The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™ (296 page)

Read The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™ Online

Authors: Oscar Wilde,Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley,Thomas Peckett Prest,Arthur Conan Doyle,Robert Louis Stevenson

Tags: #penny, #dreadful, #horror, #supernatural, #gothic

BOOK: The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™
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‘But how knew you,’ said Johanna, as she clasped her hands, and the pallid expression of her countenance betrayed the deep interest she took in the narration, ‘how knew you that ship was the Star? might it not have been some other ill-fated vessel that met with so dreadful a fate?’

‘I will tell you: although we had seen the ship go down, we kept on our course, straining every effort to reach the spot, with a hope of picking up some of the crew, who surely had made an effort by the boats to leave the burning vessel.

‘The captain of the Indiaman kept his glass at his eye, and presently he said to me, “There is a floating piece of wreck, and something clinging to it; I know not if there be a man, but what I can perceive seems to me to be the head of a dog.”

‘I looked through the glass myself, and saw the same object; but as we neared it, we found that it was a large piece of the wreck, with a dog and a man supported by it, who were clinging with all the energy of desperation. In ten minutes more we had them on board the vessel—the man was the Lieutenant Thornhill I have before mentioned, and the dog belonged to him.

‘He related to us that the ship we had seen burning was the Star; that it had never reached its destination, and that he believed all had perished but himself and the dog; for, although one of the boats had been launched, so desperate a rush was made into it by the crew that it had swamped, and all perished.

‘Such was his own state of exhaustion, that, after he had made to us this short statement, it was some days before he left his hammock; but when he did, and began to mingle with us, we found an intelligent, cheerful companion—such a one, indeed, as we were glad to have on board, and in confidence he related to the captain and myself the object of the voyage of the Star, and the previous particulars with which I have made you acquainted.

‘And then, during a night-watch, when the soft and beautiful moonlight was more than usually inviting, and he and I were on the deck, enjoying the coolness of the night, after the intense heat of the day in the tropics, he said to me, “I have a very sad mission to perform when I get to London. On board our vessel was a young man named Mark Ingestrie; and some time before the vessel in which we were went down, he begged of me to call upon a young lady named Johanna Oakley, the daughter of a spectacle-maker in London, providing I should be saved and he perish; and of the latter event, he felt so strong a presentiment that he gave me a string of pearls, which I was to present to her in his name; but where he got them I have not the least idea, for they are of immense value.”

‘Mr Thornhill showed me the pearls, which were of different sizes, roughly strung together, but of great value; and when we reached the river Thames, which was only three days since, he left us with his dog, carrying his string of pearls with him, to find out where you reside.’

‘Alas! he never came.’

‘No; from all the enquiries we can make, and all the information we can learn, it seems that he disappeared somewhere about Fleet-street.’


‘Yes; we can trace him to the Temple-stairs, and from thence to a barber’s shop, kept by a man named Sweeney Todd; but beyond there no information of him can be obtained.’

‘Sweeney Todd!’

‘Yes; and what makes the affair more extraordinary, is that neither force nor persuasion will induce Thornhill’s dog to leave the place.’

‘I saw it—I saw the creature, and it looked imploringly, but kindly, in my face; but little did I think, when I paused a moment to look upon that melancholy but faithful animal, that it held a part in my destiny. Oh! Mark Ingestrie, Mark Ingestrie, dare I hope that you live when all else have perished?’

‘I have told you all that I can tell you, and according as your own judgement may dictate to you, you can encourage hope, or extinguish it for ever. I have kept back nothing from you which can make the affair worse or better—I have added nothing; but you have it simply as it was told to me.’

‘He is lost—he is lost.’

‘I am one, lady, who always thinks certainty of any sort preferable to suspense; and although, while there is no positive news of death, the continuance of life ought fairly to be assumed, yet you must perceive from a review of all the circumstances, upon how very slender a foundation all your hopes must rest.’

‘I have no hope—I have no hope—he is lost to me for ever! It were madness to think he lived. Oh! Mark, Mark! and is this the end of all our fond affection? did I indeed look my last upon that face, when on this spot we parted?’

