The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (25 page)

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Other Books By Scarlett Flame

For Passion

Erotic love stories


Scarlett Flame

Copyright © 2013
Scarlett Flame

When Vivienne sits
inconsolable in the hospital chapel, the last encounter she expects
is a fervent entanglement with an otherworldly being, as passions
increase she learns for the first time in her life the true meaning
of out of this world. In the second, Sarah meets a new lover after
telling him all her intimate fantasies in an internet chat room. And,
the final story concerns the journey a young woman takes, as a
Dominant offers to show her the ropes, in exchange for her submission
via BDSM. Individually these stories are hot, but together they are
sizzlingThe Visit


We had met on the
internet. You know, in a chat room, and arranged to meet up.

The plane had just landed
and I was extremely nervous, but excited. The things we had discussed
online had made my heart race, so many fantasies that we had both
had. Now that we were meeting up, maybe, hopefully, some of those
fantasies would be fulfilled.

I stood waiting at the
luggage carousel until I spotted my suitcase. The red satin ribbon
I’d tied on the handle now seemed like a little flag.

I’d dressed in a
slim fitting black pencil skirt, scarlet top and scarlet suede high
heel shoes. My underwear was especially chosen with him in mind. A
black lacy bra, a new black lacy thong, finished off with stockings
and suspenders. A short black leather jacket over the top created the

Even when I’d
retrieved my case, I loitered a few minutes longer by the carousel,
wondering what would happen when we met. Would I even recognise him?
We had seen pictures of each other, and he’d heard my voice. I
knew he was over six foot tall, and he knew I was a little over five
foot five inches, so he would be taller than me.

My hands were sweating a
little now, and my legs were shaking too. Would I be able to go
through with this? Would he? I nipped to the toilets, my nervousness
making me need a pee. I brushed my hair and reapplied my make up,
staring at my reflection.

I left the toilets,
making my way slowly through the double doors in to the airport
foyer, with my eyes firmly trained on my feet, worrying that I might
trip, or fall, or do something stupid. Suddenly, I felt his gaze, and
I just knew it was him. When I raised my head, and our eyes met, I
spotted him straight away. There he was. Tall, dark, and handsome,
and headed my way. It might have been cliché, but it was true,
and he was mine, for the entire weekend.

My throat hurt now, and
my heart stuttered in my chest. I stood stock still. As if my feet
were suddenly encased in concrete, I couldn't move. He didn't falter,
but instead gathered me up in his arms, then he was kissing me. A
long, lingering kiss. The sort of kiss you never want to end. I
dropped my bag and let go of my suitcase, oblivious to any one who
may have been watching.

When he began to speak I
detected the amazing Irish lilt I knew he would have and I just
melted, well it felt that way to me. He picked up my suitcase and
took my hand saying "I'm so glad you are here. My friend is
going to drop us off at the hotel we are staying at. Come on, I can't
wait for us to be alone."

We left the airport hand
in hand and walked to the short stay car park. I could see a little
white fiesta with a blonde haired guy in the driver’s seat.
Paul waved, and the guy got out and opened the boot. Paul put my
suitcase in, next to a large holdall, and we both climbed in to the
back of the car.

We sat there, not
speaking, just holding hands, staring out of the window. The town was
lovely and quaint, with the houses painted all different colours, but
my eyes kept drifting back to Paul. He began to speak
immediately, "We're almost there now. This is Michael, by
the way. We're meeting up with him and a few other friends later on
tonight." Michael glanced over his shoulder at me and added "Hi,
nice to meet you" Paul inched a little closer, our thighs
touching now. I could feel the heat of his body through his jeans.

Michael pulled the car up
to the front of a fairly nondescript hotel, called The Mermaid. Paul
and I got out, he retrieved the suitcase and holdall, and we said our
goodbyes to Michael.

As we walked in to the
hotel, I began to think about the first fantasy we had discussed and
could feel my face begin to flush. We approached the front desk and
signed in, picking up our keys in the process. The Concierge enquired
whether we needed some one to show us to our room. Paul replied, "No,
thanks, we can manage," and we headed toward the lifts, opposite
the desk. When he turned to me, his smile was more of a grin.
"You ready to take the lift, Sarah?"

I gulped, and nodded. My
mouth was too dry to speak now, as if it was full of sand. We got
into the lift, and the doors closed with a whoosh.

Immediately Paul had me
pinned against the side wall of the lift, indicating over his
shoulder to the camera blinking in the corner. "You remember
what we discussed?" Before I could respond he leaned in to me,
kissing me deeply, ferociously. His hands wandered down toward the
hem of my skirt and continued their journey up the inside of my

By now my new thong was
wet, as I remembered exactly what our "discussion" had been
about. Discussion about a fantasy involving a lift, and what we would
do there. With his free hand he pressed the "stop" button
for the lift. Reaching his fingers into either side of my panties, he
eased them slowly down, until he was knelt at my feet, and I was able
to step out of them. He brought them up to his nose, sniffed deeply,
and slipped them in to his jeans pocket, all the time making sure
that the camera was recording everything. I was aroused, and
embarrassed at the same time. Once again his hands travelled up the
inside of my thigh. This time he inserted two fingers and gasped. "So
wet, I knew you would love this. Just wait till we get to the room. I
will rock your world."

