The Perfect Prom Date (8 page)

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Authors: Marysue G. Hobika

BOOK: The Perfect Prom Date
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The next day I decided it was time for surprise number two. Brennan had his first home game of the season, so I wanted to surprise him by showing up unannounced. I had convinced Rachel to go with me for moral support. As we climbed the stands, the team was just finishing their warm-up. Trent, who was also on the team, was the first to notice us. He snickered, and then whispered in Brennan’s ear. Had Ellie told Trent about “Everything Prom?” I felt sick to my stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea. I was about to retreat, when Brennan locked eyes with me and grinned like he was happy to see me. I couldn’t leave now. I was probably letting my imagination get away from me, I reasoned.
If Ellie had told anyone about the scrapbook, I’d know. Relaxing, I waved to Brennan and watched in delight, as his smile grew bigger. Rachel and I made ourselves comfortable on the bleachers to watch the game.

“Damn, he is cute. You’re one lucky girl. A VERY lucky girl.” Rachel nudged me playfully in the shoulder.

“I know,” I sighed. He looked amazing in his uniform, the tight white pants and jersey, showed off his tall and muscular frame. I should have come to a game ages ago.

“I know you’re a swimmer and all,” Rachel began, interrupting my daydream, “but do you know anything about baseball?” Rachel looked doubtfully down at the field, her forehead creasing. “Because I don’t.”

I laughed. “No, not really. In gym class I always run in the opposite direction of the ball when it comes my way, but I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to do. I believe the idea is to catch the ball and make an out.”

We laughed. We were both equally uncoordinated when it came to playing sports. I stuck to swimming because it didn’t require knowing how to throw or catch a ball. All I had to do was move my body as fast as I could through the water. Rachel didn’t play any sports. Her talents were on the stage.

Still scowling in confusion at the field, she added, “Don’t they have to make a touchdown in order to win the game?”

“No, they score touchdowns in football, not baseball.” I laughed, and Rachel joined me. “In baseball they score home runs.”

“If you say so.”

From the moment that Brennan stepped up onto the pitcher’s mound, until the game ended, I never looked away. I was mesmerized by how good he was, and by how much he loved the game. It was obvious in every pitch he threw, every ball he caught, and every out he made. I felt like I was the one who got a great surprise.

Rachel and I cheered as he struck out three batters in a row, in six out of the seven innings that he pitched. His mad baseball skills didn’t stop there; he was a strong hitter too, which didn’t surprise me because he had great biceps. He was up to bat three times, hitting two doubles and a home run. Even though I didn’t know much about baseball, even I could see that he was an incredible player. The team won with a final score of

7 – 0.

As soon as the game was over I walked to the dugout to congratulate Brennan.
“Hi,” I said shyly, while leaning against the fence. “Great game.”

“Thanks.” Brennan lifted his bat bag onto his non-pitching shoulder and walked through the gate toward me. “It was such a nice surprise to look up into the stands and see you. I didn’t even know that you knew I had a game today.”

“I pay attention.” I blushed and looked quickly at the ground.

“Hey, didn’t I see Rachel here with you?” He asked, looking around.

“Yeah, she was, but she had to leave to pick up her little sister. She wanted me to tell you congratulations on winning. ”

“When you talk to her later, tell her I said thanks for coming.”

“I will,” I nodded. “Did anyone else come to watch you play?” I asked, scanning the crowd for a woman who looked like Brennan and was toting little kids.

Brennan frowned, “No, my parents couldn’t make it today. They were both busy.”

“I’m sorry.” I felt bad for bringing it up.

He smiled, “It’s okay. The come to as many of my games as they can. Anyway, you were here, and that more than makes up for it.”

I smiled, “I had no idea that you’re such an awesome ball player. You’re the best player on the team.” I nudged him lightly, “It was fun to watch you strike ‘em out.”
I giggled.

“Thanks,” he answered, modestly.

“Hey, how are you getting home?” The field had emptied. All the players had grabbed their stuff and left. “Didn’t you ride to school with Rachel this morning?”

“Yeah, I did. I didn’t know what time the game would end, so I told my mom I’d text her to come and pick me up when it was over. ” I shrugged to emphasize that it wasn’t a big deal.

“Do you want a ride?” he offered.

“If you don’t mind…”

We began to walk toward the parking lot. “I don’t mind. Unless, of course, you planned this,” he teased raising one eyebrow.

“I didn’t plan it! I already told you my mom was going to pick me up.” I hit him playfully on the arm.

“Ouch. That’s my pitching arm,” he said rubbing it.

“It is? I’m so sorry.” I frowned.

“I’m only kiddin’. I’m right handed. Not left.”

I laughed, because it was important to laugh at his jokes – flirting 101. “Phew,” I wiped my head across my forehead.

I followed him to his car, a silver Honda Accord. “Hop in,” he said, as he threw his baseball gear in the trunk.

He climbed in and started the engine. He faced me, “You’ll have to tell me how to get to your house. Since I’ve only been here for less than six months, I’m still learning my way around. I don’t know all the street names yet.”

“I live about ten minutes from here, in the Cricket Hill neighborhood. Do you know where that is?”

“Is it off of State Street?”

