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Authors: David Nasaw

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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

Aberdeen, Scotland, 331

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 170

Acheson, Dean, 616, 638–39, 643, 644, 711

Adams, Charles Francis, III, 135

Adenauer, Konrad, 679

Africa, 529–30, 756–57

as possible destination for Jewish refugees, 324, 329, 362, 364

Age of Roosevelt, The
(Schlesinger), 171

Albania, 381

Albee, Edward, 65, 119–20

Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, 727

Algeria, 711, 712

S.S., 267–69

Ali Khan, Liaquat, 654

Allen, Robert, 236, 248–49, 303, 304–5, 306, 317, 321–22, 353, 368, 393

Alsop, Joe, 431–32, 481, 493, 500, 501, 505, 638

Alsop, Stewart, 638


America First Committee, 506, 510–11, 517, 519, 525, 531

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 60, 261

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 666

American Society of Newspaper Editors, 734

Anderson, Jack, 674

Anderson, Marion, 764

Ange, Mother Marie Emile, 624, 625

Annenberg, Walter, 772

Another Love Story,

(Germany’s annexation of Austria), 287–90, 292, 293, 294, 306–7, 308–9, 322, 329, 351, 360, 361, 383, 413, 486

anti-Semitism, 396

JPK and, 202, 311, 501–2, 509, 581–82, 748

, 359–60, 361

motion picture industry and, 75, 97

Nazi persecution, 199–200, 287, 307–9, 311, 322, 329, 349–52, 359, 363, 364–65, 486, 508, 581–82

perceptions of media influence and political power of Jews, 357, 365–66, 507–9

Roosevelt’s economic policy and, 202–3

appeasement, 639

JFK and, 746

JPK and, 636–38

of Soviet Union, xxii, 605–7

appeasement of Nazi Germany, 293, 295, 302–3, 304–5, 338, 356, 359, 505, 510

Chamberlain and, 290–91, 292–93, 301, 302–3, 333, 338, 340, 360, 382, 416, 435–36, 515, 633

economic, 382–84, 402

JPK and, 295, 302–3, 304–5, 338, 359, 368, 382–84, 402, 413–14, 427, 475, 500, 505, 506, 509, 514, 515, 526, 748

JPK’s Navy League speech and, 353–57

Munich Agreement, 346–47, 348–49, 359–60, 400, 402, 435–36, 485, 633, 745

Arab world, 351, 385, 386, 391, 392–93, 655, 660

Arbuckle, Fatty, 75

Army-McCarthy hearings, 673, 675

Arvad, Inga, 525–26, 540–42, 559, 604, 675

Astaire, Fred, 299

Astor, Nancy, Lady Astor, 298, 304–6, 357, 377, 427–28, 439, 463, 506

Astor, Vincent, 205–6

Astor, Waldorf, Lord Astor, 292–93, 304–6, 357, 463

As We Remember Joe
(JFK), 578, 622

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, 168

S.S., 408–10

Attlee, Clement, 433, 448, 484

atomic bombs, 580, 682

Austria, Germany’s annexation of (
), 287–90, 292, 293, 294, 306–7, 308–9, 322, 329, 351, 360, 361, 383, 413, 486

Ave Maria,

Ayres, Russell, 150

Bailey, John, 702, 729

Baker, Newton, 49, 176

Balaban, Barney, 126

Baldwin, Stanley, 345, 436

Balfour, John, 464

Balfour Declaration, 287

Bancroft, Hugh, 81

Bao Dai, 654

Bartholomew, Mary, 628–29

Bartlett, Charles, 706

Baruch, Bernard, 175, 183, 209, 211, 228, 239, 270, 317, 362, 370, 583

Bay of Pigs, 767–68

Beard, Charles, 601

Bearsted, Viscount, 308, 322

Beauchamp, Cari, 109

Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Lord, 99, 415, 439, 441, 458, 500, 539, 550, 567, 568, 577, 622, 661, 673, 704, 709, 730, 733, 743

Beck, Dave, 710

Beck, Józef, 400

Belgium, 439–40, 449, 450

Benchley, Robert, 26, 259–60

Ben-Gurion, David, 286, 654

Bennett, Constance, 144

Berle, Adolf, 219, 354–55

Berlin, Irving, 174, 249

Bethlehem Shipbuilding, 54, 55, 57

Bethlehem Steel, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 72, 320

baseball league organized by, 55–56

Betts, Dr. Henry, 778–79, 780, 781, 782

Bevan, Aneurin, 552

Biddle, Anthony Joseph Drexel, 329, 532, 642, 648–49

Biddle, Francis, 508

Billings, Kirk LeMoyne “Lem,” 224, 225, 239, 241, 264, 369

JFK’s congressional campaign and, 595

Bingham, Robert, 239, 251, 301

Blaik, Earl, 649

Blair, Bill, 704

Block, Paul, 246

Boettiger, John, 243–44, 255–56, 366, 519–20

Bonanno, Joe, 80

bootlegging, 71, 79–81

Boston, Mass.:

