The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today (17 page)

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Authors: Joel Osteen

Tags: #Religion / Christian Life / Inspirational, #Religion / Christian Life / Personal Growth, #RELIGION / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

BOOK: The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today
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A Thousand Times More

Victoria and I have big dreams in our hearts. It’s going to take millions of dollars to do what’s on the inside. These are dreams, not just for ourselves, for a bigger this or a bigger that, but a dream to build orphanages and a dream to build medical clinics. I can’t do that with a limited, lacking, “God doesn’t want me to have too much” mentality. I realize my Father owns it all. He makes streets out of gold. You are not going to bankrupt Heaven by believing for an abundant life. All God has to do is go pick up a chunk of pavement and give it to you. When you have this abundant mentality and a desire to advance the Kingdom, God will lavish you with good things. He will open up the doors of His sky vaults so that you not only accomplish your dreams, but you can help be a blessing to the world.

My prayer for you is found in Deuteronomy 1:11. It says, “May the Lord God of your fathers increase you a thousand times more than you are.” Can you receive that into your spirit? A thousand times more favor. A thousand times more resources. A thousand times more income. Most of the time our thinking goes
It’s because we’ve been hanging out with that skinny goat too long. It’s time to cut him loose. It’s time to have a fatted-calf mentality. God is about to press some things down. He is about to make room for more of His increase. Now get up every morning and say, “Lord, I want
to thank You that You are opening up Your sky vaults today, raining down favor, and lavishing me with good things. I am prosperous.”

If you’ll have this abundant mentality, I believe and declare you won’t live in the land of Just Enough or the land of Barely Enough, but you’re coming into the land of More Than Enough.

Redeem the Time

ime is one of the most valuable commodities that we have. It’s more valuable than money. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. The Scripture tells us to redeem the time. That means don’t waste it. Don’t live this day unfocused, undisciplined, and unmotivated. We have a responsibility to use our time wisely. We’re not always going to be here. This day is a gift. Are you living it to the fullest? With purpose and passion? Pursuing your dreams? Or are you distracted? Indifferent? Just doing whatever comes along? Are you in a job you don’t like? Hanging out with people who are pulling you down? That’s not redeeming the time; that’s wasting the time. Just like you spend money, you are spending your life. You’re either investing it or you’re wasting it.

The first step is to set goals: short-term goals and long-term goals. What do you want to accomplish this week? Where do you want to be five years from now? Do you have a plan? Are you taking steps to get there? Don’t go another three years on a job you don’t like, doing something that you’re not passionate about. Life is flying by. This is your one shot. You don’t get a do-over. We can’t relive our twenties or thirties. Once this day is over, we can never get it back.

Paul said in Ephesians, “Make the most of every opportunity. Don’t be vague and thoughtless, but live purposefully and accurately.” If you’re going to reach your highest potential, you have to be an “on purpose” person. You know where you’re going. You’re not vague, distracted, waiting to see what happens. You’re focused. You’re making the most of each opportunity. Let me put it in more practical terms: Staying on social media for hours a day and catching up on the latest gossip is not redeeming the time. Playing video games for hours a day when you could be studying is not redeeming the time. Talking on the phone for hours a day to a friend who’s not going anywhere and has no dreams is not redeeming the time.

“Make the most of every opportunity.”

God has given you a present. It’s called “today.” What are you going to do with it? This is a call to action. Get focused. Get organized. Set your goals. Make your plans. God could have chosen anyone to be here, but He chose you.

Live a Well-Spent Life

The Scripture talks about living well-spent lives. When we go to bed at night, we should ask ourselves, “Did I live a well-spent day? Did I take steps toward my goals? Was I a blessing to someone else? Did I invest my time or did I waste my time?” I read that the average person spends more than eighty hours a year looking for things they misplaced—car keys, cell phones, glasses, receipts, and children! Somebody said that the reason God gives babies to young people is because older people would forget where they left them. Do yourself a favor—save yourself eighty hours a year and get organized. Redeem that time.

I know too many people who are incredibly talented and have great potential, but they’re not disciplined when it comes to how they spend their time. They have good intentions, but they’re easily distracted and end up off course. There are a thousand good things you can give your time to each day. You have to be disciplined to stay focused on what’s best for you. If not, you’ll end up chasing the latest trend, trying to keep up with your friends, distracted, entangled in things that are not a part of your destiny.

