The Playful Prince (12 page)

Read The Playful Prince Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Life on other planets, #Fiction

BOOK: The Playful Prince
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We both stay.”

“Fine,” Quinn growled. He made a move toward the bed. Vitto held up his hand to stop him.

“I think we both should stay over there.” Vitto pointed at the long couch.

Quinn glared at him, but finally nodded in agreement. Going to Tori, he brushed her hair back down the way it was before Vitto moved it and leaned over to kiss her forehead. Her skin was warm beneath his lips, but she didn’t move. He lightly touched a pale red patch on her cheek and frowned. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Vitto watched with shaded eyes.

“She said mud did this?” Quinn prompted.

“She had an accident in the lab yesterday before we came back. Some of the swamp mud she was testing splashed up into her face. The rash didn’t show up until this morning, but it’s looking much better than it did.” Vitto’s expression eased, though it was still guarded. “It’s why we went back to camp so fast.”

Quinn nodded, letting his expression stay blank. Inside, his heart started to beat wildly. Maybe she’d only left him because she had to, not because she wanted to.

“You can sit there all night staring at her, but she’s not going anywhere,” Vitto said softly. “And she won’t hear anything you have to say.”

Quinn nodded, tucked the blanket around her shoulders, and moved to the floor before the fire. He began stripping out of his clothes. Vitto gave him a funny look and cleared his throat.

“Ah, what are you doing?” Vitto asked, slightly distressed.

“You may have the couch. I’ll take the floor,” Quinn stated, wondering what was wrong with the human, as he pulled off his pants, baring his body. Vitto made a strange noise and when Quinn glanced at him, he was looking at the ceiling in discomfort.

The prince shook his head. Letting the tingling of the cougar shift come over his body, he heard Vitto gasp as the transformation took place. Tan fur rippled his skin and he soon stood on all fours. It would be a lot more comfortable sleeping on the floor as a cat than as a man. When he turned, Vitto stared at him with his jaw dropped.

Quinn frowned, guessing it must be a human thing and that’s why he didn’t understand what made Vitto so out of it. Yawning, his wide jaw stretched wide to bare his sharp teeth. The prince arched his back up into the air, stretching his tired muscles before settling for the night.

As he lay down, he sensed Vitto relaxing. His voice weak, the man said, “Ah, good night then, Prince Quinn.”

Quinn lifted his head and nodded once, letting a small roar come from his throat. He couldn’t speak the human words with his cat voice. Vitto gulped and waved lightly before lying down on the couch.

Chapter Seven

Tori felt terrible, but a pounding headache didn’t keep her from rolling out of bed early the next morning.

Stumbling barefoot across the floor, she went to the food simulator and materialized a glass of water.

Then, going to her bag, she pulled out a handheld medic unit, fumbled with the knob, and then gave herself a shot in the neck. Almost instantly the tension eased and she could function, though her body still felt a little weak.

She was a little surprised to discover Vitto on the couch sleeping, but even more so to see the large cougar on the floor. At her gasp, the big cat opened its pale green eyes and looked at her. Coming to her on all fours, the cat nudged her hand playfully, cupping his nose into her palm. The fur was soft and she couldn’t help but stroke it as she absently rubbed along his jaw and throat. There was something familiar about the cat and she was unafraid.

Sighing, she said, “I don’t even want to know what you’re doing sleeping naked on the floor, Quinn, but maybe you should get dressed before Vitto wakes up.”

The face next to her began to shift and change. Fur was replaced by flesh, and Quinn’s eyes turned to a bright blue to gaze up at her. A look of amazement crossed his features. Tori shivered. He really was too handsome for words.

“You knew me,” he said, awed.

“Of course I knew you, Prince. You’re a race of cat shifters.” Tori grimaced. Then, placing her hand to her temple, she took a small drink of water and turned to the bath. Over her shoulder, she added,

“Besides, I’m a scientist. I used logic. Your clothes are crumpled on the floor by the couch.”

Tori ordered the bath to fill, as she drew the curtains completely around the tub for privacy. When she finished, she found Quinn wearing his pants but nothing else. A grin curled the side of his firm mouth, as he glanced suggestively toward the tub. Tori shook her head in denial.

“No, I think you need to go. I have a lot of work to do. Besides, Vitto’s here.” Tori placed her hands on her hips and waited for him to leave.

