The Palliser Novels (510 page)

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Authors: Anthony Trollope

Tags: #Literary, #Science, #Life Sciences, #Botany, #Fiction

BOOK: The Palliser Novels
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“Will you tell me, Mary, that you will not see him again?”

“I don’t think that I can say that, papa.”

“Why not?”

“Oh papa, how can I, when of all the people in the world I love him the best?”

It is not without a pang that any one can be told that she who is of all the dearest has some other one who to her is the dearest. Such pain fathers and mothers have to bear; and though, I think, the arrow is never so blunted but that it leaves something of a wound behind, there is in most cases, if not a perfect salve, still an ample consolation. The mother knows that it is good that her child should love some man better than all the world beside, and that she should be taken away to become a wife and a mother. And the father, when that delight of his eyes ceases to assure him that he is her nearest and dearest, though he abandon the treasure of that nearestness and dearestness with a soft melancholy, still knows that it is as it should be. Of course that other “him” is the person she loves the best in the world. Were it not so how evil a thing it would be that she should marry him! Were it not so with reference to some “him”, how void would her life be! But now, to the poor Duke the wound had no salve, no consolation. When he was told that this young Tregear was the owner of his girl’s sweet love, was the treasure of her heart, he shrank as though arrows with sharp points were pricking him all over. “I will not hear of such love,” he said.

“What am I to say, papa?”

“Say that you will obey me.”

Then she sat silent. “Do you not know that he is not fit to be your husband?”

“No, papa.”

“Then you cannot have thought much either of your position or of mine.”

“He is a gentleman, papa.”

“So is my private secretary. There is not a clerk in one of our public offices who does not consider himself to be a gentleman. The curate of the parish is a gentleman, and the medical man who comes here from Bradstock. The word is too vague to carry with it any meaning that ought to be serviceable to you in thinking of such a matter.”

“I do not know any other way of dividing people,” said she, showing thereby that she had altogether made up her mind as to what ought to be serviceable to her.

“You are not called upon to divide people. That division requires so much experience that you are bound in this matter to rely upon those to whom your obedience is due. I cannot but think you must have known that you were not entitled to give your love to any man without being assured that the man would be approved of by — by — by me.” He was going to say, “your parents,” but was stopped by the remembrance of his wife’s imprudence.

She saw it all, and was too noble to plead her mother’s

authority. But she was not too dutiful to cast a reproach upon him, when he was so stern to her. “You have been so little with me, papa.”

“That is true,” he said, after a pause. “That is true. It has been a fault, and I will mend it. It is a reason for forgiveness, and I will forgive you. But you must tell me that there shall be an end to this.”

“No, papa.”

“What do you mean?”

“That as I love Mr. Tregear, and as I have told him so, and as I have promised him, I will be true to him. I cannot let there be an end to it.”

“You do not suppose that you will be allowed to see him again?”

“I hope so.”

“Most assuredly not. Do you write to him?”

“No, papa.”


“Never since we have been back in England.”

“You must promise me that you will not write.”

She paused a moment before she answered him, and now she was looking him full in the face. “I shall not write to him. I do not think I shall write to him; but I will not promise.”

“Not promise me, — your father!”

“No, papa. It might be that — that I should do it.”

“You would not wish me so to guard you that you should have no power of sending a letter but by permission?”

“I should not like that.”

“But it will have to be so.”

“If I do write I will tell you.”

“And show me what you write?”

“No, papa; not that; but I will tell you what I have written.”

Then it occurred to him that this bargaining was altogether derogatory to his parental authority, and by no means likely to impress upon her mind the conviction that Tregear must be completely banished from her thoughts. He began already to find how difficult it would be for him to have the charge of such a daughter, — how impossible that he should conduct such a charge with sufficient firmness, and yet with sufficient tenderness! At present he had done no good. He had only been made more wretched than ever by her obstinacy. Surely he must pass her over to the charge of some lady, — but of some lady who would be as determined as was he himself that she should not throw herself away by marrying Mr. Tregear.

