The Principle Of Chance (23 page)

BOOK: The Principle Of Chance
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Amy pulled on a pair of faded jeans
and a white chemise. Justin was sitting by the pool under a big white sunshade
when Amy returned.

‘I have been very busy lately as I
told you I would be. We are finishing filming and I am sorting out my own
company. This means, I will have more time to spare.’ He found it hard to tell
Amy what he felt, words didn’t come easily. ‘I enjoyed our time in Hungary - a
lot. If this means anything to you?’ He studied her face for some sign of
acknowledgement. Why was it so hard for him to say what he

‘I had a good time Justin.’

‘Good! More coffee?’ He was stuck
for words. Amy wasn’t helping him to say what he wanted – but what did she
know? There was no prepared speech; he’d thought he might figure something out
when he was actually facing Amy.

‘Continue Justin. It is getting
interesting!’ Amy suppressed a smile.

‘Do you want it to get interesting?’

‘Maybe I do.’

‘Good, that’s what I’m trying to do
Amy.’ He said, it wasn’t the time for games. He’d come here to tell Amy how he
felt about her, it was proving to be difficult, but he’d started it now.

‘All right, but do it without that
serious look on your face!’

‘I can never look serious Amy! Where
shall we start?’

‘To make things interesting I would
start where we left it, I suppose.’

‘Sounds good. How about lunch?’

‘You are on.’

Justin got up. ‘I’ll pick you up
around one?’

Amy stood up too. Did he know he was
turning her on?

He turned around to kiss her
goodbye. When he touched her, there was no stopping. The memories came flooding
back, but what did he want?

missed you so much Amy.’ He murmured into her hair. ‘I have wasted so much

‘Glad to hear that.’

‘You little witch! Tell me you
missed me too!’

‘Yes.’ She whispered.

‘Yes, as in you missed me too? Or yes,
your body is giving you away?’

‘Only yes. Do we have to talk now?’

‘We do! I wanted to tell you Amy,
that I want to see you more...’

‘I do too Justin.’

‘You do?’ He wrapped his arms around
her slim body.

‘Yes. Come with me ….’ She pulled
Justin towards the house.

‘I am not in a rush Amy.’

‘I am!’ She was desperately reaching
for the zipper on his trousers. Did he know she was turned on big time? She
felt she couldn’t wait any longer. Justin’s muscular body was all she wanted at
that moment.

‘You are in a hurry girl!’ What a
relief, Amy was everything he’d wanted for a very long time. ‘You are perfect.’
His eager hands began to explore her perfect body.


Justin emerged from the bathroom
with a towel around his waist. He saw Amy talking on the phone. She smiled and
awarded him an appreciative look as she scanned his body.

He rightly guessed it was Frank on
the phone. Justin was ready to tell Frank to get lost for a day. He wanted Amy
to himself. Then again, he had neglected her for weeks. He didn’t have any
right to demand that she spend the day with him. They hadn’t talked about their
relationship, in fact, Amy had kept it quiet.

Justin put his clothes on and left
the room to give Amy some privacy. He heard a car coming up the drive. A young,
smooth looking guy emerged from a shiny, black BMW accompanied by an older

‘Good morning.’ He said cheerfully.


‘This is Paco, my driver, and his
mother Maria, my housekeeper.’ Amy appeared by his side.

‘Nice to meet you both.’ He shook
Paco’s hand. ‘Firm grip!’ He commented. ‘I like that.’

‘Thank you sir.’ Paco answered,

‘I won’t need you today Paco.’ Amy
was about to say she was going for lunch with Justin but what if he changed his
mind? He wouldn’t.

‘Ok, thank you Miss Ronay, Amy.’ He
strode off into the house.

‘Would you like me to fix some lunch
for you?’ Maria enquired.

‘I am taking Amy out for lunch.
Thank you, maybe some other time.’ Justin informed her.

‘Lunch, is it?’ Amy said.

‘Don’t tell me you have forgotten girl?!’
Justin took a deep breath. ‘Listen to me Amy, I have wasted enough time without
you, from now on you and me are, ehm….in a relationship. Jesus, I sound like my

‘It suits you Justin.’ She said

‘Glad you agree.’ He rewarded her
with a smile.’ I hope it won’t take you ages to find a dress. You look
beautiful in anything darling.’

‘Liar, but I like it!’


Chapter Thirty




News of Frank Orban with a young
girl hit the front pages! Pictures of Frank leaving a restaurant, club or his office
were in every tabloid. Nobody knew exactly who the mysterious girl was. Frank
Orban was an influential man – the paparazzi kept a distance and used careful
wording. This was the news of the season, getting Frank onto the pages of
magazines wasn’t an everyday happening.

Tonight was the night of the Silver
Star Artists Awards ceremony. Frank was ready for fireworks!
State Of Mind
received eight nominations. Did a win matter? Not to Frank. He hoped to get one
or two for the guys who’d worked their socks off to pull this movie off.

Leading up to the ceremony he was
pressurised by paparazzi for interviews. The movie’s premiere was only a week
ago. It was getting amazing reviews.

Frank needed time to himself; he
spent a quiet afternoon alone looking through photographs Jozsi had sent him
from Hungary. The development works had begun in the village and Frank felt

His personal trainer arrived later
in the afternoon and his doctor for the usual check-up. Frank wasn’t getting
any younger, the doctor kept telling him and should cut back on excessive
training. Tell me
again! Frank wasn’t prepared to cut down on
anything – life was too short.