Quinn’s features fell, as he glanced at Vitto then back to her. He crossed his arms over his chest and stated, “If he stays, I stay. I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

“Excuse me?” Tori demanded, not in the mood to fight. What was his problem anyway? “I’m perfectly safe with Vitto. Besides, he’s asleep.”

“He can wake up,” Quinn countered. An unreasonable stubbornness crossed over his face. “And you will be in the bath.”


Quinn’s face hardened and turned red with anger. He shook and she stumbled backward.

“I think I have more to fear from you than him,” Tori stated. Quinn’s nostrils flared. “Besides, I’ve been camping in the wood with him and two other men almost every night since I’ve been here. If anything was going to happen with any one of them, it would have happened.”

Remembering Simon, she paled. Quinn didn’t speak.

“Just get out, Quinn. I can’t do this now. I’m tired and I don’t want to fight with you.” Tori disappeared behind the curtains. She felt a tear slip down her cheek. She hadn’t allowed herself to cry over Simon and waves of grief surged over her, drowning her in sorrow.

“Tori?” Quinn’s voice asked. The anger was gone from his words, replaced by concern. “Tori, can I...?”

“I’ll talk to you later, Prince,” she answered, refusing to let the tears into her voice. She had to stay strong. She was in charge and she refused to let him see her cry. It was important that she keep a professional front until she figured out what was happening. Already, her life had gotten too complicated.

The sound of the door opening and shutting invaded her thoughts. She felt even more alone knowing Quinn was gone. Tori forced her limbs to move, quickly undressing as she crawled into the bath. When she was clean, she wrapped a towel around her body and moved to cross the suite to her bag. Vitto was awake, sitting on the couch when she came out of the curtained area.

“Drink the demons down?” he asked lightly.

Tori chuckled darkly, changing her course for the couch. She adjusted the large towel around her body, completely covering herself from view.

“Prince Quinn was here,” Vitto said when she didn’t answer.

Tori slid on the couch next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I know. I saw him.”

“Care to tell me how long you’ve been lovers? Grant and I were only teasing about it. We didn’t actually think you slept with him.” Vitto nudged her lightly. “I don’t have to tell you that it’s a mistake to get involved with royalty, do I?”

“No,” Tori mumbled.

“And that it’s stupid to mix business and pleasure?”


“Hmm, well then,” Vitto lifted his arm to settle around her shoulders. “Am I safe to assume he’s the reason you’ve been distracted?”

“No.” The lie was obvious and they both began to chuckle, though the sound was humorless and sad.


“How serious is it?” Vitto ran his hand comfortingly over her arm.

“I ended it,” she answered. “It’s over. With Simon’s death, I can’t be involved with anyone from this planet, let alone a Var prince. I don’t want to be blind and I can’t have my judgment in this matter come into question.”

“He cares about you, Tor,” Vitto insisted. “That much is clear. And we would never question your judgment.”

“Nothing will come of it. Besides, work first, play later. You know that. And right now I have more work than I can handle. We should have a team of at least twenty scientists working on this problem, not three.”

“We’ve dealt with worse,” Vitto said softly. “We’ll deal with this.”

“So, what did he say about me?”

“I thought it was over.”

“It is.” Tori hit him lightly in the side, but didn’t lift up her head. “Now, tell me what he said.”

“It was more how he looked at you,” Vitto answered. “And he refused to leave me alone with you last night.”

Tori laughed at the very idea that something would have happened. Vitto’s chuckle joined hers.

“That’s just gross,” Tori snorted.

“Agreed,” Vitto answered. “But, very ... ah, sweet on his part.”

“No, it’s just his Neanderthal way of marking territory. Kind of like an animal peeing on a tree trunk.”

Tori sat up. “I can guarantee a man like that hasn’t been sleeping alone while I was gone. When I first met him he was in the hall making out with Linzi.”

“Grant’s Linzi?” Vitto snickered.

“One and the same,” Tori admitted. She stood to get dressed, moving onto the bed so she was hidden from view. Vitto didn’t try to look, but kept his eyes on the fireplace.

“Don’t tell Grant that. He’s convinced he’s rocked that woman’s world.” Vitto chuckled again, before suppressing a yawn.

