The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (24 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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we made our approach, the last of the light failing, the two moons of
Syros were shining brightly in the cool night sky. Reflecting on the
surface of Dragonfly Lake. The water shifting and shimmering in the
ghostly glow.

ground below was not lush but had enough vegetation, bushes and trees
for each of the dragons to drop off their passengers easily. The plan
was that once settled on the ground the dragons would make the
opening move. There was tension in the air but is seemed to be a good
tension. They were ready. I was ready.

it on
I thought

took our positions across the large open field that led to the very
entrance of the cavern. Looking around I scanned the area easily,
enhanced vision had it’s advantages after all. I could see our
small army bunkering down at each of the locations marked on the map
in my hands. They were in their ready positions waiting for the
signal to move forward. Once I could see them all settled, I sent to
Talos, Patros and my mates that they were all in place. It was time
to move and set our plan in motion.

this point it was as if time stood still. Suspended, as all waited
for the signal to attack.

command from Patros, the attack began. The werewolves were to hold
their ground as the dragons took to the air. Dragon riders armed with
deadly crossbows. Bolts ready cocked. Ready to fire.

to resist my eyes were drawn in search of my mates spread across the
field. Patros, crouched down close to Leon and Vanda. Aston was
easier to see, as he was closest to my position. I was furtherest
away from the entrance, Talos close by.

my earlier convictions that we had a fighting chance, an uneasy sense
of doom and foreboding struck me hard. Sensing danger. Putting myself
and all around me on high alert. My alarm broadcasting loudly. I
looked left and right. My unease increasing. Beginning to growl and

was here!
A sinister whisper in
my mind told me. Fear gripped me. Heart stuttering. Adrenaline
pumping. Fight or flight? Which will it be?


Hit me.

words ringing out in my head.

flared. Molten death. Bolts spat forth. Flash and flare. Flesh
twitched as bolts found targets. The assault now in full swing. First
of the automatons obliterated. Razed to the ground. Incinerated and
sightless now. Splattered on the rocks. Sickening screams
reverberated. Bolts sang, landing with a sickening squelch.

could feel bile rising in my throat. The onslaught continued as the
werewolves made their move.

rang out in
my mind.

challenge began. Caught off guard our people began to fall. Archers
visible on the cliff tops above the entrance. The whoosh of arrows.
Howls of pain as they found their targets. Werewolves impaled.

heard a keening cry ring out. Mine. Enveloped by a radiant ball of
energy, suddenly. A visceral reaction. Power crackled as I sent to



have a traitor.

sound of fighting continued. Slam, crash and clang of steel on steel.
Werewolves turned. Eyes flashed bright in the failing light. Some
used the change to heal. Others not so fortunate. Death blows had
been dealt. Eyes blank with surprise. Disfigured, impaled. Dragons
regrouped. Werewolves took cover. Anxiously my eyes swept the field.
Nothing could have prepared me as I witnessed first hand how brutal
armed conflict was.

wounded from both sides lay about the field. Caught off guard, the
only choice to flee. Close quarter combat continued. Parry and
thrust. Odds now five to one against us.

heightened sense of smell and hearing bringing a feverish intensity
of emotion. My people now fought for their very lives. The acrid
smell of burning tainted my senses.

spotted Patros and Leon in mortal combat with the Bream army. Their
movements programmed by muscle memory. Vanda was nowhere in sight.
Where was he?

was using a cutlass.

to strike now. Power gathered I needed to deflect the opposing
forces. Giving our army a chance to make their escape. Hearing a
slight crunch behind me, I suddenly felt Vanda’s presence close
by. Heartened, but not for long. As Vanda grasped me as I was about
to fling my power toward the enemy. The thrum he was using dulling my
resolve. Shocked at the implication that this gave me.

No .No. This can’t be happening.
mind screamed.

was using his connection to calm me, lull me, as a short distance in
front of us appeared a man. Not just any man. My nemesis.

looked desperately for Talos, already aware that his presence had
left and moved away. Called to Patros no doubt feeling I would be
safe in Vanda’s presence.

dissimulation had worked. Betrayed by one of our own. My own mate!
The man approached carefully. We had been duped, outflanked and
betrayed. Led to believe that this would be a surprise attack. My
breath ragged, still coming in loud gasps as if I too had been
fighting hand to hand.

studied the man. Dressed in, for the most part, leather. A pastiche.
A strange combination of the Matrix crossed with Mad Max. I took in
more detail as he approached, aware I still had a dagger hidden in my
boot. My mind block firmly in place so as not to alert Vanda to my
plan. The magician had a pockmarked, blemished complexion. With
unkempt straggly hair that was black as a raven’s wing.

