The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) (12 page)

BOOK: The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)
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"One more time.
You can do it." I heard a woman say but I couldn't see her. I couldn't see anything! I'm talking total darkness. Fear squeezed at my chest. "Samantha can you hear me? I think she has passed out."

Samantha? Ok this is a dream vision.
That only made me feel a fraction of a bit better. Stay calm, this is not really happening. Although I couldn't see, I was having the feeling of being pulled or away from this woman. It's like I was sliding down through a tunnel. Oh please God help me through this. Wait, I could see tiny white dots that were getting bigger. I could make out just enough that I was pretty sure they were stars. Yes, it was stars and I was heading back to the same pasture Samantha took me to the first time because I was starting to see rolling grassy hills that look familiar. Right before I got to the end of the tunnel, I heard a faint cry coming from behind me but I couldn't turn around to look because I had no control over my body. I needed to get out before panic consumed me. My whole insides threatened to start convulsing. Thankfully I was finally at the end. I was sure that I was about to feel the same wet grass under my feet, just like in the last dream Samantha gave me. I was out and... Oh my dear God I was under water. I tried to stay calm as screams clawed their way up my throat. I tried to swim to the top but I couldn't. It was like I didn't know how to swim in this dream. I was fighting the water and it was pulling me further under and I was running out of air. This was it, I was going to die right here. I've heard that if you die in your dream, you die in real life, and I did not want to test that theory. A random memory popped into my head, it was of me and Jaycee as little girls and we were jumping off the diving board at Redwood Park. We would jump and bring our knees up to our chest looking like a ball. We would stay like that even after we hit the water because that position would bring us back up to the top. It was my only hope. I pulled my knees up to me and tried to relax my body. I could feel it working. When I was almost to the top I woke up. What should have felt like relief was a moment of horror. I was still under water. It took me a few seconds to get oriented and realize I was back in my own pool and that I must have fallen off my float. I easily swam to the top to greedily fill my lungs with wonderful, humid, summer air. And if I didn't stop I was gonna make myself hyperventilate.

I got out of the pool and wrapped myself in a towel. Walking toward a lounge chair, something in the pool caught my eye. I had to focus because the water was still rippling from me swimming to the ladder and climbing out. As the water started to calm my body started shaking uncontrollably. I think this is what going into shock must feel like. It was Samantha's lifeless body at the bottom of the pool. Her eyes were open and she was staring up at me. I didn't make it to the
chair, I landed hard on the concrete. A bruised butt I'm sure I will feel in the morning but right now I was numb. This is how Samantha died. She drowned.


Chapter 9

It was only the first week of school, and I woke up late. I had a horrible, sleepless night. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing Samantha at the bottom of my pool. So when I did finally hear my alarm clock, I was up running around my room in a mad rush. I put my hair up in a ponytail and wore the first thing I grabbed out of the closet.
Black and white leggings and a red oversized shirt with a silver chain belt. A little eyeliner, mascara and cherry lip gloss and I was out the door and at school with time to spare. I love the fact that mom is able to take me to school now that she is working part time. She even let me drive. It won't be long before I turn in my permit for a driver’s license. Walking to my locker I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey beautiful."
I turned around to greet Josh. I didn't even realize until now that I haven’t talked to him at all since school started.

hottie." I joked.

"I've been looking for you. I want to run something by

"Ok, this sounds serious. What's wrong?" I asked, refusing to try and cheat. I was starting to rely on that way too much lately.

"Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to tell you that I've been talking to Ashley for a couple weeks now and I'm gonna ask her out. I know you and I are just friends, and I have been so happy that things are back to normal between us. That's why I wanted to tell you first, out of respect for our friendship."

"I think you have to be the sweetest guy on the face of this earth. I think you and Ashley would make a great couple. I'm very happy for you." I really was. Josh is great and he deserves this.

"Don't get happy yet. I don't know if she will say yes or not."

"Are you crazy?
Ashley is a smart girl, of course she will say yes. Hey, she is in my 4th period gym. Do you want me to put in a good word for you?"

"I'm hoping to have an answer from her before then."

"Well then if by a tiny, small, sliver of a chance she says no, I will let Jaycee kick her butt."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Thanks Han."

I reached up and gave him a big hug. "Just do that crooked smile thing you do and she will melt into your arms." He grinned at me and without saying a word he pulled my pony tail and walked away.

I realized the hallway was almost empty. I had just enough time to get my books and rush to class. I was one of the last to walk into
English class. On my way down the aisle I looked over at Daniel. Even though I have put the ball in his court, I was still gonna be nice. But he wouldn't even look at me. He just kept his eyes staring at the front of the class. Ok, I must have really misread my time with him yesterday. That, or he had time to sleep on it and came to the conclusion that I am a nut case and he wants nothing to do with me.

I sat down next to Jaycee trying not to pout. "Well it's about time. Cute outfit, I think that's the one I picked out."

"Thanks, yeah it is. I got up late and Josh caught me at the lockers and we were talking."

"Oh no.
Please tell me he did not ask you out again."

"No..." The bell rang. "I'll tell you later."

Mrs. Bumgarner stood at the front of the class. "Good morning. Take one of these and pass them back." She handed out papers to every first row seat. "I need these signed and returned along with the fees by Monday. The sophomore class is taking a field trip to Grandfather Mountain." My dream. My heart sank. I glanced over at Daniel as he turned around to give the papers to what's his name and looked at me briefly but with no expression. Well I know that dream won't be coming true.

Seeing Daniel's reaction to me ruined my whole day. I barely remember taking a pop quiz in algebra that was to 'just see what we retained over the summer'. I had no appetite at lunch. So I tried to sit there and join in on the conversation. Biology was just more of Daniel pretending I didn't exist. The highlight of my day was hearing that Ashley said yes to Josh.

