The Plantagenets (87 page)

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Authors: Dan Jones

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Favent, Thomas, 554
Feast of the Swans, 351–2, 358–9, 363, 379–80
feudal incidents, 184–5
Fitz Alan barony, 206
Fitzalan, Thomas, former archbishop of Canterbury, 579
Fitzalan family,
FitzNigel, Richard, 91, 202
Fitzstephen, Thomas, 4
Fitzstephen, William, 47, 59, 61, 62
Fitzwalter, Robert, 198–9, 210, 211
Flanders: alliance with Richard I, 182; Becket’s flight to, 70; dispute over lordship, 495; Edward I’s campaign (1297), 344, 359; Edward III’s campaigns, 457, 462, 463, 473; English campaign (1383), 544; English tactics, 456; fall to Burgundy, 544; French sovereignty, 265; French threat from, 133, 140; Gaveston’s exile, 373; John’s renunciation of alliance, 156; Longchamp’s flight to, 126; shipping war, 330; Sluys naval battle (1340), 458–60, 464; wealth, 122, 509; wool and cloth trade, 122, 454, 491, 544
Flanders, counts of: (1154), 40; (1214), 206, 208; (1297), 341; (1340), 453;
see also
Baldwin, Louis de Male, Philip, Thomas of Savoy
Flint castle, 303, 311–12
Flores Historiarum
chronicle, 403
Foliot, Gilbert, bishop of Hereford, 51, 69
Folville gang, 444
Fontevraud, abbey church, 109, 147, 151, 159, 174–5
Fordham, Sir John, 548
forest eyres, 183–4
Fornham, battle (1173), 88
Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor, 62, 63, 68, 93, 110, 131
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, 238, 242, 246, 254, 321
French language: Balliol’s oath to Edward I, 328; Canterbury’s sermon, 420; change to English, 505, 600–1; Edward II’s coronation oath, 363; Edward III’s use of, 442; Henry II’s use of, 45, 600; Occitan, 27, 45, 600; open letter to London citizens, 413; proclamations in, 262; translations into English, 558
Froissart, Jean: on Bolingbroke’s exile, 576; on Crécy battle, 475; on English attitude to war, 564; on Gloucester, 565; on Joan of Kent, 485; on Limoges sack, 518–19; on Philippa of Hainault, 516; presentation to Richard II, 558; on Sluys naval battle, 459
Fulk III the Black, count of Anjou, 12
Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, 4, 11, 110