East Boston, 5–7, 13, 593

financial institutions in, 32–33

influenza epidemic in, 56–57

Irish Catholics in,
Irish Catholics, in Boston

JPK’s return to, 591–92

Kennedy family’s move to New York from, 105–6, 113

P. J. Kennedy’s political career in, 8–9, 10, 11–12, 14, 15, 18, 23, 26–27, 172, 262–63, 311

policemen’s strike in, 60–61, 67

Protestants in, 10–11, 15, 22

Republicans in, 10–11, 15

Boston Daily Advertiser,

Boston Daily Globe,
11, 14, 18, 21, 24, 26, 36–37, 51, 55, 56, 69, 85, 98, 99, 130, 169–70, 181, 557, 591, 621, 649, 701, 709

Lyons’ interview with JPK in, 497–500, 514

Boston Evening American,

Boston Evening Transcript,

Boston Herald,
619, 622, 640

Boston Latin School, 16–25, 90, 150

Boston Post,
312, 529, 618–19, 622, 625, 653, 736

JFK’s Senate campaign and, 669

Boston Red Sox, 170

Boston Sunday Advertiser,

Boston Sunday Globe,
179, 247

Boston Sunday Post,

Boston Transcript,

Boston Traveler,

Bowker, Virginia, 143, 144, 145

Bradlee, Ben, 733, 782–83

Bradley, Colonel Edward Riley, 113, 114, 369

Brandeis, Louis, 351, 358, 389, 390, 392

Brands, H. W., 578

Brewer, Basil, 666

Bricker, John, 605

Brickley, Bart, 550, 671–72, 680, 681

Brinkley, Alan, 380

Great Britain

British Foreign Office, 275, 331, 339, 367, 372, 419, 431, 464, 467, 483

“Kennedyiana” file of, 417

Britt, May, 762

Broadway, 554–55

Brockley, Janice, 534

Brookline Trust, 66, 71

Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit (BMT) Corporation, 175

Brooks, Van Wyck, 22

Broun, Heywood, 357

Brown, Hamilton, 781

Brown, Hiram, 159, 186

Brown, Pat, 720

Browne, Mary, 97

Brush, Matthew, 78, 79, 88

Buchanan, Alan, 102

Buckley, Charles, 729

Bullitt, William, 286, 329, 358, 369, 376, 392, 405, 532, 655

Bundy, McGeorge, 696–97, 768

Burke, William “Onions,” 703

Burns, James MacGregor, 667

Burns, John, 105, 216, 227–28, 247, 256–57, 355, 387, 424, 463, 476, 491, 494, 508, 593

JPK’s break with, 614

JPK’s employment of, 614

Butler, Neville, 507

Butler, Rab, 404–5

Byrnes, George, 94

Byrnes, James, 252, 255, 276, 284, 313, 317, 492, 516–17, 543, 549–50, 575, 601

Cadogan, Alexander, 290, 291, 340, 371, 401, 458

Calder, James, 200–201, 221, 559–60, 577, 594, 611, 649, 658, 728

Cal-Neva Lodge, 719–20

Campbell, Craig, 600

Campbell, Patrick, 249

Campbell, Tom, 23, 25, 29, 44, 54

Canada, 449, 454, 504

Cannes, 324, 326, 336, 397

Cannon, Frances Ann, 561

capitalism, xxi, 220, 227, 514–15, 530, 600, 617

Depression as threat to, 170–71

Roosevelt’s policies and, 231–32, 246, 247, 249

World War II as threat to, 431–32, 485

Capone, Al, 80

Capra, Frank, 421

Carlisle, Kitty, 299

Carnegie, Andrew, 624

Carpenter, William H., 559

Carr, Harry, 122–23, 128, 136

Carrillo, Leo, 730

Carter, Boake, 275–76, 277, 287, 317, 369, 394, 419

Case, Margaret, 432

Casey, Joseph, 545–46

Casey, Pat, 137

Castle, Irene, 66

Castle, Vernon, 66

Castro, Fidel, 747, 767

Catholic Church, 251, 586, 624–25, 672

in Boston,
Irish Catholics, in Boston

at Harvard, xx, 22

JFK’s presidential campaign and, 701–3, 707, 712–16, 721–25, 727–29, 731–35, 743–44, 747–48, 752, 753–55, 757–58

JPK’s faith, 146, 147–48, 158, 491, 571–72, 724–25

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation and, 695, 698

in media and Hollywood, 104

prejudice against, 10, 539

Roosevelt and, 539, 549


see also
Irish Catholics

Catholic News,

Cavanaugh, Father John, 533, 623, 645, 649, 673, 680, 700, 715, 749, 757, 785, 786

Century Group, 502

Chamberlain, Neville, 324, 354, 360–61, 376–77, 385, 394, 400, 401, 413, 414, 429, 433, 438

appeasement policy of, 290–91, 292–93, 301, 302–3, 333, 338, 340, 360, 382, 416, 435–36, 515, 633

