feel how wet I was for him, how ready I was. I wasn’t going to tell him it was because I was ovulating. I’d just let him think I was that excited for him, because it wasn’t exactly a lie.

Thankfully, within minutes, his hand starting traveling down my stomach. My entire body erupted in goose bumps as the thrill of his touch washed over me. He brushed my sides and rounded over my hips with his hand, sliding two fingers in between my legs. With his palm resting on my freshly waxed bikini line, he moved with slow, shallow strokes over the top of my clit, the sweet tension causing it to swell for him. I wanted to take his hand and just shove it all up in my lady business, but well, that might have seemed crass.

By some miracle, he finally slid his fingers deeper inside me, penetrating me, and causing me to arch my back and moan his name. But then he paused very suddenly and sat up.

“God damn!”

I busted out laughing. I couldn’t help myself, he just looked so shocked. I said “Sorry, babe, sometimes it’s just… like that.”

“Trust me, it’s um… not a problem,” he said, shaking his head. “Are you about ready, sweetie?” he asked me politely as he reached for a condom and started to tear the packet, you know, as if he couldn’t tell.

“I’ve been ready since you walked in the door, dummy!” I laughed.

He cut his eyes at me in one of those sexy sideways glances and proceeded to roll the condom down his thick shaft. I was lying on my back with my knees casually knocking together, waiting for him. He gave me a sweet little kiss before taking his spot down in front of me, placing his hands on my knees and gently guiding them apart. He wedged himself between my thighs and, grabbing me firmly under my ass, he lifted me onto the head of his cock and pulled me down his length, making us both tremble with pleasure. He began to move inside me in long rhythmic strokes, and I was instantly reminded of our first time together, how perfectly our bodies fit together, how completely gorgeous I thought he was. His thrusts became harder and deeper, causing me to very loudly express my gratitude.

I had never been very vocal in bed in the past, but something about him evoked a lust in me that was almost primal, like I had never felt for anyone else. I was positively ravenous for him at all times. He placed his arms beside me and lowered himself down upon me, flattening our chests directly against each other. The full weight of him was pushing forcefully into my body, making me cry out, “Oh my God, baby, you feel so good!” as he pulsated deep within me. His mouth hovered over mine, his lips dry and slightly pursed from his own heavy breathing and soft moans. I grabbed his face and pulled him toward me, exploring his mouth with my tongue and re-wetting his lips with mine. Running my fingers through his hair, I looked directly into his eyes and whispered, “Baby, it’s a good thing you don’t live in Raleigh.”

He slowed for a moment and gave me a perplexed look, “Well, why is that?”

“Because I would have to fuck you every single day…” I purred in his ear.

He drove deeper into me, groaning loudly as he thrust forward with brisk, powerful lunges that left me gasping for breath. He stopped only to flip me completely over onto all fours in front of him. I was so slick that he slipped right out this time, but we quickly readjusted with me holding my legs together between his, rather than apart… a little trick that made me shudder from feeling so tightly wound around his cock as he eased himself back in.

He grabbed me around my hips, pulling me into him and then pushing me away with steady quick thrusts. My back curled as I yielded to the pressure of his body crashing into me over and over with an audible slap. I heard him sighing over my own moans, and then he called out, “God, you are so wet, babe!” In that particular position, it was so much so, that between me and the lubrication on the condom, there was just no friction left, even as we slowed down. He slipped out a couple of times, which made him utter “Whoops!” and made me apologize again and again through my giggles.

A position change would likely fix that, so I turned around and straddled his lap while he sat on the bed. I threw my legs completely around him and he held me firmly up against his chest with his arms tightly gripping my shoulders. He kissed my neck, and as I threw my head back, he teased my nipples with his tongue as he continued to glide in and out, never breaking his slow but perfect rhythm. As he bucked his hips, a low raspy moan escaped from my lips, the delicious tension building through every muscle of my body. I spread little kisses up from the side his face up to his ear and whispered, “Baby, I’m ready… please don’t stop… oh God… don’t stop…” He instantly increased the intensity of his thrusts and I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung desperately to him as I began to tremble and shake, every nerve ending in my body finally exploding around him.

He lowered me slowly down on the bed. He was absolutely soaking wet with sweat. I knew he was ready, and I knew just what he needed. So I raised myself up slightly to sweep my hands over his chest and pulled his nipple gently into my mouth, tugging and sucking it as skillfully as I could muster in my post-orgasmic haze. Before I could move my tongue over to the other side, his hot, wet body begin to shiver. He groaned slowly, grabbed my hips tightly and buried his cock within me, crying out, “YES… YES… YEEESSSSS,” as he climaxed and fell upon me, completely exhausted.

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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