The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels (234 page)

Read The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels Online

Authors: Mildred Benson

Tags: #detective, #mystery, #girl, #young adult, #sleuth

BOOK: The Penny Parker Megapack: 15 Complete Novels
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“Why, I think so,” Penny said, instantly divining that something was amiss at the mansion. “Is anything wrong?”

“Oh, yes! Everything! I can’t tell you over the phone. Just come as quickly as you can. I need your help.”

After hanging up the receiver, Penny related the conversation to the night editor. “I don’t know exactly what the call means,” she added. “Possibly, Lorinda has learned something about her missing stepfather. If so, it should make a good story!”

“Give us a ring from the mansion if any thing develops,” the night editor instructed. “Better take Jerry along with you. No telling what may turn up.”

Jerry already was on his feet, reaching for his hat. His car was parked on the street. Traffic flow had dwindled, enabling them to reach the mansion in record time.

The lower floor of the Rhett home was dark, but on the second floor, nearly all the rooms were ablaze with light.

“Wonder what’s up!” mused Jerry, parking the car across the street.

“Lorinda is expecting me alone,” Penny said. “Maybe it would be better for you to wait here until I have a chance to talk to her.”

“Sure. Just signal if you need me.”

Jerry switched off the car lights and settled himself for a lengthy vigil.

Penny ran up the walk and pounded on the door. In a moment, she heard footsteps; the living room light flashed on; then the door was opened by Lorinda.

“Is anything the matter?” Penny inquired anxiously.

“It’s Mother,” Lorinda explained. “She’s very ill. We have the doctor now. I’m dreadfully worried.”

Penny, at a loss to understand how she could be of help, nodded sympathetically.

“Come with me upstairs,” Lorinda requested. “I want you to see and talk to Mother, and then tell me what you think.”

“What seems to be the trouble?”

“She refuses food and she has rapidly failed since you last saw her. I’ve tried to reason with her, but it is useless. She is convinced she has a fatal illness and will die!”

Deeply troubled, Penny followed Lorinda upstairs to the luxuriously furnished bed chamber. Celeste, in white starched uniform, was hovering anxiously over the bed where Mrs. Rhett lay. Lorinda’s mother looked ten years older than when Penny had last seen her. Her face was pale and shriveled, her eyes listless.

“I don’t want the food!” she said peevishly to Celeste, pushing aside a spoonful of custard which was held to her lips. “It is useless to eat.”

On the other side of the bed stood a stout, middle-aged man whom Lorinda introduced as Doctor Everett, a specialist.

“Mrs. Rhett,” he said sternly, “you are acting very foolish in refusing food. I have made a careful examination and can find nothing whatsoever the matter.”

“I didn’t call you to this house,” the woman retorted. “Please go away and leave me alone. One has a right to die in peace.”

“You will not die,” said the doctor patiently. “Your illness is only a fancy of the mind.”

Mrs. Rhett tossed her head on the pillow. “Go away!” she ordered. “It was my daughter who called you here—not I. No doctor can be of the slightest aid to me.”

“Not unless you are willing to cooperate. Now I suggest that a trained nurse be called in to—”

“A trained nurse!” cried Celeste, straightening from the bedside. “Only I will tend my mistress! We will have no stranger in the household!”

“I want Celeste,” agreed Mrs. Rhett, clinging to the servant’s hand. “She is the only one who understands my ailment. Celeste will take care of me—no one else.”

The doctor shrugged. “Very well, it was only a suggestion. I should like to help you, but under the circumstance, there is nothing I can do. Good evening.”

As the doctor reached for his black bag, Lorinda moved quickly across the room. Her eyes pleaded with him to understand.

“Doctor Everett, you’ll come again tomorrow?” she requested.

He smiled, but shook his head. “You might call Doctor Fellows, a psychiatrist,” he advised. “There is nothing I can do.”

