The Proposal Book 1 (Submissive Romance) (2 page)

Read The Proposal Book 1 (Submissive Romance) Online

Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #submissive, #dominant, #contemporary women, #alpha male, #submissive and dominant, #submissive bdsm

BOOK: The Proposal Book 1 (Submissive Romance)
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“That’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever
seen,” he said and Brooke lurched around.


“That’s…the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever
seen,” he repeated, and Brooke realized he was watching her

A blush stained her cheeks and she glanced
about. “I uh...I was looking at a fish,” Brooke stammered and Chris

“Glad to know.”

Brooke pursed her lips together. She was
getting angry again and she didn’t want to say anything to rile the
man. “Mr. Hunt -” she began.

“Doctor Hunt,” he said as if by habit, and
Brooke stood up.

“You’re a doctor?”

Chris wanted to chuckle at her expression of
pure disbelief. “You were saying…?” He wanted to hear her voice

Brooke parted her lips and then forced
herself to calm down. “Dr. Hunt. I feel like…we got off on the
wrong foot somehow, when we didn’t even talk!” She couldn’t help
her sarcasm. “I have no idea what I did to offend you, and this
riddle is getting a little tedious.”

“Are you always like this?” His booming voice
sent shivers of excitement straight to her pussy.

“Like what?”

“Self-assured, forceful, determined. Need I
go on, Miss Miller?”

Somehow the man’s words made her feel better.
In Chris’s presence, she had been feeling like a prissy little
teenager with no confidence. She was glad that it was not how she
had come across.

“Feisty?” he added just when she was about to
speak up again.

Brooke saw the glimmer of flaming heat in his
green orbs. Her ability to speak disappeared and Chris took a step
toward her. She couldn’t move and the incomprehensible tightening
of her pussy was almost painful. His scent, musky, distinctive, and
heady, was filling her nostrils. She inhaled sharply, willing to
fill herself with his scent. Her head tilted back to look into his
eyes and she swallowed audibly. Chris’s condescending smirk
returned but Brooke was immobile in his nearness. “You’ll have to
learn to look down,” he said, sliding his hand over her bare

His knuckles traced a path down the length of
her arm, scorching a trail into her skin. Brooke’s chest rose and
fell in rapid jerks, but Chris didn’t look away from her eyes.
“Look away, Brooke,” he whispered, and her eyes narrowed, unsure.
She couldn’t think straight. She wondered if she could even hear
him right. Why would she want to look away from his bright, green

Swiftly, Chris’s large hand clasped her wrist
tightly, and Brooke jolted to reality. “Look… away…Brooke,” he said
almost shakily, but his tone was harsh, his words hissing through
his teeth.

Brooke’s eyes fell away from his face, and
she felt exhilarated, shocked, and inexplicably horny at the same
time. Chris bent his head, his lips pressing firmly onto the curve
of her neck.

“Aah!” A gasp escaped Brooke’s lips and her
head fell back. She lifted her hands to grab onto his

Chris jerked as her small, dainty hand
touched his shoulder. He grabbed both of her wrists firmly, yanking
them behind her back. Brooke cried out in shock and pain. Chris’s
teeth grazed her neck softly, leaving behind a delicate wetness. A
jolt traveled from Brooke’s neck, down her torso, ending forcefully
at her pussy – making it clench. She knew her pussy was drenched in
lust, but she didn’t know what this enigmatic, mysterious man

As quickly as it had begun, it was over.
Chris pushed her away and released her hands, turning his back to
her and lifting onto his horse. Brooke’s limbs were numb and
sensitized at the same time, her knees wobbly, her toes tingling.
Chris had awakened a consuming lust in her body and her panties
were soaked through.

But he was gone. Brooke saw
his body bent over the horse like a pro as he sped away from the
How can he not be affected when
I’m unable to move?
She screamed at herself
in her mind.

Chris was panting, gasping for air as he
attempted to ride his horse into the ground. He needed to cool
down, and it wasn’t happening.

He had never felt so completely shaken after
what was just a simple peck on the neck. He was thirty-five years
old, and he was so aroused, he was sure even his first sexual
exploit at the age of thirteen had been more controlled.

