The Perfect Theory (52 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

BOOK: The Perfect Theory
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Hoyle promotes,

Milne on,

Rees and,

Ryle attacks,

Sciama and,

Steinhardt, Paul: and cosmological constant,

Stern, Otto,

string theory: and “Big Bang” theory,

Calabi-Yau geometry and,

Candelas and,

cosmological constant in,

and covariant approach to spacetime,

DeWitt on,

Duff on,

Feynman on,

Friedan on,

Gell-Mann and,

general relativity and,

Glashow on,

gravitons in,

Green and,

Hawking on,

Horowitz and,

hostility toward,

M-theory of,

multiverse model in,

principles and flaws of,

and quantum gravity,

Schwartz and,

Smolin on,

spacetime in,

standard model and,

Strominger and,


Vafa and,

Witten and,

Strominger, Andrew: and string theory,

strong force: in unified theory,

Sunyaev, Rashid,

Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP): and cosmological constant,


and cosmological constant,

and gravity waves,

supersymmetry: Hawking and,


Taylor, Joseph, Jr.,

and neutron stars,

Teller, Edward,

tensor-vector-scalar theory of gravity (TeVeS): Bekenstein and,

and general relativity,

Texas Symposiums on Relativistic Astrophysics,

and quasars,

thermodynamics, second law of.

Thompson, J. J.,

Thorne, Kip,

and black holes,

and gravity waves,

thought experiments: Bondi performs,

Einstein performs,

Wheeler performs,

time travel: Gödel and,

Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro: and quantum electrodynamics,

Townes, Charles: wins Nobel Prize,

Turner, Herbert,

Turner, Michael: and cosmological constant,

on cosmology,

Tyson, Tony: on gravity waves,



uncertainty principle: in quantum physics,

unified theory: CERN and,

Dirac and,

Eddington and,

Einstein's search for,

electromagnetism in,

electroweak force in,

field equations in,

gravity in,

inflationary universe model in,

quantum electrodynamics and,

spacetime geometry in,

strong force in,

weak force in,

United States: Atomic Energy Commission,

Einstein emigrates to,

Gödel emigrates to,

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),

universe: CDM model of,

concordance model of,

de Sitter on age of,

distribution of energy and matter in,

distribution of radio sources in,

evolution of,

expanding model of,

inflation model of,

origin theories of,

proposed rotation of,

static model of,

University of Bern: Einstein as lecturer at,

University of Zurich: Einstein as professor at,

Uranus: orbit of,


Vafa, Cumrun: and string theory,

Volkoff, George,

Von Neumann, John,

Vulcan: as theoretical planet,


weak force: gravity as,

in unified theory,

Weber, Joseph: background and personality of,

Dyson and,

experimental methodology questioned,

and laser interferometry,

searches for gravity waves,

Weber bars: and search for gravity waves,

Weinberg, Steven,

and electroweak force,

and general relativity,

Gravitation and Cosmology,

and standard model,

Weiss, Rainer,

Weyl, Hermann,

and expanding universe model,

Wheeler, John Archibald,

background of,

and black holes,

and canonical approach to spacetime,

creates “Wheelerisms,”

and DeWitt,

and Feynman,

and general relativity,

and Manhattan Project,

and nuclear physics,

performs thought experiments,

personality of,

political opinions,

and quantum physics,

and stellar evolution and decay,

and wormholes,

Wheeler, John Archibald, Charles Misner & Kip Thorne:

Wheeler-DeWitt equation,

White, Simon: and cosmological constant,

and galaxy formation,

white dwarf stars,

Whitehead, Alfred North & Bertrand Russell:
Principia Mathematica,

Wilson, Robert: and “Big Bang” theory,

wins Nobel Prize,

Witten, Edward,

and string theory,

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