While Lorinda accompanied the doctor to the front door, Penny remained in the bedroom. No sooner had the physician left than Celeste moved close to the bed, muttering:

“Good! He is gone! Only a fool would believe a doctor could help you. Until the
is broken, food will only turn to poison in your body! You will weaken and die. But Celeste will save you—Celeste will find a way to break the evil spell.”



Unmindful of Penny, Celeste bent lower over her bed-ridden mistress, whispering words into her ear.

“Celeste! What are you saying?” Penny demanded. “Why, you’re putting dangerous ideas into Mrs. Rhett’s mind!”

The servant whirled toward her angrily. “Go away!” she ordered. “My mistress does not want you here!”

“Celeste!” reproved Mrs. Rhett, but in a mild voice.

Penny stood her ground, stubbornly determined that a servant should not order her away. For a moment she and Celeste measured each other with steady gaze. Nothing more was said. Mrs. Rhett sighed, closed her eyes, and seemed to drowse.

Lorinda came bounding up the stairs two at a time. Unaware that anything unpleasant had transpired during her absence, she said with forced cheerfulness:

“Now, Mother, let’s have no more nonsense. You’re to eat your food without fuss. Here, let’s try the custard again.”

Mrs. Rhett pushed away the spoon. “No, Lorinda, it is useless. But there is something you may do for me.”

“Anything you wish, Mother.”

“Bring pen and ink.”

“Are you really strong enough to write a letter?”

“I intend to change my will. Lorinda, we spoke of this the other day. While I still have the strength I must revoke my former will and leave all my property to you.”

“Oh, Mother, don’t talk of such things! Why, the doctor says you’re in perfect physical condition. You’ll be up and around in another day or two. It’s only worry about Father that has put you under the weather.”

“I have made up my mind, Lorinda. The will must be changed—now—tonight, while I have the strength.”

“Very well, if it will make you rest easier,” Lorinda said reluctantly. “Celeste, bring ink, a pen and paper.”

Celeste made no move to obey. “My mistress is not strong enough to write,” she mumbled.

“Mother wishes to change the will. Please bring the materials.”

“To change the will while one lies on a sick bed is to invite great trouble.”

“Celeste! No more of such talk! Do as you are told!”

Penny thought the servant would refuse to obey, but she shuffled off. Many minutes passed before she returned with the requested materials.

Lorinda sat down at the bedside, and wrote at her Mother’s dictation. It was a simple will in which Mrs. Rhett left all of her property to her daughter.

“If I thought my husband ever would return, I would want him to receive all my holdings,” she said. “As it is, I think the money should go to you, Lorinda.”

Penny was tempted to speak of her own belief that Mr. Rhett might be alive and in the city. However, realizing she had not a scrap of proof, she wisely remained silent.

Mrs. Rhett signed the will. Lorinda and Penny then added their names as witnesses to the document.

“Lock the will in the safe,” Mrs. Rhett instructed her daughter. “Do it now, before you forget.”

“Yes, Mother.”

Seemingly relieved that the matter had been accomplished, Mrs. Rhett turned over in bed and tried to sleep. Leaving Celeste to look after her, Penny and Lorinda went downstairs to the study.

“Celeste seemed to be displeased because your mother changed the will,” Penny remarked.

“Yes, Celeste has become a problem. I feel the doctor was right in suggesting a nurse for Mother. Celeste
mean well, but she is a distinct influence for the worse.”

“Then why not get rid of her?”


“Tell her to go.”

Lorinda laughed shortly. “You don’t know Celeste if you think she would take such an order from me!”

“Then have your mother dismiss her.”

“I’m not sure she would do it. Furthermore, Celeste might defy her too. She has the idea she’ll take orders only from my stepfather.”

“I believe you’re actually afraid of the woman,”Penny commented.

“In a way I am,” Lorinda admitted. “Mother used to dislike her intensely. Strangely, since she has become ill, she seems to depend more upon Celeste than she does upon me.”

