The Perfect Theory (47 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

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and radio astronomy,

and steady-state theory,

Gott, J. Richard: and cosmological constant,

on cosmology,

Goudsmit, Samuel: and general relativity,

Gravitation and Cosmology

(Wheeler, Misner & Thorne),

“Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities” (Penrose),

gravitons: DeWitt and,

in quantum gravity,

in string theory,

gravity: and acceleration,

alternative theories of,

antigravity research,

Babson and,

Bahnson and,

Brans and,

deflects light,

DeWitt and,

Dirac and,

Duff and,

effect on spacetime,

effect on stars,

and electromagnetism,

and expanding universe model,

and galaxies,

in general relativity,

Hawking and,

Hilbert on,

Jordan and,

Milgrom and modification of,

in Newtonian physics,

quantum theory of.
quantum gravity

Sakharov and,


tensor-vector-scalar theory,

in unified theory,

wave theory of.
gravity waves

as weak force,

Gravity Research Foundation: sponsors essay competitions,

gravity waves: black holes and search for,

Bondi and,

detection of,

Eddington rejects,

Einstein and,

Feynman and,

Field and,

and field equations,

general relativity and,

Hawking and,

laser interferometry and search for,

Milky Way as source of,

neutron stars and,

Ostriker on,

Penrose and,

Pretorius and,

Rees and,

Sciama and,

supernovae and,

Thorne and,

Tyson on,

use in astronomy,

Weber bars and search for,

Weber searches for,

Green, Michael: as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics,

and string theory,

Grossmann, August,

Grossmann, Marcel: assists Einstein,

Guth, Alan: and inflationary universe model,


Hawking, Stephen,

background of,

and “Big Bang” theory,

“Black Hole Information Paradox,”

and black holes,

Candelas on,

and Einstein centenary,

on “end of theoretical physics,”

and general relativity,

and gravity,

and gravity waves,

health issues,

as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (Cambridge),

and quantum gravity,

Sciama and,

and standard model,

on string theory,

and supersymmetry,

Hawking radiation.
black holes: radiation by

Heisenberg, Werner,

and quantum physics,

Stark attacks,

and steady-state theory,

uncertainty principle,

Hertz, Heinrich: and electromagnetism,

Hewish, Antony,

wins Nobel Prize,

High-Z Supernova Search project: and cosmological constant,

Hilbert, David,

on gravity,

and incompleteness theorem,

and mathematics,

relationship with Einstein,

Horowitz, Gary: and string theory,

Hoyle, Fred,

background of,

and “creation field,”

criticized by colleagues,

and expanding universe model,

and field equations,

and Nobel Prize,

Hoyle, Fred (

popularizes cosmology,

promotes steady-state theory,

and quantum physics,

and radar research,

rejects “Big Bang” theory,

Ryle and,

and stellar energy sources,

Hubble, Edwin,

background and personality of,

Hubble constant,

identifies nebulae as galaxies,

measures redshift effect,

“A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extragalactic Nebulae,”

in World War I,

Hubble Space Telescope,

Huchra, John,

Hulse, Russell: and neutron stars,

Humason, Milton: measures redshift effect,

hydrogen bomb,


incompleteness theorem: Gödel and,

Hilbert and,

Russell and,

Wittgenstein and,

inertial frames of reference: in special relativity,

Infeld, Leopold,

inflation model of the universe,

and CDM model,

effects on spacetime,

Guth and,

large-scale structure theory and,

in unified theory,

Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton): Einstein at,

Gödel at,

Oppenheimer directs,

Institute of Astronomy (Cambridge),

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