The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership (83 page)

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Authors: Yehuda Avner

Tags: #History, #Non-Fiction, #Biography, #Politics

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Acre, Fortress of, and executions, 21–25

Aegean Sta
, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 655

Aerospace industry (Israeli), 454

African policy, 413,

Golda Meir’s, 104–107, 235–236, 306

Agranat Commission, 234

, 288

Air Force One, 270, 565

Air France, 303, 304, 305, 306

Akaba Bay, 686

Al-Aksa Mosque, 9, 464

Albert Hall, 701

, 327, 375

Ali el-Husseini and the Oxford Union debate, 87–90

Ali, Muhammad, 208

Allenby, Gen. Edmund, 202

Allon, Yigal, 154, 158, 159, 251, 280, 304–305

, 3, 69–72, 71 (photo), 78, 81–83, 189, 384, 700;

cargo of, 82

, 105

“Ambassador of the Year,” 195

American Colony Hotel, 202–203, 208, 213

American Life
, 627

Amin, Idi, 305, 307, 308, 309, 311, 313, 314

Ani ma’amin
, 542

Ani ma’amin
(credo of Menachem Begin), 498

Anti-Semitism, 92, 300, 398, 596, 642

Arab Legion, 70, 515

Arab riots of 1936–1939, 17, 53

Arab terrorism, 89, 128, 216, 219, 223, 353, 405, 568, 614

Arabian Nights,

Arafat, Yasser, 97, 210, 287, 317, 324, 353, 368, 387, 403, 403, 412, 416, 427, 426, 511, 578, 599, 623, 628, 672

” (location of archaeological dig), 493

Argov, Shlomo, 603, 604, 606, 607, 614, 617, 673

Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, 409

Arnold, Dr., 13

Assad, Hafez-al, 265, 278, 411, 578, 579, 580–581

Assaf (commander of Israeli army base), 523–527, 528

Athenaeum Club, 513, 516–519

Auerbach, Ephraim, 396, 397, 398

Auschwitz, 8, 33, 34, 53, 315, 390, 421, 508, 548, 585, 606, 656, 657, 699

Avner, Mimi, 547, 676, 681, 685;
see also
Cailingold, Mimi

Avner, Yael, 676, 677

Avner, Yehuda,

aide to Yitzhak Rabin, 249–337; aide to Golda Meir, 199–256; aide to Levi Eshkol, 109–180; aide to Menachem Begin, 341–703; ambassador to England, 509–516, 546–550, 673–675–689; attending meeting with President Johnson in Texas, 165–178; attending Oxford University Debate, 87–96; childhood memories, 6–7; Consul in New York, 166; Counselor in Washington, D.C., 182; death of mother, 41; diary excerpts, 42, 44–46; discussion about Deir Yassin, 93–96; establishing Kibbutz Lavi, 75–85; experience in a tank, 525–527, 525 (photo); first exposure to Begin ideology, 7–8; friendship with Esther Cailingold, 49–60; at Machon, 28, 30 (photo), 31–38; meeting with Margaret Thatcher, 697–703, 698 (photo); membership in Bnei Akiva, 28; presenting credentials to Queen Elizabeth II, 679–682; stint at Foreign Press Bureau, 207; walk with Harry S. Truman, 115–123


Bach, Johann Sebastian, 141, 512, 547–548

Bachurim metzuyanim
, 676

Bailey, Buddy, 203–204, 207

Balaam, 395, 396, 397, 398

Baldwin, Stanley, 697

Balfour Declaration of 1917, 5, 514

Balfour, Arthur James, 514

Banias, 132

Banjo (nickname for Sir Herbert), 516, 517, 518, 519

Bar Ilan University, 697

Bar Kochba revolt in 133
., 418

Barak, Aharon, 332

Barazani, Moshe, 659, 693

“Barbecue diplomacy,” 169

Barenboim, Daniel, 111

Barker, Lt. Gen. Sir Evelyn, 18, 586

Bar-Lev line, 225

Bar-Lev, Chaim, 225

World Service, 148, 159, 353, 354, 372, 373, 395, 457, 573, 641

Beame, Abraham, 405

Begin, Aliza, 4 (photo), 12, 148, 341, 342, 347, 447 (photo), 628, 652, 654, 664, 671, 694; condolence letter from Jehan Sadat on death of, 664, 666 (reproduction of letter); death of, 657, 659, 660, 662; luncheon with Grace Vance, 434; note to Jehan Sadat, 592; on meeting Menachem Begin, 404; visit to the Kennedy Center, 437

