The Perfect Theory (43 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

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acceleration: in expanding universe model,

gravity and,

accretion disks,

“Against the Ignorant Criticism of Modern Theories in Physics” (Fock),

“Against the Reactionary Einsteinianism in Physics” (Maximow),

Andromeda Galaxy,

identification of,

Rubin and,

anthropic principle: Carter and,

Dicke and,

“Appeal to Europeans, An” (Einstein),

Arecibo Observatory (Puerto Rico),

Ashtekar, Abhay: solves field equations,

astronomy: general relativity's effects on,

Newtonian physics in,

use of gravity waves in,

atomic bomb,

German attempt to develop,

Soviet Union develops,


Baade, Walter,

Babson, Roger: and gravity,

Bahcall, John,

Bahnson, Agnew: and gravity,

Bardeen, James,

“Beginning of the World From the Point of View of the Quantum Theory, The” (Lemaître),

Bekenstein, Jacob: and black holes,

and field equations,

and modifications to general relativity,

and Modified Newtonian Dynamics,

and tensor-vector-scalar theory,

Belinski, Vladimir,

Bell, Jocelyn,

denied Nobel Prize,

discovers pulsars,

“Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source,”

and quasars,

Bergmann, Peter,

Beria, Lavrentiy,

Bethe, Hans,

“Big Bang Cosmology—Enigmas and Nostrums, The” (Dicke & Peebles),

“Big Bang” theory: Dicke and,

Eddington rejects,

Einstein accepts,

and expanding universe model,

Gamow and,

and general relativity,

Hawking and,

Hoyle rejects,

Lemaître proposes,

observational evidence for,

Peebles and,

Penrose and,

Penzias and,

Rees and,

relic radiation in,

Sachs and,

Sciama accepts,

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