The Perfect Theory (49 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

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and general relativity,

gravity in,

inconsistencies and limitations of,

invention of,

light in,

prediction in,

Nobel Prize: Bell denied,

Dirac wins,

Feynman wins,

Hewish wins,

Hoyle and,

Lenard wins,

Penzias & Wilson win,

Perlmutter wins,

Riess wins,

Ryle wins,

Schmidt wins,

Smoot wins,

Townes wins,

Novikov, Igor,

and black holes,

nuclear energy,

nuclear physics: develops in World War II,

Eddington and fusion,

Landau and,

Oppenheimer and fission,

Wheeler and,

Zel'dovich and,


“Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source” (Bell),

“On the Curvature of Space” (Friedmann),

“On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn From It” (Einstein),

Oppenheimer, J. Robert,

background of,

and black holes,

directs Institute for Advanced Study,

and Einstein,

and European scientific refugees,

and general relativity,

and Manhattan Project,

and McCarthyism,

and nuclear fission,

Pauli on,

personality of,

political opinions,

and quantum physics,

and quasars,

and stellar energy sources,

and stellar evolution and decay,

Ostriker, Jeremiah: and cosmological constant,

and galaxy formation,

on gravity waves,

Oxford Symposium on Quantum Gravity (1974),


particles: antiparticles,




and quantum electrodynamics,


types of,

Pauli, Wolfgang,

and exclusion principle,

on Oppenheimer,

Pawsey, Joseph: and radio astronomy,

Peebles, Philip James: background and personality of,

and “Big Bang” theory,

and CDM model,

and cosmological constant,

and cosmology,

and dark matter,

and evolution of universe,

and galaxy formation,

on general relativity,

and large-scale structure theory,

and Modified Newtonian Dynamics,

Physical Cosmology,

Penrose, Roger,

and “Big Bang” theory,

and black holes,

at Center for Relativity,

creates spin networks,

and general relativity,

“Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities,”

and gravity waves,

Penrose diagrams,

Penrose superradiance,

Penzias, Arno: and “Big Bang” theory,

wins Nobel Prize,

Perlmutter, Saul: wins Nobel Prize,

Perrine, Charles,

photoelectric effect: Einstein and,

Lenard discovers,

Physical Cosmology

physics, Newtonian.
Newtonian physics

physics, quantum.
quantum physics

Planck, Max,

planets: orbits of,

plutonium: Seaborg discovers,

predictability: general relativity and,

Pretorius, Frans: and gravity waves,

solves field equations,

Primack, Joel: and cosmological constant,

“primordial egg.”
“Big Bang” theory

Príncipe expedition (1919): Eddington leads,

Principia Mathematica
(Whitehead & Russell),

Prussian Academy of Sciences: Einstein as fellow of,

See also
neutron stars

Bell discovers,


quantum electrodynamics (QED),

DeWitt and,

Dirac and,

quantum electrodynamics (QED) (

particles and,

Schwinger and,

and unified theory,

quantum geometry,

quantum gravity,

and cosmological constant,

DeWitt and,

gravitons in,

Hawking and,

Jacobson and,

Krasnow and,

loop quantum gravity,

Rovelli and,

Smolin and,

spin networks and,

string theory and,

Woit and,

quantum physics,

basic principles of,

and black holes,

Bohr and,

Chandra and,

and dialectical materialism,

Dirac and,

exclusion principle in,

Feynman and,

and general relativity,

Heisenberg and,

Hoyle and,

information and predictability in,

Landau and,

light in,

observational evidence for,

Oppenheimer and,

Schrödinger and,

in Soviet Union,

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