I watched as Brennan played with the radio.

“Which neighborhood do you live in?” I hoped it wasn’t too far out of his way. I bit my bottom lip.

“I live in Copper Woods, on East Pine Lake. Even it was out of my way, I wouldn’t care.” Brennan winked, and my insides melted.

He backed out of the parking space and headed in the direction of my house. As he drove I asked him questions about baseball. I knew so little about the game that I wanted to understand it better. He patiently explained the difference between a fastball and a curve ball. It was hard to concentrate, being so close to him in such a small space. All I could do was nod my head.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said, as he pulled into my driveway, “and I promise, I didn’t plan it.”

“I didn’t plan this either.” He leaned over and lightly brushed his lips against mine, taking me by complete surprise. My heart raced, and I was warm and tingly all over like I had received an electric shock. I felt it everywhere – all the way down to my toes. Kissing Brennan was beyond anything I’d ever experienced.

He slowly moved his lips against mine, and I followed his lead. The kiss deepened, and desire consumed me. Without even thinking about it, I reached up and ran my hands through his hair. It felt like silk under my fingertips. His hands cradled my face.

We kissed for several minutes before Brennan pulled away. He gently stroked my cheek, “Even though I’d like nothing more than to continue kissing you, I need to get home to ice my arm. I have a special ice pack that I use. Usually my dad brings it to the game for me, but since at the last minute he couldn’t make it, it’s still at home.” He paused and leaned his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry. You’re not mad are you?”

“No, of course not,” I responded. I was worried though about how I was going to make it to the door without falling over. Brennan’s kisses had left me breathless and shaky. Trying to act normal, I added, “I don’t have practice tonight, so I’ll call you later.”

“I’d like that. And thanks again for coming to my game – it meant a lot to me.” He smiled, showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

Surprisingly, I made it inside without stumbling. Leaning against the closed door, I waited for my pounding heart to slow down. Step five was a huge success.


I surprised him with a mixed CD of all of our songs.
He really liked it.

I love surprises, keeping them is the hard part.
I bought us tickets to see Tim McGraw and he was so happy he kissed me right in front of Abe (my beloved horse).

redbird: I discovered my guy hates surprises!!


Step Six: Flirting 102

By now you are an expert at flirting – twirling your hair, playing with your jewelry, biting your lip, looking him in the eye, giving him compliments, and laughing at his jokes. You no longer have to think twice about it, it just happens naturally. So now it’s time to take it to the next level – flirting 102. How is flirting 102, different from flirting 101? Basically flirting 101 provided a framework, while flirting 102 adds dimension.

I will make this step even easier to follow by dividing it up into two layers. Each layer brings you and YOUR GUY closer together in a fun and playful way. I’ll explain them one at a time in detail, but it doesn’t matter which one you do first.

Don’t panic. I haven’t misled you yet, right?

The first layer is to come up with a game. That’s correct, I said a game. This game will only be played by the two of you, and it will help you get to know each other better while having fun. He won’t even realize what’s happening.

An easy way to do this is to play 20 questions, asking one question a day to each other. It will keep your guy thinking about you even when you’re not together, because he’ll be mulling over your latest answer or which question he should ask you next.

You can easily adapt any game to fit his interests, whatever they may be. If music is his thing, you could take turns naming a feeling or an event, and the other person has to come up with a song to match it. Or when you are listening to music while riding in his car, you could each shout out the first adjective that comes to mind every time a new song comes on. If he’s a sports fanatic, you could switch things up to fit that interest too.

Other games might include, “Would You Rather?” or “Truth or Dare?” I’m sure you’ve played both of these games at one time or another, so I won’t explain them. You can make up your own questions or download a free app, if you feel stuck.

These are just a few suggestions, please feel free to use one or invent your own.
This layer is easier than it sounds. Give it a try and then leave a comment. I check them often, so don’t forget to leave one.

Brennan and I made plans for Friday night. We had been busy all week long with baseball and swimming to do anything other than work on homework together. I didn’t know that there was a guy out there who took school and sports as serious as I did, until I got to know Brennan.

We decided to hang out at my house, order a pizza, and watch a movie together.
We were both tired from staying up late every night doing the mounds of homework the teachers assigned and getting up early for school every day. There was a big party at Adam’s house that a lot of the kids were going to, but that didn’t interest neither Brennan nor I. Ellie, of course, was going, so that was an even better reason to stay in.

The doorbell rang at exactly 7 p.m. Apparently, Brennan was punctual, an admirable trait. The only problem was that Ellie was still here. She hadn’t left to meet her friends, because she was still getting ready. She just got out of the shower, and it would take her at least another half an hour to do her hair and get dressed. I glared up at the ceiling and silently hoped that she wouldn’t ruin my date. I knew she was biding her time, waiting to unveil the secret she’d discovered, until she could use it to her best advantage. Putting those negative thoughts aside, I opened the door.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw how amazing Brennan looked wearing dark wash jeans and a Phillies’ t-shirt. His hair was damp and ruffled, like he just got out of the shower. He smelled good too; clean and fresh like soap with a hint of pine. He looked at me, and I blushed, remembering the kiss we shared just days ago.

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