“Did it ever occur to you that Celeste might deliberately be planting ideas in your mother’s mind?”

“Yes, I’ve thought of it. I don’t believe Celeste would be evil enough to do it on purpose, but she is highly superstitious. I wish she were out of the house.”

“You could get rid of her if you really wanted to. Just call in the police, and have them take over.”

“I couldn’t do that. Mother would never forgive me.”

The girls entered the study, and Lorinda switched on a light. After pulling the blinds, she removed the wall picture, and prepared to open the safe.

Before she could spin the dials, footsteps padded on the stairway. Celeste appeared suddenly in the study doorway.

“Come quick!” she pleaded. “Mistress much worse!”

Lorinda dropped the will on the table, and with Penny close at her heels, followed Celeste up the stairway. Expecting the worst, they peered anxiously at Mrs. Rhett. She was tossing restlessly, but otherwise appeared the same as when they had seen her a few minutes ago.

“How do you feel, Mother?” Lorinda asked.

“Just the same,” Mrs. Rhett replied listlessly.

Lorinda gazed questioningly at Celeste.

“Mistress much better now,” the servant said. “She had sinking spell while you were downstairs.”

“I’m afraid you imagined it, Celeste,” Lorinda replied severely. “This really proves that we should have a trained nurse. Otherwise, you’ll frighten us all out of our wits.”

Celeste started to make a retort, but just then Mrs. Rhett spoke: “Lorinda, did you put the will in the safe?” she asked.

“I was doing it when Celeste called. I’ll attend to it right away.”

Lorinda stooped to kiss her mother and offer a glass of water which was declined. She then went downstairs once more with Penny.

“What do you suppose possessed Celeste to frighten me so?” she remarked thoughtfully. “Did Mother seem changed to you?”

“Not a particle.”

Reaching the study, Lorinda went directly to the table where she had left the signed will. The paper was not there.

“Why, Penny, what did I do with it?” she demanded in bewilderment. “I was certain I left it here.”

“I distinctly recall that you did,” Penny replied, her gaze wandering to an open window where a curtain fluttered in the breeze. “Lorinda, I think while we were away, someone came in from outside and took the will!”



Penny darted to the open window, peering out onto the dark street. No one was in sight, although Jerry’s car with dimmed headlights still stood at the curb.

“Who could have taken the will?” Lorinda wailed. “I’m sure it didn’t blow out the window and it didn’t sprout legs and walk off either!”

“Perhaps Celeste—”

“She was upstairs all the time we were out of this room,” Lorinda interrupted.

“It seemed odd she called us just at the moment she did—particularly when your mother had not suffered a relapse.”

Lorinda did not appear to hear Penny’s remark. Half doubting that the paper could be missing, she searched on the floor near the safe, under the window and in every corner of the room.

“I suspect someone deliberately stole that will!”Penny said with conviction. “Wait here! I may be able to learn more about it!”

Hastening outdoors, she gazed about the grounds. No one was in sight. She went directly to the press car. The automobile was deserted.

“Now what became of Jerry?” she asked herself impatiently. “Just when I need him!”

Disappointed, she turned toward the house again. Then she saw the reporter coming up a dark path from the direction of the beach.

“Jerry!” she called softly.

“Hi, Penny!” he returned. “Ready to go?”

“Oh, no! Everything is in a dreadful mess here. Lorinda’s mother is very sick. She made a will, and Lorinda started to put it in the safe. Then we were called out of the room by the housekeeper, and when we returned, the paper was gone!”

“When did that happen, Penny?”

“Just now.”

“Then that fellow I chased must have been the thief!”

“You saw someone take the will, Jerry?”

“I was sitting in the car,” the reporter related. “A light was on in one of the downstairs rooms, but I was too sleepy to pay much attention. Suddenly though, I saw a man who apparently had been hiding in the shrubbery, rise up and climb through an open window.”

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