The Path to James (6 page)

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Authors: Jane Radford

BOOK: The Path to James
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“It looks divine,” I'm looking at my handsome stranger, not my food.

James remains at the other side of the island, directly across from me. He remains standing, I assume, to face me while we eat. I take a sip of my wine and it's sweet, some kind of moscato. Mmm, it's delicious, refreshing. I take another gulp before I can help myself.

James is looking at me as though he has the same appetite I do. I don't know what's come over me, I've barely just met him, but I want him. And to meet someone so soon after I just left my home. So soon after everything with Jaren.

Right now, I'm thinking nothing will deter me from my dream of reaching the other side of this country, of trekking through the wilderness to find my new home, while writing my travel books and stories. But regarding James across from me, I come to one conclusion—that if all I get of this man is lunch with a few stolen hours—I'll take what I can get.


Alex is breathtaking sitting across the kitchen island from me. I had been thinking about her, about what I would like to do to her when she'd come around the corner. She walked into the kitchen in plain hiking shorts and a t-shirt, but somehow that was the alluring thing I'd ever set eyes on.

Her eyes flutter closed with her first bite of food. And I find my mouth pressing into a thin line. I'd wanted to sit next to her, so close that my arm would graze hers when I reached for my utensil, but I figured she had seen enough of my erection already for one day. I really didn't want to scare her off.

“So,” I take a bite of my food, trying not to choke as she takes a big gulp of wine, “what brings a lovely girl all the way out to my lonely property in Deschutes National Forest, with a dead cell phone and nothing but apples for food?”

Alex regards me warily and I'm worried I might have asked something a little too personal. I didn't think I had.
Maybe she's homeless?
I worry to myself.
Would that matter?
I have more than enough money for the both of us. I'm stunned by my sudden train of thought. I can't believe I'm thinking this way about a woman I hardly know, that I had just met.

Alex clears her throat. “I am hiking across the country, coast to coast.” She looks up at me through her lashes. She almost looks embarrassed.

I think of this beautiful woman walking alone through the forest. Like some kind of mythical creature. The fact that I managed to catch her on my property, like some kind of unicorn, makes the feat all the more remarkable. I rest my fork down and press my palms into the countertop.

“Traveling alone, isn't that dangerous?” Somehow I find it incredibly attractive.

Alex responds by bending down out of her chair. I try not to stare as her ass comes up into the air and I have the impulse to run my hands along the seductive curve of her firm bottom. I hear her unclip something from her bag and she sits back up.

“That's why I carry this,” she holds up bear mace and my eyebrows shoot up.

“Well,” I hold my hand out to inspect the small canister. I'm surprised when she hands it over and I realize she must trust me to some extent. It must have been when I'd ran after her naked, erect and horribly vulnerable. I'm sure that didn't hurt.

“Were you planning on using this on me?” I hand it back to her.

She shrugs, “If I had to.”

I look at her in feigned offense, “But I'm a nice guy.” I watch as she re-clips the mace onto her side pocket and I'm relieved that she has relaxed enough to have it there, instead of directly on her person.

“And I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer was quite the affable fellow.”

I can't help myself laughing at her morbid sense of humor. It's cute. She is cute.

“What made you want to do this?” I look at her intently. I want to know everything about this fascinating woman. “What would possess you to give up your home, and I'm assuming job and loved ones, to traipse across the country?”

Alex looks uncomfortable. “It's a long story,” she fidgets in her chair.

“I'm a good listener.”

She regards me coolly. “What I'd really like to know, now that we've established that you're not an ax murderer, is what
actually wrong with you?”

“I'm not sure what you mean,” I cross my arms. I don't know what look I'm trying to go for. Intimidation maybe? I raise an eyebrow for good measure.

“You are obviously successful,” Alex motions to our surroundings, to my home. “You're insanely good looking. There has to be something wrong with you.” I beam at the unexpected compliment.
Thank god, this vixen finds me attractive, too.
“My guess is that you're married.”

At her accusation, my expression slips. I know she sees the change and I have to explain quickly before she bolts out of here. “I was married,” my brow knits. “I am freshly divorced.” I can't help cringing, but when I manage to meet Alex's eyes, she doesn't seem bothered. She doesn't give me the look that I'd anticipated. I was expecting she would regard me as tainted or as unwanted leftovers, but she almost looks relieved.

Alex bends down and pulls something from her pack. She leans back up holding her phone and its charger. “May I?”

“Yes, allow me.” I grab her device and cord from her hands and plug it into one of the kitchen outlets. Thank god, she seems to be settling in. After my bombshell I thought she would be making excuses to sneak off.

Alex finishes her meal but I barely touch mine. I'm so engrossed in the woman sitting across from me, I'm not hungry. Not for food, anyway. I look at her empty plate and think about all the energy she must be burning walking as much as she does. I should have given her a bigger serving. “Are you still hungry?”

“No, that was great, thank you.” Her smile is so sweet, I just want to lock her lips with mine, never let go.

I reach to grab her plate, and her hand clasps around my wrist. My mouth goes dry and my stomach does a somersault.

“Please, let me.” She tries to grab for her plate but I snatch it up before she can take it.

“Absolutely not,” I grab my plate with my other hand and walk over to the sink. “I bribed you with a washing machine and a warm shower, I'm not about to let you clean up in my kitchen.”

I'm faintly aware of her moving behind me as I hold one plate up to the faucet, rinsing off the residue of our meal. I run my hand over the white glaze.

I'm beyond surprised when I feel Alex press into my back, my entire body stiffening, reacting to her sudden embrace. With her breasts pressing against the back of my t-shirt, I'm so shocked that I drop the plate I was washing, and it shatters in the deep basin of my stainless steel sink.

