The Phoenix Crisis (10 page)

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Authors: Richard L. Sanders

Tags: #mystery, #space opera, #sequel, #phoenix rising, #phoenix conspiracy, #phoenix crisis

BOOK: The Phoenix Crisis
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Considering that this ship was last seen
assaulting civilians on an Imperial planet, there was a part of
Calvin that knew he should be concerned. And yet he wasn’t. He
doubted Kalila would lure him here just to kill him, not after
she’d asked him to investigate Raidan for her, and besides—if there
was a fight, the Nighthawk in its current condition against a ship
like the Black Swan… the battle would be over before Calvin and his
crew realized it was happening.

Raise the shields?” asked
Miles. “Should I clear for action?”

Calvin understood his reaction. He hadn’t
been told about Calvin’s past interactions with Kalila. No one
had—except Summers—so they were understandably twitchy and
concerned. “No, do not clear for action,” said Calvin. “Maintain
condition two.”

Are you sure--?” asked

We’re being hailed,” said

Display it.”

Audio only,” said Jay.
“Restricted channel.”

Go ahead.”

IWS Nighthawk, this is
Captain Adiger. You are ordered to comply with a docking

Calvin raised a curious eyebrow. “This ship is not under your
direct command,” said Calvin.

I have no time for
semantics,” said Captain Adiger with an urgency to his voice. “My
ship is carrying critical personnel and vital cargo and we must
transfer them aboard the Nighthawk immediately.”

Calvin rubbed his chin. This was an
intriguing development. He’d be a lot more comfortable if he was
getting this information from Kalila, and if it was a request and
not an order.

Do you copy?” asked

We copy,” said Calvin.
Though he didn’t yet agree to the captain’s request.

We will be upon you in two
minutes,” said Captain Adiger. “Prepare to comply. If you do not
comply, you will be considered an enemy of the state and fired

The transmission terminated.

Well that seems like a
harsh reaction,” said Calvin.

So what do we do?” asked
Miles. “If I throw everything into shields and Cassidy throws the
rest of our power into engines, even life support, we might be able
to outrun them—”

If we act now we could
probably escape the system before taking any fire,” said Jay. “We
may be battered and beaten but we’re still the faster

We’re not going anywhere,”
said Calvin. He looked to Summers to get her take. She nodded her
agreement. They were all in. They’d come here at Kalila’s request
and had a chance to get vital information. If they ran away now
with their tail between their legs what did it buy them? Nothing.
At least nothing that could potentially be used to save the Empire.
“Comply with their instructions and prep the deck four airlock for
deep space attachment.”

Aye, sir,” said

I hope you know what you’re
doing,” said Miles.

I do,” Calvin reassured
himself. He
tapped his direct line to special forces HQ.

Pellew here.”

We’re about to have some
guests coming through the airlock on deck four,” said Calvin. “Get
every soldier we have left on this ship armed and over there in
case something goes wonky.”


With that Calvin jumped out of his chair and
headed for his office to grab a firearm.

And where are you going?”
asked Summers.

To the airlock,” he said.
“You have the deck.”


Chapter 7


When Calvin arrived at the airlock, it was
in the process of being unsealed. Pellew stood resolute, carbine in
hands, with nine other special forces soldiers in arms. It was a
large showing of force but Calvin knew it wasn’t every soldier on
the ship like he’d asked.

Ten—or eleven counting
you—is already too many people for ideal tactical control of this
corridor,” said Pellew. “Any more and we’d be seriously crowding
each other out.” Calvin knew he was right. And while there was
still value in having more bodies available to fill in the gaps
should a firefight happen, he also knew that the hundreds of
marines on the Black Swan, while not as elite as special forces,
would have no difficulty capturing the Nighthawk—if that was their

There was a snap-hiss as the triple seal
locked into place and the thick hatch began to retract. Calvin
raised his own weapon, a well-maintained carbine, and pointed it in
the direction of the opening hatch. He remained standing, but noted
that Pellew and several of the soldiers had taken kneeling
positions. There wasn’t much cover to be had. Should a firefight
occur Calvin knew he’d be an easy target, so he prepared himself to
go prone the instant there was even a hint of trouble. Truth be
told, however, he did not expect a fight. If he did, he’d be a fool
to let the Nighthawk be put at such risk. Especially with no hope
of prevailing.

The hatch slid completely aside and the
innards of one of the loading tunnels of the Black Swan could be
seen. There were people there, quite a few, and they too brandished
weapons. Calvin could see body armor, though most of their tactical
gear was covered. These were not uniformed marines but rather a
private bodyguard. He wasn’t immediately sure at their numbers
because the view through the hatch was so limited.

Princess Kalila Akira and
escort to come aboard,” one of the strangers shouted. Calvin noted
that it wasn’t a request, simply a statement of fact. He felt his
heart race a little at the sound of the princess’s name.

Permission granted,” said

Lower your weapons and come
aboard,” Pellew added.

The lead member of the boarding party looked
behind him for a moment, probably for instruction, and then he led
the others onto the Nighthawk. They still clung to their weapons,
but they were pointed peacefully at the ground. Once they’d all
boarded the ship, a group of seven, the lead guard moved aside and
Kalila stepped forward.

She was not tall, easily half a head shorter
than Calvin, but her commanding presence was unmistakable despite
her civilian disguise. Her radiant eyes met his, bold and
unintimidated. Calvin lowered his weapon immediately when he saw

Princess,” said Calvin. He
bowed his head.

Calvin,” she said. “I am
happy to see you. Unfortunately, as seems to always be the case
when we meet, there is no time to wait on ceremony. The Nighthawk
and the Black Swan must depart the system at once. Otherwise we
will be trapped here by a powerful battle squadron.”