and adrenaline continued to fuel my anger as I shouted out loud to

traitor. You betrayed me. You betrayed us. Let. Me. Go.” I

magician has moved closer, allowing me to see even more detail. He
was using his powers. I could feel it . He was adding it to Vanda’s
inexplicably. Slowing my heart rate and trying to calm me further. As
he reached me he pushed back his goggles revealing pale glacial blue
piercing eyes. His face criss crossed with numerous scars. One
marring the left hand side near his lip. Another larger one ran down
his right cheek. Others still appeared crudely stitched reminding me
of Frankenstein as they littered his face.

all these imperfections he had a certain unearthly appearance.
Fearsome yet striking. He tried to get eye contact, and I resisted as
best I could. A sardonic smile evident as he seemed to inspect me at

he drew closer I swiftly reached down to my dagger. This might be my
only chance so I had to take it. Seizing the dagger I quickly plunged
it deep into Vanda’s thigh, hoping his hold would loosen.

growl Vanda let out reverberated through me as he snatched me closer.

going nowhere Alex. Submit or bear the consequences.”

blinked back hot tears. Heartbroken that Vanda could treat me like
this after the bond we had forged. I then faced the magician and

is your name? Are you going to kill me?”

smile just grew wider, showing the most amazing even white teeth, at
odds with his damaged countenance.

going to do something worse than that.”

waited nervously to hear my fate.

are going to be married. You will be my bride.”

shuddered trying to catch my breath. Grasping my shoulders he looked
behind at Vanda saying angrily.

the dagger and heal yourself. We haven’t got time for this. We
need to move quickly before they realise I have her. They will fight
like demons and to the death to get her back.”

looked back to me saying.

asked my name Alex. It is Zograx my sweet. When the time comes you
will beg me to marry you and plead to be mated to me.”


on Earth Peter Hinchcliffe was struggling to hold himself together.

had been four long months since his only daughter’s car had
been found, deserted in a car park adjacent to a picnic area in the
Snowdonia National Park, North Wales. Locked up. The keys still in
her handbag. This had been found next to one of the many pathways
leading from the picnic area there. A half eaten packed lunch strewn
across a picnic table nearby. No sign of Alex anywhere.

she hadn’t returned any of his many phone calls, texts and
messages he had sent. Nor arrived at the little B & B she was due
to stop at in Bangor, Peter had panicked. Especially as his calls and
texts still remained unanswered. This was so unlike his considerate
and kind daughter. Very out of character, especially considering how
very close they were.

after contacting the local Police, using her phone’s GPS they
had at least tracked down the location of her phone, and hopefully
Alex in turn. That was when the unsettling discovery of Alex’s
car and valuables was made.

Forest Rangers, Police and even Alex’s former colleagues and
her ex boyfriend Paul had been involved in the many hours of searches
covering miles of roads and forest land.

face had even appeared on the local and national news with requests
for information. A reward offered, but to no avail. No trace could be
found, no leads for them to follow.

one had seen hide nor hair of Alex. No body or evidence of foul play,
no one admitted to hospital answering her description.

and his father Petrov were distraught, anxious for any snippet that
may lead to her whereabouts being discovered. Theirs was a small
family unit, consisting of Peter and Petrov. Alex’s mother had
died of cancer some years ago, bringing Alex and Peter closer than
ever. His father Petrov his only other living relative, or so he
thought. Petrov didn’t live in England, but in the wilds of
Scotland in a small cabin. Therefore it had taken some time for Peter
to contact him with the news of Alex’s strange disappearance.

Hinchcliffe journeyed South as soon as he knew, arriving at Peter’s
late at night,but not alone. He was accompanied by a mysterious
stranger. The man was clearly some sort of relative because his close
resemblance to Petrov which unmistakable once they were side by side.
.Petrov introduced his companion as Storios and revealed that Storios
was none other than Petrov’s brother, uncle to Peter and in
turn great uncle to Alex herself.

and Petrov began to explain to Peter about his heritage and Alex's.
That they were not from this world but from a faraway planet called
Syros. They had a plan to get Alex back that would involve travelling
across time and space via a portal deep in the heart of the Snowdonia
Forest and about a prophecy that was two hundred years old.

About The Author.Scarlett Flame

Flame author page on Amazon

I am passionate
about writing, and write about passion. I am a qualified Children's
Nurse, and have a degree and Pg Dip (Masters qualification), so
probably not someone you would expect to write erotica. Although born
in Salford I reside in Manchester, England. Although I gave up
nursing in October 2014 in order to concentrate fully on writing.
Love to read and write, but only started writing seriously in 2012.
Music is important to me and this is why you are likely to find me
attending gigs, and enjoying the Indie bands that abound in

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