The Perfect Prom Date (6 page)

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Authors: Marysue G. Hobika

BOOK: The Perfect Prom Date
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However, what I hadn’t expected was Tracy sitting at my desk, talking to Brennan. He was smiling and nodding his head.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I glared at her and shifted my books from one arm to the other, “You’re in my seat,” I stated.

“Yeah, I know.” She looked me over and snickered, “Don’t you know redheads shouldn’t wear that color. It clashes with your hair. I guess everything probably does,” she laughed.

My face burned. I was wearing a new purple tank top that the sales lady had insisted was a good color on me. I knew I should have trusted my instincts and walked out without buying it, but I really liked how it showed off my shoulders and my toned arms. I wished I had a witty comeback on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t think of anything clever to say, “Class is going to start. You need to move.”

She ignored me and turned to Brennan, “Thanks, Brennan. I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school.” She walked back to her seat.

I slid into mine and refused to look at him. I was angry and jealous at the same time. I couldn’t believe he had agreed to meet Tracy in the parking lot. What was that all about? Did he like her? I was the one who was supposed to be backing off, not Brennan.

Mrs. Perkins began class, “Take out a pencil and clear your desks. I have a quiz to see who has been keeping up with the reading assignments. Take one and pass the rest back.” She handed the students sitting in the front row a stack of papers.

I took mine and got started without glancing in Brennan’s direction. I felt his eyes on me, but I didn’t care. He probably had spent Saturday night partying at Tracy’s house. I heard that her parents were out of town, and that she threw a big party over the weekend. Almost everyone from our class had gone. Well, everyone except for me. I stayed home painting my nails and listening to music on my i-pod.

Mrs. Perkins collected the quizzes and scowled, “By the looks of these papers – very few of you did any reading over the weekend.”

I sneaked a look at Brennan. He smiled and gave me the thumbs up sign.
Did that mean he had done the reading?

Mrs. Perkins sat heavily in her chair. “I swear I don’t know what to do with most of you. Do I have to spoon-feed you? This is an American classic,” she held up her worn copy. “Open to page 45. Who wants to read?”

Nobody volunteered. The last thing anyone wanted to do was read aloud in the twelfth grade.

Mrs. Perkins let out a big sigh. “Fine. I will read. And by the look of these quizzes, it will take the entire period just to catch you all up.” I slumped my head down on my arm and listened to her droll voice. She didn’t stop until the bell rang.

I quickly packed my things and headed to the door. Lately, Brennan and I had been walking to calculus together, but today I didn’t wait for him. I was still angry that he had made plans to meet Tracy.

“Hey, Josie,” he called. “Wait up.”

I stopped and turned around slowly. “What?” I asked, sounding pissed.

“What’s wrong? You seem upset.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Did I do something to upset you?”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “No.”

“What’s the matter? I had a good time on Saturday, and I thought you did too.”

“Apparently, you had an even better time hanging out with Tracy Saturday night,” I said, sounding jealous. I covered my mouth with my hand.
Shit! I didn’t mean to say that.

Brennan’s blue eyes twinkled, as if he found something funny. “Oh, I get it. You’re mad at me because you think I went to Tracy’s party.”

My face flushed. “Didn’t you?”

He chuckled. “No, I didn’t go to Tracy’s party.”

“Then what was she talking about?” I grimaced. I was doing a terrible job at backing off.

“Tracy lives in my neighborhood, so I gave her a ride to school today. Her car is in the shop, and she asked me if I would drop her off at the dealership after school so that she could pick it up.”

“Oh,” I replied, feeling foolish for having made such a big deal out of nothing. It wasn’t any of my business what Brennan did.

“And just for the record, I was babysitting my three younger brothers and sister on Saturday night. My parents had plans to go out.”

“Really? You babysit?” I couldn’t keep the surprise out of my voice. I had a hard time picturing this totally gorgeous guy staying in on a Saturday night to babysit; even it was for his brothers and sister.

“I know this probably sounds crazy to you, but the truth is I don’t mind watching them.” He waved to one of the other baseball players as we made our way to class.

“Cool.” The more I got to know Brennan, the more I liked him. Not only was he incredibly good-looking and smart, he was also super sweet. He was quite the catch, for sure. I was surprised that he didn’t already have a girlfriend. I was so enthralled by him that I forgot that I was supposed to be backing off. “How old are your siblings?”

“Let’s see…Will is thirteen, Owen is twelve, Cameron is seven, and Madison is four.”

“Wow – you must have had your hands full,” I said chuckling.

“Yes and no.”

I raised my eyebrows.
Does he ever give a straight answer?

This time he didn’t wait for me to ask him to clarify his answer. “Yes, because every time my parents go out I make up a game and set it up for all of us to play. But no, because the winner gets bragging rights and doesn’t have to do chores for a week.” He was really smiling now, and I knew exactly what made him so happy even before he said, “I won.”


We had arrived at class and took out assigned seats on opposite sides of the room.

It was so easy to be with Brennan that I was beginning to doubt, whether or not, I could pull off step four. I had to spend the remainder of the day reminding myself over and over again that I was supposed to be giving him some space.

Classes finally finished. When I went to my locker to collect my things, Brennan was casually leaning up against the wall, looking as hot as ever with his dark hair and clear blue eyes. I sighed. I hoped I wasn’t about to screw things up.