“I'm sorry, did I startle you?” she murmurs into my back. She takes a deep breath of me. I'm so stunned with my mouth hanging open, I don't respond.

Is this real?

Alex's hands smooth the material over my shoulders, running down my spine, around my sides and then slides to my stomach. My abdominals flex impulsively with her touch. My heart rate speeds uncontrollably as her delicate fingers trace the edge of my waistband. She pops the button of my jeans open and my eyes close. I'm running through a silent prayer, thanking whatever divine entity sent this mythical creature to my home. This imp, this fairy, she slides my zipper down and her palm runs along the hard shaft of my cock.

That feels good. I suck in a sharp breath. The heat of her body, her arms wrapped around me, her hands exploring me. This is better than anything I could have wished for.











Chapter 10



James turns to face me and I suddenly lose all of my confidence. He looks at me, his eyes smoldering, his jeans unzipped with his cock fighting the cotton prison of his boxer-briefs. I want him so badly. I don't dare dream for a moment that I could stay here with him, that this could be my new home, that this could be anything more than a one night stand. But if this is all I can get, if just a quick fantastic fuck with this amazing man was all I had, then I'd take it. I would take it in a heartbeat, and hold onto the memory forever.

I lean forward, standing on my tip-toes to kiss him, and he bends to meet me halfway. His lips press hard against mine and I can't help the stifled pant that escapes me.

I want this. I've never wanted anything more in my life. My arms come up, pulling the elastic band of his underwear away from his stomach with one hand, and dipping in to stroke his penis with the other.

He moans deep in his throat the moment my hand closes around his shaft. When I tug up along the length of him, he disconnects our lips with a gasp. “Why did you leave your home?” he breathes. He wants to know before this goes any further.

The look in James' eyes, something about him makes me trust him. Makes me feel safe, and comfortable—confident even. Something about him makes me feel like he would never judge me, never ridicule me. Never hurt me.

Never stalk me.

“My ex-boyfriend burned my house down thinking I was sleeping inside.” I regret my confession the moment it drifts out of my mouth. James' eyes narrow and he stares at me with an indecipherable expression.

“Are you kidding me?” I flinch at the sound of his cold voice. He sounds furious.

“No,” my voice is small. I've ruined the mood.

His jaw clenches and he pulls his arms around me, forcing me into him. His embrace feels oddly natural for how little I've known him. His erection is pressed against my stomach.
Is he being protective of me?
I inhale the scent of him, he smells exactly like my dreams. Pine trees and fresh air. Sunshine and soap. He is perfect.

He lifts me from my feet then, pulling me up into his arms. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist and he begins the trek to his bedroom. He kisses my neck as he walks, his lips trailing down my throat while his legs take us up the stairs. I feel so light in his arms. I feel caged, but I feel protected.

James moves down the walkway, passing his books and office, spare bedrooms. He pushes the door to his master bedroom open and tosses me onto his bed. It's soft and plush. The down comforter poofs upon impact. He remains standing, his pants unzipped, his cock fighting for freedom.

He pulls his shirt over his head and his chiseled torso is fully exposed. “If I've frightened you, I'll stop. If I've misread you, tell me now.”

I stare up at him wide-eyed. I want this. I've never wanted anything more. My whole body is on fire. I won't stay here, I won't let another man stop me from pursuing the dreams that I've sat on for far too long, but if tonight is all I have—is all I'll get of James—I'll take it. I'll take it, gladly.

I sit up on my knees and James freezes. He acts as though he doesn't want to startle me; treats me like I'm some kind of wild animal. He waits for me to either come to him, or for me to leave. Either way I know he won't move to stop me. I love the control he has given me, it's a foreign feeling.

I scoot forward and he holds his breath. “I'm not frightened,” I look up at him as my hands slide his jeans from his hips. As the words leave my lips, I'm surprised to realize they're true. I'm not afraid. I've been scared for so long, running from Jaren, sleeping at friends' houses, abandoning my home, but I feel safe here. James is strong and virile, but somehow he makes me feel like I'm the one with all the power.

His jeans slide past his calves and he steps out of them. His eyes never leave mine, he keeps his hands to himself. He has handed the reins over to me, he's waiting to see where I lead him. I reach for him, skimming my hands along his toned stomach, up over his defined chest.

Goosebumps erupt over his skin and I slide my hands back the way they'd come. Back down his chest, down his stomach, heading south, following whimsically along his seductive little happy trail.

James' breath catches as I hook my fingers under the band of his boxer-briefs and begin peeling away the fabric. Exposing him to me, I'm biting my lip, hungry. No longer a caged animal, his cock springs loose and it's perfect. Every inch is smooth, firm perfection. I lean forward to kiss his stomach, his penis twitches and grazes soft against my cheek.

“Will you—” my insecurities rear their ugly head and I stop myself. I look up from his stomach, his cock next to my face.

“I'll do anything you want,” he breathes down to me.

I can only imagine how I look. Hungry and horny, salacious and desperate. I don't care, for once I don't fucking care. I played it safe with all my previous relationships. I was reserved and cool-headed, I never put out until the third date, never had sex until we were exclusive. And look where that got me, a psychotic boyfriend who nearly tortured me the last two years. No, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm taking it.

“Undress me,” I pant up to James, and the look he gives isn't one of judgment—it's lust. He wants me just as badly. He wants me, too.

His hands are on me the moment I utter my request. His weight folds me back onto the bed and his hands work their way up my shirt, over my breasts. He sighs happily when he touches me, as though it had taken all his will-power to stop himself before. He had waited until I'd given him permission, until it was safe, for my sake. He tugs the material of my shirt and I arch my back so that he can lift it more easily. I lean up and he slips it past my head.

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