The Pleasure Palace (2 page)

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Authors: Jiani Yu,Golden Dragon Production

BOOK: The Pleasure Palace
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"Well...." she stammered.

He took her by the hand to reassure her and laughed,

"You don't have to be afraid. Don't let the idea of me running this place make you think I'm bad, I'm a pretty decent guy." he said, "and besides, 14 | P a g e

what are you going to do, go home, put on your kitty pj’s and read a book?"

Deanna frowned, ‘How did he know that was how she spent her evenings. And what’s wrong with kitty pj’s?’ she thought.

By now Kimiko had given up with her marriage proposal to the male host. And was now putting her two cents into the conversation.

"He's right you know. Go out." She said with her slurred speech.

Deanna knew that this was not going to go away until she agreed.

"Ok, ok. I'll go." Deanna said, hoping that she didn’t make a wrong decision.

"Then it's settled. I'll meet you here about 4:30 pm. this coming Monday.

And then we will go to Moto's for dinner. Are you familiar with the place?" Akira asked.

"Heard of it, but I have not been. "

"Great, then you will be most pleased."

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Chapter Two

The weekend came to an end way too quickly. She had spent the weekend chatting on line with family who hadn't figured out that there is a time difference between Japan and America. Keeping Deanna up way past her bed time. So when the alarm went off Monday, Deanna barely could get out of bed.

She jumped into the shower hoping that the cold water would wake her up. Getting out of the shower, Deanna pulled out her black Chanel sleeveless dress and slipped into it, She pulled her hair into a French roll, pearl earning and necklace to match. Putting on the finishing touches, she giving herself the once over in the mirror. She laughed to herself and thought, she looked like a black version of Audrey Hepburn from the movie, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and walked out the door.

When Deanna walked into the office, some people were already working.

She had already gotten her text message asking her to see David when she got in. She knew he wanted to know if she had done what he asked her to. So she dropped off her things in her office and went straight to his office.

David was sitting on his white leather sofa having a cup of green tea, surrounded by piles of fashion news papers and weekly magazines. He looked up over his reading glasses when Deanna peeked her head in the 16 | P a g e


"Good-morning." David said as he patted a space next to the pile of newspapers for Deanna to sit.

"OK. please tell me that you got the interview."

Deanna smiled, that was David, right to the point. He didn't believe in tip toeing around, straight for the jugular.

"Well if you must know.... I got the interview. It's for today," as she sat down.

David sat back on the couch, smiling one of his award winning smiles and said.

"Yes! Oh this is going to be big. I want you to take Yoshiro with you to take some pictures. And see if you can get some of those hot bodies to come in and do a photo shoot that would be great. I want you to get me some meat, something the readers can get wet about."

“You’re really getting off on this shit, aren’t you?” she said with a laugh.

"You know me, if it makes good reading, let's do it."

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Deanna got up and was about to walk towards the door, "Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"You know kiddo, you still got it, don't you? He winked at her, "Don't wait too long. Two years long enough to grieve. Oh yeah, love the Black Audrey Hepburn look."

Once in her office Deanna put some questions together for Akira. She wanted to know the real Akira, what made him tick. Most of all she wanted to make sure David got his "meat."

Before she realized it, it was time to go. Deanna met up with Yoshiro in the lobby of the office. He was loaded down with enough camera bags as if he would be doing an assignment for several months.

"Hi Deanna, kacho/boss has already informed me about the interview. He expects me to come back with some good shots." he said.

"Yes, I know. David expects us to do a good job." she said hoping to put Yoshiro's mind at ease, "don't worry this is going to be a piece of cake."

When they arrived, a male host let them into the lounge. The lounge looked quite different in the daylight. With the lights on high, you could see what the place actually looked like. Cigarette burns on the tables and chairs, it wasn't well kept or too appealing. Deanna laughed to herself, 18 | P a g e

thinking how things totally looked different in the dark.

They were brought to a private lounge area where Akira was sitting with another male host. Akira smiled when he saw them and motioned for them to come in.

"I will be just a moment." he said as he continued to talk to the other host. Once he had finished, the other host left. Akira turned his attention to Deanna and Yoshiro.

“Konnichiwa.” as he took Deanna by the hand, sat her to a leather love seat and sat down next to her.

"So are you ready with questions?" Akira asked as he brushed a stray hair from his eyes.

"I have a lot of questions. So shall we get started?" as she pulled out her tape recorder, "For those who may not know, what is the English translation for Sono Yorokobi Goten ."

"It would mean The Pleasure Palace." He said as he flashed a seductive smile.

Akira took an ice cube from a glass that sat on a nearby table. And without a word, ran the cube of ice down Deanna’s chin, to her throat and stopped at her collar bone. The act caught Deanna off guard and aroused 19 | P a g e

her nipples and her cheeks to blush.

Akira smiled, “Just pure pleasure.”

She cleared her throat, pretending that it did not affect her, she continued with her questions.

"So tell me, what does your family think about you getting into this business of a male hostess."

He was silent for a moment as if choosing the right words to say. When he did speak, his voice was sad, distant.

"It was mainly for the money. I was raised by my grandfather after my parents died. And when my grandfather passed, I had to make a living.

It's not a business that I am most proud of. It pays the bills. And provides my with a comfortable life style."

"But yet you stay." she said.

"I make good money out of lying to women." he let out a deep sigh,

"something that I do not like to do, but it's part of the business, whole act.

Women come here because they are lonely. They're all searching for someone to tell them all of the things they don't hear from their boyfriends, husbands or from anyone at all. It’s my job, to make them feel good about them self’s, make them feel loved."

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Deanna shook her head in disbelief, how sad, these women life must be.

And men like him were taking their money!

He saw the look in her eyes and knew what she was thinking.