Churchill vs., 290–91, 293

Czechoslovakia and, 329–30, 332, 336, 337–39, 340, 342–43

death of, 485, 499

Hitler’s meetings with, 336–38, 340

Jewish refugees and, 349–52, 361, 363–64

JFK’s Harvard thesis and, 435–36

JPK and, xxii, 238, 289, 290–91, 302–3, 330–31, 336–37, 344, 349, 355, 360–61, 363–64, 369, 370, 371, 372, 401–2, 404–5, 416–17, 485, 737

JPK’s defense of, 485

Munich Agreement and, 346–47, 348–49, 360, 400, 435–36, 485, 633

Palestine and, 386–87, 389

Poland and, 376, 399, 401–2, 405, 413, 416, 420, 633

resignation of, 440

Roosevelt and, 330–31, 343, 344, 376–77, 579

speech declaring war on Germany, 406–7

speeches of, 342, 344, 345–46, 376

Champion, Albert, 679, 680

Channon, Henry “Chips,” 427

Chaplin, Charlie, 110, 501–2

Chase National Bank, 71

Chiang Kai-shek, 640

Chicago Daily News,
459, 480

Chicago Daily Times,

Chicago Herald-American,

Chicago Tribune,
243–44, 318, 330, 364, 367, 428, 517, 518, 644

China, 258, 272, 394, 395, 636, 639, 672, 674, 682

Korea and, 635

Manchuria, 287, 658

Quemoy and Matsu and, 745, 746

Choate, 150

JFK at, 150–51, 162, 163, 169, 177, 182, 189, 195–97, 221, 224–26

Joe Kennedy, Jr. at, 150–51, 152, 162, 169, 182, 189, 198

Christophers, The,

Chrysler, Walter, 192

Churchill, Pamela, 617

Churchill, Winston, 19, 238–39, 290–94, 340, 414, 429, 433, 437, 439, 441, 447–53, 455, 458, 461, 477, 507, 551, 601

becomes Prime Minister, 440

Chamberlain vs., 290–91, 293

in destroyers-for-bases negotiations, 466–67, 469–72, 493

House of Commons address of, 449–50

JPK’s meetings with, 441, 468, 580–81

JPK’s view of, 440, 441

King Leopold and, 615

Munich Agreement and, 348

Roosevelt and, 414–15, 428–29, 441, 442, 445, 447, 51–53, 465–70, 504

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 618, 676–77, 699–701, 769

Bay of Pigs and, 767, 768

Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 299, 375

CIC (Counter Intelligence Corps), 648, 674–75

Cinema Credits Corporation, 95

CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 260, 261, 268, 278, 319, 667

Civil Rights Act of 1957, 711–12

Clark, Mark, 676

Clark, Tom, 619

Clarke, Thurston, 758

Cleary, Walter, 199

Clemens, Cyril, 731

Cleugh, Eric, 502

Cleveland, Grover, 14

Clifford, Clark, 714, 759, 769

Coblentz, Edmond, 187, 231

Cockburn, Claud, 393–94

Coghlan, Ralph, 498–99, 662

Cogley, John, 722, 724

Cohasset, Mass., 81, 82, 87, 92

golf club of, 81–82

Cohen, Benjamin, 208, 216, 358, 359, 389, 391, 507–8

Cohen, Milton, 110

Cohn, Harry, 421

Cohn, Roy, 671, 672, 674, 685

Colby, William, 699, 700

Colby Junior College for Women, 581

Cold War, xxii, 604–5, 609, 625, 636, 659, 660–61, 682, 689, 746

Cole, Rufus, 68, 70–71, 73, 74

Collateral Loan Company, 39, 43–44

Collier’s Radio Hour,

Collins, Patrick, 9, 14–15, 18, 134–35

Columbia Advertising, 87–88

Columbia Films, Inc., 66

Columbia Pictures, 421

Columbia Trust Company, 10, 33, 36, 38, 65, 71, 72, 78, 91, 96, 242

JFK as intern at, 528

JPK as president of, 38, 39–40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47–49

World War I and, 40–41, 48–49

Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover Commission), 616

second, 676–77, 679, 699

Committee of One Hundred, Boston, 10


Communists, communism, 202, 574, 581, 639, 640, 660–61

Cohn and, 671, 672

Cold War, xxii, 604–5, 609, 625, 636, 659, 660–61, 682, 689, 746

Depression and, 171

isolationism and, 604–5, 607–8

JFK’s views on, 641, 656, 668, 746–47

Joe Kennedy, Jr.’s views on, 220, 606–7

JPK’s offer of assistance to FBI on, 559

JPK’s views on, 516, 600–601, 616–17, 618, 636–39, 641, 656, 659–60, 682, 746

Marshall Plan and, 616–17, 618, 636

McCarthy and, 672–73

Robert Kennedy’s views on, 689

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