The Oxford History of the Biblical World (109 page)

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frogs, plague of, 59

Fronto, 417

Frye, Northrop, 58

Gager, John G., 444

Gaius Julius Caesar (Caligula, or Gaius Caligula), 396–98

Galatians, letter to the, 374

Galba (Servius Sulpicius Galba), 439

Galerius, 424

Galilee, 167, 287, 291

and First Jewish Revolt, 380–87

Lower, 6

in Persian period, 291

Upper, 6

Galilee, Lake of, 5, 6, 208, 354

Galilee, Sea of.
Galilee, Lake of

Gamaliel II, 386

Gamaliel V, 441

Gamble, Harry, 433, 445

Garden of Eden, 21

Gates, Marie-Henriette, 56

Gath, 114, 121, 153

Gaza, 37, 68, 97, 114, 121–22, 138, 152, 153, 167, 208, 224, 263, 280, 325, 332, 400

Gedaliah, 268

Geder (Khirbet Jedur), 98

Geller, Barbara, 420–46

Genesis, book of

chapters 1–11, 20, 21, 22

chapters 12–50, 26–29

patriarchal history in, 25–26

sources of, 27–28

Genesis Rabbah, 438

genres in biblical literature, 3

and Exodus narrative, 61–62

Jewish novels, 322–23


of the biblical world, 4–9

Georgi, Dieter, 418

Gerizim, Mount, 208, 312, 332, 346

Samaritan temple at, 315

Germanicus, 394, 396–97

Gershevitch, Ilya, 315

Geshem, 289, 310

Gessius Florus, 380–81

Gezer, 37, 43, 68, 91–92, 114, 121, 138, 167, 189

archaeology and, 98, 187

architecture at, 187

Gibeah, 167

as Saul’s capital, 190, 193

Gideon (judge), 135–36, 150

Gihon Spring, 245, 250


figurine from, 15

Gilead, 100, 136, 138, 167, 208, 287, 332

archaeology and, 100, 101

Gilgamesh epic, 20–21

Giza, 18

Glass, Jonathan, 56

gnats, as Egyptian plague, 59

Gnosticism, 428, 433

Gnostic literature, 428

God-fearers, 375

Goiim, 99

golden calf, 60

Goldstein, Jonathan A., 350

Gonen, Rivka, 23

Goodman, Martin, 386

Goshen, land of, 65, 73

Gospel of Peter, 371

Gospel of Thomas, 371

Gospels, 371–73

Greek language and, 370

Synoptic, 373, 375, 409

Gottwald, Norman K., 103, 130, 204

government, in early cities, 17

Grabar, Oleg, 445

Grabbe, Lester L., 315, 350, 387

Grant, Michael, 445

Gratian, 427

Greek Classical Age, 277

Greek language

koine, 321

in Roman period, 353

Green, Peter, 350

Greenberg, Moshe, 103, 275

Greenspoon, Leonard J., 317–51

Greer, Rowan A., 316

Gregory of Nyssa, 425

Letter on Pilgrimages, 425

Gregory the Great, 434

Grimal, Nicholas, 23

Gruen, Erich S., 350

Gubla (Byblos), 37, 43

Gudea of Lagash, 33, 447

Gurney, O. R., 56

gymnasium, 326

Habur (Tell Chuera), 31, 37

Habur Plain, 36

Habur River, 36, 37

Hackett, Jo Ann, 132–64

Hadad, 32

Hadadezer, 223–25

Hadrian, 416–17, 421, 422, 452

Hagar, 26

Haggai, 281, 292, 293, 294, 297

Hagia Sophia, 432

hail, plague of, 59

halakah, 343

Halpern, Baruch, 93, 204

Hammurapi (king of Babylon), 34, 35, 36, 39–40, 447

Hananiah, 265, 296, 313

Hanukkah, 332


Harris, Stephen L., 419

Hasidim, 343, 367

Hasmoneans, 331–50, 451

decline of, 352–53

Hatshepsut, 81

Hatti, 37, 43, 45

Hattusas (Hittite capital), 9, 21

Hattush, 296

Hattusili III, 46


groups, 359

meals, 384

Hayes, John H., 240

Hazael, 231

Hazor, 36, 37, 41, 43, 147, 167, 189, 208, 220, 280

archaeology and, 97, 99, 187

architecture at, 187–88

and conquest of Canaan, 97, 99

Hebrew language

biblical, 47

in Persian period, 279

Hebrews, letter to the, 359, 409

Hebron, 95, 96, 106, 147, 167, 208, 287

and conquest of Canaan, 98

as David’s capital, 183, 190

Helena (mother of Constantine), 69

Heliodorus, 326

Heliopolis, 65, 68

Hellenism, and cultural assimilation, 277–78

Hellenistic period, 317–51, 451

and book of Esther, 322–23

and book of Judith, 322–23

and book of Tobit, 322–23

Greco-Roman writers in, 348

and Ptolemies and Seleucids, 323–26

Hellenists, 374–75

hellenization, Samaritans and, 347

Hengel, Martin, 350

Henig, Martin, 419

Hepher (Tell el-Muhaffer), 98

Heraclius (emperor), 443

Herculaneum, 408

Hermon, Mount, 5, 287

Herod Agrippa.
Agrippa I

Herod Antipas.

