The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (95 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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She draws in a shuddered breath as she nods.

Me, too,

she whispers.

And I wish you hadn

t lied. You should have come to me.
. I just

I wish it hadn

t been

I know,

she says as a single tear spills from her eye.


m so sorry, Sonny. I didn

t mean to hurt you. I really didn


You can

t understand, Avery; you can

t understand how it feels

to learn
My tears come without warning and I know, as I bring my hand up to cover my eyes, that I can

t stop them. I

ve been fighting them and holding them back for too long; and, just like always, being with Avery rips me open and leaves me completely exposed.

She takes my free hand and gently pulls me inside before shutting the door behind me. I let her blindly lead me to the arm chair where she encourages me to sit; and then she crawls into my lap and pulls me into her arms, where I go willingly.

She left me,

I cry onto her shoulder. The pain is too great for me to feel ashamed of my emotional state; and Avery

s love, felt in her soft caress, is too powerful for my stubbornness to fight against.

She left me all alone. There are things

things I should have never had to deal with that I can never forget because of her. And then


I can

t read it, Ave. I can

t read that letter. I just can

t. I can

t give her that. She had too many chances to come and get me

to find me. Even if she never wanted to see Patrick again, all those times I was staying with Uncle Charlie

her brother

I don

t care what her excuses are. I don

t want to hear them. I can

t, okay?

Yeah! Okay. Okay, love

you don

t have to.

She kisses the top of my head as she continues to run her fingers through my hair and massage my neck.

Sonny, you

re going to be okay. I

m here. I

m here and I won

t let her hurt you.

I can tell she

s crying now, too, and my need to comfort her takes over. I pull away from her embrace, just enough to look into her eyes. I hate to see her sad and I know that what she feels is on my behalf, which kills me.


t cry,

I insist, reaching up to dry her cheeks.


ll stop if you stop,

she says with a small smile as she runs the back of her fingers down my face to catch my falling tears.



she begins to say after a pause.

I know what I did was wrong, but please believe me when I say that I had your best interests at heart. I always do. When I opened it, I just meant to check to see if it was nothing

I didn

t expect to find what I did.

I believe you,

I assure her, resting my forehead against hers.

But, Ave

we can

t lie to each other.

I know,

she breathes. A couple more tears escape and rush down her cheeks and I kiss them away.

I love you so much. Please don

t ever shut me out like you did again.

She barely gets the words out before she starts sobbing.

I know I screwed up, but your silence was almost impossible to bear.

For me, too,

I murmur, pulling her close.


m sorry. It was just too much all at once. You didn

t deserve it and I should have handled it differently. I know that now.

She wraps her arms around me and buries her nose in my neck as she continues to cry. It isn

t until this moment that I realize how much a conflict between the two of us hurts. It will never be one sided

if one of us is wounded, we both are. Every move we make effects the other.
This is love.

In this embrace, as we share tears and apologies, I can feel us becoming stronger while we start to repair what was fractured. As our broken hearts are mended, I

m introduced to a different side of love. Yet again, I find myself falling more and more in love with her.

right here, right now


t easy and it isn

t fun; it

s hard and it

s messy, but it

and I cherish it. I cherish
, always.


I murmur, stroking her hair as I try and coax her away from my neck.

Look at me.

She does as I request and brushes her hands under her eyes to remove any excess moisture. I breathe in deeply before I continue.

Thank you. For pushing me. Nobody else does it like you do. Just, next time


ll never go behind your back again. I promise.

She furrows her brow and shakes her head.

I guess that doesn

t mean very much right now, but


t say that,

I tell her, tracing my fingers down her cheek.

I trust you. Always.


I love you.

I love

Silence settles between us, but it

s the most welcome silence I

ve ever experienced. I

m so incredibly relieved to be sitting here, with my shorty in my lap, and I know we don

t need words to make this moment any more right than it already is.


Avery whispers.

Yes, sweetheart?

Can I kiss you?

My stomach tingles at her request. I think back to the kiss we shared at the stadium. I regretted that it ended as soon as it did. A smirk tugs at the corner of my mouth as my eyes travel from her brown irises to her lips and then back up.

you ask? You seemed content to take what you wanted earlier today.

Her cheeks turn a lovely shade of red as a small smile plays at her lips.
God, I

ve missed her

I didn

t know if, maybe, you wanted us to talk some more. Are we okay?

Come here,

I whisper, leaning in to press my lips against hers.

Unlike earlier, this kiss isn

t urgent or rushed; it isn

t hungry or intense. Instead, it

s slow and sweet; it

s soft and intimate. This kiss is an apology. This kiss is a reminder. This kiss is a promise. Just the same, I get lost in it. Nothing else matters except for this very moment. Now, more than ever, I wish I could show her just how much I love her

just how much I need her. I want her more than I

ve ever wanted anyone in my life. The need to make her mine, so that she will know I

m not going anywhere and so that
will always stay, it

s becoming harder and harder to fight back.

I separate my mouth from hers and pull her into an embrace, knowing that if I let my mind continue down that path, I might lose all self-control. When she wraps her arms around me, I know that she doesn

t mind. Again, silence falls between us. That

s when I remember
— “


Letting her go, I shift so that I can take it out of my back pocket. She flinches at the sight of the yellow envelope. I don

t blame her; I know it

s for different reasons than me, but I react the same way every time I look at it.

You still have it?

Someone I trust told me I couldn

t throw it away without reading it. Well,

I pause and shrug.

I can

t read it. I don

t want to. But

I might not always feel this way. I mean, I

m not holding my breath thinking that

ll change any time soon, but maybe

I don

t know. Maybe one day? Not for her, but for
I can

t even say it.
My siblings
. I have so many conflicting emotions just knowing that they exist. Right now, I resent them more than anything else. There

s a part of me, though, that knows that isn

t fair. I

m not even sure if they know I exist. It would surprise me if they did. I apparently wasn

t worth much to my mother, so why would she bring me up?


Avery whispers, lifting my chin with her delicate fingers so that I

m looking at her, instead of the letter in my hands.

What are you thinking?

Just how worthless Rhonda makes me feel,

I say the words without thinking and the face Avery makes in response speaks of her offense.


think that you

re worthless. You, Grayson O

are not
worthless or replaceable. It

s a fact. I have proof. You
. God doesn

t create worthless people

He especially doesn

t create worthless people as handsome as you.

I smirk at her comment, partly because it

s amusing, but mostly because she says it like she

s dead serious.


she pauses, taking one of my hands and placing it over her heart. She covers my fingers with hers, applying pressure so that I might feel her pumping organ through her chest.

This heart could never love anyone else the way that it loves you. You

re valuable just because you

re you. So don

make you feel worthless. You

re not. You mean everything to me.

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