Begin, Benny, 12, 14 (photo), 602, 657, 661, 662, 684, 694

Begin, Hassya, 390, 661

Begin, Leah, 390, 577, 657, 658, 661, 671

Begin, Menachem, 3, 69–72, 78, 81–83, 189, 384; and Anwar Sadat’s visit to Israel, 457–472; Ben Ze’ev Dov, Yisrael (pseudonym of Begin), 12; Bible Circle, 395–399; Carter’s perception of, 350; consultation with Burg on
incursion into south Lebanon, 603–606; deadlock in peace talks, 473–484; death of Anwar Sadat, 573–588; destruction of Iraqi nuclear reactor, 551–563, 702–703; discussion about Gaza with Jimmy Carter, Moshe Dayan, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, 476–481; El Al and Knesset debate over Shabbat observance, 595–600; extending Reagan invitation, 651–652, 654, 669, 671–672, 673–674; feelings toward Germany, 541–550; Halperin, Yisrael (pseudonym of Begin), 12; intervention of Jimmy Carter, 474–484, 483 (photo); Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty signing, 487–498; Knesset debate with Shimon Peres, 451–456; Law of the Golan Heights, 579–588; Lebanon crisis, 603–638; letter from Gerald Ford, 298–299; meeting with Anwar Sadat in El Arish, 499–502; meeting with Jimmy Carter, 409–427, 428 (photo); meeting with Levi Eshkol, 145–149; meeting with Samuel Lewis, 583–588; meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, 406–407, 407 (photo); meetings with Reagan, 565–565, 569–571, 613–617; 619–624; message from Reagan, 605; 627–629; on Jerusalem, 531–539; on meeting Aliza, 404; open house at residence, 389–393; praise of Levi Eshkol, 181–182; receiving at the White House, 566–568; relations with Jimmy Carter, 367, 370, 371, 373, 388, 402, 403, 404, 405; relationship with Yechiel Kadishai, 381–388; reply to condolence letter from Jehan Sadat, 665; meeting with David Ben Gurion, 149–150; report on Sadat’s visit, 465–466; return of Sinai, 589–592; revolt against British occupation, 7, 16, 20, 66, 78; 79, 81, 83, 435; revolt, Manifesto of, 8–9; Sabra and Shatila, 641–648; State dinner at White House, 429–434; trip to Washington, D.C., 401–424; Sassover, Reb Yisrael (pseudonym of Begin), 13–16; 14 (photo); visit to Great Synagogue (Jerusalem) on Rosh Hashanah, 642–645

Begin, Ze’ev Dov, 435–436

Beit Hakerem, 40, 89, 96

Ben Amotz, Yeshayahu, 609

Ben Gurion Airport, 224, 270, 282, 304, 305, 315 (photo), 331, 401, 403, 409, 457, 460, 462 (photo), 471, 482

Ben-Gurion, David, 18, 55, 61, 63, 64, 69, 78–79, 81, 82, 87, 93, 103, 109, 141, 145–146, 147, 148, 151, 156, 181, 364, 432; and the
, 81–82; and the election of 1949, 84; meeting with Menachem Begin, 149–150

Ben-Gurion, Paula, 149–150

Ben Ze’ev, Yisrael (pseudonym of Begin), 12

Berger, Marlyn, 278

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 52, 53

Berlin University, 660

Berlin, Isaiah, 91–93, 373–374, 376, 377

Bernadotte, Count, 301

Bernstein, Irving, 541, 545

Betar, 10, 341, 382, 392, 404

Bible Study Circle, 395–399

Big Apple, 405

Blair House, 409, 414, 434, 439, 488, 489, 494

Blount, Elizabeth, 510

Blue Room (10 Downing Street), 505

Bnei Akiva, 28, 49, 72, 84–85, 87

Bob (from Denver), 542

Boleyn, Anne, 510

Book of Books, 68, 395, 402, 424, 491

Book of Isaiah, 490, 609–611, 638, 661

Book of Kings (First), 534

Book of Numbers, 395

Boschwitz, Rudy, 586

Bowles, Camilla Parker, 510

Brandt, Willie, 254, 544

Brezhnev, Leonid, 245–246

Brisk Jewish Community, 542

Britain, Leon, 513

British Foreign Office, 506

British Intelligence Service, 516

British Police Force in Palestine, 26

Broadcasting House, 149

Brown, General George, 274

Brzezinski, Tadeusz, 440

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 387, 416, 419, 431; 441 (photo); on dossier about father, 439–441; on Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, 423, 425; on US military assistance to Ethiopia, 414–415; talks with Begin, Dayan and Carter, 477–478