Valentine's Bind

Dominants and submissives)

A novella



© 2016

University student Nicky Johnson decides to make an impromptu visit
to a BDSM club with friends she get more than she bargained for. 
alcohol fuelled evening finds her asleep on her sofa the next day,
suffering from memory loss. 
who brought her home? 
Dariel Pearson shows her that spanking and submission can be
this be a life changing experience for Nicky? 
New Adult contemporary romance is a steamy,sexy tale of love,
dominance and submission.



woke up slowly. Opening first one eye then the other tentatively. My
head banging and my mouth felt like the bottom of a parrot cage. The
need for food immediate and overpowering. The mantra in my head
repeating over and over.
am never drinking red wine again. I am never drinking red wine again.
I spotted the open packets and containers of food spread across the
coffee table in the living room. No wonder my neck hurt so much.
Falling asleep on the sofa with my head at an unnatural angle will do
that to a person.

With a selection of
leftovers heated up I began munching aimlessly. Trying to remember
how I got home the previous evening. And, the twenty dollar question
was “Who with?” I could hear someone coming through my
front door with a key. But, I lived alone, and no one else had keys
to my flat. Not even my family.

I turned to look as the
handle started to twisted, panicking as the door pushed open and in
stepped a stunning man with dark brown hair. He was wearing, what
looked to me like a Saville Row suit. His steely blue gaze connecting
with my own slightly bloodshot pale blue eyes.

Oh. Finally awake are
we?” he remarked in a clipped accent as he walked in shutting
the door carefully behind him.

I attempted to swallow
the mouthful of curry I was in the middle of chewing and began to
cough violently. It had gone down the wrong hole and I was turning an
unattractive blue hue.

quickly he shot over and banged me on the back sharply three times
dislodging the errant bit of curry. Which promptly shot out of my
mouth, landing on the rug.
Oh. My God. How embarrassing
didn't have a clue who he was and this is how he gets his first
glimpse of me. Eating warmed up curry. Looking like I had been
dragged backwards through a hedge. Except, apparently this wasn't our
first meeting at all. He had a key to my flat and seemed to know his
way around.

What on earth went on
last night?

Grabbing some tissues I
cleaned up the mess on the rug and guiltily started to tidy up the
living area. He grabbed my arm firmly, turned me to face him and

that right now. We need to talk. Sit down there.”

He pointed to the sofa
and I felt an overwhelming compulsion to follow his orders.

Tell me what you remember from last night. The truth mind you. I
won't be lied to.”

I opened my mouth, then
closed it again. This happened a few times as I had no idea what did
happen, how he came to have a key or even how I got home.

of that now. You look like a demented goldfish, opening and closing
your mouth like that. So. I assume from your body language and
failure to respond that you haven't a clue who I am. No idea what I
am doing here or even aware of the fact I had to escort you home.”

I nodded and shrugged.
Not trusting myself to talk without making the situation worse. So.
The “who” I came home with was revealed.

then. Perhaps introductions are in order. For starters I know a
little about you already. Your name is Nicola Johnson, or Nicky to
your friends. You are a student at Salford University studying
sociology, who works in a bar in town part-time. Your parents live in
Spain having retired recently. Are you sure you can't remember
anything about yesterday evening?” He Quizzed. A stern look on
his face.

I stared at him and tried
my absolute best to remember something, anything. He did look
familiar but I couldn't even remember his name, where we had met or
what had led to us coming home together. He wasn't even my type,
which was the big shocker. He looked way to sophisticated for a piss
poor student like me to snaffle.

remember your face. But, other than that it is hazy. I must have
drunk way too much red wine last night to blank out the entire
evening like this.” I replied.

petal I think the shots might have something to do with the memory
loss. That, and the spliff I found you sharing with the guys that
wanted to take you home with them. For a threesome as I remember

Shocked once again in to
silence I began to get brief flashbacks of the previous evening.
Again performing my goldfish impersonation. Whoever this person in
front of me was, he seemed to have my best interests at heart.

yeah I seem to remember a little bit of that happening. I am so
sorry. That isn't how I usually behave at all. Please don't tell
anyone what happened. I promise that I have learned my lesson and
won't do that again.”

I know you won't. We had a long conversation last night about your
behaviour. Your very bratty behaviour I might add. My name, seeing as
how your memory has failed you, is Dariel but you will call me Sir.
We met in a club by the way. I don't suppose you remember what type
of club we met in. Do you?”

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