‘The uncertainty,’ said Colonel Jeffery, wishing to withdraw as much as possible from a consideration of her own sorrows, ‘the uncertainty, too, that prevails with the regard to the fate of poor Mr Thornhill, is a sad thing. I much fear that those precious pearls he had have been seen by someone who has not scrupled to obtain possession of them by his death.’

‘Yes, it would seem so indeed; but what are pearls to me? Oh! would that they had sunk to the bottom of that Indian sea, from whence they had been plucked. Alas, alas! it has been their thirst for gain that has produced all these evils. We might have been poor here, but we should have been happy. Rich we ought to have been, in contentment; but now all is lost, and the world to me can present nothing that is to be desired, but one small spot large enough to be my grave.

She leant upon the arm of the garden-seat, and gave herself up to such a passion of tears that Colonel Jeffery felt he dared not interrupt her.

There is something exceedingly sacred about real grief, which awes the beholder, and it was with an involuntary feeling of respect that Colonel Jeffery stepped a few paces off, and waited until that burst of agony had passed away.

It was during those few brief moments that he overheard some words uttered by one who seemed likewise to be suffering from that prolific source of all affliction, disappointed affection. Seated at some short distance was a maiden, and one not young enough to be called a youth, but still not far enough advanced in existence to have had all his better feelings crushed by an admixture with the cold world, and he was listening while the maiden spoke.

‘It is the neglect,’ she said, ‘which touched me to the heart. But one word spoken or written, one message of affection, to tell me that the memory of a love I thought would be eternal, still lingered in your heart, would have been a world of consolation; but it came not, and all was despair.’

‘Listen to me,’ said her companion, ‘and if ever in this world you can believe that one who truly loves can be cruel to be kind, believe that I am that one. I yielded for a time to the fascination of a passion which should never have found a home within my heart; but yet it was far more of a sentiment than a passion, inasmuch as never for one moment did an evil thought mingle with its pure aspirations.

‘It was a dream of joy, which for a time obliterated a remembrance that ought never to have been forgotten; but when I was rudely awakened to the fact that those whose opinions were of more importance to your welfare and your happiness knew nothing of love, but in its grossest aspect, it became necessary at once to crush a feeling which, in its continuance, could shadow forth nothing but evil.

‘You may not imagine, and you may never know, for I cannot tell the heart-pangs it has cost me to persevere in a line of conduct which I felt was due to you—whatever heart-pangs it might cost me. I have been content to imagine that your affection would turn to indifference, perchance to hatred; that a consciousness of being slighted would arouse in your defence all a woman’s pride, and that thus you would be lifted above regret. Farewell for ever! I dare not love you honestly and truly; and better is it thus to part than to persevere in a delusive dream that can but terminate in degradation and sadness.’

‘Do you hear those words?’ whispered Colonel Jeffery to Johanna. ‘You perceive that others suffer, and from the same cause, the perils of affection.’

‘I do. I will go home, and pray for strength to maintain my heart against this sad affliction.’ ‘The course of true love never yet ran smooth; wonder not, therefore, Johanna Oakley, that yours has suffered such a blight. It is the great curse of the highest and noblest feelings of which humanity is capable, that while, under felicitous circumstances, they produce an extraordinary amount of happiness, when anything adverse occurs, they are most prolific sources of misery. Shall I accompany you?’ Johanna felt grateful for the support of the colonel’s arm towards her own home, and as they passed the barber’s shop they were surprised to see that the dog and the hat were gone.



It is night and a man, one of the most celebrated lapidaries in London, but yet a man frugal withal, although rich, is putting up the shutters of his shop.

This lapidary is an old man; his scanty hair is white, and his hands shake as he secures the fastenings, and then, over and over again, feels and shakes each shutter, to be assured that his shop is well secured. This shop of his is in Moorfields, then a place very much frequented by dealers in bullion and precious stones. He was about entering his door, just having cast a satisfied look upon the fastenings of his shop, when a tall, ungainly-looking man stepped up to him. This man had a three-cornered hat, much too small for him, perched upon the top of his great, hideous-looking head, while the coat he wore had ample skirts enough to have made another of ordinary dimensions. Our readers will have no difficulty in recognising Sweeney Todd, and well might the little old lapidary start as such a very unpre-possessing-looking personage addressed him.

‘You deal,’ he said, ‘in precious stones.’