An image of Brooke’s liquid brown eyes
staring up at him wafted through his mind, followed by the way she
had timidly submitted to his order. It had taken a bit of prodding
but she had done it, and that was when his ardor had blown out of

His cock had surged with the massive flow of
blood rushing through it, and his balls had tightened with the need
to empty themselves. He had wanted to fuck Brooke then and there,
beside the lake, in the middle of the afternoon – and he had wanted
to do it bad.

The urgency of wanting to claim Brooke as his
was unbearable. Never had Christopher Hunt lost control. Control
was what ruled him, he fed off it, but it was always in the privacy
of his bedroom. He was by nature a controlling person, a

Brooke was a highflying executive who ordered
people around. She was her own boss, and that had shown in her
personality. She wasn’t used to doing anything she didn’t want to
do. Chris’s cock tightened in arousal again as he pictured the
confident, gorgeous woman with the chocolate-brown eyes. He wanted
her. He wanted her badly, but she would have to concede to his


Valerie winced as Brooke grabbed her arm and
dragged her into a room, which turned out to be a spacious office.
“What has gotten into you?” Valerie whispered as Brooke stomped
around the space, checking if there was anyone inside.

“I need to talk to you.” Brooke’s eyes were

“What’s that?” Valerie asked and touched a
small, pink mark on her sister’s neck. Brooke jumped as Valerie’s
fingers brushed over the spot where Chris had bitten her. “Did you
scratch yourself?” Brooke pushed Valerie’s hand away.

“How much do you know about Chris?” Brooke
was wringing her hands like a timid child and Valerie was confused
by her behavior.

“Umm…the standard things?” she said
questioningly. “He’s a surgeon? Thirty-five or thirty-six years
old?” She stopped but Brooke was so engrossed, nodding her head so
eagerly that she continued on in a ramble. “He eats a lot. Conner
loves him? Umm…he has black hair – what is wrong with you, Brooke?”
she cried finally, grabbing her sister’s arms.

“He -” Brooke was confused. What could she
say? She had already told Valerie the man scared her. She had felt
his electric, sexual magnetism, his authoritativeness, and that
wasn’t reason enough to be scared.

“Did he do something to you?” Valerie’s eyes
were wide.

“No! I mean yes. But nothing bad.”

They stood in silence and Valerie noticed the
change in her older sister’s expression. She tilted her head to the
side, and a knowing smile spread across her face. “Are you…do you
have a crush on my future brother-in-law?”

Broke attempted an awkward laugh, but it
seemed fake even to her own ears. “No! Of course not!”

“Brooke!” Valerie cried, snickering like they
always did when they were little. “C’mon! You can’t fool me.”

“I don’t know, Val! He’s just so...

“Well, people would say that about you too,
Brooke,” she chided.

“But not with him. God! I feel like a trapped
hare when he’s around. He’s daunting! Frightening!” Brooke was

“Oh, stop being such a drama queen! It
doesn’t suit you. Besides, Chris is incredibly good-looking and I
don’t feel the least bit scared of him.”


Brooke thought over it, and she was trying to
understand what Chris was after. “Yes, he’s incredibly
good-looking. I’ll give you that. But, he wants something from

“What?” Valerie cried in frustration.

“I don’t know! But it’s not right. I have a

Valerie closed her eyes. She wanted to help
her sister but Brooke was being irrational. “Okay, Brooke, listen
to me,” she grasped Brooke’s arms. “If he says something or does
something weird, tell me about it and we’ll discuss this again.
Right now, my wedding guests are out there without a host, and I
hope you realize that I need to be out there!”

“I’m sorry. Yeah, yeah go.”

Valerie clasped Brooke’s hand in a soothing
grasp. “Maybe he just likes you,” she said before leaving.

I don’t think so,
Brooke’s sharp mind sang.


“I hope it turns out perfect, for Valerie.”
Conner was scanning the development on his spacious lawn. Several
uniformed men were unloading hundreds of chairs from a truck.

Brooke smiled at the lovable, handsome man
who was marrying her sister. “It’s going to be great.”

Conner was lost in thought, watching the
truck. “I just want to make her happy,” he said with an embarrassed

Brooke slid her hand in the crook of his arm.
“You’re a good man, Conner. I’m glad Valerie found you. I’m sure
you’ll make her really happy.”

