The Path to James (10 page)

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Authors: Jane Radford

BOOK: The Path to James
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“I think you would be a good writer,” he kisses just above my knee. “And I know you're good at traveling. I could help you, I have a few connections in publishing.”

I can't keep my expression from hardening. It's so tempting to ask for his help. He is all of my dreams rolled into one man. He is sexy and brilliant, successful and generous. With him, nothing would be short from my grasp. But I stop my temptation before it digs any deeper.

“No.” I attempt to pull away, but he grips my legs. Normally his hold would frighten me, but it's not so firm as to be constricting. “I'm sorry, I can't.”

“Alex,” James sets his glass down and reaches for my face. His palms enclose my cheeks and I stare into his eyes. “I didn't mean to offend you. I have no doubt that you could succeed on your own. From what I've seen of you, I know you are witty and capable. I only wish to help.”

I set my own glass down and grab his hands in mine. “Oh, sir, I'm grateful for your offer,” I kiss one corner of his mouth. “But I see your bribe for what it is.”

He grins at me guiltily, “And what is that?”

“You wish to buy me,” my lips quirk to show that my accusation is lighthearted, “you aim to use your connections to grant all of my dreams, with no effort spent on my own, and then I'd be trapped forever in your debt.”

I nibble one of his fingertips, and his eyes darken. “You see right through me.”

In response I take his entire finger into my mouth, sucking as I pull the digit back out. By the look that flits across his expression, I know he thinks of my mouth on other appendages.

“Thank you for your chivalrous, albeit, self-motivated offer.” My lips slip back down his finger and his eyes shutter closed. His mouth slits and his breathing quickens.

“You're very welcome,” he exhales, “you can't blame a man for trying.”

I nip the tip of his finger and he hisses out an exhale. His eyes flash open and he growls at me. “What can I do to keep you?”

He pounces on me then. I giggle as he bites gently down my neck and his hands fondle my bottom. I can feel his erection growing once more as he kisses down me. Down my neck, down my chest. He latches onto my nipple through his t-shirt. I gasp as my aureola hardens between his teeth.

“Tell me how to keep you, Alex.” He sucks on my breast while his hands come up under the shirt, up my thighs and between my legs. I'm wet and ready for him. I will always be ready for him.

“You cannot keep me, James,” I pant as his finger dips into me. “But you have tonight.”

He groans, nuzzling my breast. He inserts another finger and I throw my head back in ecstasy. I desperately wish to stay. I want to stay with this perfect man, in his perfect home, with his perfect offers. I want to be his and I want so much for him to be mine.

“I want to keep you forever,” his words mirror my thoughts, “please.”

His hand continues to pump into me while his mouth journeys ever downward. “Please,” he kisses down my stomach. I'm growing wetter under his pleas.

“Please,” his mouth finds my clitoris and I cry out in pure pleasure.

“Please,” he whispers into me. With where he is now, I'll give him whatever he wants. Everything I own, everything that I am. Everything would be his as long as he doesn't stop. “Alex,” he lifts his head.

“Don't stop, please!” I gasp.

A soft snort rumbles through his chest as he lowers his head back down. His hot tongue lashes against me and I feel my insides constrict.

“Oh God, YES!” I cry out. I can feel myself quicken, everything within my core tightens. I'm panting, James' tongue dips in, and I lose myself then. Over him, over his tongue. His hands hold me firmly to him as I fight to escape my own overwhelming orgasm.

“Mmm,” he purrs as I tremor through a second wave. My fluids spill over his mouth and he laps up everything he can have of me. “You are so sweet,” his tongue skims from the bottom to the top of me.

I exhale, thoroughly sated. Never feeling so satisfied in my life, so many times in one day. “Let me take care of you.” My hand presses into his hard cock and he clenches his jaw. He is solid stone.

“Absolutely not,” his groin presses into my palm before he forces himself to pull away. “I will take you later, if you will have me.” He bends to swallow me in a kiss. So deep and passionate, I feel like I'm drowning before he releases me to a gasp of brisk, mountain air.

His eyes smolder down at me. “I have to finish dinner.”

I tease my fingers along the waistband of his pants. “Are you positive, James?”

He kisses me again, hard, bruising my lips as his stubble grinds into my skin. It's intense and incredibly arousing. “Temptress, you will not deter me.”

'Temptress,' there is that word again. I love it in conjunction with me. He bites at my bottom lip before he detaches.

“Come,” he takes my hand, and I think I would follow him anywhere. “I want your company.”










Chapter 14



I gaze at Alex as I smooth sauce over uncooked pizza dough. She stares longingly back at me. I can't shake the feeling that the moment I let her out of my sight, she'll vanish. With no way for me to find her, no home, no family that I know of. My seductress has stolen my heart, and I cannot bear the thought of losing her, not now.

“Do you always cook?” Alex breaks my reverie.

My look softens at her innocent question. “I've always liked to cook. My father and my sister are chefs, they've taught me a thing or two.”

Alex looks taken aback by my mention of family. Does she not have any, I wonder. “My mother is a marketer, and my parents work as a team to sell my father's cookbooks.”

She rewards me with a look of ever growing surprise, so I continue. “My brother is a freelance journalist and my youngest sister is my assistant.”

“You still haven't told me what you do for a living.” Alex looks at me, so beautiful and so perfect. I regret not taking her completely when I'd had the chance, outside. Right there on the loveseat.

“It's not important,” I begin sprinkling cheese onto our pizza.

“Evading?” Alex muses.

I drop what I'm doing to stalk toward my lovely imp, she narrows her eyes at me, but doesn't move to run. I capture her upon her bar stool, fisting a hand into her hair to pull her head back. With her face forced up to mine, I press my lips into hers. She tastes so wonderful. Her flesh is divine.