Gaillon, siege (1197), 143
Galeazzo, duke of Milan, 573
Garter, Order of the, 486–9, 594, 595, 598
Gascony: Black Prince in, 514; Castilian invasion, 175, 179; castles for Gaveston, 366; de Montfort’s lieutenancy, 248–50, 251; defences, 291, 430; dowry for Henry II’s daughter, 84, 175; Edward I’s campaign, 332–3, 334–5, 341–4; Edward I’s homage for, 331; Edward I’s reform programme, 321–2; Edward II’s homage for, 361; English position (1380s), 543; English victories, 493; expulsion of Jews, 322; finances, 254, 430; forces from, 307, 308; French confiscation (1337), 455–6; French invasion (1324), 408–9; French invasion (1339), 455–6; French negotiations, 389, 410; French position (1348), 479, 481; French threat, 324, 447; granted to Edward of Caernarfon, 351; granted to the Lord Edward, 250; Henry III’s status, 264; Henry Grosmont’s expedition (1345), 471, 472; Lancaster’s campaigns (1346, 1349–50), 477, 487, 491; lordship, 27; Lusignan invasion, 226; papal loan against duchy, 382; peace opportunity, 380; Plantagenet recapture (1225), 228; Plantagenet territory, 209, 238, 243, 543; Plantagenet victories, 493; rebellion, 293; trade war, 330; truce (1325), 410; truce of Esplechin (1340), 464; wine trade, 228
Gaveston, Piers: appearance, 359; banished by Edward I, 352, 360; burial, 387–8, 595; capture, 374–5; career, 359, 360; character, 359, 368; daughter, 373; death, 376–7, 381, 390, 551; earldom of Cornwall, 360–1, 367, 373, 449, 451; Edward II’s coronation, 363–5, 367; excommunication, 365, 367, 374, 377, 387; exile, 365–6, 372–3; marriage, 360; Ponthieu county issue, 357; popular anger against, 367–8; Regent of England, 361; relationship with Edward II, 351, 359–60, 363–4, 367, 542; return from exile, 367–8, 373
poet, 504, 601
Geoffrey, archbishop of York, 124–7
Geoffrey, duke of Brittany, son of Henry II: birth, 49; character, 102; conflict with father, 102; death, 104–5, 125, 142; duchy of Brittany, 102, 104; heirs, 106, 125, 142, 150; inheritance, 102, 104; Le Mans meeting, 102; marriage, 75, 91; peace terms with father, 91; rebellion against father, 83–6; relationship with Philip II, 104–5
Geoffrey le Baker, 359, 420, 459
Geoffrey Fitz Peter, 152, 182
Geoffrey de Mandeville, earl of Essex, 206, 211
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 297–8
Geoffrey of Norwich, 199
Geoffrey Plantagenet, count of Anjou: appearance and character, 11; claim to Norman border castles, 15–16; death, 25; disinherited by Stephen, 14; duke of Normandy, 19; family background, 12; knighted, 11; marriage, 11–12; Normandy campaigns, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23–4, 139; sons, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23–4, 25
Geoffrey Plantagenet the Younger (son of above): childhood, 15, 20; count of Nantes, 52; death, 52; Eleanor kidnap plans, 29–30, 31; rebellions against brother, 37, 51–2, 263
George, St: banner of, 490, 596, 598; battle cry, 491, 594; cross of, 490, 573, 598; cult of, 559, 594, 595–6; feast day, 313, 485, 488, 489, 500; Garter order, 489, 500, 595; on great seal, 490
Gerald of Wales, 23, 46, 80, 102, 108, 308
Gerard de Furneval, 184
Germany, king of, 332, 341, 345
Gervase of Canterbury, 40, 85, 107, 155, 157
Gesta Stephani
The Acts of Stephen
): on end of civil war, 36; on Eustace, 38; on Malmesbury defence, 32; on mercenaries, 34; on Stephen’s accession, 15; on Stephen’s appointment of successor, 39; on Stephen’s destruction of countryside, 20
Ghent, 345, 452–3, 455–6, 457
Gisors, castle, 133, 140, 144, 145
Glamorgan, lordship of, 396, 404
Glanvill, Ranulf, 137, 181
Glastonbury, tomb of Arthur, 239, 298, 304, 442
Gloucester: abbey, 219, 427–8, 561, 595; capture (1321), 398; council (1234), 233–4; siege (1264), 283
Gloucester, duke of,
Thomas of Woodstock
Gloucester, earldom, 396, 404
Gloucester, earls of,
Audley (Hugh the younger), de Clare (Gilbert), de Clare (Richard), Despenser (Thomas), Robert (earl of Gloucester)
Godwin, Earl, 234
Gower, John, 504, 558, 570, 601
Gower, lordship, 396–7, 404
Graçay, 156
Gray, John de, bishop of Norwich, 188
Gray, Sir Thomas, 384
Gray, Sir Thomas (son of above), 440
Great War (1173–4), 86, 91, 93–4, 96–8, 124, 599
Grim, Edward, 67, 71
Gruffudd ap Gwenwynwyn, 307
Gruffudd Llwyd, 399, 414
Guala Bicchieri, Cardinal, 215, 220, 221, 224
Guines, peace talks (1354), 494–5, 497
Gurdon, Adam, 285
Gurney, Sir Thomas, 427
Guthred MacWilliam, 197
Guy of Flanders, 453