Calvin nodded. He had many questions, and
reminded himself that he would not fold to her will without getting
proper answers, but if there really was a squadron of warships
inbound he could appreciate the need to act now and ask questions
later. “Where are we to go?” he asked.

I am coming aboard the
Nighthawk and we will make for Capital World,” said Kalila. Calvin
gave her a curious look, thinking Capital World was not a safe
place for the Nighthawk to wander, not with its fugitive status.
“Don’t worry, I will explain it all as soon as opportunity allows,”
she added, noting his confusion. “As for the Black Swan, it will
continue its mission and divert the pursuing squadron

You heard her,” said
Calvin. “Pellew, see that our new guests are properly

Actually, my bodyguard is
not to remain with us,” said Kalila.

The guards looked almost as surprised by
this news as Calvin was. “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Your
Royal Highness, but I must protest,” said the lead guard.

Kalila shushed him gently. “I am safe here,”
she said. “Calvin Cross will see to that,” she looked at Calvin and
he felt a strange warmness inside him as their eyes met. “And a
group as large as ours would never escape notice,” she added. “Now
go swiftly, we have no time to linger.”

The lead guard nodded. “As you wish, Your

He led the rest of the bodyguard back
through the hatch and it closed behind him.

In that case, Princess,
please follow me to the bridge,” said Calvin, “and we’ll make
preparations to leave the system. After that we have a great deal
to discuss.”

And discuss we shall,” said

Calvin noted that several bags and a chest
had been brought aboard. Calvin assumed these were Kalila’s
effects, and it made him wonder how long she intended to stay on
the Nighthawk. The thought was a pleasant one, even though he knew
it put the ship at greater risk.

I’ll see that these bags
find a home,” said Pellew.

Find her quarters on deck
five,” said Calvin. He wanted to make sure Kalila was close to him
in case she needed anything. That and deck five would keep her far
away from the saltier men on the ship.

Thank you, Captain,” Kalila
said to Pellew, noting his rank insignia.

Pellew bowed and then barked orders to his
men to stand down and pick up Kalila’s things.



When they arrived on the bridge, Calvin
ordered a new heading be set. Ursa Leo, a system that would take
them near Capital World without putting them into the jaws of the
beast itself. Until Calvin knew why they were going to Capital
World—and that the reason justified the risk—he wasn’t going to
send the Nighthawk and all his crew there. “Detach the ship and get
us underway as soon as possible. Jump depth of ninety-percent

Aye, sir,” said

And send word to Mister
Vargas and the Arcane Storm that our intended rendezvous may be


The crew was professional enough, and—other
than Miles whose jaw visibly dropped and he seemed unable to speak
words larger than a grunt—there was no shocked reaction to Kalila’s
presence. Even though Calvin knew every person here was surprised
and anxious. He was sure none of them had ever interacted with a
member of the royal family before and this was quite the
electrifying experience for them.

Cassidy and Jay looked at Kalila very
neutrally, almost not comprehending that she was there. Miles,
after staring at her for a few seconds and giving her a good
once-over up-and-down with his eyes, was now staring intently at
his computer station. His face red.  

Of everyone there, Summers looked the least
impressed by the sight of the princess on the bridge. She
scrutinized her with half a frown plastered to her face. Her arms
were folded and she seemed unamused and distrusting.  

As ever thank you for your
cooperation and loyal service to the Empire,” Kalila said, looking
directly at Calvin. “And I mean that for everyone here. Your
diligent effort and sacrifices will not be forgotten.”

Aww shucks,” said Miles
quietly. He still stared at his screen, making a big show of
looking busy and hard at work.

Now Princess,” said Calvin.
“There are certain things we need to discuss.” He looked at Kalila,
seeing here there on his bridge… he couldn’t keep back a smile, but
he reminded himself that he was not going to be her pawn, led
blindly into the darkness.

Certainly,” she replied and
gestured toward the CO’s office adjacent to the bridge.

Summers shot Calvin an urgent look and
Calvin nodded, understanding. “Commander Presley, if you’ll please
join the princess and me in my office.”

Of course,” Summers
replied. She tried to hide her pleased look but did not

You’re bringing your XO?”
asked Kalila.

Yes,” said Calvin. “Summers
is my right hand and it would be helpful to get a second
perspective on everything. But do not worry, Your Highness, the
commander has my full confidence.”

Not to mention I have a few
questions of my own that I’d like to ask you, Your Grace,” said

Kalila looked at her with eyes that could
not be read. “You worked for Asari Raidan most recently, before
being posted to the Nighthawk, is that correct?”

I did.”

Kalila nodded. “In that case I may have some
questions for you as well.”

Calvin led them into his office and the door
closed behind them.




Calvin went to his seat and
offered the chair opposite him to the princess, which she accepted.
He waited for her to sit before he did. Summers, with no other
chairs available, was forced to stand. She took up a position next
to Calvin, almost like a sentry, and stood rigidly with her arms
folded. Defensive and cold. Calvin wanted to be tough with the
princess too, since she’d been nothing but mysterious to him and
she was the prime suspect in one of the most heinous acts ever to
occur on Imperial soil, but he simply couldn’t help but feel warm
and happy that she was near. And that she was taking an interest in
. Lowly
half-citizen Calvin!

I thank you for your aid,
Captain,” said Kalila. “Now, I’m sure you have many questions, not
the least of which is why I am asking you to go to Capital World. A
place that we both know is not safe for your ship. At least as
things stand at the moment.”

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