The Other Other Woman (15 page)

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Authors: Mallory Lockhart

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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I also told her I didn’t think my type of guy existed in Raleigh. From what I had seen so far (of course I wasn’t really looking), all the men around here were either “outdoorsy” (redneck) or obnoxiously preppy. I didn’t mind a little preppiness, but not this old Carolina bowties and seersucker suits kind of preppy. I liked city boys–guys who could rock a nice pair of jeans–but definitely had a well-groomed, metrosexual thing going on. Someone who took good care of their body but wasn’t some dumb meathead. A lean, athletic type, oh… but they couldn’t be short, or bald. And they had to be incredibly intelligent and stable in their career. It didn’t seem like too much to ask for to me.

She laughed, “Oh, okay, so basically you want some little prissy pants? Or someone gay? Kind of like Wynne? He’s right there on the verge of being gay, I think. I really wonder about that boy sometimes!”

I had to stifle my laughter. Pretty sure he was, in fact, not gay. “Oh, is he a little fashionista?” I asked innocently. “I had no idea!”

“Oh, heck yeah, you should see him always primping up in his office, fluffing his hair and shit. Oh, and ugh, he uses this raspberry-scented anti-bacterial gel all the time that makes me want to hurl.”

I giggled to myself, thinking,
Aww, well how about that. He IS a germaphobe just like me!


The next day when Matt and I spoke, he said that he was looking at possibly coming up at either the end of the next week or the first week in August. He said it was looking like he was going to have a record month, and he thought he deserved a little reward. I can only assume that he meant me. As time went on, it was clear that the rest of the July was going to be very hectic for him. One of his huge clients had some very large trades coming up and he needed to be available. It wasn’t looking good for me. My birthday was in August, so I would have loved to be able to see him then. But when going through emails, I noticed he was making meeting plans down in Florida right around my birthday. I knew he couldn’t be in two places at once.

In the meantime, Brooke and I had decided that we both really needed a break for ourselves. Just as Matt had suggested using his Miami condo several times to me, he was selling the idea to her as well. He knew that we were becoming closer and he seemed genuinely supportive of that.

“Hey, so Brooke tells me that you guys are like best friends now,” he said one morning. “I told her that I really like you a lot, too.”

“Did you tell her how much you like me naked?” I teased. “We have gotten pretty close lately. But don’t worry; you know I wouldn’t say anything to her about us. But let me tell you, she has asked me some questions that I had to lie lie lie about!”

“I know you wouldn’t do that, I trust you more than anyone,” he replied. “But I really think you two need to get some girlfriends together and go down to Miami for a long weekend. You both need a break from your kids.”

It really wasn’t a bad idea. Having a free place to stay would certainly make it easier for us to afford an actual vacation. Chicago had been so expensive. Between the flight and the hotel stay, I had to save up for months for that little weekend jaunt. It had been worth it, though. It was right up there among the best times of my life. When I told Brooke all about it, I had promised her that next time I went someplace like that, I would take her with me.

However, her husband was a potential issue. He would definitely not be down with his wife going to Miami with a bunch of girls (one of them being separated) for the sole purpose of going out to nightclubs. They had been married for 11 years with two school-aged children, Jack and Kira. Travis was a really large dude, easily 6’2” and just happened to also be a cop–not someone I particularly wanted to cross. I don’t want to accuse him of being a control freak, but he had a tendency not to trust people, and therefore always questioned her to death any time she went anywhere without him, and assumed the worst no matter what she said.

She assured me that we should go ahead and start making some plans, and she would deal with him later since the trip would be at least a couple of months away. I was going to have to line up my mom to take the kids again so I needed a lot of notice. From the get-go, Matt seemed really excited about us going. I think he liked the idea of us oohing and ahhing over his oceanfront condo. He even mentioned the possibility of joining us, since he typically traveled there every few weeks. He was thinking that he would stay in one of his smaller properties while we stayed at the larger two-bedroom. That way, he could work during the day and come hang out with us at night.

I won’t lie; I was very, very intrigued by this idea. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, actually. Brooke and I set a date in late September, and Matt made sure to note it on his calendar too, just in case. We weren’t sure if we wanted to invite a bunch of girls or not. If we went on our own, we’d each have our own bedroom.

A few days later, he mentioned Miami again. “Have I told you how excited I am for you guys to go to Miami? You are going to love it. In fact, let me get your plane ticket.”

“Absolutely not!” I answered sharply.

“Why the hell not? I want to. I know things are tight for you right now, so just let me do this, sweetie.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Matt. You don’t need to fly me to Miami! We are already using your place! You are doing plenty.”

“Mallory, I’m getting your ticket.”

“It’s really not necessary.”

“You’re the one being ridiculous. I’m paying for your ticket whether you like it or not.”

“No! I feel bad letting you do that.”

“Why?! It was my idea!”

“I don’t know. I just do. I’m not used to anyone spending money on me like that.”

“So, get used to it. Think of it as extra play money so you can go out to better restaurants and have more fun. And you are going to have SO much fun!”

“I’m sure we will, but you aren’t really planning on being there, are you?”

“You don’t want me to?”

“Oh, of course I do, are you kidding?! More than anything!” I exclaimed. “I’m just trying to figure out how we would work that.”

“Not sure, but I would like to. It might be uncomfortable though.”

“Brooke would be fine with it, we’re all friends. But I had better be seeing you before September, or the only play your ass is going to be getting is a giant foot up it.”

“You are correct on both counts.”

“And I have big feet,” I cautioned.

“So do I,” he laughed. “And big hands if that makes a difference…”

“I remember, well, I think… it was so long ago. I seem to recall there was a lot of sweating, and some swearing… I think that was from you.”

“Swearing can be very appropriate at times,” he added.