In the evening Frank dressed
carefully, his clothes were laid out as usual. This time he felt a strange excitement,
it was going to be

By the time Jack arrived, Frank was

‘All set old man?’ He asked,
checking his appearance in the full length mirror.

‘Are we going to a funeral Jack?’

‘I think the tux is too much but we have
to follow the dress code.’

‘Yeah, a bunch of people dressed up,
smiling, pretending to be nice to each other. A great event awaits us!’ Frank

‘Remember to smile for the press!’

Frank Orban and his thirty
something girlfriend!’

‘Tomorrow’s headline?’

‘It will be all over the city before
we sit down for dinner Jack. The paparazzi have already filled the gossip
columns with rumours about me and Amy – that, I couldn’t stop. They didn’t dare
to name me or speculate openly, but you see, tonight they will go ahead!’

‘Why do I have the feeling you are
planning something Frank?’

A secretive smile appeared on
Frank’s face. That smile was well known to Jack. Frank was planning something
again – and Jack was sorry for the receiving party.

Amy and Monica arrived at the same
time. ‘Our girls Jack.’ He said, beaming. Monica was wearing a dramatic, sassy
black dress and Amy looked vibrant in a coral, strapless pleated dress.

‘You look magnificent!’ He announced

Monica and Jack exchanged an
intimate look which spoke volumes. Frank was pleased for them. If that was what
they wanted – so be it! It was their business.

‘You are looking very smart Frank.’
Amy hugged him gently.


‘Powerful, sounds better? What would
you prefer?’ She asked teasingly.

‘Anything from you darling – but
smart would do for now!’

Suddenly Amy felt an arm around her
waist. It sent shivers up her spine! Justin had

‘What are you wearing under your
dress?’ He murmured into her ear. ‘I can’t feel

‘Too many questions …. you could
find out later!’ She turned to face him and her heart missed a beat, he looked
incredible in his tux.

Justin walked away to talk to Frank,
which made Amy wonder if they were up to something. The two men in her life
were unpredictable, - but it was what she liked.

Justin was asking Frank about their
escapade the other night. ‘Who did you pick?’

‘Not giving up on this?’

‘No, I told you, I want to get
involved Frank.’ He said seriously.

‘All right.’ He watched the doorway.

‘Are you expecting anyone?’

‘We decided to give them all a
chance Justin, we’ll see if it works out.’

‘Wow…’ Justin replied but stopped
talking as a beautiful woman of a certain age appeared in the doorway. The room
went quiet as everyone looked up.

She had midnight black, shiny hair,
arranged in a 1940s style with a middle parting. A long, black evening dress
was wrapped around her slim body, and delicate pearls added to the dramatic
look. Her red lipstick matched her long red nails. She stood there smiling.

Frank rushed to greet her, he
reached out for her hand, turned back and announced in a strong voice. ‘Let me
introduce you to my fiancé, Ellie Chrystal.’

There was a shocked silence for a
second while everyone realised who she was. Everybody knew her as Eleanor Taylor
the director of Taylor PR agency.






Ellie Chrystal married her man. The
man she thought she could learn to love, the man who would provide her with
whatever she needed and the man who would love her forever.

George D. Taylor was a determined
young man whose ambition in life was to be a politician. A man in power, as he
put it. He wanted to be the man who could help the country grow and prosper, at
least that was his motto. George was a charismatic but ruthless man, he craved
power and recognition. Money was no object for George, he came from a rich
family, – but his political career needed a pretty wife and children. Ellie
Chrystal, a pretty young girl, was exactly what he needed – who he would be
able to train and mould into the perfect politician’s wife.

Their wedding was an extravagant
ceremony with a long, important guest list. An exotic honeymoon followed and
the dreamy Ellie couldn’t wait for her happy life to begin.

Ellie’s dreams started to fall apart
when married life started with an argument. George gave her a list of rules.
Ellie couldn’t believe what she was reading. No red lipstick or bright nails
and no short skirts. She was to stay at home and attend to the running of the
house, be the perfect hostess, entertain ‘his’ friends and their wives. She was
to attend countless functions and look pretty, not to voice any opinions but
always agree with George.

At first Ellie thought George was
only acting like this because of the political pressure but she soon learned
this was only the beginning. The arguments continued and George had no control
over his bad temper. Ellie suffered as the years passed. She thought of asking
for a divorce but didn’t have the strength to bring up the subject. Until one
day, when George asked Ellie to be ‘especially’ nice to one of his influential

‘What do you mean ‘especially’
nice?’ Ellie asked.

‘Nice, pleasant – give him what he
wants Ellie.’ George said, unconcerned.

‘I am always nice to your friends
George. What do you mean?’

‘Woman! Don’t you understand, be
nice! Get him to the bedroom!’ He shouted losing his temper.


‘Sleep with him Ellie!’ He said as a
matter of fact.

‘Are you crazy? Out of the
question!’ Ellie was shocked.

‘You will do what I tell you to do!’
George said, grabbing Ellie’s arms. ‘Do not dare to call me crazy again Ellie!
I am warning you!’

‘I will not sleep with your friend,
George!’ She said stubbornly.

The next day Ellie did what her
husband requested. She was pretty in a midnight blue dress and her perfect make
up covered up the bruises that she received from George.

Years passed by, Ellie realised she
couldn’t have children, which was for the best. She learned to accommodate her
husband’s needs and be the perfect timid wife. Divorce was out of the question.
George’s political career was on the rise and that was all that mattered -
nothing else.

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