“You think so?” he said with a confident,
smug look.

“I know so. Otherwise, I know where to find
you!” she threatened playfully.

They laughed aloud, and an unmistakably
forced, interfering cough made Brooke turn around guiltily. The
sight of Chris in a black dress-shirt and grey chinos took her
breath away, and then she looked up at his face.

His facial features were set
in a hard mask, and his eyes were glued to the hand she had on
Conner’s arm. Her grip loosened instinctively and then sense
returned. She grasped Conner’s arm tighter.
Who is he to glare at me like he’s my father and I’m a

“How’s it going, Chris? Did you meet the
Reverend?” Conner asked, oblivious to the exchange.

“Yes!” Chris seemed on edge, and Conner found
the perfect opportunity to try and get under his brother’s

“What…did I do now?” he said with a chuckle
and Chris stared at him straight in the eye, before looking down at
Brooke’s hand on his arm. Understanding dawned, and Conner’s smile
faded. “O...kay,” he said and gently but firmly detangled Brooke’s
hand from his limb, before excusing himself.

Brooke stared at him dumbstruck, but he was
biting back a smile behind Chris’s back. Swiftly, and very
embarrassingly for her, he smiled at Brooke and gave her a wink,
pointing toward Chris.

Anger poured over her chest like scalding
water and she glared at Chris. “What is wrong with you? Why do you
do this weird stuff around me and no one else?”

“What are you talking about?” he said with

“You…why does everybody think you’re a
completely nice guy when I think you’re completely miserable?”

Chris’s smile froze and he stepped closer.
She glared into his eyes, but had to blink several times in order
to hold his piercing stare. His eyes were…intense.

“You weren’t thinking I’m ‘completely
miserable,’” he whispered huskily, “when I bit your neck this
morning.” The blood rushed into Brooke’s face and she glanced away.
“Don’t look away, Brooke. By all means stare at me, and I’ll order
you to look away.”

Brooke’s pussy clenched delightfully tight.
“That!” she cried, pointing at him. “That is what’s so weird about
you! I couldn’t explain it to Valerie this morning but that’s just

Chris’s jaw tensed. “What exactly…did you
tell Valerie?”

The way he said it, and the tone he used,
made Brooke’s throat go dry. His voice was like gravelly steel,
cold and unyielding. She shouldn’t have mentioned Valerie. “I don’t
know what you’re talking about.”

Chris’s brow furrowed and he narrowed his
yes. “What do you mean you don’t know? You just said you told
Valerie -”

“I...don’t know…what you’re talking about,”
she said emphatically. She was angry and frustrated. She glowered
at him, her head tilted back to be able to look into his eyes. He
was so incredibly tall.

A deep, throaty rumble of laughter bubbled up
from the eternally serious man, and he slid his hands into his
pants pockets.

“What’s so funny?” Chris was standing so
close to her that she was getting breathless. Her back was tense
with all the pent-up lust in her veins, spreading and then going to
waste because it wasn’t culminating in any relief.

He chuckled again and looked her straight in
the eye. “I’m going to enjoy it so much…when I spank your little
ass…and all this pride is sprawled naked on my bed.”

Brooke’s mouth fell open and coldness
traveled down her back. His eyes were piercing into her soul and
all traces of his earlier hilarity had disappeared. They were so
green, so terrifying at that moment. But her pussy repeatedly did
that inexplicable tightening thing, where it begged her for some
sort of relief. She glanced away, her chest constricting. What in
the world did the man want?

She felt like a helpless deer, at his mercy,
while he was a black panther. His strong, green eyes completed the
look perfectly, and for the first time in her life, she wanted to
run. She wanted to run out of the house, off the property, and into
her car – never to return.

The things holding her back were her pride
and the fact that Valerie would be heartbroken if she left. She was
all the family Brooke had left.

Then another thing made its presence known.
Her body, tingling with arousal, seared with the lust this man had
awakened in her. She hadn’t had sex in two years and before that
moment she hadn’t missed it at all. But now, even though he hadn’t
said anything particularly erotic, nor touched her, she was on

She swallowed past the lump of lust clogging
her throat, and Chris’s expression changed. He reached for her face
with his right hand and she jumped out of his reach instinctively.
He stopped, and his eyes narrowed.

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