I heard about a man who was walking through the airport on the way to his flight. He saw a sign on the terminal wall that said,
He was intrigued by it, so he walked over and put a quarter in the slot. The computer readout said, “Your name is John Smith. You’re on the 2:20 flight to Boston.” He couldn’t believe it. He thought,
How does this thing know my name? How does it know my flight number?
A friend was walking by, so he called him over and said, “Look at this.” He put in another quarter. It did it again. “Your name is John Smith. You’re on the 2:20 flight to Boston.” His friend looked kind of puzzled, shrugged his shoulders, and went on. The man reached in his pocket to get another quarter out and try it again, but he didn’t have any more coins. He had to walk way back to the newsstand to get change. There was a long line, and he waited and waited. He finally got a quarter, came back, and put it in the slot. It said, “Your name is John Smith. You just
the 2:20 flight to Boston.”

Stay focused. It’s easy to get sidetracked by things that pull you off course, and when you finally look up, the day is gone, or the year is gone, or twenty years have gone. Nothing will be sadder than to come to the end of life and think,
Why did I waste so many days? Why didn’t I live focused?
Make this decision with me
that you’re going to redeem the time. We have a responsibility. God has entrusted you with His life. He breathed His breath into you. He’s put gifts and talents inside you. You have seeds of greatness. You’re not just on planet Earth taking up space. You’re a person of destiny. With that gift of life comes a responsibility to develop your talents, to pursue your dreams, and to become who God’s created you to be.

Make this decision with me that you’re going to redeem the time.

Make Sure You Are Running with Purpose

On a regular basis, you need to reevaluate what you’re doing. Refocus your life. Get rid of any distractions. Paul said in another place, “I run with purpose in every step.” When we understand the value of time and see each day as the gift that it is, it helps us to keep the right perspective. You realize every battle is not worth fighting. You don’t have time to get engaged in conflicts that are not between you and your God-given destiny. If somebody has a problem with you, as long as you’re being your best, doing what God’s put in your heart, with all due respect, that’s their problem and not yours. You don’t have to resolve conflicts with every person. Some people don’t want to be at peace with you. That’s a distraction. Don’t waste your valuable time fighting battles that don’t matter.

When you realize your days are numbered, you don’t respond to every critic. You don’t try to convince people to like you who are never going to like you. You accept the fact that some people are never going to give you their approval. But that’s okay. You know you have Almighty God’s approval. When you’re redeeming the time, you’re not trying to keep someone happy who’s never going to be happy. With some people, no matter what you do for them, it’s not going to be enough. But their happiness is not your
responsibility. Always be kind and respectful, but your attitude should be,
If you don’t want to be happy, that’s fine, but you’re not going to keep me from being happy. I know this day is a gift, and I’m not going to live it trying to change things that I cannot change or trying to fix people who don’t want to be fixed.
That’s redeeming the time.

When you realize your time is limited, you don’t get offended. You don’t get upset because somebody’s playing politics; you don’t get stressed out because somebody’s trying to make you look bad. You let it go and trust God to make your wrongs right.

A lady was telling me about a family member who had done her wrong. She was very negative and starting to get bitter. I told her what I’m telling you. Life is too short to live that way. Let it go, and God will be your vindicator. She didn’t want to hear it. She said, “No, I’m not going to be happy until he apologizes.” What she doesn’t realize is that she is wasting valuable days. He may never apologize. I wonder how many days that we’ve wasted doing similar things. We can’t say that we redeemed the time; we didn’t appreciate the day. We just dragged through it being upset, offended, and discouraged.

The Scripture says, “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” The reason many people have no joy or enthusiasm is because they go to bed each night with unforgiveness in their heart. They’re reliving their hurts, thinking about their disappointments. Here’s the problem: If the sun goes down with bitterness, it will come back up with bitterness. If it goes down with resentment, it comes back up with resentment. That’s blocking God’s blessings. It’s keeping you from seeing the bright future. If you want the sun to shine brightly in your life once again, before you go to bed each night, you need to say, “God, I’m releasing every negative thing that’s happened to me today. I’m
releasing every hurt, releasing every worry, releasing every disappointment. I’m forgiving the people who did me wrong. God, I’m going to bed in peace.” When you do that, the sun will go down with nothing blocking it. When it comes back up the next morning, you’ll have a new spring in your step, you’ll be excited about the day and ready for your future. Don’t go to bed at night with any kind of defeat still in your mind.

“Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.”

Invest Your Time Wisely

I talked to a young lady who’s a television reporter at a local station in Houston, and during Hurricane Ike, she was out covering the story. Her assignment was to find people who were down and out and having a hard time finding food because of the hurricane. She was at one of the food drops, talking to people in line, but nobody had a sad story. They were all grateful that they were alive and talking about how they were going to make it. Victoria and I and some Lakewood volunteers happened to be there. She came over with the camera and asked me, “What’s the worst thing that you’ve seen?” I said, “Yes, some people are struggling, but they have faith; they’re overcomers. They know they’re victors and not victims.” She thought,
Well, I knew Joel wasn’t going to tell me anything sad.
So she went and found Victoria, who was worse than me. She said, “These people are fired up. They know God’s in control, and something better is coming their way.”

