The Plume: The First Anthology (33 page)

BOOK: The Plume: The First Anthology
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"Why don't you tell Rafe about it?"

Joanna looked between him and the open pane of glass to the front seat. Mike grinned, daring her to make the connections. "It was supposed to be a test," Joanna said. "A test of whether he'd successfully trained me to come only for him and only on his command."

"And the test was?"

Joanna swallowed. "He blindfolded me. He said there would be another man and that he would share me. After each round, I was supposed to tell him whether he had been my lover or whether it was the other man."

Rafe chuckled. "And if you were right?"

"I had to be right three times in a row to end the game and be allowed an orgasm."

"If you were wrong?" Mike asked, already knowing the answer.

"We'd play three more times for every time that I was wrong."

"And if you came without permission?" Rafe asked.

"I'm not sure," Joanna admitted, her uncertainty endearing.

Mike had to lean in and give her a quick kiss. "Let's make it two extra rounds for each unauthorized orgasm."

Joanna's lips parted. Again, she had that look of surprise, the one that completely aroused Mike. She looked at Rafe then back at Mike again, a flush beginning to stain her cheeks. "Where are we going to do this?"

"Right here. The limo has lots of room."

Her mouth dropped open and he knew he'd never get tired of surprising her. "Not the Plume?"

"No, we're not actually going there." Mike saw her relief.

"But you and Rafe are about the same height and build."

"Nobody said I'd make it easy for you," Mike teased.

"It wouldn't be punishment otherwise," Rafe added.

She looked deliciously distressed, her expression a mingling of excitement and fear and surprise. Mike wanted to stretch her out and take her once before they even started the game. Instead, he gestured for her to remove her coat. "Let's get you ready."

She set her coat aside and would have turned her back on him. Mike pointed to the floor. "On your knees there. I'll be able to tighten the corset better."

Plus it gave Rafe a great view of her breasts. Mike pulled her between his knees, then made her stretch her arms up high overhead. He tightened the corset as much as he could. She was thoroughly encased, her waist already noticeably smaller than it had been. She eased back to the seat beside him, her face more pink than it had been and her breath coming quickly.

"Rex suggested that someone always lies to prolong the game by deliberately lying," Mike said. "I'm curious to see whether it'll be you or me."

"That's why you're wearing what Rafe always wears," Joanna whispered. "So there are no clues."

"I love smart women," Mike said, brushing his lips across hers and feeling her shiver. "Look. I brought you a present."

Joanna took the package from him, opening it slowly. She ran her fingers across the black hood nestled in the tissue paper inside. It was made of fine soft leather, lined with rabbit fur to ensure a complete blindfold. The hood would fasten under the chin, but leave her mouth available.

"It'll ensure that you're blindfolded completely, no matter what position you're in," he murmured and she inhaled sharply.

She looked up at him with shining eyes. "You probably brought my new arm restraints, too."

Mike smiled. "Guilty as charged. You'll be the lady bound in black."

Joanna took a deep breath, her fingers toying with the hood. "Thank you, Mike," she whispered and he saw her anticipation.

Mike kissed her again, the softness and sweetness her mouth nearly undoing him. He could smell her puss, already hot and wet, and knew he'd be the one to lie first.

Just to play this game over and over again.


* * *


Joanna couldn't believe it. It was as if Mike had read her mind. He'd not only listened to her fantasies but was determined to make them come true – in an environment where she felt safe. She could barely take a breath in her tightened corset and the boots kept her feet arched high. She was surrounded in smooth soft leather, locked in a car that hummed quietly as it drove through the night. She was with her lover, the man who understood her best of all, and the bond between them grew tighter with every night they spent together.

Joanna couldn't have asked for more.

Mike handed her the hood and she tugged it over her head. There was an opening at the back for her hair, and even though she hadn't tied it into a ponytail, he helped her work it through the space. His fingers were strong and warm, his touch both firm and gentle.

The fur over her eyes felt sinful and wicked, and also securely blocked the light. By the time he had secured the hood under her chin, Joanna felt sealed in darkness. She liked that it was leather. It looked more ominous than the purple satin hood Rex had given her. Joanna felt a shudder roll through her body, a capitulation to the pleasure he was determined to give her.