“There shall be no writing,” he said, “no visiting, no communication of any kind. As you refuse to obey me now, you had better go to your room.”


“In Medias Res”

Perhaps the method of rushing at once “in medias res” is, of all the ways of beginning a story, or a separate branch of a story, the least objectionable. The reader is made to think that the gold lies so near the surface that he will be required to take very little trouble in digging for it. And the writer is enabled, — at any rate for a time, and till his neck has become, as it were, warm to the collar, — to throw off from him the difficulties and dangers, the tedium and prolixity, of description. This rushing “in medias res” has doubtless the charm of ease. “Certainly, when I threw her from the garret window to the stony pavement below, I did not anticipate that she would fall so far without injury to life or limb.” When a story has been begun after this fashion, without any prelude, without description of the garret or of the pavement, or of the lady thrown, or of the speaker, a great amount of trouble seems to have been saved. The mind of the reader fills up the blanks, — if erroneously, still satisfactorily. He knows, at least, that the heroine has encountered a terrible danger, and has escaped from it with almost incredible good fortune; that the demon of the piece is a bold demon, not ashamed to speak of his own iniquity, and that the heroine and the demon are so far united that they have been in a garret together. But there is the drawback on the system, — that it is almost impossible to avoid the necessity of doing, sooner or later, that which would naturally be done at first. It answers, perhaps, for half-a-dozen chapters; — and to carry the reader pleasantly for half-a-dozen chapters is a great matter! — but after that a certain nebulous darkness gradually seems to envelope the characters and the incidents. “Is all this going on in the country, or is it in town, — or perhaps in the Colonies? How old was she? Was she tall? Is she fair? Is she heroine-like in her form and gait? And, after all, how high was the garret window?” I have always found that the details would insist on being told at last, and that by rushing “in medias res” I was simply presenting the cart before the horse. But as readers like the cart the best, I will do it once again, — trying it only for a branch of my story, — and will endeavour to let as little as possible of the horse be seen afterwards.

“And so poor Frank has been turned out of heaven?” said Lady Mabel Grex to young Lord Silverbridge.

“Who told you that? I have said nothing about it to anybody.”

“Of course he told me himself,” said the young beauty. I am aware that, in the word beauty, and perhaps, also, in the word young, a little bit of the horse is appearing; and I am already sure that I shall have to show his head and neck, even if not his very tail. “Poor Frank! Did you hear it all?”

“I heard nothing, Lady Mab, and know nothing.”

“You know that your awful governor won’t let him stay any longer in Carlton Terrace?”

“Yes, I know that.”

“And why not?”

“Would Lord Grex allow Percival to have his friends living here?” Earl Grex was Lady Mabel’s father, Lord Percival was the Earl’s son; — and the Earl lived in Belgrave Square. All these are little bits of the horse.

“Certainly not. In the first place, I am here.”

“That makes a difference, certainly.”

“Of course it makes a difference. They would be wanting to make love to me.”

“No doubt. I should, I know.”

“And therefore it wouldn’t do for you to live here; and then papa is living here himself. And then the permission never has been given. I suppose Frank did not go there at first without the Duke knowing it.”

“I daresay that I had mentioned it.”

“You might as well tell me all about it. We are cousins, you know.” Frank Tregear, through his mother’s family, was second cousin to Lady Mabel; as was also Lord Silverbridge, one of the Grexes having, at some remote period, married a Palliser. This is another bit of the horse.

“The governor merely seemed to think that he would like to have his own house to himself — like other people. What an ass Tregear was to say anything to you about it.”

“I don’t think he was an ass at all. Of course he had to tell us that he was changing his residence. He says that he is going to take a back bedroom somewhere near the Seven Dials.”

“He has got very nice rooms in Duke Street.”

“Have you seen him, then?”

“Of course I have.”

“Poor fellow! I wish he had a little money; he is so nice. And now, Lord Silverbridge, do you mean to say that there is not something in the wind about Lady Mary?”

“If there were I should not talk about it,” said Lord Silverbridge.

