The Physics of War (37 page)

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Authors: Barry Parker

BOOK: The Physics of War
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They talked about other things they could do. A letter to the White House was suggested. Szilard knew, however, that a letter signed by him would be ignored whereas a letter from Einstein would be taken seriously. Einstein agreed to sign a letter written by Szilard. The next problem was getting the letter to Roosevelt; it had to be delivered to him directly to have any impact. Szilard remembered an acquaintance by the name of Alexander Sachs, who sometimes visited Roosevelt. Szilard gave him the letter on August 15, 1939, and Sachs agreed to deliver it.

Germany was on the verge of attacking Poland at this time, however, and Roosevelt was particularly busy. Sachs tried several times but was unable get an appointment. He finally succeeded in October 1939. Roosevelt agreed that action was needed, and he authorized the creation of an advisory committee on uranium. The committee had its first meeting on October 21, at which six thousand dollars was budgeted for conducting experiments on neutrons. Szilard was disappointed with the small amount of money, but at least it was a first step.

Several problems would have to be overcome, however, before they could build a bomb. First of all, the uranium would have to be purified. At that time uranium had no known uses and very little of it had been mined, and the small amount that had been produced was not pure. Furthermore, Bohr and Fermi had showed that it was U-235 that was of most interest, and there was only a small amount of it in natural uranium. The U-235 would have to be separated out. And perhaps of most interest, some sort of device would have to be built to slow down the fission process so that it could be controlled. Such a device would be needed in order to determine whether a bomb would be possible. This device was eventually called a nuclear reactor. And for a controlled reaction, a moderator would be needed (a material that would absorb some of the neutrons coming out of the reaction). Two moderators were known: heavy water and graphite. Heavy water was expensive, so graphite seemed to be the better choice.


In September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. Because of Hitler's policies regarding Jews, many Jews had fled Germany, including Albert Einstein and other top physicists. But Werner Heisenberg, who had just won a Nobel Prize, was not Jewish, and he had no interest in leaving. He had been offered positions at several major universities in the United States, but he had turned them down. As a German, he felt compelled to serve his country in its time of need. And indeed, by the time the war started, the Nazi government had also heard about the possibility of a super bomb. In fact, a group of Germany's leading scientist (the few that were left) had been recruited to study uranium fission. The group was referred to as the
(Uranium Society), and one of the most prominent members was Otto Hahn, the man who had discovered fission.
Members of the Uranverein were reluctant at first to invite Heisenberg because he was a theorist, and the building of a bomb needed experimentalists. Furthermore, he had been friends with many Jewish scientists, including Einstein, so he was not considered desirable. Interestingly, Hahn was a rather reluctant member of the group, and in the end he made almost no contribution to it. He continued to raise objections against the project, sure that it would never be possible. The Uranverein finally decided to invite Heisenberg into the group in late September 1939 to help solve what seemed to be insurmountable problems. Soon he was leader of the group.

Heisenberg realized that the first step had to be the building of a nuclear reactor: a slowed-down bomb. And the best moderator was heavy water, or deuterium. But deuterium was not plentiful in Germany; however, it was being produced in a plant in Vemork, Norway. Germany had not yet invaded Norway, so would have to purchase the deuterium it needed. The Vemork plant was perched high above the fjords in a remote region of Norway, about 150 miles from Oslo.

The Germans approached the owner of the Vemork plant and offered to buy all its available heavy water. The Norwegians were surprised by the offer and wondered why the Germans would need so much. When they were not given an answer they refused to sell. About the same time, the Joliet-Curies in Paris had arrived at the same conclusion as the Americans and Germans. For a bomb, a reactor would be needed, and it would need heavy water as a moderator. The French government therefore also sent a representative to Vemork, and when he told Norwegian officials what the heavy water was needed for they promised him all they had at no cost.

Then, in April 1940, Germany invaded Norway, changing the situation. The German army raided the plant immediately and was disappointed to find that
all the heavy water had been shipped to France. So the Germans immediately ordered an acceleration in production and insisted that everything that was produced was to be shipped to Berlin.

In early June 1940, Germany also invaded France, and when Paris fell on June 14, the Uranverein physicists immediately went to the Joliet-Curie laboratory, expecting to find heavy water and uranium. Joliet-Curie claimed that it had been loaded onto a ship that had been sunk, and the Germans accepted the answer. The materials had actually been shipped to England.

By now the Germans had made considerable progress. One of the Uranverein group had calculated that uranium would have to be enriched so that it contained 70 percent more U-235 than U-238 before it could be used in a reaction. They had also discovered that when U-238 captured a neutron it formed U-239, which was unstable and radioactively decayed in twenty-three minutes. The new element, which was unnamed, might be fissionable according to Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, one of the group members. This meant that if they could build a reactor they might have a way of producing another element that could be used for a bomb.

In the summer of 1940 a new building at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin was designated for the exclusive use of the Uranverein. It was next door to the Institute of Physics and was called the Virus House. Germany now had a good supply of uranium, ample heavy water, and several important developments from the Joliot-Curie lab. But the members of the Uranverein were soon stumped by the difficulty of separating U-235 from natural uranium.


In the meantime, Otto Frisch had not sat still; he had immigrated to England and was now working with Rudolf Peierls at the University of Birmingham. Peierls had previously worked for Fermi at the University of Rome. Frisch and Peierls collaborated on the problem of how much U-235 would be needed for a bomb. This was later referred to as the critical size. To their surprise, their calculations indicated that a very large amount was needed. Despite the setback, their work showed that a bomb was indeed possible. In fact, they concluded in their report that what was needed was two pieces of U-235 that were smaller than the critical size. When the two pieces were brought together, they would immediately explode, but they could be handled safely as long as they were below the critical size. Because of their work, British officials decided to set up an organization called the MAUD Committee for atomic research in early 1941.
No one was quite sure where the name came from. It is not an acronym, and it appeared to have come from a letter sent by Meitner to an English friend. She ended the letter with the name Maud, and for a while people thought it was some sort of code. It turned out that it wasn't.