How would she know which one took her? She guessed that neither of them would make a sound while claiming her. She would bet that Mike had made the challenge as difficult as possible, just to ensure that they played the game more than once.

Her heart pounded as he fastened the arm restraints around her forearms, then locked them to each other behind her back. He pulled them tight, the way he had before, so that her back was arched. He ran his hands over her breasts, and she realized he'd put on leather gloves. Was that to drive her wild, or to disguise his touch? She didn't know and when he bent to suckle her, Joanna didn't care.

"I love the boots," she whispered and he smiled against her skin. "And the hood."

"So do I," he said. "You look good enough to eat."

Joanna recalled then that the only contact she'd had with Rafael had been when Rex had ordered him to eat her, on her first visit to the Plume. Would he do that again? With Mike watching? She felt completely inconsistent for not wanting to share Mike but wanting him to share her, but she couldn't help her own desires.

Lust was deeper than logic.

"Sit back," Mike said. "And I'll put your seat belt on."

He fastened it tightly around her hips, the clasp cold against her skin. He touched one fingertip to her knee.

"Ankles together, knees apart," Joanna said, remembering Rex's instruction.

Mike's fingers rubbed across her lips, his touch proprietary and demanding. "Lips parted," he added in a dangerous whisper. "So you're ready for anything."

And Joanna was. She was dripping wet, aware of Mike's heat beside her, itching and aching for the game to begin.

"And be quiet. We're not ready to gag that mouth just yet."

"Yes, Mike." Joanna felt his finger rap on her knee.

"For this game tonight, say master."

"Yes, master."

Mike's hand closed over her knee, his fingers tightening in a possessive way. "How's the view from up front?"

"Fantastic," Rafael said. "I'll pull over just up here and we can flip that coin."

The car stopped a moment later and Joanna's heart leapt.

Mike kissed her mouth quickly. There was a blast of cold air, then he was gone, leaving her in silence and darkness. The motor thrummed. She could faintly hear them laughing together, then the door opened again.

Someone got into the back of the limo, taking the bench opposite.

Someone got into the driver's seat.

The car started to move, pulling smoothly out into traffic. The doors locked. Joanna's heart thundered in her ears. She could practically feel her companion looking at her.

Then the man sitting opposite her reached over to unfasten her seatbelt. He tugged her so that she landed on the floor of the limo on her knees. He caught her head in his hands and guided her mouth to his hard cock.

Joanna's lips closed around him, her thoughts spinning. She couldn't tell whether it was Mike by the taste of his skin. She couldn't tell whether it was Mike by the size of his erection. She couldn't tell whether it was Mike by the way he touched her or the way he held her.

The game was hopeless. She'd never be able to say for certain who had taken her.

Which meant she couldn't control the outcome of the game.

She was their toy, for as long as they wanted her. That sweet wave of helplessness slipped through her body, loosing the last of her inhibitions, turning her into a creature made for pleasure. She locked her mouth around this master's cock, determined to give as much pleasure as she could, knowing that she would never be able to get enough.


* * *


Mike loved the look of Joanna's mouth as she sucked him off. The red lipstick was perfect and her touch was exactly right. He liked how she worked him and how much she obviously enjoyed giving head.

She should enjoy it – she was good at it.

He found it exciting that she was completely bound, and that she had surrendered to his plan so readily. Of course, it was her fantasy, but she didn't need to know that he'd modified it slightly.

The car rocked slightly as Rafe drove through the night, not really heading anywhere in particular. What Joanna didn't know was that Rafe preferred to watch – the display in his rear view mirror of Mike taking Joanna over and over again was all the compensation he needed or wanted.

Which meant that it would be Mike claiming Joanna every single time. He liked that they had that jealousy in common – just as she hadn't really liked watching him with Louise, he didn't want to watch her with any other guy.

The blindfold gave him the ability to fulfill her fantasy his own way.

He wondered whether she'd guess the truth.

He wondered whether she'd admit it when she did.

The way he saw it, they had the whole night to find out.