Hagenau, palace of, 131
Hagnaby chronicle, 333
Hainault, count of, 413, 426, 455
Hales, treasurer, 536–7
Halidon Hill, battle (1333), 446, 474, 597
Harclay, Sir Andrew, earl of Carlisle, 400, 403, 405, 449
Harlech castle, 312
Harold Godwinsson, 234
Harwich, town charter (1238), 600
Hastings, John, earl of Pembroke, 519
Hastings, Laurence, earl of Pembroke, 408
Hatfield, Thomas, bishop of Durham, 472
Hattin, battle (1187), 110
Hawarden castle, 306
Haxey, Thomas, 564–5
Henry, count of Champagne, 129
Henry, earl of Lancaster, brother of Thomas: capture of Edward II and Despenser, 416; Edward II’s abdication, 420; Edward II’s coronation, 363; knighting of Edward III, 422; opposition to Isabella and Mortimer, 429, 430, 468; restoration of family lands and titles, 423; support for Isabella and Mortimer, 415
Henry Grosmont, earl of Lancaster, duke of Lancaster: Avignon peace negotiations, 495; Becket relics, 589; death, 508; earl of Derby, 451; finances, 461; French campaign (1359–60), 499; Garter order, 487; Gascony campaigns, 471, 472–3, 477, 491; lieutenant of Aquitaine, 471; Normandy campaign (1356), 496; opponents, 511; Scottish campaign (1333–7), 446, 447; titles, 472–3, 546; tournaments, 485; Winchelsea sea battle (1350), 492
Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 10, 73
Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 117, 131, 132, 134, 139, 144
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 362
Henry I, king of England and duke of Normandy: accession, 15; character, 23; Charter of Liberties, 210, 235; children, 3–4, 10, 73; coronation, 210; death, 13–14; reign, 9–10, 16; son William’s death in the
White Ship
, 7–8; succession, 4–5, 8, 10–12, 14–15, 21; tomb, 49
Henry II, king of England and duke of Normandy: accession, 40; aims of his reign, 94; appearance and character, 22–3, 39, 45–6, 151, 160; arrival in England (1149), 22, 24–5; Arthur legend, 239, 298; Ballan peace terms (1189), 108, 109; Becket appointment as archbishop, 63–4; Becket murder, 78–9, 89; Becket relationship, 58, 60, 62, 63–70, 72, 76–8; birth, 12; brother Geoffrey’s rebellions, 37, 51–2; career, 37; castles, 94–5; Charter of Liberties, 210; childhood, 15, 18, 20–1,
22; children, 45, 47, 48–9, 73, 83–4, 124, 480; claim to English throne, 24; Compromise of Avranches, 80–1; conflict with son Henry, 101–3; conquests, 169; coronation, 45; coronation charter, 45, 50; court, 46–7, 60–1, 93–4; death, 108, 109; death of son Geoffrey, 104–5; death of son Henry, 103; duke of Normandy, 25; education, 22, 45; father’s death, 25; finances, 67; government, 49–50, 96–8, 138, 181, 183, 214; Great War (1173–4), 86, 91, 93–4, 96–8, 124, 599; heir to Stephen, 39; homage to Louis VII for Normandy, 25, 52, 57, 156, 263; horsemanship, 24, 46–7; invasion of England (1147), 23; Irish campaign, 79–80, 599; king of England, 40–1; kingship, 560; knighted, 25; languages, 45, 600; Le Mans meeting, 102; marriage, 26, 30–1, 506; mercenary forces, 23, 33–4, 87, 88, 91; Normandy estates policy, 177; old age, 100, 107–8; peace terms with sons, 91; peace terms with Stephen, 36, 37–40, 51; penance for Becket’s death, 89–90, 596; plot against, 40; rebellions of Plantagenet family against him, 82–92, 107–8, 124; relationship with Church, 63–70, 77–9, 80–1, 88; relationship with Philip II, 105–8; Scottish achievements, 92, 598–9; supporters, 33, 34–5, 87–8; territories, 74–6; tomb, 174; Toulouse campaign, 54–8, 302, 597; training in warfare, 23–4; treatment of rebels, 284; warfare, 182, 597; Welsh campaigns, 53, 56; will, 99
Henry III, king of England: accession, 219; aims, 226, 250, 254; appearance, 236, 245, 247, 357; artistic patronage, 236–7; birth, 186; character, 219–20, 231, 234, 265–6; children, 241, 255, 263; coinage, 244, 251, 266, 316; confrontation with barons (1258), 258–60; coronations, 219, 225, 427–8; crusading plans, 254–5; cult of Edward the Confessor, 234–5, 236, 241, 246, 266, 298; death, 293; Evesham battle, 280, 281; favourites, 252–3, 258; finances, 243, 250–2, 254–6; French invasion (1216–17), 220–3; government, 230–4, 262–3, 271–2; homage to Louis IX, 263–4, 453; homage to pope, 220; invasions of France (1229, 1230), 230; minority, 527, 531; motto, 250–1; old age, 265–7; piety, 219, 234–5, 236, 244–7, 263, 266, 288, 584; Poitou expedition, 243, 248; Provisions of Oxford, 261–2; puppet king, 275, 276; relationship with barons, 252–3, 258–62; relationship with Simon de Montfort, 239–40, 242–3, 248–50; Sicilian project, 254, 255–7; territories, 264; tomb, 427; treatment of Jews, 320, 321; treatment of rebels, 284, 285, 287; vision of kingship, 246–7, 254, 266; war against Simon de Montfort, 272–4; Westminster presentation of blood of Christ, 244–7
Henry IV (Henry of Bolingbroke), king of England: accession, 586–7, 589–90, 591, 592; Appellant revolt, 552, 553, 554, 555, 568, 569, 571, 579; banished by Richard II, 574, 576, 578–9, 591; claim to throne, 591–2; coronation, 587, 589; deposition of Richard II, 585–7, 591, 592; exile in France, 577–8; father’s death, 577; imprisonment of Richard II, 583; invasion of England, 580–1; Lancaster inheritance, 577; Lancaster inheritance confiscated by Richard II, 578–9; Mowbray dispute, 571–2, 576; Peasants’ Revolt, 533, 537, 579; plot against, 590; Richard II’s death, 591; Richard II’s surrender, 581–2; sentence of perpetual banishment, 578, 591; supporters, 580, 581, 583; titles, 569; trial by battle, 571, 572–4
Henry V, king of England, 222, 590, 594, 595, 598
Henry VI, king of England, 594
Henry VII, king of England, 592
Henry VIII, king of England, 61, 592, 596

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