“You know I’m not going to share my covers with you. I’m used to having them all to myself now.”

“Haha, well, okay. There is a couch that I can use.”

“I’m sure it will be really fun to explain to Brooke what you are doing there. ‘Hey Brooke,’” I said, imitating him, “‘I’m just going to camp out in here with Mal. No funny business. Pay no mind to any noises or profanities you may hear!’”

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” he interjected, and we both giggled our asses off.

I told Brooke we were going to have to make a plan to hang out together at least once or twice before we went on vacation to make sure we could stand to be around each other for an extended period of time. I didn’t think it would be an issue, but to be fair, we had never been together in person for much more than an elevator ride. I did see her briefly in her office for my branch visit in April, but even then she couldn’t hang out with us.

Brady and I had finally set a date for all the moms to go dancing with him and his friends. I really wanted her to come up for that, but our blossoming friendship seemed to be an increasing threat to her husband. He wasn’t about to let her travel up to Raleigh to see me for the weekend without her kids in tow. Travis wasn’t yet aware that I was separated from my husband. We think he may have gotten the impression that I was some sort of (possibly gay) party girl, always leaving my children behind to jet off to Chicago with a bunch of women, or hitting the lesbian bars without my husband. But we decided not to tell him right away, since a married party girl–in his mind–was less likely to get his wife into trouble than a single one. The idea that anyone would ever consider me a party girl was pretty hilarious. It was purely coincidental that I’d had a few events that were scheduled close together.

That weekend, along with a few of the other moms from my neighborhood, I met Brady and Justin and several of their friends up at Legends. It’s been “that lesbian bar” for as long as I can remember, but it’s really not. A lot of gay men go there and bring their straight friends like us. The bar itself is really chill, very come-as-you-are. There is a large patio area in back, game rooms, a dance floor, great music and tons of hot men that could not be less interested in you. What more could you want? I tend to overdress for most occasions in general, and this time was no exception. I’m sure I stuck out like a sore thumb in my skirt and heels among all the tank tops, cargo shorts, and flip flops. And I wondered why no one ever made any passes at me there.

Since Brooke couldn’t be with me, we texted each other most of the evening. I had to tell her all about Brady’s new boyfriend. This was my first time actually meeting Justin. He was just awesome, such a genuinely sweet person, and really handsome to boot. I was so happy for Brady that he had found someone he was so crazy about. His other friends were great as well. They referred to us collectively as “The Moms” all night. “Where are The Moms? Let me introduce you to my friend The Moms… The Moms went to the ladies room… The Moms are doing lemon drop shots… The Moms are on the dance floor…” which had us all cracking up. I’m sure the shots made it a lot funnier than it actually was.

We took a lot of pictures of everyone that night, in various stages of inebriation. I really wished Brooke could have been there; she loves to dance like I do, and we would have had so much fun closing that place down together. I sent some of the better pictures to both her and Matt, and I was thrilled when he texted back:
You. Are. Stunning.

I quickly responded:
You should see me in person.

How about August 6th?

Sounds perfect to me. You’d come up on Sunday again?

That was my thought, Sun nite and Mon a.m. Solid regimen.

I don’t like the sound of that a.m. part,
I protested.

What? You want me all day??

No, I have other men in hotels to visit that day.

LOL. Got it. I want you.

I want you too, babe.


I was feeling really good about our relationship. I always felt better once he would actually commit to a date. I’m a planner by nature, and with him always being so busy, not knowing when I would see him again drove me nuts. It had been a really long time, maybe five or six weeks since our first time together. To say I was climbing the walls was being kind. I decided I was going to give him a little
something something
to make him want August 6th to get here just a little faster.

I went home that night and made a very short video of me, um, “thinking about him.” It was probably no more than say 10 seconds long, and only showing my hand strategically placed on my body. No way was I putting my face in there!

He had just signed up for a charity cycling event that was scheduled for the third week of September, which was perfect, because then he could recover by coming to Miami with us. He had already started to train for this race by doing two long rides on the weekend instead of just his usual Saturday one.

So that Monday he bid me a
Good morning
and asked how I was via text.

I’m great, how about you?

Not bad. Rode bike Sat AND Sun, so really tired. Working on 3rd cup of coffee!

You did another 50 miles on Sunday?!

Yep. My body was in a little bit of shock mode afterwards. Just now recovering. Had to take the elevator this am.

I was thinking about your body a lot last night. Maybe that’s why it’s tired?

I am sure that your scenario was a lot more fun!!!

Well, technically I could show you. But I’m debating whether or not I will.

Can I compete in this debate?! PLEASE?!

I’m just not sure you could handle it in your frail state this morning

Agreed, but I recover fast! Which is why I could do back to back HARD rides this weekend. Stamina baby!

Hmm, okay,
I conceded.
Well, then I guess you could probably handle this.

I texted over the video and was just giddy with anticipation.

Finally, after about a minute, he responded:
Ahhhh, well my heart rate is suddenly in the red zone! Yes I can handle it, and will!!

Once we got a chance to actually talk that day I think he was still a little shocked. “Hey, cutie, what are you up to?” I asked him.

“Well, I haven’t gotten anything done today, really. I’ve just been playing some video on my phone over and over all day and I can’t figure out why my pants keep sticking up!”

I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face. “Well, you should feel really special because that was my first porno ever.”

“God damn, that was really, really hot,” he admitted with a sigh. “Wow.”

“Yes, I’m sure my mother would be so proud!” I cried.


Brooke and I were texting that evening about needing to find me a booty call down in Miami, when very out of the blue she said,
So just how close are you and Matt anyway

My eyes got really wide.
Huh? Whatcha mean?

I went into his office the other day and saw he was talking to you–your name was on the phone. And then he hung up real quick! I need one of those eyebrow raising emoticons to send to you right now, LOL!

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