Buckingham Palace, 546–547, 548, 679, 690 (photo), 687, 701

Burg, Avrum, 606

Burg, Yosef, 251, 401, 538, 569, 575 (photo), 595, 597 (photo), 643; consultation with Begin on
incursion into south Lebanon, 603–606; eulogy for Aliza Begin, 660–662

Bush, George, 700, 701, 702


Cabinet Room, Knesset, 156, 303, 332

Cabinet Room, White House, 411, 474, 480, 483 (photo), 565, 568, 569, 618 (photo), 619

Café Atara, 46, 50, 51–57, 64, 66, 196

Cailingold, Asher, 60

Cailingold, Esther, 46, 48 (photo), 49–60, 58 (photo), 97; death of, 59–60; last letter to family, 59–60

Cailingold, Mimi, 51, 60, 97,
see also
Avner, Mimi

Camel Corps, 506

Camp David, 482, 484, 532, 560, 637

Camp David Accords, 341, 630, 633, 635, 636

Carpenter, Lady, 510–511

Carrington, Lord Peter, 509, 518–520, 534, 699; exchange with Menachem Begin, 506–508

Carter, Jimmy, 319–331, 325 (photo), 335, 336, 341, 349, 358, 366, 375, 387, 465, 468, 570, 475, 560, 568, 569, 584, 624; Camp David summit, 482–483; dispute with Rabin, 324–331; intervention with Menachem Begin, 474–484, 483 (photo); Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty signing at White House, 490–496, 492 (photo); meeting with Menachem Begin, 409–427, 428 (photo); on perception of Begin, 350; on the Geneva Conference, 458–459; and relations with Menachem Begin, 367, 370, 371, 373, 388, 402, 403, 404, 405; report from Begin on Sadat visit, 465–466; State dinner for Menachem Begin, 429–434

Castro, Fidel, 207

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 398, 459

Centurions, 236

Chalker, Tim, 168

Chamberlain, Mrs. Neville, 130

Chamberlain, Neville, 368

Charles Prince of Wales, 510; host of reception for Shimon Peres, 685–688

Cheney, Richard, 562

Chevra kadisha
, 139

Cheysson, Claude, 557

Chief of Staff’s 4
, 524

Chieftain (British tank), 125, 133

Christian Phalangists, 646

Christian Science Monitor
, 353

Christie, Agatha, 202

Churchill, Winston, 88, 142, 192, 453, 504, 548, 609

Claridge’s Hotel, 127

, 525

Code of ethics (
), 527–528

Cohen, Ben-Zion, 94

Cold War, 560

Cole, Jay, 655–657;
see also
Kolowitz, Yossel

collective responsibility, 543

Conference of American Rabbis, 597

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, 497

Congress of Vienna, 263

Consulate of Israel in New York, 166, 182

Cooper, Gary, 490

Council of Europe, 219–221, 223

Council of Jewish Federations
Jewish Federations of North America

Country Life
, 698

Court of St. James, 679

Cranston, Alan, 647

Crimean War, 547

Crusaders, 21, 76, 533

cue cards (Ronald Reagan), 568, 613

“culture of victimhood,” 517

Cunningham, Alan, 64

Cyprus, 170


D’Estaing, Giscard, 557

Daily Telegraph
, 279

Dan, Uri, 314

, 18, 333

Day of Atonement,
Yom Kippur

Dayan, Moshe, 109, 147, 157, 158, 159, 218 (photo), 237 (photo), 251, 311, 386, 386 (photo); as Foreign Minister, 386, 404, 435, 438–439, 459, 474, 488; exchange with Anwar Sadat, 461; on joining Menachem Begin’s Cabinet, 355–357; on offering to resign as Minister of Defense, 241–242; on support for Minister of Defense, 148–149, 151; on tour of Golan Heights, 236, 239, talks with Carter, Begin and Brzezinski, 476, 478, 481

Dean of Westminster Abbey, 510

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