“What would you like on your pizza?” I whisper my question in the most seductive of tones. As if I were asking if I could slide into her, force her thighs open and plunge into her, right here, right in the middle of my kitchen on her lonely bar stool.

Alex, if it were possible, makes her reply ever more provocative, “Do you have any peppers?” I can feel her grin against my lips. Her soft mouth, I could never get enough of it.

“But of course, Miss Henton.”

I have to tear myself from her. I have only just met this woman, but I feel so attached, so fiercely possessive, it must be nothing short of proof that she is indeed a sorceress.



James doesn't turn on a television or fill the silence with music. All of his attention is steeped in me. We eat in his family room. His flatscreen TV is black, the built-in speakers throughout the room are silent. The phone on his coffee table blinks with unanswered messages.

I sit next to him on his comfy sofa, my side curled into his. His feet play with mine while our mouths are busy chewing. His cooking is amazing, the crust is crisp and the sauce has a robust kick to it. I could kiss this man if my mouth wasn't so full with his food.

“What made you want to be a travel writer?” James breaks the comfortable silence between us. The bottom of my foot strokes the top of his.

“It was nothing profound, no divine signal that I should follow that course in particular.” I put my pizza down, no longer hungry for food. “I've always loved writing,” I lean deeper into James, “and I've always wanted to travel. More than anything, I've wanted to travel.”

“And you start by walking across the country?” James is done with his food as well. No matter how delicious his cooking, we're both too tempting for each other. “You don't travel somewhere more exotic?”

“I have to start somewhere,” I shrug, “but you'll see, soon I'll conquer the world.”

He wraps his arms around me, pressing his face into my hair. He's warm and he is comfortable. “That's ambitious.” His breath is hot against the back of my head. “What would you do if money wasn't an option?”

His question makes me uncomfortable. I am well aware that money is no hindrance in his life, but I answer him regardless. “I would do exactly what I'm doing,” I smile, knowing this wasn't the answer he had expected. “I would write and I would travel.”

I bring the back of his hand up to my lips. “I would go to school for the sake of knowledge, I would create adventure for the sake of my writing, and I would travel for the sense of freedom.”

James moves my hair aside to kiss along my neck. His lips are warm against my flesh and his touch leaves me always wanting more. Deeper, hotter, forever. I will always want him.

“How is it that I can envision your dreams more easily than mine?” he places another kiss along my neck. His words wrap around me, warm and gentle. “How is it that your dreams make me wish to abandon my own?” His words devour me.

“Tell me of your dreams,” I breathe with my neck turned to his embrace.

“No,” his sigh cuts into me, “if I only have tonight, I wish to learn as much as I can about you.” His hand slides down me. “I am determined to memorize every curve and facet of you. Everything that is Alexandria Henton.”

“You will tell me nothing of yourself?” I move from his embrace. It's so hard to force myself from his arms, but I manage, and he lets me go.

When my eyes find his, I'm shocked to find something haunted flitting just below the surface. What could he be hiding?

I look at his toned body and muscled arms, his full lips and chiseled jaw and I think,
? What other profession would keep him in such excellent shape? But I think of his wonderful mind, his book collection displayed on the second floor, and the publishing connections he had offered me.

“Why so secretive, Mr. James?” my eyes narrow as I realize he had never given me his surname. What could he be hiding? This mystery man, this stranger, what is he keeping from me, and do I have any right to pry?

His brow knits, almost worried, and I'm afraid that I might have pushed into a part of his life he would rather not have a stranger delve into. “I'll drop it,” I concede. I only have tonight, I don't want to spoil what precious time I have.

“I never want to lie to you,” James pulls me back into him, my back to his front.

I'm so confused, why would he say that now? Why would he feel the need to lie to me?

“I want to show you something,” he nibbles the back of my ear. “Are you afraid of heights?”

A nervous giggle escapes me at his question.
why on earth would he ask that? “That depends on what you want to show me,” I proceed cautiously.

James squeezes me a little tighter. He thinks I'm going to run again, and I lean back into him reassuringly. I promised him tonight, I won't leave until the morning.

“Come,” James pushes me up then takes my hand to lead me away, “let me show you.”


I scramble for anything to distract Alex from her current line of questioning. What I do for a living is better left in the dark. If I dare tell her the truth, I would ruin the precious way with which she currently regards me. But on the other hand, I don't wish to sully our perfect evening with half-truths and lies.

“Come,” I reiterate as I open the door to my bedroom. I grab an extra pair of sweats from one of my drawers then lead my woodland goddess through the master bedroom. She looks confused and more than a little curious, but she follows after me without hesitation.

I pull open the doors to my balcony and lead her outside. The fresh air and a breathtaking view greet us on the wraparound porch. The same mountains and the same forest Alex had materialized from roll out under our feet, running for miles in every direction. Civilization is nowhere to be found.

“This way,” I tug at her hand. I'm so excited—giddy even.

We turn around the corner, the breeze flutters Alex's long t-shirt over her thighs. The porch stretches around the home, and just past the bend is the climbing wall. It sprawls up the remainder of the home, up to the roof. It's cut into three sections with varying degrees of difficulty.

Alex halts at the sight of the it, looks back at me—at my grin—then back at the wall. “You're trying to kill me.”

“I'm trying to give you an adventure,” I hug her from behind as I hold the sweats out to her, “Put these on.”

Alex pauses with my pants in her hands. She leans back into me, her body lithe as she stretches an arm over my neck. Her behind grinds into me. “Are you sure you wouldn't rather have sex up here on your balcony instead?” perhaps she was trying to sound alluring, seductive, but she comes off more nervous and just a little scared.

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