“Grant’s convinced he’s rocked every woman’s world just by being born.” Tori came off the bed and lifted her arms to the side. “I look okay? Professional?”

“Jeez, Tori,” Vitto grimaced like a kid before saying good naturedly, “I’m your brother, not your fashion consultant.”

Tori shot him a wry smile. “I knew our mother should’ve drowned you at birth. I told her you were going to be nothing but trouble.”

* * * *

Quinn stared moodily at Tori. She’d come to the banquet hall on Vitto’s arm and they stayed together, huddled in a corner, for most of the morning meal. He watched her from the head table and saw every soft smile and gentle nod she gave the man in what looked like an intimate moment.

Jealousy bright and hot burned inside him, causing him to slam his goblet down a little too hard. Kirill turned to him and frowned. “Is everything well, brother?”

“Fine,” Quinn growled. He couldn’t take it anymore. Tori was his.
Wasn’t she?
He looked at her, not so sure. Suddenly, his anger was replaced by a sense of loss. He stood and stalked out of the hall. He couldn’t watch the couple any longer.

* * * *

Tori watched Quinn walk out of the hall. Her eyes trailed after him long after he was gone. She wanted to follow, but held back. It was better for both of them if they didn’t interact except for work.

Vitto cleared his throat to get her attention. “Tori, are you listening to me? The tissue samples from Simon should be analyzed by tonight. Grant said he was up all night with them and thinks he has the sequencing figured out. The Var have not been ruled out, but neither have six other species in our database, not to mention the species we don’t know about on this planet. But, just in case, we need to compile a list of possible Var suspects and we need to figure out how we go about collecting the samples we need from them.”

“What are you thinking?” Tori asked, seeing how Vitto refused to meet her direct gaze.

“Well, he was the first one to find the body,” Vitto said. “It’s a logical place to start.”

“Quinn?” Tori breathed. “You think...?”

“I don’t want to think it, but I’m first and foremost a scientist and so are you.” Vitto let loose a heavy sigh. “You’re worried about your actions being questioned. Well, not testing Prince Quinn as a possible suspect is one way for that to happen. I’m just telling you to cover your ass in this.”

“I should’ve become a Galaxy Playmate like Ja ... uh, Sapphire,” Tori mumbled. “We always made fun of her, but I think she was the smart one in the family sometimes. How hard could it be to take your clothes off on stage every night? Hell, she probably makes more space credits than both of us combined.”

Vitto ignored the comment about their stripper sister. “All we need is a strand of the prince’s hair or a mouth swab, and then we can rule him out.”

“And you would like for me to get it?” Tori asked.

“You’re the most likely candidate for the job. It’s not like we can come out and ask for it without being insulting,” Vitto said. “Though, you’re the boss. If you want me to, I’ll try.”

“No,” Tori mumbled. “If you go grabbing his hair, it will be too obvious. I’ll think of something.”

“Oh, crap, the king’s leaving. Didn’t you need to talk to him about accessing his mainframe?” Vitto pointed at the door.

“Oh, yeah. Hey, I’ll find you later,” Tori waved absently, as she rushed from the banquet hall to try and stop King Kirill.

* * * *

Quinn was leaning against the edge of Kirill’s desk in the royal office when his brother entered. Kirill nodded at him, but didn’t seem surprised to find him there.

“Have the scientists told you what they’ve discovered?” Kirill asked, motioning his hand to the high backed chairs before the fireplace. To the fireplace, he gently ordered, “Fire.”

A fire lit, giving the room a rich orange glow. Quinn moved to a chair and took a seat. For a long time, he stared at the intricate designs on the rug near his boots. The patterns blurred before his eyes and he was forced to blink to focus them. When he only continued to stare, Kirill sighed and sat forward.

Placing his hand on his knees, he angled his head to try and catch Quinn’s blue eyes with his black ones.

“Have the scientists told you what they’ve discovered?” he repeated.

“They’ve found some documents in the cave systems. They’re pretty old, but they think they might be able to piece them together. They didn’t tell me much, but they said they’d look into them. I think they’re more focused on Dr. Simon than anything else.” Quinn’s frown only deepened, distracted. He couldn’t think, could barely bring himself to eat. His eyes turned to the tile patterns on the wall. He felt Kirill’s gaze on him, but he couldn’t face his brother, afraid that the king would read too many of his thoughts.

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