The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy)

Read The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy) Online

Authors: Angelina Spears

Tags: #Billionaire erotica, #power play, #plus size, #submission, #plus size romance, #public sex, #domination, #dominated, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #rubenesque, #bbw, #erotica, #billionaire romance, #curvy heroine, #mile high club

BOOK: The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy)
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The Power Billionaire:

The Complete Series


By Angelina Spears



Copyright © 2012 Angelina Spears



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The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series
features all three stories of this BBW erotic romance trilogy. Plus-size secretary Merrin Rexford is seduced by a powerful billionaire who harbors dark secrets. She can't resist his demanding voice and subtle charm but soon a dangerously feral hunk wants her for himself. Who will she choose?

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Table of Contents


The Power Billionaire 1: Curves, Submission and Pleasure

The Power Billionaire 2: Dominated Curves and Desire

The Power Billionaire 3: Submission of Curves Desires

About the Author


The Power Billionaire 1: Curves, Submission and Pleasure


Chapter 1


The plane was crowded but not overly so. It was hard not to appear crowded in such a confined space. And then there’s the fact that, well, I’m a little bigger than most women. That has a tendency to make the world seem smaller. I could hear people chatting animatedly about what they’d do once in Florida. Mostly they were eager to go on the beach and soak up the sun but a few children several rows back were talking about Mickey Mouse. They were in for a disappointment, I thought. We were heading to Fort Lauderdale, nowhere near the same vicinity as Orlando.

We hit some turbulence outside of New York but so far -- we were over Virginia now -- the ride was smooth. I was alone and more than happy for it. I had some reading to do, needed to catch up. Sure, I was only an administrative assistant at an engineering firm but the ability to do my job greatly improved when I was familiar with everything that was going on at the office.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

The voice was deep and smooth and yet it had a melodious quality to it. I looked up to my left and found a tall man wearing an Oxford shirt and a dark sports jacket. He was looking at me with a faint, expectant smile.

“Uh, no.”

My spirits literally fell. I’d been ecstatic at being seated alone in my row. I hated sitting by the window as looking out gave me nausea and the aisle seat was even worse since people kept bumping into me. Ever had a serving cart smash you behind the elbow? The middle seat was perfect, especially now with no one on either side. Being a plump woman, I loved having some breathing space. And yet, I couldn’t hold my ground and turn the guy away. That was the story of my life, too nice for my own good. I had screwed myself into a long and uncomfortable flight.

“Thank you, so much.”

His smile was broad, displaying perfect white teeth. I was instantly struck at how handsome he was. His wavy brown hair was just long enough to be fashionable while still being considered short. He was in his 30s, maybe a year or two older than I was, and I saw some thin lines framing his piercing eyes. It was as if he spent a lot of time outdoors and smiled often. I removed some documents from the aisle seat and he sat down.

“Did we pick you up on the way somewhere?” I asked. “Were you hitchhiking?”

He chuckled good-naturedly. “I was in first class. I was upgraded, I never travel first class. Now I know why. Got into a... well, let’s just say it was a strongly worded argument. It was agreed by all parties involved that we’d all be better off if I made myself scarce. Thank you for rescuing me.”


I went back to my engrossing literature -- a quarterly report on my company’s operations in Singapore. I saw the words and numbers but they didn’t register. I felt like the man was watching me.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Grayson.”

“Merrin Rexford.”

He extended his hand and I shook it without thinking. Whereas my hand was cold and clammy, his was firm and warm. He looked into my eyes and I had the impression he held my hand one or two seconds longer than customary.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Merrin.”

“You too.”

“You’re going to Florida on business?” He pointed at my documents to accentuate his point.

“No, I’m visiting my grandmother. She had a surgery last week, I’m going down there to help.”

“That’s nice of you. You must love her very much.”

“She practically raised me, she used to live at home with me and my mom.”

“That’s really sweet.”

Someone else saying that would have sounded insincere. But not him. I knew right away he really meant it. He was still staring at me and I became uncomfortable. I was always uncomfortable when I was the center of attention.

“Are you going down to Florida for business?”

“Yes, unfortunately. Have to meet some people, sign some papers. Not much time for the beach.”

I nodded and looked back down at the document. It was important to minimize our conversation because it was only a matter of minutes until I said something stupid and made a world-class fool out of myself. I always did that, which probably explains why I was still single. He respected my choice and picked up a magazine from this seatback in front of him.

After several minutes, there was some sort of ruckus in the back. Determined footsteps from a flight attendant could be heard throughout the cabin.

“What are you doing? You can’t be in there! That’s designed for only one passenger at a time!”

A lot of people, those who were still awake even though it was barely noon, turned in their seats to see what was going on. It didn’t take a genius to get the idea and I stayed put. Grayson turned to me with a slight grin.

“Sounds like some people found a way to make the time go faster.”