In July 1941 the MAUD Committee issued two reports.
The first stated that it had been determined that a bomb could now be built using approximately twenty-five pounds of enriched uranium, and it would have the destructive effect of eighteen hundred tons of TNT. It recommended that work begin immediately and that it should be conducted in collaboration with the United States. At the time the United States had many more resources than England for building such a bomb. In addition, a new committee codenamed Tube Alloys was set up in conjunction with Canada for further developments of nuclear weapons.

In June 1940 the MAUD report was sent to Vannevar Bush, the head of the National Defense Research Committee in the United States. The results were reported to Roosevelt, and there was a considerable amount of discussion about the possibility of a bomb, but little action.

Finally, in August 1941, Mark Oliphant, one of the leaders of the MAUD Committee, decided to fly to United States to see what the problem was. To his dismay, he found that Bush had done very little with the report; it was sitting in a safe. He immediately met with several members of the American Uranium Committee and stressed the importance of action. He met with Ernest Lawrence on September 21, and they were soon joined by Robert Oppenheimer, who was surprised by what the British had achieved in relation to the bomb.

Both Oppenheimer and Lawrence were now committed. They contacted Arthur Compton of the University of Chicago, and a review committee was immediately set up. There was still some skepticism about U-235, but in the meantime Glenn Seaborg of the University of California had managed to create element 94 (now called plutonium). And on May 18 they showed that it had a rate of fission nearly twice that of U-235. It was therefore also a suitable material for an atomic bomb. This was good news. If a reactor could be built, this new element could be produced relatively easily.

In the meantime the MAUD Committee had sent further reports to United States. The second and third reports came in late October 1941, and they were much more urgent. They reported that a mass of about twelve kilograms was all that was needed for criticality.

Then, on December 7, 1941, planes from several Japanese aircraft carriers bombed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. The next day Roosevelt declared war on Japan, and soon the United States was at war with Germany and Italy as well.


By December 1940, Heisenberg and his team had built their first reactor. It was a relatively simple device that failed to initiate a chain reaction. But other similar experiments were going on in Heidelberg and Leipzig. The one in Leipzig used paraffin wax as a moderator, and the one in Heidelberg used heavy water. Both experiments again failed. The problem appeared to be due to the uranium; it was not enriched enough with U-235. By now the Germans knew that if element 94 could be produced in a reactor, it would also make an excellent material for a bomb. So there was even more incentive to accelerate the project, and for this they needed more heavy water. Furthermore, they were now beginning to worry about the progress being made in England and the United States. Heisenberg was certain that his group was far ahead of them, but he had to know for sure.

Denmark had been occupied by Germany in April 1940, but Bohr had decided to remain at his Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen. He was of Jewish descent, but the Danish government had, as part of its surrender, demanded that the Jews of Denmark be unharmed. Bohr would know what was going on in relation to the English and American projects, but how could Heisenberg talk to him? Both men were under close scrutiny.

When the Germans took over Denmark they set up a German cultural institute in Copenhagen. A proposal was given to the German foreign office to set up a symposium on theoretical physics and invite both Heisenberg and Bohr. It was set up for mid-September 1941. Heisenberg was anxious to talk to Bohr, but he worried about what his reaction might be. He had worked with Bohr and been on friendly terms with him for years, but now things were quite different. For his part, Bohr was not anxious to attend the conference, and he boycotted most of it. He was curious, however, about how much progress the Germans had made on atomic-bomb development, and he knew Heisenberg was part of the program.

Heisenberg visited Bohr's institute and had lunch with him twice. Bohr was quickly turned off, however, by Heisenberg. He told Bohr that it was critical that Germany win the war, as it would be helpful for the development of Eastern Europe. Bohr could not agree less. In their second meeting Bohr asked about the German atomic bomb and what progress had been made. Heisenberg knew the Gestapo, the secret police of Nazi Germany, was watching his every move, so he suggested they move to Bohr's study.

It soon became clear to Bohr that Heisenberg was doing everything possible to help Germany develop a bomb. This was a shock to Bohr. Heisenberg proceeded to make a sketch for Bohr. Bohr thought it was a drawing of an atomic bomb, and he was repulsed. As it turned out, it was actually a sketch of
a reactor. Then Heisenberg started to probe him about the progress the English and Americans had made. Bohr was immediately suspicious that Heisenberg was trying to probe for secrets. Bohr said little, and the meeting, for the most part, was a disaster for both men.


On October 9, 1941, Roosevelt gave the go-ahead for the development of the atomic bomb, and on December 6, the day before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he authorized what would eventually become known as the Manhattan Project. Various projects were set up in laboratories across the United States, but there was little coordination, and many of the people involved began to get frustrated with the progress. Something had to be done.

Vannevar Bush, the director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, suggested that a single person should be in charge and that the entire project should be directed by the Army Corps of Engineers. For many of the scientists this was not good news. They didn't like the idea of being bossed around by army officials. Bush selected Leslie Groves, a no-nonsense colonel with considerable experience in directing military construction projects, as military director of the Manhattan Project. Groves was not happy to take on the project at first.
He knew little about physics and didn't have much faith that such a bomb would work. Furthermore, he wasn't popular with the men who had worked under him because of his gruff approach, but everyone admitted that he got things done. And, as it turned out, he was the ideal man for the job.

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