And if she liked this game, Mike would bet that Rafe would be interested in playing it again. He gripped her head and pulled her away from him, sensing that he was about to come. He spun her around, knowing that rough play was part of her fantasy, then took her from behind. She moaned and struggled and he felt the heels of those fabulous black boots against his thighs. When he locked his hands around her corseted waist and felt how tiny she had become, thanks to his regular tightening of the corset, he couldn't last any longer.

He drove himself deeply inside her to claim her as fully as possible. Then he reached down and touched her throbbing clitoris, loving how she immediately came with a cry. She tightened around him, as if she would hold him captive, and Mike came in a surge of power that left him trembling. He cried out in voluntarily, giving himself away.

He pinched her breasts, demanding her guess.

Joanna caught her breath. "Rafael," she said, her tone breathless. She was a terrible liar. "You are definitely Rafael."

Mike grinned, glad that they were in agreement and that this game could go on a long, long time.


* * *


Joanna was at home in the apartment on the Friday night before Christmas, cleaning up the kitchen, and Louise was flipping through a magazine at the table. Joanna was trying to act as if nothing was going on, but she knew what Mike was going to do.

She'd shopped in preparation for the evening's festivities and Mike had dropped off a package at her desk earlier in the day. Everything was ready for Louise's surprise.

"No date tonight?" Joanna asked, trying to keep her tone light. She already knew the answer.

Louise shrugged and shook her head. "I couldn't stand the thought of another movie with another guy who gets all anxious at the idea of a kiss. Or worse, one who thinks that buying a coffee for me entitles him to a full night of sex." She rolled her eyes just before Joanna's cellphone rang. "Lucky you," she muttered.

Joanna answered the phone, hiding her smile at Mike's low tone.

"Ten minutes," he said simply then broke the connection.

Joanna deliberately caught her breath, her gaze flicking to her interested roommate. "Looks like we're both busy," she said. "There's a burglar on his way."

"Ha!" Louise flung aside her magazine and leapt to her feet, her anticipation clear. "Are we supposed to tie ourselves up? Or just be naked?"

"He sent some ribbon and costumes earlier this week. I guess he's feeling festive." Joanna left the kitchen and strode toward her room. "Hurry up! We've only got ten minutes." She didn't have to urge Louise to hurry, though – her friend was right behind her, practically dancing in her excitement.

Louise gasped with pleasure when Joanna put the elf costumes on the bed. Mike had said they were from the Plume and they certainly were beautifully made. The red velvet dresses were luxurious and the ermine trim on them was silky soft. There were white lace merry widows to wear underneath, and Louise put hers on quickly. Joanna chose not to put aside her black leather corset, knowing how Mike liked it. It wasn't up to her to remove the corset, not without his permission. She avoided Louise's gaze as her friend took a good look at the corset. They helped each other zip into the costumes, Louise marveling at the perfect fit.

Joanna didn't tell her that she'd snooped through her lingerie drawer to ensure that Mike got costumes in the right size.

They tugged on the white fishnet stockings and helped each other hook them into the garters. There were tall red boots for Louise too, also trimmed with white fur, and lacey white gloves. Joanna wore her black boots. Louise pivoted in front of the mirror proudly, spinning so that the skirt swirled high and revealed her bum.

"Oh, I feel sexy!" she enthused. "Now what?"

"Put your hands behind your back," Joanna instructed. "I'm supposed to gift-wrap you."

Louise's mouth dropped open in surprise, then her eyes sparkled and she did as she was told. Joanna folded Louise's arms behind her waist and bound her forearms together with the wide red satin ribbon she'd bought.

"Too tight?"

Louise wriggled experimentally and her breasts bounced. "No. Perfect." She grinned at Joanna in the mirror. "How can you stand the waiting? Does it get easier?"

"No. It's thrilling every time."

"I knew it."

"On your knees, now," Joanna instructed. "And kneel with your ankles crossed behind you and your knees apart." Louise did as she was told and Joanna trussed her ankles together, using lots of ribbon. "Now sit back, so your butt touches the heels of your boots." Joanna bound Louise's ankles to the back of her waist, making sure that she was properly posed, then began to wrap her in red ribbon.

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