“Are you a member?”

“A member of what?”

“Of the Mile High Club.”

“No,” I quickly shot back.

“There’s no shame in it, you know. I’m a member myself, got the paperwork and everything.”

He stared at me again with that little smirk, like the world was just a big game and he knew how to play it. He was waiting for me to reply and so I purposely didn’t.

“I could induct you, if you want. We members have this power.”

“You mean me going with you in that tiny little bathroom?” I dropped my voice. “You mean me having sex with you?”

“You say that like I’m repulsive.”

“No but...”

The truth was I was the one who was repulsive. With a body like mine, guys didn’t usually line up to make my acquaintance.

“But what?”

Instead of admitting the truth, I decided on another angle. Perhaps my candor would shut him up.

“Airplane bathrooms were designed for supermodels and midgets. I have trouble fitting in there by myself so any acrobatics in there with someone else have to be ruled out.”

Grayson’s smile brightened up and he leaned toward me. He brought his mouth less than two inches from my ear. I could smell the pleasant aroma of his aftershave. It was intoxicating and I feared I had walked through a door I never should have opened.

“I like that the first thing that popped through your head was the logistics of the operation. I love that you actually haven’t ruled out having sex with me.”


“Would you like to, Merrin?”

“I thought we already established that it can’t be done. Especially now that the stewardess has just put the bathroom on DEFCON 1.”

Without warning, he placed his left hand on mine and stroked it gently. I looked into his eyes and he didn’t flinch. What was happening?!

“There’s more than one way to become a member of the Mile High Club. There are other things we can do.”

He brought his face even closer to mine and I held my breath. His body heat made my heart lurch and then he pulled back.
Yeah, just like I thought
. It was all a big joke. He stood up and moved into the aisle. I was expecting him to walk back to wherever he had come from. He didn’t. He reached up into the overhead luggage compartment and produced a blanket. He sat back down and spread the blanket over the both of us.

“You can’t be serious,” I whispered.

“I’m very serious.”

He turned in his seat so he could face me. This at the same time served to block the view anyone could have of us. Then, holding on to the blanket, he put an arm behind my shoulders. It was very casual like we were on a couch but it was also extremely intimate.

“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done, Merrin?”

Serving mashed potatoes with lobster was probably the height of my zaniness. He continued looking at me, waiting for an answer.

“I skinny-dipped in New Hampshire once.”

While this was technically true, I failed to mention that the lake was deserted and it was in the middle of the night. There was nothing crazy about it.

“What do you say we up the stakes a little?”





Chapter 2


He leaned toward me like he had done before. This time he went all the way until his lips touched my cheek. He took his time giving me the softest kiss I’d ever had. To be frank, it was almost chaste but it was so drawn out that I felt a flash of heat traveling through my body. Then he went lower, giving me two more kisses on the neck.

“We can’t do this,” I said reluctantly.

“Of course we can. And we can do more too. Do you have any idea how excited you make me?”

Before I could answer, he took my hand and led it up his thigh. I should have resisted, I should’ve screamed with horror. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t! I let him bring me to his crotch and at once I felt a bulge.

“Can you understand what I’m talking about now?”

He moved my hand up and down and within moments I was flexing my fingers in concert, squeezing his hardness. This was definitely my new benchmark for zaniness.

“I want you to take it out, Merrin. I want you to play with it.”

I was a strong woman. I’d never let a man tell me what to do before. I’d never been a pushover. But there was something about Grayson’s voice, his commanding tone. He was giving me an order but I could sense he was still giving me a choice. No, it was more like a challenge. It was like I would be disappointed in myself if I didn’t comply.

“What if we get caught?” I asked in a last ditch effort to keep my dignity.

“What are they gonna do, pull over and throw us out? Stop making excuses, Merrin. Don’t act like you don’t want to see what it’s like.”

He took his hand off mine and strangely I didn’t pull back. I remained in place and after several seconds I resumed exploring his groin.

“Take it out. See how big you make me.”

His eyes bored into mine and I was hypnotized. I found myself wanting to push the envelope, to overstep my personal boundaries. I was a staunch feminist and yet I couldn’t deny that there was something electrifying about being giving orders. Perhaps, I thought again, it was the way his honeyed voice sounded. He was commanding me and at the same time I knew he wouldn’t get mad if I didn’t follow through.

That only made me want to do it more!

With my heart beating a mile a minute, I undid his pants and lowered his zipper. His member readily sprung up and I toyed with it while it was still encased in the silky boxers. I ran a digit up and down, letting my fingernail trace his length. He had to suppress a gasp.

“Touch it,” he said. “Touch the flesh.”

Thinking I was actually on the brink of insanity, I felt around his underwear until I found the fly. I twisted the fabric and made him poke through the hole. He abruptly felt longer, bigger. I felt his heat all over my hand.

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