The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (5 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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Once I heard a surgeon who was talking about heart transplants. And he was saying that he placed the organ, the transplant, in the new body where he’s going to give life, and the heart is dead but not dead. And then the surgeon touches the heart, very softly, and it starts to move, and it starts to bring life to that body. And I thought, that in a way is a metaphor for how the heart is. You touch it, and when you touch it, you know where life is.


The heart is where all the action happens. And the key to living a most fulfilling, rich, successful life is to keep the heart open. An open heart allows us to look at life in such a different way.

Opening to your heart means living a passionate life full of meaning and purpose. It means doing those things you feel you have to do, living the life you were born to live. In living with an open heart you align yourself with values of tolerance, harmony, cooperation, and respect for others.

Marci Shimoff


The wisdom of the heart is really, said another way, the connection to your Authentic Power, to that source of realness and genuineness that you have inside. It’s from that place that we manifest things. That’s where we get the job done, that’s where we’re able to move beyond our challenges and our limitations and our doubts and our fears and do the things that we really know we should do inside. That is the power of the heart in action, in its most useful way.


What is the wisdom of the heart? The part of you that is the healthiest, the most grounded, the most constructive, the most wholesome contributor to Life with a capital L.

Because your heart is the essence of who you really are, it knows where you need to go and why you are on this Earth. Sometimes only the heart can let you know what you should do. Your brain has only a limited view of your circumstances, but your heart can assess every situation from a higher perspective.

When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.


Have you ever been unable to resolve a problem, gone out for a walk to clear your head, and discovered the perfect solution? That is actually the power of the heart, opening you to the energy and inspiration around you. The moment you choose to listen to and open your heart, you tap into this powerful source of wisdom.


The wisdom of the heart will see the power and the beauty and the opportunity of every moment that you live and cherish each one.

Every new day gives you a new chance to open your heart. Once you do, you notice the goodness of people and things you had previously taken for granted. You become able to put disappointments into perspective; you’re more receptive to the great opportunities that present themselves to you on a regular basis.

By opening your heart, you become aware of the deeper dimension of your own existence. You understand who you really are and why you are here.


The heart points to the most essential dimension within you, and not to be connected with that, and to live your life as if that dimension didn’t exist, is really missing the very purpose of your life on earth, no matter what you achieve outwardly.


In all wisdom traditions, the real home of the spirit is non-local, which is beyond space and time. But it expresses itself locally in space-time and, yes, in most spiritual traditions the heart
is the entry point of the transcendent spirit into the world of space-time and locality.


The secret of the human heart is that it contains not only your identity, but God’s, wrapped up in one.


God speaks in the heart, from the heart. God speaks from the heart.


Divine intelligence is in the heart. You will not find your soul in the intellect.

Through the voice of your heart you gain access to a divine dimension, one that has been inside of you from day one. In your heart, that divine dimension and your most authentic self are one.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.



Walking in Silence

Every breath, every step can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.


Walking mindfully is a tradition in many cultures. Your brain can’t dwell on worries and problems when your body is physically active. Take a walk—around your home or in a park, wherever you are comfortable walking—to quiet your mind and allow yourself to hear the voice of your heart.

Walk at a comfortable pace and be attentive to each step. With each step, you arrive here and now. You are in the present moment. Be aware of the way each foot touches the ground. Feel each point of contact, heel and toe. Stay aware of each step, and now bring your attention to your breathing. Now, with each step you take, when you breathe in, say to yourself, “In.” As you breathe out, with each step you take, say to yourself, “Out.” With each step and breath, as your mind becomes quieter, you open space for your heart to communicate to you.

Once you are quiet in your mind and body, bring your attention to your heart. Walk with awareness of your heart, in companionship with your heart. If you feel ready, ask your heart,
What do you want me to know?

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