When the reporter got back to the station, she told her supervisor, “I couldn’t find any sad stories, but I got Joel and Victoria Osteen to comment on the hurricane.” She thought they would be excited, but it was just the opposite. They didn’t want us; they wanted sad stories. She ended up getting terminated over that incident. They
let her go! She could have been discouraged, depressed, and bitter, but she understands this principle that every day is a gift from God. She started thanking God that new doors were going to open and thanking Him that favor was coming her way. Not long after that, she received a phone call from a very prestigious broadcasting company. They saw her report on the hurricane—the same one that got her fired. They said, “We’d like to offer you a full-time position to come and head up the department that does all of our documentaries.” That was a dream come true. She couldn’t believe it. She gave me a big hug and said, “Joel, I want to thank you and Victoria for getting me fired.”

I’ve heard it said, “Disappointments are inevitable, but misery is optional.” No matter what kind of setbacks you face, no matter who does you wrong, you don’t have to drag through life defeated, depressed, and bitter. Start redeeming the time. Do as she did. Start thanking God that He’s in control. Thank Him that new doors are opening. Thank Him that favor is coming your way. The truth is that we all go through the valleys, but the valleys are what lead us to higher mountains. They’re not permanent; they’re only temporary. Here’s a key: When you’re in the valley, instead of sitting around thinking about your problems, go out and do something good for somebody else. Volunteer while you’re in the valley. Usher while you’re in the valley. Cheer somebody up while you’re in the valley. Mow somebody’s lawn while you’re in the valley. When you invest your time the right way in helping others, those seeds that you sow will create the harvest you need, not to just get out of the valley, but to come to a higher mountain, to come up to a new level of your destiny.

We all go through the valleys, but the valleys are what lead us to higher mountains.

Reevaluate Who You Spend Your Time With

It’s not only important how we spend our time, but with whom we spend it. To redeem the time may mean you have to prune off some relationships that are not adding value to your life. Don’t hang around people who are not going anywhere, who have no goals or dreams. People who are not focused and not disciplined. They compromise and take the easy way out. If you tolerate mediocrity, it will rub off on you. If you hang out with jealous, critical, unhappy people, you will end up jealous, critical, and unhappy. That’s what it says in Proverbs: When you walk with wise men, you will become wise.

Take a look at your friends. That’s what you’re going to be like in a few years. If your friends are winners, leaders, givers, and successful, if they have integrity and a spirit of excellence and are positive and motivated, then those good qualities are going to rub off on you. When you’re with them, you’re investing your time. They’re making you better. But if you hang out with people who are sloppy, undisciplined, unmotivated, and not going anywhere, let me give you some great advice: Find some new friends. You cannot become who God created you to be hanging out with them. They may be good people, and they may have good hearts, but your destiny is too great, your assignment is too important, and your time is too valuable to let them drag you down.

The only thing that’s keeping some people from a new level of their destiny is wrong friendships.

The only thing that’s keeping some people from a new level of their destiny is wrong friendships. You cannot hang out with chickens and expect to soar like an eagle. You don’t have to make some big announcement and go
tell them, “Hey, man, I’m cutting you off. Joel said to get rid of you.” No, do me a favor and leave my name out of this. But you can just gradually spend less and less time with them. “Well, what if I hurt their feelings?” Well, what if they keep you from your destiny?

I heard about a lady who was reevaluating her friendships. Her answering machine said, “I’m sorry I missed your call. I’m making some changes in my life. If I don’t call you back, please know you were one of those changes.” I’m thinking about all the people who haven’t called me back!

But here’s the key: If you don’t let go of the wrong people, you’ll never meet the right people. Sometimes we can outgrow a friendship. It was good at one time. For a few years, you were fulfilled. But now you’ve grown more than they have. You’re running at a different pace. Your gifts are coming out in a greater way. That doesn’t make them a bad person. It’s just a new season. Human nature likes to hold on to the old. We like to keep everything the same. But the truth is that it’s healthy for seasons to change. It doesn’t mean you can’t still be their friend; you just know you cannot spend as much time with them and become all you were created to be.

If you don’t let go of the wrong people, you’ll never meet the right people.

There are people who come into our lives who are like scaffolding. They’re designed to be there for a period of time. And I’m not talking about a marriage situation; I’m talking about friendships. These people help us grow, inspire us, and motivate us. But like that scaffolding, at some point, it’s got to come off the building. If the scaffolding stayed up, the building would never be what it was meant to be. Appreciate the people who have helped you. Always honor them, but be big enough to recognize when their part in your story is over. On a regular basis, you need to reevaluate your friendships and the people
with whom you choose to spend time. Are they in the right position? Has the position changed? Could it be that it’s a new season?

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