The Pleasure Palace (3 page)

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Authors: Jiani Yu,Golden Dragon Production

BOOK: The Pleasure Palace
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"Let’s dance." She replied.

After traveling a few blocks, they came upon a dance hall and went in.

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The place was pretty packed. Akira said something to the person at the door and was quickly led to a private room.

"You seem to have a lot of clout." Deanna said.

"No, I would not say that. I just happen to know the owner." he laughed.

Once in the room, he told the hostess to bring Saki, soda and some bottled water.

"I know that you are not a drinker. But I hope that you will join me in drinking some Saki." he said as he looked at some sort of music device that was on the wall.

Akira pressed some buttons, and the music began to play. It was a real slow jazz instrumental. He motioned to her. "Come, let’s dance."

He pulled her close to him, one of his hands slid down to the small of her back. She could feel the beating of his heart and his manhood as it rubbed against her thigh.

‘OMG’, Deanna thought what was she getting into.

Deanna rested her head on his chest. How could she resist this, his hips moved in time to the music. She felt herself getting aroused, it had been 28 | P a g e

such a long time.

They were so into each other that they hadn't noticed that the hostess had brought the drinks in and left the room. He kissed her on her neck and whispered all the things he wanted to do to into her ear.

Her body quivered, the horny part of her wanted him to take her right then and there, while the other part couldn't let him get the best of her.

She had to show him that he was not going to get her cookies that easy.

Deanna decided to turn the tables on him and give him a dose of his own medicine.

She unbutton his shirt and pulled it free from his pants to expose his chest. She then ran his hard nipple between her teeth, flicking it with her tongue. Akira 's body twitched from the excitement, and his now manhood was throbbing. Deanna looked up and saw that he had his eyes closed.

"You like that?" she asked.

"Yes, very much." He whispered, sliding one hand down to caress her butt. He moaned her name. His loins began to burn with passion that he had long suppressed. Akira wanted to pull her down to the couch and take her right there. He was breathing heavy, he had to stop her.

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He stopped and broke free from her spell. His breathing was heavy.

Deanna could see that he was perspiring.

Akira shook his head, " No." as he pulled away from her, "I...I'm...sorry. I did not mean to disrespect you like this. Please forgive me." he apologized.

His face had turned red from the embarrassment as he turned away from her, tucking in his shirt back into his pants.

"Come, let me take you home." he said.

They walked outside the dance hall. They must have walked several blocks in complete silence. This silence was actually getting to Deanna, she could tell that what happened back at the dance hall, actually bothered Akira too.

She stopped walking and pulled him to the side, out of the path of bicycles and people.

"Look Akira, I don't know about you. But I enjoyed what happened back there. We are both adults." She said.

"I know this, but this is not how I want it to be." he replied, "I want it to be special for you and I. Done with respect."

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He turned and took her hand after walking in complete silence, he flagged down a cab.

When they got to her apartment, Akira walked her to the door.

"I hope that you had a nice evening, and may I call you?" he asked.

"Yes, you may call me. Akira, I had a wonderful time."

She looked into her purse, pulled out a card with her number on it and put it into his suit pocket.

Akira was about to walk away, when Deanna took hold of his arm and pulled him back to her.

"Don't be so quick." She said, "you can't leave without this."

She kissed him passionately and found him willing to comply. He had to gain control of his senses, he had to stay in control. He pulled away from her.

"Go now." he whispered into her ear, "I want this to be about love, not lust." He kissed her again and walked away.

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Chapter Three

The next day started with a phone call thanking her for having dinner with him and flowers sent to the job. And then another call to see how she was doing.

The interview was an enormous hit with the magazine and making it even more popular. And the lounge had lines outside waiting to get in.

Deanna honestly liked Akira, but wasn't about to chase him down. If he genuinely wanted her as he claimed, then he would have to step up his game.

One Friday night after not hearing from Akira in days, Deanna swore to herself that she would never go uninvited to the lounge. She swallowed her pride and went to the lounge. Thankfully, her co-workers were going to a concert and would not see how desperate she by checking up on Akira.

Deanna walked down the narrow street where the lounge was located.

And now was surrounded by host boy's, each one vying for her attention.

Deanna quickly ducked inside hoping that she was unnoticed. She looked at the host that were available and picked Hakaru.

"Hello, you want me to keep you company for the night?" Hakaru asked 32 | P a g e

with his boyish smile.

"Sure just for a while." taking him by the arm.

Hakaru escort Deanna to a table and asked what kind of soda she wanted to drink, she told him and to order whatever he wanted. Deanna paid one hour of his time and watched him walk off towards the bar.

She looked around the bar at all the lonely women and thought of the verse from a Beatles song, 'Eleanor Rigby ‘All the lonely people, where do they all come from.'

It was sad to see how these woman threw themselves on these men. To her best recollection, there was no shortage of Asian men.

When she turned her attention back to the bar, she saw Hakaru pointing her way and Akira looking at her.

Hakaru came back to the table with a coke, bottle water and a beer. He sat down and whispered.

"The boss said your money is no good here." Hakaru said, handed her back the money, "and that when you have finished your soda, he wants you to leave."

Deanna's her first reaction was shock. Her second reaction was what the fuck! She looked towards the bar and saw Akira staring over at her and 33 | P a g e

then he walked away.

Deanna tried her best to have a conversation with Hakaru, but she was also upset. The look on her face must have been obvious.

"Don't take it the wrong way. But this is not the place you should be at."

Hakaru said, "beside Akira would not want anything to happen to you."

"Anything to happen to me, anything like what?" she asked angrily.

"There are a lot of women after Akira," Hakaru said, as he stretched his arm around Deanna's shoulder, "and will do anything to get him."

"Are they that desperate or are they just crazy?"

