The Perfect Theory (48 page)

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Authors: Pedro G. Ferreira

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Institute of Field Physics: DeWitt and,

inaugural meeting (Chapel Hill, 1957),

Internal Constitution of the Stars, The

International Astronomical Union,

Israel, Werner: and black holes,

and Einstein centenary,


Jacobson, Theodore: and quantum gravity,

Jansky, Karl: “Electrical Disturbances Apparently of Extraterrestrial Origin,”

Jewish physicists: flee Germany,

“Jewish physics”: Nazis oppose,

Jodrell Bank Observatory (Manchester),

Jordan, Pascual: and gravity,


Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics (Berlin): Einstein heads,

Kaluza, Theodor: and five-dimensional universe,

Kennedy assassination (1963),

Kerr, Roy: and black holes,

at Center for Relativity,

solves field equations,

Khalatnikov, Isaak: and black holes,

Klein, Oskar: and five-dimensional universe,

Krasnow, Kirill: and quantum gravity,

Kurchatov, Yakov,


cosmological constant

Landau, Lev Davidovich,

Course of Theoretical Physics,

and nuclear physics,

political opinions,

and quantum physics,

and stellar energy sources,

and stellar evolution and decay,

Large Hadron Collider (LHC): popular fear of,

large-scale structure theory of universe: and CDM model,

and concordance model,

in cosmology,

dark matter in,

Efstathiou and,

galaxies and,

and inflation model,

Peebles and,

Silk and,

Zel'dovich and,

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO)

funding and construction of,

Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA),

laser interferometry: GEO600,


and search for gravity waves,


Weber and,

Le Verrier, Urbain: and discovery of Neptune,

and Mercury,

Lemaître, Georges,

“The Beginning of the World From the Point of View of the Quantum Theory,”

and cosmological constant,

Eddington and,

and expanding universe model,

and field equations,

as Jesuit,

promotes general relativity,

proposes “Big Bang” theory,

relationship with Einstein,

in World War I,

Lenard, Philipp: discovers photoelectric effect,

rejects general relativity,

wins Nobel Prize,

Lifshitz, Evgeny: and black holes,

and expanding universe model,

and field equations,

light: gravity deflects,

in Newtonian physics,

particle theory of,

in quantum physics,

and redshift effect,

relationship to mass,

speed of,

loop quantum gravity,

Lovell, Bernard: and radio astronomy,

and radio sources,

Lowell Observatory (Flagstaff),

Lowenthal, Elsa: marriage to Einstein,

Lucasian Professors of Mathematics (Cambridge): Dirac as,

Green as,

Hawking as,

Newton as,

Lundmark, Knud: measures distance of nebulae,

Lynden-Bell, Donald: and black holes,


Manhattan Project,

Oppenheimer and,

Wheeler and,

Marić, Mileva: Einstein divorces,

marriage to Einstein,

mass: relationship to energy,

relationship to light,

mathematics: Dirac and,

Einstein and,

Gödel and,

Hilbert and,

renormalization in,

matter: distribution of,

Eddington and clumping of,

Einstein and distribution of,

Maximow, Alexander: “Against the Reactionary Einsteinianism in Physics,”

Maxwell, James Clark,

and electromagnetism,

McCarthyism: Einstein and,

Oppenheimer and,

Meeting on General Relativity and Cosmology, Third (London, 1965),

Mercury: Le Verrier and,

orbit of,

Milgrom, Mordehai: and gravity,

and Modified Newtonian Dynamics,

Milky Way galaxy,

black hole at center of,

radio astronomy and,

as source of gravity waves,

Mills, Bernard: and radio sources,

Milne, E. A.: on steady-state theory,

Minkowski, Hermann,

Misner, Charles,

Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND): Bekenstein and,

and dark matter,

Milgrom and,

opposition to,

Peebles and,

Mount Wilson Observatory (Pasadena),

multiverse model of universe: cosmological constant in,

Ellis on,

string theory in,


National Center for Supercomputing Applications,

Nature of the Universe, The
(radio series),

Nazis: oppose “Jewish physics,”

nebulae: Hubble identifies as galaxies,

Lundmark measures distance of,

Neptune: Le Verrier and discovery of,

Nernst, Walther,

neutron stars,
See also

and general relativity,

and gravity waves,

Hulse and,

Taylor and,

“New Determination of Molecular Dimensions, A” (Einstein),

Newman, Ezra: and black holes,

Newton, Sir Isaac,

as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics,

Newtonian physics: in astronomy,

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