Herod Archelaus, 360

Herodias, 362

Herodium, 384

Herodotus, 7, 93, 255, 283, 285, 289, 304

Histories, 282

Herod the Great, 336, 353, 355–58, 390, 452

building projects of, 357, 358

death of, 360

domestic troubles of, 356

Jewish religion under, 357

and Samaria, 357

and Second Temple, 357

Heshbon (modern Hesban), 94, 95, 96, 100, 101

Hezekiah, 313, 450

archaeology and, 246

death of, 252

literary output under, 247–48

military operations of, 250

as reformer, 246

reign of, 244–52

and wall of Jerusalem, 250

hieroglyphics, 19

Merneptah Stela, 71

high places, 213, 230, 246

high priest, 294, 359, 360

high priesthood

Herod and, 357

Jason and, 326–27

under Romans, 361, 385

Hillel, 367

house of, 367, 386

Hippolytus, 428

historical narrative, as genre, 3


periodization of, 14

primeval, 21

Hittite empire, 9

Hittites, 40, 43–46, 49, 84–87, 90, 448

and Amarna letters, 83

Hoffmeier, James K., 88

Hoglund, Kenneth G., 316

Holiness Code, 307

Holladay, John S., Jr., 204

holy of holies, 340, 353, 358–59

Homer, 155

Iliad, 126

honor and shame, 431

Horace, 393

Carmen saeculare, 393

Odes, 393

Horeb, Mount

in early Hebrew poetry, 107

and geography of the Exodus, 67

and Mosaic covenant, 216

Horemhab (pharaoh), 45

Hormah, 98

Hornblower, Simon, 316

Horsley, Richard A., 380, 387, 419

Hosea (prophet), 228, 234–36

Hosea, book of, 247

and Samaria ostraca, 212

themes of, 312–13

Hoshea, 239, 449

host, heavenly, 159


in Iron Age, 202, 236

in Negeb settlement, 184


in early Christianity, 431

in early monarchy, 202

in premonarchic Israel, 101, 113, 148–49

household codes, 430

house of David, 165

and Tel Dan inscription, 212

house of Omri, in Assyrian records, 219

Huldah, 260

human civilization, rise of, 10

hunting and gathering, 10

Hurrian language, 47

Hurrians, 43, 81

and Nuzi tablets, 52

Hyksos, 42, 43, 74, 76, 77–78, 79–81, 448

Canaanite origin of, 80

meaning of name, 42

“Hymn to the Aten,” 111

John Hyrcanus

Ibach, Robert D., 129

Ibn Khaldun, 103

Muqaddimah, 103

Ibrahim, M., 129

Idumea, 287, 288, 325, 332, 354

Idumeans, 336

Ignatius of Antioch (bishop), 403, 407

Ilu, 32

Immanuel, 238

infertility, of Sarah, 26

inscriptions, 155, 442

Byblos, 142, 154–55

Caesarea, 362

Egypt, 41, 46

Jerusalem synagogue, 359

Karnak, 175

Mesha Stela, 175

Moabite Stone, 219

Monolith, 221

Nimrud, 249

Parthenon, 402

Sardinia, 155

Siloam Tunnel, 250

Tel Dan, 175, 211–12

Tell er-Rimah Stela, 231

“Instructions for Merikare,” 74

Irenaeus, 428

iron tools and objects, 182–83, 190

Iron Age, 14, 28, 182, 448

ancient Near East in, 151–61

camels and, 28

Israelite religion in, 156

Iron Age I, 448

archaeology of, 145–51

cities in, 152

period of the judges, 132–64

Phoenician cities in, 154–55

and settlement of Canaan, 79

Transjordanian people in, 153–55

Iron Age II, 79, 165, 449

and Judean monarchy, 244

and United Monarchy, 169

irrigation, 7

Isaac, 26

and Rebekah, 26

Isaiah, 228, 238–39, 247, 248, 253, 300

Isaiah, Second.
Second Isaiah

Isaiah, book of

and Hezekiah, 251

and Judean monarchy, 243

key concepts of, 247–48

Ishbaal (Ish-bosheth), 169, 183

Ishida, Tomoo, 204

Ishkhi-Adad (ruler of Qatna), 40

Ishmael, 26

Ishmaelites, 107

Ishme-Dagan I (ruler of Assyria, son of Shamshi-Adad), 38

Islam, 443–44



archaeology and, 97–102

formation of state in, 178–83

concept of, in Persian period, 276

culture of, under Babylonians, 267

culture of, in Iron Age, 186–92

early monarchy

sociopolitical features, 192–97

geography of

in Davidic monarchy, 207–08

name, 53

national origin, story of, 25


social structure of, 101–02

religion of, in Iron Age, 156–58

tribes of, 161–63


as slaves in Egypt, 59, 64–66

Israel Stela.
Merneptah Stela

Issus, battle of, 279, 280, 314, 451

itinerary, literary genre of, and Exodus narrative, 66


figurines, 15

plaque, from Megiddo, 157

from Samaria, 219, 234–35

Izbet Sartah ostracon, 155

Izre’el, Shlomo, 57

J, 28

and monarchy, 174–75

as pentateuchal source, 61

story of Moses in, 105–07

Jabbok River (modern Zarqa), 10

Jachin and Boaz, 199

Jacob, 28–29

and Esau, 26

name changed to Israel, 27

Jagersma, Henk, 387

James (son of Zebedee), 379

James (brother of Jesus), 374, 379, 429

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