“You are a very innocent young gentleman.”

“And you are a very interesting young lady.”

“You ought to think me so, for I interest myself very much about you. Was the Duke very angry about your not standing for the county?”

“He was vexed.”

“I do think it is so odd that a man should be expected to be this or that in politics because his father happened to be so before him! I don’t understand how he should expect that you should remain with a party so utterly snobbish and down in the world as the Radicals. Everybody that is worth anything is leaving them.”

“He has not left them.”

“No, I don’t suppose he could; but you have.”

“I never belonged to them, Lady Mab.”

“And never will, I hope. I always told papa that you would certainly be one of us.” All this took place in the drawing-room of Lord Grex’s house. There was no Lady Grex alive, but there lived with the Earl a certain elderly lady, reported to be in some distant way a cousin of the family, named Miss Cassewary, who, in the matter of looking after Lady Mab, did what was supposed to be absolutely necessary. She now entered the room with her bonnet on, having just returned from church. “What was the text?” asked Lady Mab at once.

“If you had gone to church, as you ought to have done, my dear, you would have heard it.”

“But as I didn’t?”

“I don’t think the text alone will do you any good.”

“And probably you forget it.”

“No, I don’t, my dear. How do you do, Lord Silverbridge?”

“He is a Conservative, Miss Cass.”

“Of course he is. I am quite sure that a young nobleman of so much taste and intellect would take the better side.”

“You forget that all you are saying is against my father and my family, Miss Cassewary.”

“I dare say it was different when your father was a young man. And your father, too, was, not very long since, at the head of a government which contained many Conservatives. I don’t look upon your father as a Radical, though perhaps I should not be justified in calling him a Conservative.”

“Well; certainly not, I think.”

“But now it is necessary that all noblemen in England should rally to the defence of their order.” Miss Cassewary was a great politician, and was one of those who are always foreseeing the ruin of their country. “My dear, I will go and take my bonnet off. Perhaps you will have tea when I come down.”

“Don’t you go,” said Lady Mabel, when Silverbridge got up to take his departure.

“I always do when tea comes.”

“But you are going to dine here?”

“Not that I know of. In the first place, nobody has asked me. In the second place, I am engaged. Thirdly, I don’t care about having to talk politics to Miss Cass; and fourthly, I hate family dinners on Sunday.”

“In the first place, I ask you. Secondly, I know you were going to dine with Frank Tregear, at the club. Thirdly, I want you to talk to me, and not to Miss Cass. And fourthly, you are an uncivil young — young, — young, — I should say cub if I dared, to tell me that you don’t like dining with me any day of the week.”

“Of course you know what I mean is, that I don’t like troubling your father.”

“Leave that to me. I shall tell him you are coming, and Frank too. Of course you can bring him. Then he can talk to me when papa goes down to his club, and you can arrange your politics with Miss Cass.” So it was settled, and at eight o’clock Lord Silverbridge reappeared in Belgrave Square with Frank Tregear.

Earl Grex was a nobleman of very ancient family, the Grexes having held the parish of Grex, in Yorkshire, from some time long prior to the Conquest. In saying all this, I am, I know, allowing the horse to appear wholesale; — but I find that he cannot be kept out. I may as well go on to say that the present Earl was better known at Newmarket and the Beaufort, — where he spent a large part of his life in playing whist, — than in the House of Lords. He was a grey-haired, handsome, worn-out old man, who through a long life of pleasure had greatly impaired a fortune which, for an earl, had never been magnificent, and who now strove hard, but not always successfully, to remedy that evil by gambling. As he could no longer eat and drink as he had used to do, and as he cared no longer for the light that lies in a lady’s eye, there was not much left to him in the world but cards and racing. Nevertheless he was a handsome old man, of polished manners, when he chose to use them; a staunch Conservative and much regarded by his party, for whom in his early life he had done some work in the House of Commons.

“Silverbridge is all very well,” he had said; “but I don’t see why that young Tregear is to dine here every night of his life.”

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