“Don’t think that I’m taking advantage of these women. Don’t think for a moment that they don’t know what they are doing, because they do. I let them know that I have no outside interest in them. This is as far as the dream can go. I tell my workers to stay away from outside interest.”

“So you practice what you preach.”

“Yes, I learned the hard way.” He said with a smile.

Spending nearly two hours of asking questions and photos; finally the meeting came to an end. Yoshiro packed up his gear and headed back to the office.

Akira walked outside with Deanna into the warm Tokyo night.

The Shinyukuk skyline was alive with vibrant bill broad lights everywhere you turned.

"Hope you don't mind riding in a cab.” Akira said as he flagged down a cab, "maybe on our next date, I'll hire a driver."

"I don't mind a cab. And as far as the next date, let's see how the first one 21 | P a g e

goes." Deanna replied.

When the cab pulled up, and Akira opened the door for Deanna. Since his first meeting, he had done his homework on Deanna. He knew that she was still one of the highly sort after models, her husband was killed two years ago, that she withdrew from the modeling world that David Ito was her husband’s best friend, and now her guard dog. Akira smiled because he knew that this was not going to be the last date.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted by a woman dressed as a geisha, she bowed and led them down a hallway.

"Please, do not think that I am being forward, but you look very lovely in that Chanel." he said as they walked down the hallway.

Deanna could feel her cheeks blush, was he checking out her butt she wondered. Akira realized that he made her blush and quickly apologized.

"Oh no" she said, "I blush easily. Thank you for the compliment, I see that Versace is one of your favorite designers. "

Today he was wearing a navy blue suit with a light blue shirt with French chuffs that had mother of pearl cuff links and tie clip to match.

"Yes, he is one of my favorites." he said.

“You should look into David Ito’s Collection. I think you might like the 22 | P a g e


“I hear you need a VIP pass to get in. Is it true?”

“I’m afraid so, I’ll be more than happy to get you a pass and put you on the VIP list.”

Akira, smiled, “I would be very honored if you would accompany me, to make sure I pick out the correct. I want to look my best for you.”

“Oh, you don’t need my help.” she laughed, “I’m sure whatever suit you pick out, you’re female clients will love it.”

They followed the geisha who opened a sliding shoji screen to a private dining room. In the middle, of the room was a table that sat over a hole in the floor, and cushion with backs. They took off their shoes and walked inside.

"I choose this style over traditional, thinking that it would be much easier on your knees and back." he said.

“Thank you. I’m still not use to sitting on my knees.”

Once they got comfortable, Akira picked up the menu and ordered the meal. She thought that it was pretty assumptions of him to think that she 23 | P a g e

would like want he ordered. But when the food came she was pleased.

Akira thanked the food and then cleaned his hands with a damp towel.

After living in Japan for a year and half, Deanna was adapt and well adverse with the culture.

They ate and after the dishes were removed Akira order Saki,

"Please, come sit by me." Akira motioned, "I will not bit you." He said with a laugh.

She got up and went where he sat.

"Who's to say that I won't bit you." She said playfully.

Akira helped her down to the floor mat and playfully teased, "Ohhh bit me." he teased as he helped her down to the floor, "You know, you are a very interesting woman."

The waitress walked in and placed a tray with the Saki and two cups, then left the room. Akira poured the warm Saki into the cups and handed one to Deanna and then took a sip from his.

"You really do look lovely tonight?" he said with a smile.

Deanna looked into this brown eyes, and thought here’s a man that makes 24 | P a g e

his money lying to women to make them feel loved.

"So right now, are you lying to me?" she teased.

He shook his head that made some of his hair fall over his eyes.

"I don't have to lie, I truly meant it. And besides, you're not a paying customer" he laughed.

Deanna took her hand and moved the stray hair back into place from his eyes. Akira took her hand and rubbed it against his face and inhaled the scent from her wrist.

"Your scent is hypnotic." he said with his eyes closed.

"Oh please." She replied as she pulled her wrist away.

"You don't believe me? " He said with a laugh, "this hurt my feelings."

"Akira, lying is a part of your business."

"But this is not business. This is pleasure."

He lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips. His kiss took Deanna by surprise. She lowered her eyes hoping to avoid looking into his. Still holding her chin, he said.

"What can I do to make you see that I will never do anything to hurt you.

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You have stirred up feelings in a way that no other woman has ever done."

"I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe." she said, "you entertain women every night. There has to be at least ten or more that have tried to get you to marry them. Not to mention the ones you sleep with."

"Yes, there are many that have asked me to marry them. And yes, I have slept with a select few, I wear protection. I do not plan to live this kind of life forever. I want to leave this life, get married to someone special and have a family. I told you all of this in the interview."

He looked away in shame. Why was this women getting to him like this? He took a sip of Saki hoping to hide what he felt inside. But when he looked back up, he had a tear in his eyes. This time it was Deanna that took his face in her hand and kissed him. When she stopped, he begged her not to stop. He kissed her, holding her tight as if he were sucking the very life from her. His tongue found its way between her lips. He could feel himself becoming aroused, he wanted this situation to go farther.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that brought their moment to an end.

"Come in." he said.

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The geisha peeked in and said something in Japanese. Akira replied, and the girl left. Deanna glanced at her watch, they had been their over two hours. Akira noticed Deanna looking at the watch.

"I have taken up too much of your time. I see that you are ready to leave." he said as he reached into his jacket for his wallet.

"No that's not it. I...I am enjoying the evening. I know that you have a business to run."

As he helped her to her feet. He took some money out and placed on the table.

"My business is fine, I have good people working for me. I don't need to worry when I'm not there. Come, let's enjoy the night."

They walked out into the humid night air. Akira took off his tie and put it into his pocket.

"Come let's go to the Pachinko parlor or would you rather dance?" he asked as he took her by the hand.

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