Hakaru looked over at Deanna and gave a weak smile before answering,

"A little of both.” he laughed, “A couple of years ago, one girl broke into his apartment while he was sleep. Took pictures in bed with him. Another one broke in and cooked him breakfast before she woke him up. And then there are the ones that sleep in his doorway. "

Now Deana was in shock, why didn't he tell her this doing the interview.

These bitch's aren't crazy, they were certifiable sociopaths, stalkers! Before she could even ask what happened to any of them.

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"They were arrested," Hakaru answered before Deanna could ask, "the last one threw herself in front of a subway train. Now Akira lives in a building with a doorman."

Deanna shook her head in disbelief. She was sure there was a lot more Hakaru wanted tell her. She finished her soda, thanked Hakaru for chatting with her and walked out the lounge.

Once out on the street she could feel a tear trickle down her cheek. She brushed it away when suddenly she was pulled into an ally way. Deanna opened her mouth to scream, but a hand covered it and a familiar voice told her to be quiet. She turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Akira. He hugged her and then kissed her.

"Why are you here?" he asked, "this is not the kind of place you should come too."

Deanna looked into this eyes, "I missed you and I wanted to see you." she said.

"I understand." he signed, "things are complicated. I had to be sure about you and I."


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"I have to be sure of something, all I ask is that you be patient." Deanna lets out a deep sigh. And wondered just how long she had to wait.

Akira pulled her closer and whisper into her ear, "You must promise me that you will not come down here again. I have nothing to hide from you, I just don't want you to be hurt by what you might see or hear."

"Akira, I won't be." she said.

He smiled at her and took her by the hand, "Come, I'll get a cab for you."

As they exited the ally way, some of the male host that were outside soliciting business saw them.

"Koch/boss, who's this? Hey isn't she the one that had a party here?"

They teased.

"Ash, Akira. Don't hide you're pretty lady friend."

Akira smiled and shooed them away, "Get back to work before I dock your pay."

He flagged down a cab as it came down the street. Akira opened the door for Deanna to get in.

"I'll call you." he said.

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Akira watched as the cab drive away when his cell ranged.


"Hello, it's nice to hear your voice."

"Who is this?

"Has it been that long that you have forgotten me?"

"Look, I'm about to hang up. Who is this?" he demanded.

"It's me Akira. It's Coco."

There was a long pause, Akira was about to hang up.

"Akira, please don't hang up. I really need to talk to you."

"You can tell me over the phone."

"No Akira it's very important. Something like this, you don't talk about over the phone."

"OK, you still live at the same place? I'll be over in about an hour."

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How the fuck did this even happened. Coco was back, and he didn't want any parts of her. But when she called, there was something in the sound of her voice that made him rethink about how met her.

Akira rode the subway out to Coco's apartment. Although it was just a 30

minute ride, it felt like an eternity. He prayed that it was not a ploy to get him back. When he rang the bell, she met with open arms.

"Hey baby, it's been a long time." Greeting him with a smile.

Coco threw her arms around his neck, he pulled her arms away. The smell of alcohol hung heavy in the air.

"So what was so urgent that you wanted to see me about" as he walked into the living room.

"Wow, talk about getting right to the point." She responded, "would you like a drink?"

"No, look Coco, I didn't come here to reminisce with you. You said that you had something to tell me and that it was important. What is it." he demanded.

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Chapter 4

Akira got on the subway for home, his mind was running wild. Filled with questions, to which he had no answers. Akira didn't know what stop he got off at he just wandered the streets until he came upon a small Saki bar.

He wasn't aware of the time or how long he had been there. He was there until the place closed and when the owner asked if he needed help to get home. He couldn't even tell the owner where he lived.

The next morning he woke up on a Tanami mat. For a moment, he thought he was back at his grandfather's. And he would be calling him to come eat. Lying there, his mind racing, where was he and how did he get there. He was sure of one thing, his head felt like it was going to split open.

From another room, Akira could hear the faint sound of a man humming an old Japanese folk song, like the one his grandfather would hum. He managed to push himself up on his elbows and looked around at his surroundings.

Getting up from the mat slowly, he folded it and placed it to one side. Whose ever house this was, it was had taken the liberty of took his clothes and folded them up. He was dressed in a cotton Yucatan.

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Akira walked towards the humming in the next room. And found a gray haired man in his late sixties standing over a pot of boiling water with two eggs.

"Good morning. I am happy to see that you are no longer sick." the old man said without turning around, "I take it that you slept well?"

"Good morning and thank you mister......?" as he bowed.

"The name is Kichida, Ken Kichida. Sit, breakfast is almost ready."

Out of respect Akira bowed again,

"Domo-Arigato Kichida San."

The old man put hot rice into two bowls, with some cooked vegetables and placed a poached egg on each.

Ken handed Akira the bowl of rice along with a pair of chopsticks. Akira took a seat at the small table and waited for Ken to sit. After they had eaten, Ken brought two cups to the table.

"Would you prefer coffee or tea?"

"Coffee would be fine."

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Ken poured the coffee for himself and for Akira. Ken sat down and took a sip.

"I find that whatever is troubling me, I always come up here to clear my mind."

"It is quiet, just where are we?"

"You're in Gotemba."

"Gotemba! How did I get here."

Ken chuckled and took another sip of coffee.

"Let's see, last night you came into my Saki bar in Tokyo, got drunk, ranted about your life being over. And how were you going to tell Deanna."

"Did I do anything stupid, beside getting drunk? Did I call anyone?"

"Not that I know of. I do know that whatever is troubling you has you between a rock and a hard place."

Akira put his face in his hands to hide the tears. He wiped the tears from his eyes but keep his head down.

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"Whatever is troubling you, I'm sure that it will be alright."

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