‘Yes, I do,’ was the reply; ‘but it’s rather late. Do you want to buy or sell?’

‘To sell.’

‘Humph! Ah, I dare say it’s something not in my line; the only order I get is for pearls, and they are not in the market.’

‘And I have nothing but pearls to sell,’ said Sweeney Todd; ‘I mean to keep all my diamonds, my garnets, topazes, brilliants, emeralds, and rubies.’

‘The deuce you do! Why, you don’t mean to say you have any of them? Be off with you! I am too old to joke with, and am waiting for my supper.

‘Will you look at the pearls I have?’

‘Little seed-pearls, I suppose; they are of no value, and I don’t want them; we have plenty of those. It’s real, genuine, large pearls we want. Pearls worth thousands.’

‘Will you look at mine?’

‘No; good-night!’

‘Very good; then I will take them to Mr Coventry up the street. He will, perhaps, deal with me for them if you cannot.’

The lapidary hesitated. ‘Stop,’ he said; ‘what’s the use of going to Mr Coventry? he has not the means of purchasing what I can present cash for. Come in, come in; I will, at all events, look at what you have for sale.’

Thus encouraged, Sweeney Todd entered the little, low, dusky shop, and the lapidary having procured a light, and taken care to keep his customer outside the counter, put on his spectacles, and said, ‘Now, sir, where are your pearls?’

‘There,’ said Sweeney Todd, as he laid a string of twenty-four pearls before the lapidary.

The old man’s eye opened to an enormous width, and he pushed his spectacles right up upon his forehead, as he glared in the face of Sweeney Todd with undisguised astonishment. Then down he pulled his spectacles again, and taking up the string of pearls, he rapidly examined every one of them, after which he exclaimed, ‘Real, real, by Heaven! All real!’

Then he pushed his spectacles up again to the top of his head and took another long stare at Sweeney Todd.

‘I know they are real,’ said the latter. ‘Will you deal with me or will you not?’

‘Will I deal with you? Yes; I am quite sure that they are real. Let me look again. Oh, I see, counterfeits; but so well done, that really, for the curiosity of the thing, I will give £50 for them.’

‘I am fond of curiosities,’ said Sweeney Todd, ‘and, as they are not real, I’ll keep them; they will do for a present to some child or other.’

‘What! give those to a child? you must be mad—that is to say, not mad, but certainly indiscreet. Come, now, at a word, I’ll give you £100 for them.’

‘Hark ye,’ said Sweeney Todd, ‘it neither suits my inclination nor my time to stand here chaffing with you. I know the value of the pearls, and, as a matter of ordinary and every-day business, I will sell them to you so that you may get a handsome profit.’

‘What do you call a handsome profit?’

‘The pearls are worth £12,000, and I will let you have them for ten. What do you think of that for an offer?’

‘What odd noise was that?’

‘Oh, it was only I who laughed. Come, what do you say, at once; are we to do business or are we not?’

‘Hark ye, me friend, since you do know the value of your pearls, and this is to be a downright business transaction, I think I can find a customer who will give £11,000 for them, and if so, I have no objection to give you £8,000.’

‘Give me the £8,000,’ said Sweeney Todd, ‘and let me go. I hate bargaining.’

‘Stop a bit; there are some rather important things to consider. You must know, my friend, that a string of pearls of this value are not to be bought like a few ounces of old silver of anybody who might come with it. Such a string of pearls as these are like a house, or an estate, and when they change hands, the vendor of them must give every satisfaction as to how he came by them, and prove how he can give to the purchaser a good right and title to them.’

‘Psha!’ said Sweeney Todd, ‘who will question you, who are well known to be in the trade, and to be continually dealing in such things?’

‘That’s all very fine; but I don’t see why I should give you the full value of an article without evidence as to how you came by it.’

‘In other words, you mean, you don’t care how I came by them, provided I sell them to you at a thief’s price, but if I want their value you mean to be particular.’

‘My good sir, you may conclude what you like. Show me you have a right to dispose of the pearls, and you need go no further than my shop for a customer.’

‘I am not disposed to take that trouble, so I shall bid you good-night, and when you want any pearls again, I would certainly advise you not to be so wonderfully particular where you get them.’

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