I was so dreading gym. I went into the locker room half expecting to see Jaycee and Megan in a knock down drag out, but Megan was nowhere to be found. Thank goodness.

was all smiles. "Coach Stephens left at lunch. So we have a sub. We get to choose our activities again."

"Good. So I take it we are choosing same as yesterday." I said putting on my shorts and my 'I love nerds' t-shirt.

"Naturally." Kayla said smiling. "I wanted to thank you again. Your mom talked to our bank and has put our house on the market. She is even going to help us find a place to rent for a while."

I hugged her. "That is great news Kayla. You don't have to thank me. That's what friends are for." We left the locker room and started walking toward the football field.

The sub was waiting for all of us to get there. "I think the whole class is here. You know the choices coach Stephens gave you yesterday. We are going to do the same thing today. Stay inside the fenced in area and, if you need me, I will be on the bleachers."

Just starting our first lap, Jaycee stopped and said, "Hey! Remember the old bat down the street from me that use to always scream at us for laughing too loud when we rode our bikes up and down in front of her house?" We all nodded. "Well she is moving in with one of her kids out of state. She doesn't want the house sold just yet so she is thinking of renting it. We could be neighbors."

That would be perfect. "Kayla, have your parents tell my mom you want to see it and Mom can set it up. Just don't tell them Jaycee lives on the street. They will never go for it."

"Kiss my
...” Jaycee got cut off by Ashley running up behind us.

She was with Olivia and Brittany. "Hannah!" The four of us stopped so they could catch up. The group started talking while Ash pulled me to the side. "Listen, Josh said he talked to you before he asked me out. I wasn't going to say yes until I knew you were ok with it."

I smiled at her thoughtfulness. "I did talk to Josh, and I can't think of a better girl than you for him. You two will look so cute together."

"So you are totally ok with it?" She asked.

"I'm so ok with it that I want you to bring him with you to my pool party next Saturday." She smiled and started telling me word for word how he asked her out. It seems he took my advice about the crooked smile thing. She said that smile sealed the deal for her.

my gosh Hannah what's going on with you and that new guy?" Brit asked.

, Daniel? Nothing, he bought my old house. Why?"

Brit's eyes got big. "I think he's like stalking you or something." I don't know why that comment would make me mad, but it did.

Jaycee could tell that it did and took over, before I said something I would regret to a friend who was just looking out for me. "Why do you think he is stalking Hannah?"

Brittany enjoyed having all of our attention. "Well, this morning before 1st period I saw him standing outside of Mrs.
Bumgarner's class. At first I didn't pay him any mind until I saw the look on his face. I'll tell you what, he looked like he could chew through steel. So I looked to see what he was gawking at, it was you with Josh. And when you hugged Josh, Daniel walked away madder than shit."

Any other time I would enjoy hearing Brit tell a story, I love her little country accent, but right now I feel like I should explain my hug with Josh to Ashley and to throw attention off Daniel. "I'm sure he wasn't looking at me. Maybe it was something on down the hall from me. And that hug was just me giving Josh moral support and telling him good luck asking Ashley out. Sorry Ash, I'm a hugger."

Thankfully she laughed. "That's ok I am too."

changed the subject, "We are going to Yesterdays to get ice cream after school if you three want to join us?"

I wasn't asked. "What about me?"

"I thought you already knew. Cam is driving Mike, Kayla, Jaycee, you and me there. And Jacob, Nick, Luke and Chase are meeting us there."

Sounds fun. "I'm in. I'll text my mom and tell her."
Yesterdays is only about two miles from school. It's on a street that looks like it hasn't changed since the 50's and that’s the charm of it. It’s surrounded by old attached buildings that are filled with different shops like a bakery and nail salons. A pet store and a consignment shop and Sigmon’s Karate, where I attended for five years, from the ages of 7 to 12. I regret quitting but everything that was happening to me at the time was all so new and overwhelming, I just stopped going.

Olivia spoke up. “Brit and I can't go. We promised my mom we would help price stuff for her yard sale Saturday."

I turned to Ashley. "How about you?"

"Sorry, I'm going over to Josh's house for supper." We continued to walk around the track talking about Ashley's new relationship, going to get ice cream, and about the Grandfather Mountain field trip. But in the back of my mind I was
freakin out. Was the reason Daniel was ignoring me because he saw me with Josh and got the wrong idea? I wanted to hope it was true. There was only one way to find out. I started thinking of a way to make sure Daniel found out the truth.

When we got back into the locker room I changed quickly. "I'm
gonna get some water. I will meet you all at the water fountain." It felt like I drank a gallon before the guys started coming out. Just like I thought, Josh was walking down the hall from shop class to meet up with Ashley.

I heard Jacob talking to Daniel. "A bunch of us are going to Yesterdays for cones. You want to

I saw Daniel out of the corner of my eye look over at me before answering. "Thanks, but I can't. I have to get home."

Please don't leave yet. I was so afraid he was going to but luckily Ashley finally came out of the locker room and walked over to Josh. That was my cue. I walked up to them and made sure Daniel heard me when I spoke to Josh. "See I told you she was a smart girl and would say yes. And you were so worried this morning when I talked to you. I knew you two would make a great couple."

Ashley added, "Hannah even said she gave you a hug for moral support. You must have been nervous." That made Josh blush but I thought that was the best thing she could've said. I know Daniel heard us because I could feel that he was still behind me.

Josh finally said, "I wasn't that nervous," he laughed, "but Han does give good advice. And she was right about something else too. You are pretty, smart, and funny."

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