“Hey,” he said, pushing off the wall and coming to stand next to me. “I was going to ask you earlier when you wanted to study again, but you rushed out of calc so quickly that I didn’t have the chance. Mr. McCormick assigned a ton of homework, and I thought we could work on it tonight after dinner. Maybe around 7 p.m.?”

I rushed out of math class in order to back off. I guess it got his attention. I didn’t make any excuses for my behavior, but simply answered his question. “I can’t tonight.” I couldn’t forget that I was backing off or that he was on his way to meet Tracy to drive her to pick up her car.

He looked hurt. “Oh, okay.”

Oh, no. Maybe my plan was working too well. I needed to find the right balance.
And fast. I rushed to add, “It’s just that I have swim practice tonight. Even though it’s off-season we still swim three nights a week – Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.”

His eyes lit up in understanding. “Okay, another time then.”

“I’ll see you in English tomorrow.” I smiled warmly.

“Absolutely,” he said, walking away.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked in the opposite direction. Rachel was waiting for me by the stairs.

“Was that Brennan you were talking to?” She asked enthusiastically, linking her arm though mine.

“Yes…” I whispered, trying to remain calm.

“Did he ask you? Did he ask you? Tell me. Tell me.”
Rachel had a habit of repeating everything twice, especially when she was excited.


“Don’t play me, Josie. You know what I’m talking about. Did he ask you to the prom? You know the event of the year that we’ve been obsessing about FOREVER!”

“Shhh.” The last thing I needed was for everyone in the school to hear how desperate Rachel made me sound. “No, he did not ask me. But everything is going according to plan.”

“What plan? What plan?” Rachel said, raising her voice. “I don’t know about any plan.”

“I’ll tell you all about it as soon as we reach the safety of your car.” I looked around to see who was walking close enough to overhear us. I spotted a friend of Tracy’s and nodded in her direction. Tracy had already left with Brennan, but I knew that her friend would be more than happy to fill her in on any juicy gossip she might have missed.

Rachel looked upset, but she took the hint and didn’t say anything else until we were seated in her VW bug. She turned and looked pointedly at me. “So, now will you tell me what ‘the plan’ is?” She made air quotes with her hands. “I mean we’re best friends. Best friends who tell each other EVERYTHING. And clearly by the way he was checking you out – you’ve forgotten to tell me a thing or two.”

I looked at Rachel’s face, and I saw how wrong I’d been. I should have told her about my plan sooner. Look at all the fun we had when we went shopping together at the mall. Rachel even scored a couple of cute tops and some eyeliner that she had been wearing every day since. I’m sure she could’ve added some wisdom of her own to my 10 step plan, if only I’d confided in her. What could I have been thinking? I needed my best friend to be a part of this!

I took a deep breath, and it all rushed out at once, “You’re right, I haven’t been completely honest with you. I’m so sorry. I should have told you about my plan as soon as it occurred to me. I didn’t because I was worried that if I did, it might not work.
Saying that out loud, I now realize how ridiculous it sounds.” I shook my head in disbelief at my own stupidity. “We are best friends - the kind that tells each other everything.” I smiled as I thought of all the things we’d shared over the years. “And yes, my 10 step plan has EVERYTHING to do with Brennan and the prom. Come on, let’s go grab a latte, my treat. Then we’ll head over to my house, and I’ll tell you everything from the beginning.” I could see her wavering, wanting to take me up on my offer. “Please,” I added, putting my palms together like I was praying.

“Okay, but only if you buy me a muffin too. I’m starving. Totally starving.”

“Sure,” I agreed readily, happy to have made things right between Rachel and I again.

A half an hour later we were lounging in my room sipping our lattes. I had shut the door, even though Ellie was at a friend’s house, because I didn’t want to take any chances of being overheard. I took a deep breath. It was time to fill Rachel in.

“Ellie found ‘Everything Prom.’”

“WHAT?” Rachel screamed, standing up suddenly and spilling her coffee.
“Damn it!”
She blotted at the coffee stain on her new shirt.
I wasn’t sure if she was referring to Ellie, her ruined shirt, or both.

“Ellie found ‘Everything Prom,’” I repeated.

“WHEN? HOW? OMG – she’ll tell everyone and we’ll become the laughingstocks of the whole school.” Rachel began to panic.

“Don’t worry – I’ll handle Ellie. She’s known about it for weeks, and she hasn’t told anyone.”

“Yeah, but you know she will.”

I calmed her down by taking her through my 10 step plan. I even told her about Brennan asking me out on a date, and how I spent the last two days backing off, a little.

“I think it’s brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!” she exclaimed. “I should follow the steps too. I still need a date for the prom. Steps “one and two are easy. I pick Kyle as MY GUY. That’s step one.” She held up one finger. “I went shopping with you for a new look, and he’s been smiling at me in a different way ever since. That’s step two.” She held up another finger. “So now I’m ready to move on to step three, just like that.” Rachel snapped her fingers and beamed.

I smiled happily and jumped off my bed. “Let’s do pedicures to celebrate your participation in my genius plan. I pulled a plastic container out from under my bed, which held my extensive nail polish collection. I rummaged through the bottles until I found the latest color I’d bought.
“Here,” I held it up for Rachel to see, “let’s try out this new color.”

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